Category Archives: Robbie Burns Day

250th Anniversary of Robert Burns recognized with poems at statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park

Informal gathering celebrates the 250th Anniversary of poet Robbie Burns birth, at Stanley Park statue

2009_January 178 by you.

Our group of Burns celebrants included bagpipers Trish and Allan McMordie (very rear), members of the Burns Club of Vancouver, members of the Centre for Scottish Studies at Simon Fraser University, some visitors from Scotland, and lots of Vancouverites included myself.

Three television cameras from CBC, CTV and Global came out to film our little ceremony.  Friends would later report that they saw me on the evening news on Sunday.

2009_January 118

I had never before attended a “wreath laying” at the Robbie Burns statue.  In fact, I had never before visited the the Robbie Burns statue on Robbie Burns Day.  Often, I simply passed it, as I drove along Georgia Street enroute to the Stanley Park Causeway and Lion’s Gate Bridge.

But this year was different.  It was the 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns, and I had contacted a few organizations back in December.  Dr. Leith Davis of the Centre for Scottish Studies at Simon Fraser University, had committed to contacting Burns Clubs and Scottish organizations around the world whose cities also had statues of Robert Burns

When I arrived just before 12 noon, there were already some bagpipers playing tunes in front of the statue.  Surprise!  It was Trish and Allan McMordie, of the JP Fell Pipe Band from North Vancouver.  It was exactly one year ago on Robbie Burns Day, when Allan and I first met at the Rock 101 Bro’ Jake show.  Allan also came to Vancouver City Hall, when I received the City Proclamation for Tartan Day, and we created a photo op with then Mayor Sam Sullivan, and councilors Heather Deal, George Chow, Tim Stevenson, BC Lee, Kim Capri.  See: Tartan Day (April 6) proclaimed in City of Vancouver, April 3.

2009_January 117

My friend Stuart Mackinnon, newly elected Parks Commissioner, was there with his doggy companion Kiku.  Stuart was dressed in his kilt and sweater ensemble.  To see Stuart this past week, at the VDLC and Gung Haggis Fat Choy Burns suppers, you would think he’s been wearing kilts all his life – but it’s not true.  He only started wearing kilts less than 2 years ago, after he joined the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.

Also attending, were some members of the Burns Club of Vancouver, and from the Centre for Scottish Studies at Simon Fraser University.  Some onlookers came up to ask if they could take our pictures – especially with the bagpipers, as Trish and Allan McMordie were wearing their “dress whites.”

2009_January 128

Ray Eagle sang “My Luv is Like a Red Red Rose” and I put a red rose into his hand, to the delight of the crowd.

2009_January 135

Robert Barr of the Burns Club of Vancouver, talked about how when the Robbie Burns statue was put up in 1929, it was the first statue in Vancouver, and a thousand people came to watch the statue unveiling by J. Ramsay MacDonald, Prime Minister of Britain, on 25th August, 1928.

2009_January 157

Dr. Leith Davis, director for the Centre for Scottish Studies at Simon Fraser University, talked about her new virtual project of setting up a wreath laying and Burns statue in Second Life.  She only arrived back in Vancouver the night before after having spent 2 weeks in Scotland for Homecoming Scotland activities. We took a group picture, that Leith then sent to other Burns statues ceremony groups around the world.  With the television cameras on us, I led spontaneous singings of “Happy Birthday Dear Rabbie” and “Auld Lang Syne.”To close our ceremonies, I performed the immortal Burns poem, “Address to a Haggis” with audience participation repeating the last line of each verse.  Both Leith and the Burns Club members complimented my performance as one of the best they’ve seen.  I have definitely improved over my last year’s reading of “Address to the Haggis” at last year’s Burns Club Vancouver Burns Supper.  I actually know the entire thing by heart now

2009_January 180

When I arrived just before 12 noon, there were already some bagpipers playing tunes in front of the statue.  Surprise!  It was Trish and Allan McMordie, of the JP Fell Pipe Band from North Vancouver.  It was exactly one year ago on Robbie Burns Day, when Allan and I first met at the Rock 101 Bro’ Jake show.  Allan also came to Vancouver City Hall, when I received the City Proclamation for Tartan Day, and we created a photo op with then Mayor Sam Sullivan, and councilors Heather Deal, George Chow, Tim Stevenson, BC Lee, Kim Capri.  See: Tartan Day (April 6) proclaimed in City of Vancouver, April 3.

2009_January 184

Here’s the bottle! It was auctioned off that evening at the Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Robbie Burns Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner for $750 CDN.  Half of the funds will stay in Vancouver, and half will go to Scotland’s National Trust to help sponsor the Chinese punch bowl that Robbie Burns used at his brother Gilbert’s wedding.

Here are previous articles I wrote about the George Lawson statue of Robert Burns:

Robert Burns Statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park\

on Tue 09 Dec 2008 Burns statue in Stanley Park

on Sat 24 Jan 2009
Burns Statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park, The rededication plaque reads: “This
statue of Robert

Burns statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park can also be seen in other Canadian cities

Check out the rest of my pictures on Flickr.

Robbie Burns statue 250th Birthday ceremony

Robbie Burns statue 250th…

Photos from 2009 Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner

Gung Haggis Fat Choy is always a wonderful event for photographs.  Special thanks to our incredible photographers Patrick Tam, Lydia Nagai and VFK.

If you like their photos, please contact them and purchase them.  We have asked them to put “water marks” on their photos, so that we will advertise and promote them.

They help us with our event, because they believe in the community work and social consiousness raising that we do.

DSC_3928_103489 - Mayor Gregor Robertson doing the honours by FlungingPictures.
A wonderful job by everybody last night –
Veteran Gung Haggis performers Joe McDonald and Heather pronounced last
night as “The Best Gung Haggis Dinner yet”

And Dr. Leith Davis
(Director of Centre for Scottish Studies, Simon Fraser University) said it was the best Burns Supper she had ever attended – and she just
spent 2 weeks in Scotland for Homecoming Scotland!

to everybody.  The energy was brilliantly contagious and fun.  There
were lots of nice surprises in the program, with the Mayor reading a
Burns poem, a treatise on the details of scotch drinking, Parks
Commissioner Stuart Mackinnon singing A Man's A Man For A' That, and
hip hop artist Ndidi Cascade coming up from the audience to rap a verse
of Burns' Address to A Haggis.

But it was the performances by
Silk Road, Joe McDonald, Adrienne Wong, Jan Walls, Tommy Tao, Rita
Wong, Catherine Barr, Heather Pawsey & DJ Timothy Wisdom, Bob
Wilkins & the Gung Haggis Fat Choy pipe band,  supplemented by
Alland & Trish McMordie with Don Scobie from Seattle… and an
immortal address by Dr. Leith Davis – that knocked the audience over!

With wonderfully warm co-hosting from Gloria Macarenko and Catherine Barr….

And strong support from stage manager Charlie Cho, and sound technician Carl Schmidt.

Many thanks…. to helping rise funds for Historic Joy Kogawa House,
Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop/Ricepaper Magazine and Gung Haggis Fat
Choy dragon boat team.

We will have some pictures available for you soon.

Thank yous and Blessings to

Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures 

DSC_3928_103489 - Mayor Gregor Robertson doing the honours by FlungingPictures.

661 – 20090125 – Robbie Burns’… – Patrick Tam photo set.

Lydia Nagai – Lydia Nagai Photography

IMG_0525 by Lydia Nagai.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2009 – Linda Nagai photo set.

VFK Photography

GHFC 2009 VF3_4418.JPG by vfk.

GHFC 2009 VF3_4664.JPG by vfk Silk Road Music performing in front of life-size photos of Nellie McClung, Mungo Martin, Emily Carr and Todd Wong – courtesy of Royal BC Museum.- photo VFK

 Tips To Help You Start Living Healthy In 2022

We’re all encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle, but what does that involve and how do we get there? Health doesn’t just entail eating right or exercising. True health incorporates other areas we might not give much thought to, like positivity and self-care. Here, we share with you seven fantastic ways you can get healthy – and stay healthy – in 2022.

1. Follow a Balanced Diet

The saying “everything in moderation” really goes a long way. A healthy diet full of a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, nuts and healthy fats helps to keep our bodies and minds in proper working order. There are foods you’ll want to limit, though. Processed foods might taste great, but they often carry a hefty amount of salt which can trigger high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. Embrace Positivity

Negative people or situations can trigger disordered eating and low moods. Look at the people in your life and the things that take up your time, and if something or someone brings you a lot of negative feelings, it might be a sign you need to cut ties. At the same time, work to let go of negative self-talk. A positive self-regard leads to a more positive lifestyle. Visit

3. Keep Moving

Exercise has been proven to lower the risk of disease, increase bone density, and even help us live longer. But how much is enough? The general recommendation is to engage in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day.

4. Know Your Stats

Having an idea of your overall health can help you identify areas you might need to improve. A blood test is a simple way of pinpointing any concerns. Your doctor can recommend particular things you might need to monitor or check, like your blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol.

5. Stay Hydrated

Without enough water, our bodies are unable to function normally, remove waste, and transport nutrients and oxygen. Adults need, on average, three litres of water a day. If you lose more water due to exercise, heavy perspiration or frequent urination, you will need to drink more regularly.

6. Talk About It

With mental illnesses like depression on the rise, more people find themselves feeling isolated and alone. Talking to a trusted friend or health professional about how you’re feeling can offer you the help you need to restore positive mental health.

7. Stop Smoking

Smoking is an addictive behaviour that carries no health benefits. Smokers are at greater risk of serious health issues, including lung disease, heart attack and stroke. Your family and friends can also be affected by inhaling second-hand smoke. It’s never too late to quit, and there are many support options available to help you give up smoking.

SFU's Leith Davis is creating a world wide Burns Statue recognition both in the real and the virtual world

2008_Dec 044 by you.

Todd Wong at the Robert Burns Statue in Stanley Park – photo Judy Maxwell

It's the 250th Birthday of Robert Burns and he's looking a little bit worn for wear in Vancouver's Stanley Park. Robbie's been standing in Stanley Park since 1928.  I wrote a story about it in December 9th: Robert Burns Statue in Vancouver's Stanley Park,

The rededication plaque reads:

statue of Robert Burns, Scotland's National Bard, was unveiled by J.
Ramsay MacDonald , a Prime Minister of Britain, on 25th August, 1928.
Burns's sincere desire for friendship and brotherhood among all peoples
is clearly shown in his many poems and songs.  His poetry and letters,
both serious and humorous are worthy of study by those who value
liberty and freedom. 
This memorial was rededicated on the 200th Anniversary of the Bard's death by the Burns Club of Vancouver.
21 July 1996
“Then let us pray that come it may
(as come it will for a' that)…
that man to man, the world o'er
shall birthers be for a' that

I also wrote a story about all the other statues Vancouver's Robert Burns statue is a copy of the George Lawson original from Ayr Scotland with pictures of the same statue in Ayr Scotland, Halifax, Winnipeg, Montreal, Melbourne, Australia, Belfast and Paris. 

So this Sunday, at 12 noon. Leith Davis and I will meet to lay a wreath and flowers at the Robert Burns statue in Stanley Park.  We'll read some poems and verses… and maybe sing Auld Lang Syne.

Leith wants us to meet at 11:45am and take a group picture, so we can send it to her contacts in the other cities with Burns Statues – all at precisely the same time.  And maybe while we are laying a wreath in real time, Leith will set it up to lay a wreath in virtual time, in Second Life. 

I'm really excited about this.  I haven't met Leith in person yet.  Leith will be a special guest at the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner on Sunday January 25th.  We will have one of the largest Burns Suppers in Metro Vancouver with over 550 attendees. 

Check out the SFU press release below:

World to wish Burns virtual ‘Happy 250th’

January 15, 2009
The world will come together to celebrate Robbie Burns Day on Jan. 25 – the 250th anniversary of his birth – in a way Scotland’s national bard would never have conceived.

At precisely 12 noon p.m. (PST) – with a crowd assembled in Vancouver at the
Burns statue in Stanley Park – gatherings around the world will send
greetings and photos to each other via the internet, creating one
massive Burns celebration in cyberspace.

The virtual party has attracted participants from cities across Canada,
U.S., Britain and Australia. “It has been interesting developing this
network, as it suggests just how prevalent Burns’ influence is even
today,” says organizer Leith Davis, director of SFU’s Centre for
Scottish Studies.

There are also plans to create a memorial to Burns on SFU’s Second Life
website. The centre is holding a contest to find an appropriate 21st century image of the famous poet and song-writer (details are at

The deadline is April 1 and the winner will be announced during the Robert Burns in Transatlantic Culture workshop
at SFU’s Harbour Centre campus April 7-9. The workshop is the first
event of its kind to focus on Burns in the Americas.

“We’re hoping to bring Burns into focus, not just as a nostalgic relic of the 19th
century but as a poet who has much to say in our time,” says Davis.
“Burns’ message was all about universal brotherhood, and sisterhood, by
extension, and that is still a vital message today.”

Davis is currently in Scotland to deliver a lecture, The Performance of Burns in Popular Culture, to the Royal Society of Edinburgh’s 2009 conference, Robert Burns and Global Culture.

Conference participants will share the latest research on Burns while
leading Burns scholars will reflect on such issues as the global
reputation of Burns, his influence on the image of Scotland abroad and
the continuing celebration of Burns in global culture through statues,
music and Burns Supper events.

Davis will return Jan. 24 for the Burns virtual event and the Gung
Haggis Fat Choy event Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. at the Floata Chinese
Restaurant (see


BBC Radio Scotland celebrates Robert Burns – and somewhere Toddish McWong will be heard…

Robert Burns

Last year, in early December BBC Radio producer Louise Yeoman contacted me about my involvement with Burns celebrations in Vancouver.

And Dr. Leith Davis from the SFU Centre for Scottish Studies, was also interviewed too! 

So sometime on January 25th, if you are listening to BBC Radio – you just might hear the immortal Burns poem “Address to a Haggis” performed as a rap song, by Vancouver's own Toddish McWong and Burnaby's Joe McDonald.  Gung Haggis RAP Choy was produced by Trevor Chan, of No Luck Club.

We released on this website back on January 24th, 2007.  It played on CBC Radio's “On the Coast” and I was interviewed by then host Priya Ramu, who also co-hosted Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner with me that year.

Last year, Joe and I performed our “Gung HAGGIS RAP Choy” on CBC Newsworld television.
Check out the MP3 attahchment here:

In the meantime, check out Robbie Burns on BC Radio Scotland.

The Complete Burns

Janice Forsyth goes behind the scenes of a major BBC Radio Scotland project, to record every single Burns poem.

The Linguistic Legacy of Robert Burns

Billy Kay investigates Robert Burns, and discovers what remains of the native Scots tongue.

Listen Live

There is an 8 hour difference between Vancouver and Glasgow.

  1. 10:30–11:00

    Janice Forsyth talks to participants of a project to record every single Burns poem.

  2. 13:05–15:00

    Join Robbie Shepherd in celebrating Robert Burns' 250th Anniversary.

  3. 15:05–15:30

    Billy Kay talks to Scottish people and finds out what's left of the poet's native tongue.

  4. 17:05–19:00

    4 days left to listen
    Richard Michael and the Euan Burton Trio perform jazz versions of songs by Robert Burns.

  5. 19:05–20:00

    Gary West with music and news from the piping world.

  6. 20:00–22:00

    A concert recorded at Celtic Connections celebrating the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns

Georgia Straight: Why Canada will never have an Obama, except maybe Todd Wong

2008_Dec 033 by you.

I didn't expect to be in the same Georgia Straight Headline as Obama… but maybe because it's because I am a person of colour?

re: Why Canada will never have an Obama, except maybe Todd Wong

I told the Georgia Straight's Pieta Woolley –
that it was author Terry Glavin who first told me about bi-racial Gov. James
vision for a British Columbia that could welcome people from
every corner of the world… that it was Douglas who invited Black
Americans from San Francisco when he heard that were being
discriminated against…

BC's history is not the two solitudes
of English and French – but it is the 3 pioneer cultures of First
Nations, Scottish, and Chinese.  But we have had to go through the
Potlatch Law, the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, the Komagata
Maru, the Internment of Japanese Canadians – before we could understand
ourselves and our future.

has taken 150 years for us to finally understand the multicultural/
intercultural vision that Douglas wanted for BC, instead of BC as a
“White Man's Province” in the years that followed Douglas.

The Obama presidency in the United States is historic.  He has a vision to bring people together, to move beyond racial divides, perceived stereotypes and the cultures of blame and “otherness.”

My own life views have been shaped by growing up as a multi-generational racial minority in Canada.  I have learned about the discrimination and hatred faced and overcome by my ancestors, since the time my maternal great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan arrived in 1896, as a Methodist lay preacher for the Chinese Methodist Church of Canada.  Similarly, my paternal grandfather also faced many challenges arriving in Canada in 1882 at the young age of 16.

But I have also learned about the importance of communities working together.  My life path has involved me with many community organizations such as Canadian University Press, Hope Cancer Health Centre, Terry Fox Run Organization, Canadian Mental Health Association, Chinese Cultural Centre, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens, Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop, Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, and many many more.

In the past few years, I have learned much about Robert Burns' views on social justice, equality, political change, speaking up for others, love of life.  These are as important today as there were 250 years ago in Burns' time, or 150 years ago in Douglas' time.  Maybe it's actually more important today, because we have the choice to embrace our responsibilities or to take them for granted.  We have the choice today, to choose to be selfish or community minded.  We have the choice today –  not tomorrow – not yesterday, but the choice is today –  to make a difference or not.

Why Canada will never have an Obama, except maybe Todd Wong

Yesterday (January 20), the world’s most powerful man placed his hand on Lincoln’s Bible and became the 44th president of the U.S. Next week, on a dark day in Ottawa, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government will present a budget, and a coalition led by Michael Ignatieff, Jack Layton, and Gilles Duceppe might take the opportunity to bring it down.

While the U.S. has its super-leader, Canada has the old, clichéd
“crisis in leadership”. Looking south, it’s easy to feel, well, a
little jealous.

So, who is Canada’s Barack Obama? Who can lead us out of years of deadlocked minorities?

I argue that not only is an Obama figure not waiting in the wings; he or she simply can’t exist here.

Here’s why: Obama represents the high-minded ideals of the 1791 U.S.
Bill of Rights, while Canada treats our history like yesterday’s soup

Americans love their history. In his inaugural speech—really, in every
speech—Obama took every opportunity to join his personal story to the
greater story of the United States. It’s an easy connection to make.
For Canada to breed an Obama, we have to have a better picture of what
Canada means, and promote someone who’s comfortable tying his or her
own story to Canada’s not-always-glorious history.

As a kid, Obama grew up without a dad around, in relative obscurity. He
is the biracial son of an African immigrant and a white-bread Kansas
hippie, and was raised by his grandmother in Hawaii. Now he’s
president. That speaks to opportunity.

Think quick: what document was Canada built on? If you guessed the British North America Act of 1867, you’re right. It’s not exactly stirring stuff.

Frankly, it would be difficult to know if someone came along who
represented the early ideals of Canada. He or she must speak English
and French and respect the authority of the Queen’s representative, but
apart from that, it’s pretty fuzzy.

So who is Canada’s Obama? Justin Trudeau’s name
has been floated, but there’s a couple of problems. First, he’s
Canadian royalty—the son of a prime minister, he has been immersed in
privilege forever. Second, he’s a white guy. Third, he hasn’t
established a career for himself yet, beyond teaching high school
French. Sure, he’s a young dad, charismatic, attractive, and extremely
well-spoken, but he’s already entrenched in party politics. And that is
Obama’s magic. He seemingly came out of nowhere.

Here’s my nominee for an Obama in Canada: Todd Wong, the founder of Gung Haggis Fat Choy.

The wildly charismatic Vancouverite is a leader in bridging cultures
in an unpretentious, original way. His Gung Haggis Fat Choy event has
been replicated all over the world. A fifth-generation Chinese
Canadian, Wong also lobbied to save Joy Kogawa’s childhood home and for head-tax redress. He organizes dragon-boat teams.

But what’s sold me on Wong as Canada’s Obama is that he’s a Vancouver
library assistant. It’s a humble job, but it’s a little like Obama’s
background as a community organizer. At least the way Wong does it.

On the picket line in 2007, he played his accordion and organized a strike reading series with Hiromi Goto, Stan Persky,
and others. At Gung Haggis Fat Choy, politicians from every party come
out for deep fried haggis wontons. He describes the event, to be celebrated this year on January 25 at Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown, as something that “represents Canada in the 21st century”.

“Anyone in that room could be part of your family,” he told the Straight.

Here’s where it falls apart. Wong has no interest in politics.

“If I get into politics, I wouldn’t be able to do the kind of community service work I do now,” he told the Straight.

That may be true, Todd. But I, for one, think that as prime minister
you could be one wicked Obama-esque orator, reinvigorate our connection
to history, and offer a fresh face to represent the new Canada.

So, how about it?

100 pounds of haggis at a Chinese New Year dinner? That's Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

What do you do with 100 pounds of haggis at a Chinese New Year Dinner?

Gung Haggis 2008 Dinner 177 by you.

Kilted guest at 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner tries the haggis dim sum – photo VFK

Have you tried our haggis dim sum yet?  Each year since 2004, we have been presenting variations of deep-fried haggis won ton.  We have also mixed haggis into spring rolls and pork dumplings – but the deep-fried haggis won ton is my favorite.  Afterall, I hear the Scots like deep-fried Mars bars – and that must taste like a little bit of deep-fried choclate heaven.

Dim Sum can be translated as “pieces of the heart” or “touch the heart” or “pieces of heaven.”  These are small portions of food that are succulent and delicious.  But what happens when you add haggis to this little heavenly morsels?  Will haggis, one of the world's most celebrated and reviled foods ascend to the celestial kingdom?

But you cannot give a proper “Address to A Haggis” if it's already cut up into little wee piece.

Traditional Scots still like to see a traditional haggis at a Burns Dinner.  We serve a one pounder of haggis to each table.  It might be not enough for 10 Scots guests – but it is more than enough for 10 non-Scottish diners.  To solve the problem we encourage people to share.

We also serve a 7 pound banquet haggis that is “as lang's my arm” to our head table.  This ensures that it is pretty in pictures… as well as extra leftovers for any of our guests.

GHFC2008 VF2_1709.JPG
Bagpiper Joe McDonald does the honours at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner – photo VFK.

His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An' cut you up wi' ready sleight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like ony ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

– 3rd verse from Robert Burns poem “Address to A Haggis”

Now imagine layering a little bit of haggis with Chinese plum sauce, adding crispy noodles, finely diced vegetables and Chinese water chestnuts, and serving on a delicate leaf of lettuce.  This is our Gung Haggis lettuce wrap, a cultural and culinalry fusion twist. But people say they have never seen people eat so much haggis, or eat haggis so quickly!

And what does our traditional haggis maker think of all this?

In 2006, we were paid a high compliment when haggis rancher Peter Black attended the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner with his family!  Peter loved what we had done with his haggis.

Peter Black & Sons, at Park Royal Mall in West Vancouver, is BC's largest producer of haggis.  Peter's haggis is a family secret with extra spices.  It is different from a traditional lard recipe – which I have occasionally gagged on.  I describe a Peter Black haggis to be like a nice liver pate, suitable for serving with crackers at your next Super Bowl party.

Be sure to visit Peter Black & Sons at Park Royal South – because there is an annual display of “live wild haggis.”  Often the haggis is sleeping, and you have to be very careful not to disturb it – but if you're quiet, you can sneak up on it.

Peter Black & Sons with family at the 2006 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner, linking hands to sing Auld Lang Syne to bring a finale to the dinner event – photo Ray Shum

Here are some of the menus from our past dinners:

2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy menu announced: now with Mongolian Beef to celebrate Year of the Rat

2007 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy™:Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

2006 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy™: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner – Celebrating the Year of the Dog

2005 Menu for Gung Haggis Fat Choy� at Floata Restaurant

Todd Wong accordionist featured on Co-Op Radio's Accordion-Noir 9:30-10-10pm January 9th 2009

Accordion Noir is the Co-Op Radio show featuring… what else?  Accordion music!
Todd Wong is the featured guest on January 9th, 9:30-10:30pm.  CFRO: Co-Op Radio 102.7 FM.


I will play some solo accordion pieces + select some of my favorite tunes featuring accordion by other artists.  Maybe the Bruce Springsteen acoustic version of Fire, or the new Emmylou Harris album “All I Intended to Be” featuring a song co-written with Canadians Kate & Anna McGarrigle titled “Sailing Roudn the Room.”

Quartetto Gelato cd's are favorites of mine that often accompany road trips.  Maybe some tangos or classical music?  I have a Joe Marcerollo cd featuring the contemporary Alexina Louie composition Earth Cycles. Alexina is the most accomplished Chinese-Canadian composer, appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2005.

I performed last year on Accordion Noir – just before the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.  My bagpiper friend Joe McDonald also brought along his accordion, and we jammed along to our recorded rap version of “Address to a Haggis”

Maybe I will also play some of the singalong songs that we regularly perform for the Gung Haggis dinner (January 25) and the World Poetry Gung Haggis Poetry night at the Vancouver Public Library (January 26).  Maybe a version of Scotland the Brave, Loch Lomand, and When Asian Eyes Are Smiling.

How long have I been playing?  Since I was in grade 5 Elementary School, when I was 11 years old. 

I started out on the Palmer-Hughes accordion course, and was soon placed on the Music Festival competition circuit including the Coquitlam and Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festivals.  Later on as a late teen, I went down to Seattle to compete in the North West Accordion Teachers' Association Festival, where I once placed 2nd in the King Division by performing the 17 page Manhattan Concerto by memory.

So…. my repertoire is basically classical music – everything from Bach's Toccata in D minor, Strauss Waltzes, to Gerswin's Rhapsody in Blue.  The past few years has found me buying music books with Celtic and Latin songs, as well as Beatles music.

Hey, I just found my cd copy of Jou Tou which features my friends from Silk Road Music Ensemble Qiu Xia He and Andre Thibault.  Amy Stephens is playing accordion on this album.

2008 was a fantastic year for Gung Haggis Fat Choy: reviewing last year’s events

Every year Gung Haggis Fat Choy attracts media attention and finds new ways to explore cultural diversity.  Here’s a look back at 2008.

There were a number of media articles prior to the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner event.  We were mentioned in the Vancouver Sun, Co-op Radio, Georgia Straight, and Shaw TV’s “The Express”.  On Robbie Burns Day, Todd was interviewed on Rock 101’s Brother Jake Show with Vancouver councilor Raymond Louie, then with bagpiper Joe McDonald, Todd and Joe performed and excerpt of their “Haggis Rap” for CBC Newsworld television.

Gung Haggis 2008 Dinner 160 by you.

Catherine Barr and Todd Wong auction off a bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label scotch at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner – photo VFK.

ON THE BURNER – by Mia Stainsby

Todd Wong featured interview on Co-Op Radio’s Accordion Noir

Georgia Straight – Blog  – Jan 16
I will wear a kilt’ to Robbie Burns dinner, Coun. Raymond McLouie …

Gung Haggis Fat Choy with Sukhi Ghuman on Shaw TV’s The Express

Rock 101’s Brother Jake Show with Vancouver city councilor Raymond Louie

CBC Newsworld update for Todd Wong & Joe McDonald appearance:

What to expect at Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2008 dinner – how to enjoy and have fun!

Metro News posts story and picture of Gung Haggis Fat Choy

Gung Haggis Fat Choy in Province Newspaper today for Chinese New Year

Full of surprises…. Gung Haggis Fat Choy celebrates 10th Anniversary for Toddish McWong’s Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

From the Brunei Times to the Scottish Sunday Post, Toddish McWong is becoming known the world, o’er

download by you.
Vancouver councilor Raymond Louie did show up in a Royal Stuart tartan kilt.  Here he stands with VIP host Deb Martin and Gregor Robertson MLA (now Vancouver mayor) at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner – photo Dave Samis

Tonight: George McWhirter and Fred Wah featured for Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night at Vancouver Public Library

Georgia Straight pokes fun at “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” becoming a icon of cultural diversity

North Seattle Herald-Outlook
has written a story about the upcoming 2nd coming of Toddish McWong to
Seattle.  Last year we staged a Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns
Chinese New Year Dinner on Chinese New Year Day in Seattle.  It was a
benefit for the Pacific North West Junior Pipe Band. 

Eric on the Road podcast with Gung Haggis Fat Choy – hitting US pod cast waves

Gung Haggis dragon boat team team hits the water with a Global TV cameraman filming them to celebrate BC’s cultural diversity

Feb 24

Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy II, sells out and sets new standards!

Robert Burns Statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park

Toddish McWong goes to visit Robert Burns statue in Stanley Park

2008_Dec 033 by you.

The Robert Burns statue in Stanley Park can easily be seen when you drive into the park.  It is across from the Vancouver Rowing Club, looking southward across Coal Harbour towards Georgia Street.

People often ask me, “How did you become involved/interested in Burns.”

“Well…” I answer, “It all began one winter’s day at Simon Fraser University when no other students wanted to help carry a haggis for the annual Robert Burns Day ceremonies.”  see full origins story at

It was then in 1993, that I first coined the term “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” and created the nickname “Toddish McWong.”

It wasn’t until 1998 that I created the first Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner in the living room of a friend’s town house.  We entertained 16 invited guests with music, poetry, Chinese food and haggis.  The next year I recreaed the dinner in a restaurant for 40 friends and called it a fundraiser for our dragon boat team.  Each year the dinner roughly doubled in size, to 60, 100, 200, 400, then 590 in 2005.

In 2003, CBC Vancouver made a television performance special titled “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” it aired January 23/24 2004.

In 2004, December, I was interviewed by CBC The National’s Peter Mansbridge for the first “Road Story” which focussed on Vancouver’s multiculturalism.

In 2005, Simon Fraser University Recreation Department asked to create the “SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Festival.” – for which I invented “dragon cart racing” as a kind of “dragon boat on wheels.”

In 2007, The Seattle Caledonian Society asked to create a Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner in Seattle.  We successfully held it on February Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy Seattle: Scots-Americans enjoy a big success for a first initiative south of the border!

In 2008, Vancouver Celtic Fest asked me to play/represent Robert Burns in a fun poetry event called “Battle of the Bards.” I dressed up in a kilt and performed Burns poetry, against Irish poet “William Butler Yeats” and Welsh poet “Dylan Thomas”, played by actors Mark Downey and Damon Calderwood.  Here’s my blog article: Toddish McWong’s “Robert Burns” wins Battle of the Bards at Celtic Fest

Life since 1993, has become increasingly Burnsian.

The 2009 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner is set for January 25th, at Floata Seafood Restaurant in Vancouver Chinatown.

Tickets are $60 for individual or $600 for a table of 10 + service charges, and will be available soon – by the end of the week through Firehall Arts Centre.

It will be a grand extravaganza for both the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns’ birthday + Chinese New Year’s Eve countdown for the Year of the Ox.

2008_Dec 045 by you.
Todd examines the rededication plaque on the statue base, – photo J. Maxwell.

The rededication plaque reads:

“This statue of Robert Burns, Scotland’s National Bard, was unveiled by J. Ramsay MacDonald , a Prime Minister of Britain, on 25th August, 1928.
Robert Burns’s sincere desire for friendship and brotherhood among all peoples is clearly shown in his many poems and songs.  His poetry and letters, both serious and humorous are worthy of study by those who value liberty and freedom.
This memorial was rededicated on the 200th Anniversary of the Bard’s death by the Burns Club of Vancouver.
21 July 1996
“Then let us pray that come it may
(as come it will for a’ that)…
that man to man, the world o’er
shall birthers be for a’ that
Robbie Burns Statue in Stanley Park Dec

Robbie Burns Statue in Stanley…