Category Archives: politics and politicians

Vision Vancouver nominates 4 Asian councilor candidates + 1 First Nations school board candidate

Louie, Chow, Jang and Dhaliwal are nominated by Vision Vancouver to run for
a diverse Vancouver City Council

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Campaign sign for the joint slate of Kashmir Dhaliwal, Kerry Jang and Andrea Reimer at the voting site at Sir Charles Tupper School – photo courtesy of Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures

It was a very happy party for the Vision Vancouver nominations results party last night at Science World. It was great to see so many faces that help make Vancouver such as vital and creative city.  People like Naomi Singer – creator of Winter Solstice festival and Paul Wong – video artist, as well as Paul Faoro- president of CUPE 15, and Alex Youngberg – president of CUPE 391 Vancouver Library Workers.  And I happily made a new friend with Jennifer Sweeney, who is Director and Co-Chair of the Campaign School for Canadian women Voters Congress.

I went down to check out the action at Tupper at 6:30pm, and saw many candidates and supporters all greeting the incoming voters with flyers.  It was like a Chinese night market as people called out “vote for (fill in blank), hawking their preferred vote.  I was greeted by Kerry Jang, Raymond Louie and Andrea Reimer – 3 of the councilor candidates that I gave personal endorsements to.  Then a nice enthusiastic hug from Constance Barnes who is running for Parks board.  I know Constance from her job as manager at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens.  She is a warm friendly person whom whenever I talk with, I know I want to get to know her better.

After voting from 10am to 7pm at Charles Tupper, the candidates and their support teams all headed to Science World expecting results announcements for 10pm – just in time for the late evening news.  I arrived after 9:30pm, to a very festive atmosphere.  People were dancing beside and on the stage.  Lots of greetings as new people constantly arrived. Warm hugs from Aaron Jasper, Parks candidate and his wife Arminder – they both were volunteers at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner this year.  I got to know Aaron during the Vancouver Civic Strike last year when he would bring water to our Library Square strike line.  

It was great to see my old friend Sarah Millin and Imtiaz Popat from my Canadian University Press Days.   I met the newly nominated Vancouver Fairview MLA candidate Jenn McGuinn, and discovered we knew many people in common.  There were also people from the Green and COPE parties attending.  My friend Stuart Mackinnon, the newly nominated Green parksboard candidate, introduced me to Ben West, Green Party chair.  And I bumped into Green organizer Tom Cornwall who used to paddle on Gung Haggis dragon boat team many years ago.  Another former Gung Haggis paddler was Meena Wong, who is seeking the councilor nomination for COPE.  COPE school board nomination candidate Jane Bouey was also there.

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COPE nomination candidates: Meena Wong for Council, Jane Bouey and Imtiaz Popat for School Board – Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures

This event was also very family friendly.  Children and adults were all playing with the different Science World displays.  Andrea Reimer's young daughter was on stage dancing with Andrea.  Kerry Jang's daughter was running and playing with other children.  Raymond Louie's daughter was walking around with her mom.

But there were delays as they counted votes cast by a record number 4,500 people.  And then there was a recount, as results for the last spots for council and school board were separated by only 17 and 8 votes respectively. 

Mike Magee came to the stage just before 12 midnight to announce the results.  Incumbent councilor Raymond Louie topped the votes, as all incumbent Vision councilors Heather Deal, Tim Stevenson and George Chow were easily nominated. Andrea Reimer led the polls for new council candidates followed by Geoff Meggws, Dr. Kerry Jang and Kashmir Dhaliwal. Geoff Meggs and his family were standing behind me when the announcement was made, and they were all very happy.  Heather Deal was standing in front of me and soon handshakes and hugs were congratulating all the winners. 

I am happy to say that 7 of the 8 winning nominated people for Vision's
council slate have very happily attended Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner
events in past years. Raymond and Heather were also very instrumental in helping to create the Tartan Day proclamation for City Hall this year.  Heather has Scottish heritage, and she made it into a Vancouver Sun photo with us to help promote Tartan Day, when she joined us for a Kilts Night event.  George, Heather and Tim also attended a photo recognizing Tartan Day proclamation at City Hall – even if Tim did hold the kilt up backwards, with the pleats in the front, “commenting that he can't do anything straight.” 

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Todd Wong congratulating George Chow – photo Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures

DSC_6530_58210 - Raymond LOUIE & Geoff MEGGS by FlungingPictures

Raymond Louie and Geoff Meggs, happy at the results – photo Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures

DSC_6477_58157 - Gregor ROBERTSON, Mayoral candidate by FlungingPictures

Vision Vancouver mayor candidate addressed the crowd after the results, then invited everybody up for a well-deserved applause for a successful nomination campaign – photo Patrick Tam – Flunging Pictures

I was pleased to see that Parks Board candidates Sarah Blyth, Constance
Barnes, Aaron Jasper and Raj Hundal won their nominations.  I met Sarah
this summer at the Taiwanese Cultural Festival, as I had been
encouraging the skate board enthuiast to try out dragon boat paddling. 
I almost had Aaron and his wife Arminder in the dragon boat, after they volunteered for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner back in January.  I am sure that Constance and I will be planning a joint event at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens in some form.

Meena Wong, Aaron Jasper, Todd Wong and Carol Reardon – photo Arminder

Winning School Board nominations were Sharon Gregson, Mike Lombardi, Patti Bacchus and Ken Clement.  Clement hopes to be the first aboriginal trustee on the Vancouver School Board, helping to bring more diversity and recognition for First Nations issues.

There will be a recount as there were only 13 votes separating the 8th and 9th spots for Council candidate nominations. Only 8 names will be put forward.  Top 9 Councilor Voting results are:

3746 Raymond Louie

3704 Heather Deal

3271 Tim Stevenson

3248 George Chow

2988 Andrea Reimer

2951 Geoff Meggs

2387 Kerry Jang

2240 Kashmir Dhaliwal

2213 David Eby

Total votes and results can be viewed on Frances Bula's blog:

Vision/COPE/Greens make a civic slate deal… Stuart Mackinnon of the Green Party is the real winner!

Who is going to make it past the nominations fight to represent Vision Vancouver, COPE, and Green Party for city council, school board, and parks board?

It's going to be tough. There are 17 Vision candidates and 5 Cope candidates positioning for 8 Vision spots and 2 COPE spots for City Council.  Assuming that the incumbent councilors David Cadman, Raymond Louie, George Chow, Heather Deal and Tim Stevenson all get in, – that leaves 13 Vision candidates for 4 spots and 4 COPE candidates for 1 spot.

Here's the deal as reported in the Globe & Mail
Mayor – 1 Vision
City Council  – 8 Vision 2 COPE = 10 total
School Board – 4 Vision 5 COPE = 9 total
Parks Board – 4 Vision 2 COPE 1 Green = 7 total

Frances Bula has a list of all the candidates for all the parties, including NPA, on her blog site State of Vancouver: Frances Bula on city life and politics

The best surprising story is the Green candidate for Parks board is included in this slate. 

Stuart Mackinnon has run for the Greens in past elections.  He is quoted in the G & M article:

“Personally, I am pleased that we've been recognized as a force in
civic politics,” said Stuart Mackinnon, the Green Party's park board

“And Vision is running the greenest mayor we've ever had. Gregor Robertson could be a Green Party member.”

While 5 COPE candidates scrap for 2 seats on Parks Board, and 6 Vision
candidates battle for the remaining 4 seats, Mackinnon is assured of
his spot on the COPE/VISION/GREEN slate.

Mackinnon with musician Michelle Carlisle of the Halifax Wharf Rats, at
Kilts Night event – 1st Thursday of each month at Doolin's Irish Pub –
photo Todd Wong

I am proud to say that Stuart Mackinnon is a 2 year member of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.  While on the team Stuart has been exposed to all sorts of issues such as cultural diversity, paddling on sewage threatened False Creek, the importance of water front park land for dragon boat festivals, as well as Chinese-Canadian and Scottish-Canadian histories. Much of which was already close to his heart.

Stuart loved paddling so much in his first weeks last year, that he was inspired to start up a junior dragon boat team for Killarney Secondary students where he teaches as a special needs teacher.  The team won silver medals in their division in their rookie year at the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival and has matured tremendously and improved in performance in its second year.  Stuart and I are now preparing the 2009 team, with early planning for practices this fall.

It's been an honour to be welcomed into Stuart Mackinnon's life and become his friend.  He is an inspiring figure to his students, and those around him.  Last year, he led a delegation of teachers to China and gave an address about Norman Bethune, the Canadian doctor so revered in China.  Stuart is thoughtful, respectful and diplomatic.  He does his research, and he is passionate about his issues and beliefs.

I have learned a lot from Stuart about city politics over these past two years.  Through Stuart, I have also gotten to know his good friend Andrea Reimer, who is running for a Vision Vancouver nomination for city council.  Andrea was the first elected Green candidate tp a school board when she became a Vancouver School trustee in 2002. 

I have given an endorsement for Andrea Reimer's website, as well as for Raymond Louie, Meena Wong, Ellen Woodsworth, and Kerry Jang

Good luck to all the candidates… but especially to Stuart Mackinnon and the Green Party.

Vancouver Sun: Kerry Jang asks ‘Does housing first’ model make sense?

Condos and townhouses are very tricky to improve. Almost any exterior and structure-changing interior improvements must first be cleared with the homeowner’s association. This may severely limit your opportunity for improvement, but that does not make it impossible. If you are on the need of improving your landscape value without spending a huge budget then you better use artificial turf.

Our top condo improvement tips will help you add value to your condo without killing your wallet.

1. Purchase new appliances

Old appliances can make a beautifully decorated room look archaic. A simple upgrade from old appliances to stainless steel appliances will make your rooms look sleek and modern, which can greatly enhance the perceived value of your condo. Upgrading your appliances can also help you save on your monthly utility bills. One of the best ways to keep your family safe is by using a general building security gate.

2. Re-paint the rooms and re-do floors

Floors, walls and ceilings are the first thing that people notice in a room. Old floors, stained carpeting or cracked walls can be a big turn-off to guests or potential buyers; however, a small investment in paint and flooring can drastically increase the value of your condo.

Before jumping into a project like this, make sure you carefully plan out each room and the condo as a whole. It is important for the colors and flooring of your condo to flow nicely from room to room.

3. Touch up the bathrooms

Condo bathrooms are typically smaller than bathrooms in a house. Since space is limited, each improvement can have significant benefit. If you are working on a very limited budget, simple fixes like touching up the tile or paint can help add value.

After that, bathroom upgrades such as new countertops, tile flooring, light fixtures, showers, toilets, sinks, drawers and cabinets can help boost your condo’s value even more.

Victoria celebrates 150 years of Chinese Canadian History with a grand dinner and awards

Chinese Canadian achievements feted at Victoria's Empress Hotel, attended by Hon. Norman Kwong, Sen. Vivienne Poy, Dr. David Lai, Dr. Wallace Chung and many others.

Photo Library - 2932 by you.

Hon. Norman Kwong, Lt. Gov. of Alberta, addressing the 150 Years in Golden Mountain dinner audience – photo Todd Wong

It was a night to recognize achievements in Chinese Canadian history, and it was best summed up by the Hon. Lt. Gov. of Alberta Norman Kwong.  He told a story about how challenging it was being the first Chinese in the Canadian Football League, and how the Calgary Stampeders had given up on him. 

“Don't ever give up,” he told the audience.  The he proudly showed his Stanley Cup ring and mentioned his four Grey Cup victories, “And I'm Chinese!” he said.

Photo Library - 2951
Obee and Lucinda Chodan, Editor and Editor in Chief of the Vicotoria
Times Colonist stand with Todd Wong, Victor Wong and Daniel Lee,
holding up copies of the 12 page insert titled Chinatown that
celebrated 150 years of Chinese Canadian Chinatown history – photo Deb

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Archival picture displays of Chinese Canadian history greeted the audience for the “150 Years in Golden Mountain” gala event – photo Todd Wong

The evening had began with a reception in the Palm Court of the Empress Hotel.  There were picture displays, music, food and mingling.  I was finally able to meet Amanada Mills, the chair of the Victoria Chinese Commerce Association, who I had communicated with for months, as well as Sinclair Mar, the chair of the 150 Years in Golden Mountain Celebrations Committee.  And I also finally got to meet Dr. David Lai, Victoria Chinatown historian, whom I have heard so much about over the years.

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Todd Wong & Sen. Vivienne Poy – photo Deb Martin.

Senator Vivienne Poy is the patron senator of Asian Heritage Month
throughout Canada, and I first met her in Ottawa when I worked for
Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society.  It's always nice to see
Vivienne, as her husband's late Aunt Cecilia had been married to my
grandmother's oldest brother Henry.

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NDP leader Carole James & Todd Wong – photo Deb Martin

I chatted with Gabriel Yiu, news commentator, and Carole James, NDP Opposition Leader.  I asked Carole about her family ancestry, and she shared with me that her father was First Nations.  I thought it would be real cool if she became Premier, because then we would have both a Premier and Lt. Gov. of First Nations heritage!  I got to know Gabriel when we were both active on the Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign.  Unfortunately Jenny Kwan couldn't attend, as she is due with her second child in one month.

Many people traveled from Vancouver to attend this event.  I bumped into Tung Chan, executive director of SUCCESS.  We remarked that this was a great event and lamented that nothing of this scope was happening in Vancouver…. yet.

It was wonderful to see Dr. Wallace Chung and Dr. Madeline Chung of Vancouver.  They have given so much to the community in Vancouver, the Chinese Cultural Centre, the Vancouver Maritime Museum and the UBC Asian Library.  They are friends of my parents, and it was Dr. Madeline who delivered me as a baby many many years ago.

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Deb Martin, Valerie Sing Turner & Todd Wong – photo Deb Martin

Actor/Writer Valerie Sing Turner was there with her family, as her father James Sing was an award winner.  I had last seen Valerie's family at the opening of her theatrical production of Malaysia Hotel, when I helped promote it through Asian Heritage Month, and also find her some sponsorship.

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Victoria councilor Charlene Thornton-Joe with Todd Wong – photo Deb Martin

Charlene Thornton-Joe came over to our table during the dinner to say hello.  It was the first time I had met this Victoria city councilor, after reading about her efforts to preserve Victoria's Chinese heritage.

It was nice to speak with MLA Ida Chong, who brought greetings from the
Government of British Columbia, as Premier Campbell was in Beijing for
the Olympics.  Ida Chong is one of the 6 newest invitees (along with
me) to “The Party” exhibit at the Royal BC Museum, which features
life-size photos of almost 150 of BC's most colourful and interesting
characters.  Ida is the first Canadian-born MLA of Chinese ancestry.

150 Years in Golden Mountain Awards

My role at this dinner and awards evening  was to represent the Rev. Chan Yu Tan family along with my grand uncles Victor Wong and Daniel Lee.  We all sat at the same table, accompanied by Uncle Victor's wife Auntie Dorothy and my girlfriend Deb Martin.

Victoria Mayor Alan Lowe was the dinner Emcee, Hudson Mack of A-Channel was Emcee for the awards.

Norman Kwong, the Hon. Lt. Gov. of Alberta was invited to say a few official words of greeting, representing the Queen.  But instead he turned it into his acceptance speech for his award.  I guess there was some confusion, or else Mr. Kwong was very canny, because sadly there were no acceptance speeches allowed for the award recipients, as the program didn't allow for any on a very tight schedule.

But as each winner was escorted to the stage, there was a short video played on a large video screen with a voice-over, as pictures flashed before the audience.  It was a lovely gesture and helped to give meaning to each person's contributions to history and why they were deserving of the award.

Here's what the program said about the winner of the British Columbia Lifetime Cultural or Multicultural Award:

This award goes to recognize Revernd Chan Yu Tan who came to Canada in 1896 and ministered to the Chinese pioneers who worked on the railroad, searched for gold, and became shopkeepers and labourers in Victoria, Vancouver, Nanaimo and eventually New Westminster where he eventually retired.  Reverend Chan taught English to the Chinese and emphasized learning Canadian ways, espeically to his extended family.  His son Jack loved golf and was the first Chinese Canadian to serve on jury duty.  His youngest son Luke became an actor in Hollywood.  The four sons of his daughters Rose and Kate enlisted in the Canadian armed forces in World War II, eventually helping Chinese-Canadians gain the right to vote and later helped organize the Chinese Canadian Veterans Associations.  His four grandchildren who served overseas in World War II were Victor Eric Wong, and brothers Howard Lee, Daniel Lee and Leonard Lee.  A great grand-daughter Rhonda Lee Larabee became First Nations Band Chief and great grandson Todd Wong created the event Gung Haggis Fat Choy, a mixture of Robbie Burns Day and Chinese New Year.

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Picture of Rev. & Mrs. Chan Yu Tan's 60th Wedding Anniversary, surrounded by their family and descendants – photo Deb Martin.

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Chan descendants Todd Wong, Daniel Lee, Victor Wong, stand beside
Celebrations Chair Sinclair Mar and Awards Emcee Hudson Mack from
A-Channel – photo Deb Martin

Rev. Chan descendants Todd Wong, Daniel Lee, Victor Wong, stand beside Celebrations Chair Sinclair Mar and Awards Emcee Hudson Mack from A-Channel – photo Deb Martin

The evening's final award, the Golden Mountain Pioneer Legacy Award, was given in recognition to the Chinese Canadian Veterans.   Both my grand-uncles Victor Wong and Daniel Lee went to accept it.

Here's an excerpt from the program about the veterans:

“…After WWII, they concentrated efforts in a lobby for the franchise and other civil rights.  Sgt. Roy Q. Mah, the founding member and President of the Ethnic Associate Press of BC, Vice-President of Ethnic Press Federation of Canada nad owner-publisher-editor of the Chinatown News, went with a contingent of Chinese Canadian Veterans to Ottawa to lobby influential politicians and Members of Parliament. Their lobby was successful, and Paliament soon passed the bill giving Chinese Canadians both the franchise and citizenship.  On January 1st, 1947, Chinese Canadian full rights as Canadian Citizens, including the right to vote, were finally recognized.”

Photo Library - 2943Daniel Lee and Victor Wong stand onstage, as a picture of Victor Wong in India during WW2 is shown on the giant screen – photo Todd Wong

Uncle Dan and Uncle Victor proudly accepted the award, and the entire audience rose to give them a standing ovation.  They represented one of the most important moments in Chinese-Canadian history.  They both saluted the audience, the the applause grew louder.  I am very proud of my uncles, because I know about all the work and devotion they have to keeping the legacy of the Chinese Canadian veterans alive. 

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Victor Wong and Daniel Lee, cousins and grandsons of Rev. Chan Yu Tan saluted the audience after accepting the Golden Mountain Pioneer Legacy Award on behalf of their fellow Chinese Canadian veterans- photo Todd Wong

Every November, Uncle Dan is out selling poppies in the streets of Vancouver and he is now 88 years old.  He has helped organize the Armistice Ceremonies in Vancouver's Victory Square for many many years.  Uncle Victor was interviewed for the CBC documentary Generations: The Chan Legacy, as he recounted stories about not only his grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan, but also about being in the service, and that he had been a part of a covert force behind enemy lines that were to be assigned suicide missions.  This is the legacy of the Chinese Canadian veterans – that even though the Canadian government wouldn't let them vote in the country they were born in, they were willing to lay down their lives to defend it.

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Giles, Amanda Mills (VCCA Chair), Serena, Sinclair Mar (Celebration Chair), Deb Martin, Todd Wong shared thoughts and company after the event at The Empress Hotel's Bengal Lounge. – photo Deb Martin

More pictures at:

Here is a complete list of the awards:

The Golden Mountain Achievement Awards:
“…the recognize persons of distinction in the Chinese community or for being intrumental in the growth and development of Chinese culture and business…”'

Canadian Lifetime Individual Achievement Award
Dr. David See-Chia Lam

Canada Lifetime Public and Community Serivce Award
Ron Lou-Poy, Q.C.

Canada Lifetime Public and Community Service Award
Senator Vivienne Poy

Canada Lifetime Entrepreneurial Achievement Award
Hon. Norman L. Kwong

Canada Lifetime Entrepreneurial Achievement Award
James Alan Loo Sing

British Columbia Lifetime Entrepreneurial Achievement Award
Hok Yat Louie (post-humous), Tong Louie (post-humous), Brandt Louie, H.Y. Louie Co. Ltd, and London Drugs Ltd.

British Columbia Lifetime Public and Community Service Award
Sgt. Roy Quock Quon Mah (post-humous)

British Columbia Lifetime Cultural or Multicultural Award
Rev. Chan Yu Tan (post-humous)

Inaugural Golden Mountain Achievement Awards British Columbia:
“For recognition of persons or businesses, who are persons of Chinese descent or an organization having “Chinese” roots, who have excelled in their field of endeavor benefiting the Chinese Canadian communities or Canadian society.  These awards are to be for nominations in or related to British Columbia

BC Business and Entrepreneurial Achievement Award
H.Y. Louie Co. Ltd.

British Columbia Arts, Culture or Educational Achievement Award
Dr. Hua Lin

British Columbia Community and Public Service Award
Phillip J. Chan (post-humous)

British Columbia Online or Multi-platform Achievement Award
Mainstream Broadcasting Corporation

Inaugural Golden Mountain Roots Awards and All-Canadian Benefactor Awards:
“The 'Roots' awards are for recognition of distinguished work and dedication to preserving our heritage, culture, and or to advancing our economic impact or advancing business enterprises or projects or research, in or related to, or tied to Victoria BC and/or creating better understanding between Canadians of all backgrounds and/or advancing the entrepreneurial spirit emanating from our roots, Victoria, BC.  they are the safekeepers of our heritage and roots in Victoria, the first Chinatown in Canada.

Victoria, British Columbia Individual or Family Victoria Heritage Award
Don Yuen

Victoria, British Columbia Individual or Family Heritage Award
Dr. Yuen-Fong Woon

Victoria, British Columbia Corporate or Organizational Heritage Award
Fairway Market

Victoria “Roots” Community and Public Service Heritage Award
Dr. David Lai

Victoria “Roots” Community and Public Service Heritage Award
Lee Mong Kow Family

British Columbia All-Canadian Benefactor Award
Victoria “Roots” Community and Public Service Heritage Award
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Victoria “Roots” All-Canadian Benefactor Award
Victoria Chinese Presbyterian Church

Golden Mountain Pioneer Legacy Award
Chinese Canadian Veterans

150 Years in Golden Mountain

Pageant will tell tales of Golden Mountain

Celebration Pageant

“150 Years in Golden Mountain” – Gala dinner and awards in Victoria on August 8/08

August 3-10 is Chinese Canadian Heritage Days, in honour of 150 years of Chinese Canadian achievements – throughout many municipalities on Vancouver Island.

Victoria Chinese Commerce Association is hosting two events Friday August 8, and Saturday August 9th to celebrate 150 years of
achievement of Chinese Canadians in Canada.  August 8th is a gala dinner and awards event celebrating the achievements of individuals and organizations.  August 9th is a theatrical “pageant” celebrating 150 years of historical events.

Victoria, British Columbia,
(which the Chinese call 'Dai Fau' or Big Port) is where the early
Chinese created the first Chinatown. Historically, Chinatowns were the
focal points of the early Chinese communities, each being a “haven” and
a base from which new immigrants could begin their new lives.

My grandmother's granfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan arrived in Victoria in 1896, following his elder brother Rev. Chan Sing Kai, who had come to Canada in 1888 at the invitation of the Methodist Church of Canada, to help found the Chinese Methodist Church of Canada.  Many of Canada's pioneer Chinese all came through Victoria, as they traveled to Nanaimo, Vancouver, New Westminster, Barkerville, and throughout Canada to mine the Caribou goldfields, build the railway, or find other work.

The awards nominees represent some of the best, brightest and most creative Chinese Canadians ever.  They are:

ANA vets
Pacific Unit #280, Philip Chan, Chinese Canadian Veterans, Denise
Chong, Wayson Choy, CHMB AM 1320, Hon. Ida Chong, Derek Chow, John
Chew, Adrienne Clarkson, Mel Cooper, Won Alexander Cumyow, Fairchild
Group, Chow Dong Hoy, Shouying (Sue) Jiang, Douglas Jung, Lee Mong Kow
Family, Larry Kwong, Hon. Norman Kwong,

Cynthia Lam, Dr. David Lai,
Dr. David Lam, Dorothy
Lam, Howe Lee, Jack Lee, Dr. Hua Lin, Dr. Victor Ling, Ronald Lou-Poy,
Q.C., Frank Low, Alan Lowe, Alexina Louie, H.Y. Louie Company Limited,
Hok Yat Louie, Tong Louie & Brandt Louie, H.Y. Louie Company Ltd
& London Drugs, Willis Louie, Sgt. Roy Quock Quon Mah,
Tak Wah Mak, Gary Mar, Hon. Inky Mark, Fairway Market, Wayne Ngan, Senator Vivienne Poy, Gordon Quan, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, James Sing,
Rev. Chan Yu Tan, Jack Tang, Victoria
Chinese Presbyterian Church, Victoria Chinese Public School, Milton
Wong, Sheung Wong, Dr. Yuen-Fong Woon, Don Yuen, & Jim Yu.

I am attending as a descendant of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who was earlier announced as a Community Achievement winner.  My grandmother's brother –  Daniel Lee is representing Army/Navy/Airforce veterans Unit #280.  My grandmother's cousin Victor Wong is representing Chinese Canadian Veterans of Victoria.

Today I talked with Amanda Mills, co-chair for the event.  Amanda said that she is really pleased that everything is unfolding for a grand event that will be very special. 

She told me that some of the “celebrity” Chinese Canadians attending on Saturday include: Hon. Norman Kwong, now the Lt. Gov. of Alberta – the famous “China Clipper” Edmonton Eskimos football player who not only won the Grey Cup, but also the Stanley Cup as an owner of the Calgary Flames.

Sen. Vivienne Poy, the patron senator of Asian Heritage Month in Canada is attending, from her home in Ontario.

MLA Ida Chong will be representing the BC Govermnent.  Ida was also recently invited to “The Party” at the Royal BC Museum.  She is the first Canadian-born BC MLA of Chinese ancestry.

MLA Jenny Kwan is also attending.  Jenny was the first Chinese-Canadian MLA and cabinet minister.  MLA Carole James, leader of the Opposition, is also attending.

It's going to be a star-studded night in Chinese-Canadian history.

Hmmm…. Should I go as Todd Wong, great-great-grandson of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, or as Toddish McWong and wear my kilt?

Amanda says she is looking forward to finally meeting me, after many phone and e-mail conversations.  She is hoping I will wear my kilt.

Todd Wong & David Philip perform at COPE summer BBQ at Vancouver Rowing Club

Todd Wong brought his accordion repertoire from the CUPE 391 Library Square strike line to the COPE summer bbq at the Vancouver Rowing Club

It was a sold out Thursday night for the COPE annual summer BBQ at the Vancouver Rowing Club in Stanley Park, on July 17.

Who showed up?  Why there was COPE city councilor David Cadman, MLA
Adrian Dix, MLA David Chudnovsky, Vision city councilors Heather Deal, George Chow, Tim
Stevenson, COPE parks commissioner Loretta Woodcock, COPE school board trustee Allan Wong, and Vision
mayoralty candidate Gregor Robertson. There were also lots of candidates such as recently declared Council candidates Andrea Reimer, Kerry Jang, Meena Wong and Parks Board candidates Stuart Mackinnon, and Aaron Jasper + parliamentary candidate Don Davies.

Here is a group of wannabe politicians for the Vancouver civic election: 1. Gregor Roberson –
Vision Mayoral candidate
2. Sarah
Blythe – Park Board candidate
Aaron Jasper – Park Board Candidate, 4. Meena Wong – COPE City Council candidate, 5. David Eby City Council candidate  – photo Patrick Tam

Labour Unions were also represented.  Attending were David Walker the new BCGEU president,  Bill Saunders president of the Vancouver District Labour Council, and CUPE 391 Vancouver Library workers.


The CUPE 391 table featured vice-presidents Laura Safarian, Inder Pannu and Library shipper/film maker David Philip.  Fellow CUPE 391 library workers not in the photo are Mark Whittam, Margaret, and yours truly Todd Wong – photo Patrick Tam

CUPE 391's presence was very special because not only did the Vancouver Library Workers sponsor a table, they also represented a good portion of the featured entertainment with Todd Wong (of Gung Haggis Fat Choy fame)  also newly elected to the CUPE 391 executive as member-at-large.

DSC_777742628 - Adrian's kenote speech – photo Patrick Tam

MLA Adrian Dix speaks to the sold out event, as keynote speaker.  He addresses the inequalities in the city. He also shared a secret with the NDP friendly crowd – but I can't reproduce it here, because he didn't want to share it with the media… not just yet.

DSC_765642516 - MC Carlo BODROGI – photo Patrick Tam

Carlo Bodrogi did a fine job MCing the
event. I discovered that he is half-Phillipino and the other half is Jewish and Hungarian…
very Gung Haggis, as I explained to him the term “Hapa” which is a
Hawaiian term that means “half Asian”

DSC_781142662 - Todd WONG's act– photo Patrick Tam

Todd Wong reprised selections from his “Library Square strike-line repertoire” as David Philip shared his films made during last year's CUPE 391 Vancouver Library Workers strike.  Todd shared stories about what it was like on the strike line, as CUPE 391 made media headlines and waves in the labour movement because of their creative and innovative strike line activities, which included “flying bicycle pickets,” knitting groups, musicians, video films, and a writer's reading series – organized by Wong. 

“The accordion and music made it easier to interact with the public,” said Wong telling tales of the songs he would play as pedestrians made their way to the ballet, the hockey game, or attended “Word on the Street” literary and book fair. 

Philip's videos demonstrated not only the creativity of CUPE 391 picketers, but also the resolve to deal with the stress and challenges of a 3 month strike.  They are filled with anger, compassion, humor and the strength of human spirit. 

Rachel Marcuse was event organizer, and she said “People told me it was the best entertainment we've had yet at our events,” as Wong was able to blend together the art forms of music and video with the politics and pathos of the strike line.

Watch some of David Philip's videos on you tube:

DAY 43

See more of Patrick Tam's pictures at:

Why isn't PM Harper attending Beijing Olympics? Is he trying to make a point?

Harper should attend 2008 Beijing Olympics, and promote the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver!

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been trying to woo the Canadian Asian ethnic vote by making an apology for the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, and now for the Komagata Maru incident.  While both original actions were racist and unconscionable in retrospect… and the long overdue apology commendable… it would be plain silly for Harper to boycott the Beijing Olympics in his personal quest to call China on it's actions in Tibet.

So why would Harper slap the face of the homeland of Canada's biggest source of immigrants and our  largest trading partner?

Gabriel Yiu is a media commentator that I got to know as we both called for redress for the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act during the 2005/06 campaign.

He puts forward a very good argument for Harper to attend the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. So I link it here for you to read.

Gee… if Harper doesn't attend the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, would he be considering the Vancouver Olympics opening ceremony… provided he gets re-elected.  The same might not be so lucky for David Emerson, Harpers's newly appointed Foreign Affairs Minister, who is still beleaguered in his home constituency of Vancouver Kingsway. 

But if Emerson could change his mind about the Conservative Party, and if Harper could change his mind about Emerson, then maybe Harper could still change his mind about the Beijing Olympics.

Harper shouldn’t boycott the Beijing

Gabriel Yiu

Global Chinese Press column 9.7.2008

When David Emerson was appointed foreign affairs minister,
it was widely expected that the appointment could help restore Canada-China
relations.  Having someone who knows and has experiences dealing with
China is
certainly better than relying on any of Emerson’s predecessors.

However, if the Conservative government genuinely wants to
improve relations with China ,
a great opportunity has presented itself – the opening ceremony of the Summer
Olympics.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper should attend the Beijing
Olympics in person.  The Beijing Olympic Games is an historic event for
China and friends of
China from around the world are visiting
and participating in it.  If the prime minister of
Canada doesn’t grace the occasion with his
kind of “friend” to China
is Canada?

By now, over 80 heads-of-state have confirmed their attendance
of the August 8 Olympics opening ceremony in
Beijing . The list includes US President
George Bush, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas
Sarkozy, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Australian Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd and Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda….

The prime minister of Britain
and the president of France
have reversed their earlier position of not attending the Beijing Olympics, so
even if Harper changes his stand and visits
China , it’s not disgraceful.

What is disgraceful is Harper’s excuse for his non-participation. 
Unlike the French president who cited
Tibet as the reason for the
boycott, our prime minister said that it is not the custom for a Canadian prime
minister to attend the Olympics.  Well, it’s a fact that former prime
ministers of Canada
had attended Olympic Games.  Besides, rather than just an excuse, what
kind of custom is that, and why do the Conservatives insist on sticking to it
and not follow the protocol of our western allies?

In fact, the prime minister of
Canada has better reasons to attend
Beijing Olympics than other heads of state.  First,
Canada is amongst the earliest western countries
which established formal diplomatic relations with
China . 
Canada recognized
China in 1970 — that was 38 years
ago — we’re old friends.  Equally important,
China is currently our second
largest trading partner.  Moreover, Canada
is the organizer of the 2010 Winter Olympics following
Beijing ’s 2008 Summer Olympics.

President Sarkozy of France
once said that his reason for not attending the Beijing Olympics is an
expression of boycott, to express dissatisfaction with
China ’s way of
handling the Tibetan riots. According to the same logic, Harper’s unwillingness
to participate would be seen as a boycott gesture.

President Bush said in his recent visit at the G8 Summit
that if he didn’t attend, it would be an “affront to the Chinese people.” 
Although I dislike Bush a great deal, I have to say that he is right this
time.  It’s because the Beijing Olympics is no longer a matter of face and
dignity just for the government of
China and its leaders. It is a
major event tugging at the heart of not only the Chinese in
China , but the
Chinese worldwide.

When the leaders of US,
UK and France all understand the symbolism
of their participation, why doesn’t our prime minister have the intelligence to
comprehend it?  For comprehend it he does not. What it shows is the same attitude
and hostility towards China
shown by Harper since he became prime minister.

Therefore, to those who expect that the appointment of
Emerson and a nice gesture to the new ambassador of
China can improve Canada-China relations,
I would say those are only small gestures more aimed at getting  the Chinese
vote than showing a change of Harper’s attitude.  After all, how many
times has Mr. Harper visited Israel ? 
Why hasn’t our prime minister paid a visit to our second biggest trading

If Harper is genuine in improving relations with
China , he
should take this opportunity to attend the Beijing Olympics. His sudden about-turn
would certainly signal a change, and would be appreciated and rewarded by
Beijing . The improved
relations would help resolve the current impasse on getting the Approved
Destination Status from China ,
and would bring in large number of Chinese travelers at the time of our
economic slowdown.

Remember, the key to improving Canada-China relations lies not
in our foreign affairs minister, but in our prime minister.

Also read Miro Cernetig's article

Why Canada and Vancouver need the Prime Minister to go to Beijing

Meena Wong to seek COPE nomination for Vancouver city council

Here's the official media release for Meena Wong:

Release: June 18, 2008

Wong to seek COPE nomination for Vancouver
city council

Community activist and outreach consultant
Meena Wong announced today that she will be seeking a COPE nomination for
Vancouver city council in
this November's civic election.

“Vancouver is facing serious
challenges in increasing homelessness, the lack of affordable housing, the need
for more transit, and developing a real plan for sustainable development that
takes into account the environment while respecting the needs of all residents
and neighbourhoods,” said Wong.

“Over the past three years we
have watched Vancouver
slide backwards. Peter Ladner, along with Sam Sullivan and his NPA colleagues
cut affordable housing at South East False Creek as the homeless population
increased by almost 20 per cent since they took office in 2005.

“The NPA stood by and did
little to get more buses on the road while working people, the elderly and
students pay higher fares to cram into too few buses.

“Peter Ladner and the NPA are
prepared to waste tax dollars on private security, while ordinary homeowners
have seen their taxes jump by 15 percent.

“And the NPA have divided
communities and neighbourhoods as they bungled and mishandled their eco-density

“I believe that we can do
better for Vancouver ,”
said Wong.

Wong is a Chinese community outreach
and media liaison coordinator with environmental and other non-profit
organizations. She is on the board of the Civic Education Society, the
Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE), and the Little Pear Garden

Wong also works with the Chinese
Head Tax Families Society, the Formosa Organic Blueberry Farm campaign to
protect farmland from Gateway highway expansion, and the Save Our Rivers
Society where she raises awareness within the Chinese speaking community about
plans to sell BC’s rivers to private for-profit power developers.

As a founder of the Chinese Action
Committee, Wong works to increase social activism within the Chinese Canadian
community. Over the past three years, she has hosted a monthly Dim Sum luncheon
that brings together members of the immigrant and mainstream Canadian

Wong writes a weekly column for the
Chinese language paper Dawa Business Press, is
a public affairs commentator on local Mandarin and Cantonese TV and radio talk
shows, and will soon be hosting a bi-lingual morning talk show on a local
community radio station.

Having lived in
Beijing , Hong Kong, Toronto
and Vancouver ,
Wong is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. She has diverse experience
in community outreach, media relations, education, arts, business, and in IT

“I believe in
building a city where everyone matters,” said Wong. “I believe that
Vancouver should be
measured not by the height of its buildings, but by how it takes care of all
its residents – especially those who are homeless, or who are new to this city,
or whose voices have been ignored by city hall.”


For more information: Meena Wong,
604-603-7447 or

Endorsements for Meena Wong for Vancouver City Council:

“I think Meena will be an outstanding City Councillor. She has had wide civic experience in Toronto and Vancouver, has worked with different levels of government, with the Chinese Canadian National Council and is fluent in three languages.

  Her goals include :
      1Supporting Vancouver's diversity and promoting unity at City  Hall.
      2 Developing more affordable housing for people who have the right to decent shelter.
      3.Developing better public transportation.”

– Margaret Mitchell, Former MP, Vancouver East

“For all the years I have known Meena she has devoted herself to the betterment  of Vancouver.  She is a strong progressive candidate that brings conviction and new ideas to the table.  She is a focused individual and stands up for what she believes in.  I have seen her work well in bringing diverse groups together to reach commonality and consensus.  I gladly support Meena for Vancouver City Council.”

– Allan Wong, Vancouver School Trustee

“Meena Wong is the rarest of politicians: completely passionate about her community and 100% dedicated to our citizens.  Honest, hard-working and informed on the issues, she is the complete package.  Her many years of service to our city will make her an outstanding councillor.  She has my complete support.”
– Don Davies, federal NDP candidate for Vancouver Kingsway

“I congratulate Meena for deciding to run for City Council. Her dynamic personality, her years of experience in community activism and political organization, and her bilingual fluency will make her a very winnable candidate and effective Council member.”
– Tommy W.K. Tao, Tao & Company, Barristers & Solicitors

“Meena has a firm grasp of the urgent issues that confront Vancouver and the diverse communities that comprise it. No less importantly, she has the courage, dedication, and skills to be an effective representative.

Meena Wong is just the kind of person we need on City Council.”

– Dr. Stephen Phillips, Department of Political Science, Langara College

Meena Wong announces her campaign to win a city council nomination for COPE

Meena Wong wants to be a Vancouver City Councilor

Meena Wong held a press conference at Vancouver City Hall this morning at 10am.  Attending were various English language and Chinese language media. 

Also attending in support of Meena were city councilors David Cadman and George Chow, school trustee Al Blakely, former city councilor Ellen Woodsworth, Sid Tan, Gabriel Yiu, Mel Lehan, Harvely Lee, and Ron Chin.

Since moving to Vancouver from Toronto, where she had worked as assistants to Ontario legislator, and Toronto city councilor Olivia Chow, Meena has quickly built up a wonderful network in Vancouver.

She counts me as one of her first friends when she arrived in Vancouver in 2002, and asked me to introduce her:

When people have asked me, who in the Chinese community should run for City Council.  The name Meena Wong is spoken.

When I first met her, she was newly arrived from Toronto, and she came out to volunteer for the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month opening event that I was organizing.

cares about our youth.  She has worked with the SUCCESS youth
leadership millenium program.  She has worked with foreign college
students helping them learn about Canadian culture, Vancouver history
and finding them ways to participate and volunteer.  She connected me
to the YLM program as a mentor.

Meena cares about the
environment.  She helped build awareness of environmental issues in the
Chinese language community, by creating outreach for the Western Canada
Wilderness Committee where she worked with executive director Andrea
Reimer.  I see Meena at info booths in Chinatown night market and at
cultural festivals.

Meena cares
about people.  She cares about human rights.  This is why she was
active for the Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign.  Even though she is
not a head tax descendant, she helped bring the message to both Chinese
and English language communities.  We helped conduct meetings and
convey information together.

Meena builds bridges.  She has
worked for many non-profits and served on many boards including: Little
Pear Garden, Asian Canadian Writers Workshop and COPE.  Every month she
hosts a dim sum luncheon for “progressives”.  She introduces people to
people, community to community.  She introduces amazing people, people
like Libby Davies, Mel Lehan, Ellen Woodsworth, Sid Tan, David Cadman, Gabriel Yiu, or
Olivia Chow from Toronto.

During the past Vancouver civic and
provincial elections, it was Meena Wong helping COPE and NDP reach out
into the Chinese language communities.  She helps people discover that
they have more commonalities for progressive thinking people that can
overcome cultural and language barriers.

Wong knows what the issues are, and how to get results.  She knows how
city hall works, and she wants to make it more accessible for everybody
no matter what language they speak.  Meena speaks English, Mandarin and
Cantonese… and even a little French.

I know Meena personally.
She is my friend. She has supported me on many of my endeavors such as
Gung Haggis Fat Choy, Chinese Head Tax campaign, dragon boat teams,
Asian Canadian literary events…  She is constructive.  She builds
consensus.  She builds bridges. She is respectful.  She is

This is why Meena Wong will make a great contribution to Vancouver's city council.

Robertson beats Louie and De Genova to the Vision Vancouver mayor candidacy

Gregor Robertson wins Vision Vancouver mayoral candidacy.

“How's a girl to choose?” says Deb Martin, standing beside Raymond Louie and Gregor Robertson at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner – photo Dave Samis

“They are both intelligent, educated, community minded, and qualified for the job as mayor…. and they look great in kilts!”  Deb helps me organize the Gung Haggis dinner and was thrilled to grab these two for a picture.

It was an exciting leadership race between Louie, Robertson and Al De Genova – all of whom we have gotten to know better over the past year.  We sat with Al at the Think City Dream Vancouver event.  They are all stout-hearted men and good-hearted human beings.

DSC_081736174 - Gregor signsDSC_079636153  - Raymond greeting votersDSC_081936176 - Dr Kerry JANGDSC_107736415 - AL

DSC_099236332 - RaymondDSC_080636163 - Gregor greeting votersDSC_082236179 - AL's supporterDSC_111736454 - Lion dance

Patrick Tam took some great pictures of the day – check them out at:

I went down to the Vision Vancouver voting at 10am to be greeted by lots of balloons, greetings from the candidates and their supporters.  Raymond quickly slapped a sticker on me as he welcomed me down to the vote. 

When I saw my friends Elsie and Shaena handing out Gregor stickers, they quickly asked me for my second vote for Gregor.

It was very fortunate that the day was sunny and dry, a long line up snaked through the parking lot before entering the Croatian Cultural Centre.  Inside the lineup further snaked down a hallway, then through the smaller auditorium where video showed the Tyee / 24 Hours Vision leadership debate, and a silent auction table was set up.

Inside the voting auditorium, I was greeted with a hug from Tonya Louie, Raymond's wife, whom I have known since 2002, when I was a volunteer for Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, and she was a board member.  I introduced her to my cousin, architect Joe Wai, one of our community's role models, and devoted community builders.

I have found both Raymond, Gregor and Al all very community-minded and accessible politicians.  It's been very informative during this Vision mayoralty candidacy race to learn more about their views, beliefs, positions and community involvements.

During the Vancouver civic strike.  It was Raymond Louie who called for a mediated settlement two weeks into the strike.  Was Raymond a visionary, as the strike was settled with a mediated settlement between the city's three unions?  It was also Vision's two councilors George Chow and Raymond Louie who came out to talk with city workers following each union rally at city hall.

As a CUPE 391 Vancouver Library Worker, I have to say that I was very disappointed with the NPA's handling of the Vancouver Civic Strike, which prompted Vancouver library workers to go on strike for the first time in their 80 year union history, ultimately settling for a mediated agreement which most municipalities had already settled for without an unnecessary 3 month strike.

Check out Patrick Tam's photos of the day

Check out Frances Bula's article in the Vancouver Sun
Robertson wins Vision vote

Check out Frances Bula's blog
Blog: Frances Bula covers the Vision Vancouver nomination battle on 'City States'