Category Archives: politics and politicians

Remembrance Day 2008: First Nations Lt. Governor Steven Point attends Chinese-Canadian veterans ceremony in Chinatown

Lt. Gov. Steven Point acknowledges the Chinese Canadian veterans for their support of Aboriginal veterans at Chinatown Remembrance Day ceremony

2008_Nov11 069 by you.
Lt.Cdr. King Wan, Mr. Gwendolyn Point, MP Libby Davies, MLA Jenny Kwan, Lt. Gov. Steven Point, Col. Howe Lee, MP Don Davies – photo Todd Wong

It was a special day at the Chinatown Remembrance Day ceremonies with the presence of Lt. Gov. Steven Point and Her Honour Mrs. Gwendolyn Point.  This was the first time in the 5 year history of the Chinatown Remembrance Day ceremonies that a Lt. Gov. had attended.  Traditionally, the First Nations veterans have always been included.  Last year in 2007, a special First Nations tobacco ceremony was included featuring First Nations veteran Louis Schmidt.

DSC_5210_95648 - The Hon Steven L. Point, Lieutenant Gov of BC by FlungingPictures Lt. Gov. Steven Point addresses the crowd – photo courtesy Patrick Tam

This year's crowd was the largest yet for the Chinatown Remembrance Day ceremonies.  It was coordinated by Pacific Unit 280's

Alfred Woo with SUCCESS and MCed by SUCCESS executive director Tung Chan. 

DSC_5233_95671a - Overview 3-foto pano4 by FlungingPictures.
Here's a 3 photo panorama taken by Patrick Tam – I am on the far right next to Col. Howe Lee

2008_Nov11 052 My grand-uncle Daniel Lee is the first to place a wreath at the monument for Chinese Canadian Veterans.  He is currently president of Pacific Unit 280 and is the only Chinese Canadian veteran to receive Awards of Merit, Appreciation and Service – photo Todd Wong

Read my 2004 story about Daniel Lee: Nov 11 – Chinese Canadian Veterans: My Uncle Dan

DSC_5151_95589 - Todd WONG & Sue by FlungingPictures

I attended the ceremonies with my new friend – author Susan Crean – photo courtesy Patrick Tam

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After the outdoor ceremonies, Pacific Unit 280 always goes for lunch to Foo's Ho Ho restaurant.  I introduced  Susan Crean to Alex Louie who is the subject of the NFB film Unwanted Soldiers. The film documents how Canada did not want Chinese-Canadians as soldiers, but was reluctantly forced to accept them.  The film was made by Louie's daughter Jari Osborne.  Susan lives in Toronto and knows Louie's other daughter there, the composer Alexina Louie.

2008_Nov11 088 Lt. Gov. Steven Point, Col. Howe Lee, City Councilor Raymond Louie and Lt.Cdr. King Wan – photo Todd Wong

At the conclusion of the lunch, Lt. Gov. Steven Point thanked Pacific Unit 280.  He said “In my culture, we always thank the cook with a song.”  He and his wife Gwendolyn Point, then began tapping the plates with forks to simulate a drum beat, and encouraged the veterans to do so.  They then began singing a First Nations song for the restaurant owner/cook Joanne. It was a very special highlight and everybody was touched by the graciousness and warmth of the Lt. Governor.

See my pictures on Flickr:

Remembrance Day 2008

Remembrance Day 2008

NAAAP honours Harry Aoki, Robert Fung and Maggie Ip for their leadership

NAAAP Vancouver wanted to put their 2008 Spotlight on Leadership Celebration on newsmakers “who innovate, educate and collaborate” to make Metro Vancouver a better community

2008_Nov5 033 by you.

 Even host Jaeny Baik, of CBC TV's Living Vancouver, congratulates Robert Fung for the business and professional achievement category, as NAAAP Communications Chair Sharon Mah presents the award – photo Todd Wong

November 5th

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Robert Fung
Honouree Business and Professional Achievement
Developer, heritage and sustainability advocate

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Harry Aoki
Honouree Arts and Media
Composer, Musician

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Maggi Ip
Honouree Community Service and Cultural Promotion
Co-founder of SUCCESS

Nominees attending
Anna Fung
Joyce Lam
Karin Lee
Raymond Louie
Indira Prahst

It was amazing to discover that so many of my friends were nominated.
I first met Robert Fung when he was chair of the Canadian International Dragon Boat Society when I was on the race committee in 2001. I have known Maggie Ip, mostly through her husband Kelly, and because of both their community work.  Harry has been a wonderful musical friend since 2002 when he first attended a Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner, and we have performed together many times since.  He has been a valuable advisor for the Save Kogawa House campaign.

2008_Nov5 016Raymond Louie, Vancouver city councilor was a nominee
for community service and cultural promotion.  Here he watches the
events, sitting between Harry Aoki and Robert Fung, with Maggis Ip –
photo Todd Wong

2008_Nov5 009 Nominees Anna Fung, Joyce Lam, Indira Prahst and Karin Lee – photo Todd Wong

I've known Raymond Louie since 2002, when I first met his wife when she was on the board of Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society.  Since then, Raymond and I continue to cross paths on many issues and events.  He was a big supporter of our “Save Kogawa House” campaign.  This year, I was a member of his committee for his bid to win the mayoral nomination for Vision Vancouver.

I first met Joyce Lam when she was one of NAAAP's event coordinators.  It has been a pleasure to attend her events for Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre where she is founder and president.

Karin Lee is a film maker, and I got to know her during the 2005-2006 campaign for Chinese Head Tax Redress. Last year, we featured her as a guest presenter at a Canadian Club Vancouver luncheon for Asian Heritage Month.

I met Anna Fung earlier this year in April, when we both received BC Community Achievement Awards from Premier Gordon Campbell at Government House.

See more pictures on my Flickr account:

NAAAP Spotlight on Leadership

NAAAP Spotlight on Leadership

Nov. 5th All Candidates meeting for Parksboard at Kerrisdale Community Centre

Which Parks Board candidate will you choose?

COPE?  Vision Vancouver?  Green Party?  NPA?  Independent?
How about one of each, then your next favorite!

2008_Nov2 049 by you.

Stuart Mackinnon, Green Party candidate and paddler on the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team, answers a question about accessibility to parks, and speaks to the audience.  – photo Todd Wong

The candidates for Vancouver Parks Board have been making the rounds visiting Community Centres, and other all-candidates debates.  On Monday night, they were at Killarney Community Centre.  On Tuesday night, they were at Kerrisdale Community Centre.

2008_Nov2 060 Christopher Richardson (NPA) listens to Loretta Woodcock (COPE) address an issue. – photo Todd Wong

The evening opened with each candidate having a few short minutes to introduce themselves.  Aaron Jasper and Raj Hundal represented the Vision Vancouver Party.  Incumbent Loretta Woodcock and former parks commissioner Anita Romaniuk represented COPE.  NPA were represented by Laura McDiarmid, Marty Zlotnik, Sharon Urton, Christopher Richardson, Ian Robertson, Melissa De Genova. 

2008_Nov2 056 NPA has the oldest and youngest candidates for Parks with incumbent Marty Zlotnik, and first time candidate Melissa De Genova – photo Todd Wong

Stuart Mackinnon is the only Green Party candidate in the 2008 Vancouver civic election.  Ivan Doumenc of the Work Less Party, as well as independents Jamie Lee Hamilton, Thomas Lockhart and Richard Mayencourt.

2008_Nov2 059 I've known Thomas Lockhart for a few years, since I first met him at a Kilts Night event. – photo Todd Wong

It was a busy night, I arrived just before 8pm, on a night when many people were more interested in the U.S. Presidential election results. 

There were about 50 to 60 people attending, and I could count 6 active dragon boaters in the room + 3 of the candidates that I had tried to recruit for our team.

With 15 candidates attending, the moderator did a good job of spreading out the answers from the candidates as she tried ensure that that everybody got a chance to address the issues.

If you wanted to ask a question, you had to write it down and hand it to a handler – where it was inspected for suitability.

My question was:

Our community centres are under-utilized and under-recognized for the important role that they play in making culture and diversity accessible to our citizens.  What will you and your party do to better represent the cultural needs and representation of Vancouver's diversity?

It was the most popular question of the evening for the candidates as many of them wanted to answer it.  Raj Hundal gave an example of how the Roundhouse had recently celebrated the Diwali Festival, and how important it is for ethnic communities to become involved with the community centres.

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Aaron Jasper answers a question while Raj Hundal looks on.

Two of the more emotional highlights of the evening were 1) a question about the Hollow Tree, and 2) a question about limiting transportation use in Stanley Park.

Stuart Mackinnon gave a very good example of how many factors all play roles in transportation issues.  He cited that one of the tour operators has given tours to the special needs teens that he teaches at Killarney Secondary School, as a way to “give back to the community.”  There are many factors, and Mackinnon emphasized that stake holders must be included in the process.

My question that did not get asked was deemed “beyond jurisdiction” and a “labour issue.”  I had wanted to ask that “given the long civic strike last year, how would each of the candidates and their party work to avoid or address the loss of important services such as community centres, pools, ice rinks and libraries to our citizens.

It's unfortunate that the question could not be asked, because it was terribly painful to see our parks grow steadily neglected and the trees dry out because of the protracted civic strikes caused by the inability of the GVRD labour relations bureau to negotiate fairly and reasonably, as they consistently walked away from talks with each of the three civic unions.  It was a shame that only a few weeks after schools let out for summer that the swimming pools were closed, and that all the summer community programs were closed, leaving children and their parents to find alternatives if possible. 

I had followed the library strike carefully, since I was a Vancouver library employee forced onto the picket line, because the GVRD labour relations bureau wasn't going to deal with our small CUPE 391 local, until it had completed its priority with the two larger CUPE 15 and CUPE 1004 (city inside and outside workers) first.

The protracted civic strike was a lose-lose-lose scenario. The citizens lost.  The workers lost, and the NPA dominated city council and mayor looked like bullies.  All the municipalities surrounding Vancouver were able to settle with their workers leaving Vancouver the only city forced into an unnecessary strike.  For this coming election, it will be important to elect progressive parks board commissioners and city councilors who will look for solutions instead of confrontation. 

Two weeks into the strike last year, it was Vision councilor Raymond Louie who called for mediation – which was rejected by NPA councilors.  Three months later, the strikes are solved by mediation – almost 90 days later.  For these reasons, I am supporting the COPE / Vision / Green candidates for the Vancouver civic election + the fact that I think they are accomplished individuals, and wonderful people.

Gung Haggis dragon boat team is busy… paddlers are reading at Heart of the City Festival and running for Vancouver Parksboard + paddling?

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team is BUSY this Sunday:
Paddler Stuart Mackinnon is running for Vancouver Parksboard
Paddler Dan Seto is giving a reading for Heart of the City Festival.

2008_Oct23 006Gung Haggis paddler Stuart Mackinnon is running for Vancouver Parks Board.  Here he poses with his good friend Andrea Reimer who is running for Vancouver City Council – photo Todd Wong

the past two Sundays, Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team continues to paddle for fun and fitness, after our last “race” at the Ft. Langley Canoe Club Cranberry Festival Regatta.  We have paddled to David Lam Park, then to
Granville Island, here we have docked the boat and gone for a
refreshing drink of juice, coffee, hot chocolate or even sake. 

Sunday Nov. 2nd is a very busy day, so it is important that we know how
many paddlers are coming.   We have moved the 1:30 practice back to
3:00 to try to accommodate paddlers activities – so please contact
Stephen Mirowski to indicate if you can attend.

Some team members are
helping Stuart Mackinnon in the morning put his pamphlets in neighborhoods, as
Stuart is running for Vancouver Parksboard for the Nov. 15th
Civic election.  If you would like to help – please contact Stuart or
Julie Wong: 

On Sunday, Stuart will be speaking at the all candidates Parks board meeting at the Roundhouse community centre, while paddler Dan Seto does a reading at the Chinese Benovolent Society.  I might also be reading along with Dan, as I have been asked to be a last-minute stand-in for fellow writer Shirley Chan.  We will be reading from the book Eating Stories: A Chinese Canadian and Aboriginal Potluck.

Please check out both of these worthy events:


Sunday November 2, 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, 108 E. Pender 3rd floor

ALL CANDIDATES MEETING for Park Board Commissioners.

presented by Roundhouse Community
Arts and Recreation Society
Sunday, November 2, 2008
2:00pm to 4:00pm
(Performance Centre)

Chinese Canadian Military Museum celebrates 10th Anniversary with dinner at Pink Pearl

Important WW2 Canadian history is celebrated by the Chinese Canadian Military Museum, celebrating 10th Anniversary.
DSC_0742_91364 - Colour Party entrance by FlungingPictures.
My grand-uncle Daniel Lee and his friend Ed Lee carry the flags for the colour party to help lead the procession of Chinese Canadian veterans to help begin the ceremonies for the 10th anniversary dinner for the Chinese Canadian Military Museum – photo Patrick Tam/Flunging Pictures.
When Canada was fighting WW2, the Canadian government initially didn’t want any soldiers of Chinese ethnicity – even if they had been born in Canada.  Several Chinese Canadians argued that they should fight for Canada and volunteered for service.  This action later helped them lobby to give Chinese-Canadians the franchise to vote in 1947.


It was a wonderful evening at the 10th Anniversary celebration dinner for the Chinese Canadian Military Museum. I attended the dinner with my friends Stuart Mackinnon and George Jung.  We sat with Chinese American WW2 veterans from Seattle.  Peggy Lee-Wong, one of the first Chinese-Canadian women to serve in WW2, also sat with us.

DSC_0725_91347 - Lt Col Howe LEE & Ellen WOODSWORTH by FlungingPictures

Col. Howe Lee is the founder of the Chinese Canadian Military Museum.  Congratulating him is Ellen Woodsworth, former Vancouver city counilor seeking re-election this fall.  Both of these people are wonderful community builders, and I admire them greatly. – photo Patrick Tam / Flunging Pictures.

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There was a special acknowledgement as Wesley Louie presented his father Victor Louie’s military jacket to Col. Lee and the CCMM.  Wesley told the story about how his father, was granted an honorable discharge before he saw service in the Korean War.  Victor later went on to run the Marco Polo Theatre Restaurant, where my father painted all the show cards. – photo Todd Wong

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My friend Judy Maxwell gave a short talk about the history of the Chinese Canadian Military Museum.  She has done a lot of research for CCMM. – photo Todd Wong.


DSC_0731_91353 - Head table by FlungingPictures

Here’s a picture of the head table with guests. Mrs. and Col. Howe Lee sit beside MLA Jenny Kwan and media commentator Gabriel Yiu.  Standing is MLA John Yap in the middle, with Ellen Woodswoth beside him. – photo Patrick Tam / Flunging Pictures

Last year, John Yap MLA for Richmond Steveston invited the veterans to the BC Legislature and highlighted the 60th anniversary of Chinese Canadian citizenship.  The following is from his press release re-printed on the CCMM website.

“Today, I rise to speak about a very
important cultural institution in British Columbia, the Chinese-Canadian Military Museum. A non-profit organization established in 1998, the military museum is located in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown.”

Yap continues: “Howe Lee, President and Founder, had a vision to
preserve, collect and bring to light the artifacts, memorabilia and, most importantly, the stories of the Chinese-Canadian veterans that risked their lives in order to serve Canada during World War II, despite the blatant racism and indignities they faced at the time.”

He concludes: “Under the guidance of Howe Lee and Museum Curator Larry Wong, the Chinese-Canadian Military Museum proudly displays the stories of courage, sacrifice and patriotism of those who chose to fight for their country, Canada. I encourage everyone to visit the museum and learn about a widely unknown part of Canada’s military history.”

Read my article about the dinner event created last year to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Canadian Citizenship
Chinese Canadian Veterans dinner May 12 – celebrating 60th anniversary of Canadian Citizenship

Stuart Mackinnon is the Green Party candidate for Vancouver Parks Board

Vancouver Parks Board candidate Stuart Mackinnon blends multiculturalism with Green Party environmental issues.

This week I have had the pleasure to attend dinner events with Stuart Mackinnon, Vancouver parks board candidate for the Green Party.  On Thursday, we attended the Oct 23rd Vision Vancouver dinner at Floata Restaurant.  On Friday, we attended the Oct 24th Chinese Canadian Military Museum 10th Anniversary dinner, where we also volunteered to help sell raffle tickets.  On Tuesday, I spoke on Stuart's behalf at the Vancouver & District Labour Council.

The following is an amendment to what I said about why I believe Stuart will be a great Vancouver Parks Board Commissioner, with pictures from the Vision Vancouver Floata dinner.

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Stuart Mackinnon (in kilt) with his good friend Andrea Reimer – who is running for Vancouver city council. – photo Todd Wong

Stuart Mackinnon is active.  He speaks out on issues. He attends Parks board meetings. He has been a thorn in the NPA side, to make sure they follow proper democratic process.

The first time I met Stuart, it was through his blog Better Parks
He was writing about naming the proposed “Selkirk Park” at 72nd St. 
Whether it became Obasan Park or David Suzuki Park, Stuart wanted and
helped to make it more of a democratic process.  Stuart has fought against the privatizing of parks, such as against the imposition of high priced restaurants at Kitsilano Beach and English Bay.

Stuart is a teacher at Killarney Secondary School.  He teaches special needs.  He
was vice-president of his Vancouver Teachers Federation Local 392.1, of the BCTF.  Stuart is
amazing.  Last year he took a group of teachers to China, where he delivered a key note talk about Norman Bethune as an organizer for the “Follow Dr. Norman Bethune to China Committee.”

2008_Oct23 009
Stuart Mackinnon with COPE school board candidate Bill Bargeman.  Stuart was vice-president with Bill's presidency for Vancouver Teachers' Federation local 39.2 BCTF – photo Todd Wong

is passionate about what he believes in.  He joined our dragon boat
team last year, loved the intercultural process and the fitness
opportunities it presented – then almost immediately asked how to
create a junior dragon boat team for Killarney high school students,
then guided them to a silver medal in their first year of competition. 
That's Stuart – a man of action, while thinking how to be a team
builder, and ensure that every person is included and feels empowered. 

And along the way, he realized more the importance of Vancouver's False
Creek's waterways and parks as important to our recreational
activities.  And he saw first hand the pollution that threatened this
important recreational jewel, when unacceptable “accidents dumped raw
sewage into False Creek”.  Stuart Mackinnon thinks big picture.  Stuart
Mackinnon thinks long range.  Stuart Mackinnon thinks community and
environment first.

is Scottish – of Scottish descent.  I am of Chinese descent.   
Vancouver has a large Chinese population.  Vancouver has a large
multicultural population.  He participates actively on our Gung Haggis
Fat Choy dragon boat team.  He understands multiculturalism. This is
what we need for our city and for our community centres.  Stuart is president of the Canada China Education Association

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Stuart Mackinnon with Charlie Wu of the Taiwanese Cultural Festival (Stuart LOVES the Taiwanese dragon boats), and City Councilor Raymond Louie and son – photo Todd Wong

important to have a Green candidate on the slate.  It's important to
have a diversity of ideas – and especially to represent our
environment.  Our environment isn't just about trees and grass, it is
also about our culture and our history.  I believe that Stuart
Mackinnon will be honorable in supporting these values.  Stuart genuinely cares about our environment and is a past president of  SPEC (the Society Promoting Environmental Conservation) and past chair for Vancouver Green Party.

During the Vancouve civic strike,
Stuart supported CUPE 15, 1004 and 391 and our issues.  He knows the
importance that hard working and loyal city workers can make.  He knows
that we put our hearts and souls into the pride of our jobs.  Stuart
Mackinnon will listen.  He will be inclusive,  He will be supportive of
city workers, but more important, he will be empowering.  I believe in Stuart.  He will be honourable.

2008_Oct23 018 Stuart with Constance Barnes (Vision Parks board candidate) and Andrea Reimer (Vision city council candidate) sitting: Julie, Marion and Todd Wong from the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team – photo T.Wong 

Check out Stuart Mackinnon's website:

Vision Vancouver has fundraiser dinner at Floata: celebrates their cultural diversity

Vision Vancouver shows off it's connections with Vancouver's cultural diversity: Sikh, Taiwanese, First Nations, Chinese pioneers, and even Scottish!

2008_Oct23 029 by you.
CUPE 391 Vancouver Library Workers attended the Vision Vancouver Floata Dinner on Thursday evening.  (standing)  Paul Faoro CUPE 15 President, Todd Wong CUPE 391, Kashmir Dhaliwal Vision Council candidate, Aaron Jasper Vision Parks Board candidate, Mark Whittam CUPE 391, (sitting) Alex Youngberg CUPE 391 President, and Inder Pannu CUPE 391 Vice-President – photo Todd Wong

As a Vancouver city library worker, I see so much of Vancouver's multicultural population.  We have books in many different languages, and many patrons who borrow books in Chinese, French, Italian, Vietnamese, Spanish and Russian.  We have many different ethnicities in our work force.  It is important for Vancouver's City Council, Parks Board and School Board to reflect and understand the cultural and ethnic diversity that it represents.

It was an incredibly diverse display of Vancouver's cultural diversity attending Vision Vancouver's fundraising dinner at Floata Restaurant on Oct 23, Thursday.  There were new immigrants.  There were multi-generational Vancouverities.  There were First Nations, Sikh, Taiwanese, and Chinese community tables.  There were even COPE and Greens all attending.  It was a wonderfully inclusive example of community.

For the first time, Vancouver may have a First Nations representative on School Board, and an Afro-Canadian on Parks Board – if Ken Clements and Constance Barnes are elected.  City council could have three Chinese-Canadians and a Sikh-Canadian all at the same time, along with the requiste Scottish-Canadian – if Raymond Louie, George Chow, Kerry Jang, Kashmir Dhaliwal, Heather Deal and Gregor Robertson are elected.  Oh – you didn't know that Deal and Robertson were Scottish? They both wore their family tartans to the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner this year.  Did you know that the first mayor of Vancouver, Malcolm Alexander Maclean was Scottish? Maclean was born in Tyree, Argyllshire
on Scotland’s west coast. Deal was born England and raised in Michigan, while Robertson was born in Vancouver.

Add to the mix Alvin Singh and Allan Wong for School Board, and Raj Hundal for Parks Board, and the Vision / COPE / Green slate has 8 members of visible minority ethnicity. 

Okay, we can say that “race” shouldn't matter.  But it does matter in many different ways.  We are who we are because of our personal experiences.  If we have experienced racism, or ethnic diversity – it can enhance our outlook in life.  But we can't all be the same, or have the same experiences – this is why for any working group, it is important to have a range of skills, talents, and viewpoints.  Ethnic or cultural experience can be one of these factors.  And for a multi-cultural city like Vancouver which has multi-generations of intercultural activitiy, cultural diversity can be a very important factor.

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Pat Kelly, Constance Barnes, Miles Richardson and Todd Wong – photo T.Wong

It was a great honour to meet Miles Richardson – former President of the Haida Nation who received the Order of Canada earlier this year.  Pat Kelly was sitting with him, and I introduced my friend Constance Barnes to them. Constance's father is for BC MLA Emery Barnes, another one of BC's great figures as both politician and BC Lions football player.

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Alex Youngberg stands between Vancouver city councilors David Cadman and George Chow – photo Todd Wong

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Green Party Parks Board candidate Stuart Mackinnon greets the COPE table with Councilor candidate Ellen Woodsworth, School Board candidates Allan Wong and Al Blakely and guest – photo Todd Wong

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Inder Pannu and Todd Wong with Kashmir Dhaliwal and leaders of the Sikh community.- photo T.Wong

2008 civic candidates endorsed for Vancouver, Richmond and North Vancouver by the Vancouver & District Labour Council

Vancouver & District Labour Council endorses progressive candidates for Nov 15 civic elections in Vancouver, Richmond and North Vancouver.

2008_VDLC 007 Vancouver community leaders: Todd Wong (CUPE 391), Bill Saunders (VDLC president), George Chow (Vancouver City Councilor and Ben West (Green Party Chair) – photo Todd Wong

It was my first meeting as a delegate for CUPE 391, Vancouver Library Workers, who recently joined the Vancouver & District Labour Council.  The meetings are held at the Vancouver Maritime Labour Centre, which I first visited as a guest speaker for a human rights themed meeting for the VDLC a few years ago, while I was active on the Save Kogawa House campaign.  This time, I was sworn in as a delegate along with fellow CUPE 391 library worker Lily Gee.  I am on the CUPE 391 executive as a member at large.

It was an exciting evening as many of the local politicians came to be introduced, and to speak to the labour council which includes and affiliates with 106 unions and union locals including CUPE, CAW, Hospital Employees Union , BCGEU, BC Nurses, Public Service Alliance, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers' Union, Telecommunications Workers' Union, United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union + many more.  It is a union of unions.

On my arrival I chatted with North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto, who I had recently seen only a week before at our 30 year Carson Graham High School Reunion.  He introduced me to his fellow North Van City councilors Sam Schecter and Craig Keating as well as candidate Cheryl Leia.  Darrell is running for re-election and will be acclaimed as he is unopposed, but still he was there to accept endorsement from the V&DLC.

I checked in with V&DLC president Bill Saunders, whom I first met when he was an organizer of the “Anniversaries of Change” program which recognized the 1907 Chinatown Riot by Anti-Asian labourers.  Bill was a big supporter of the CUPE 391 Vancouver Library Workers strike action, and when he visited our picket line at the Word on the Street Festival, he sang along to “O Solo Mio” as I played my accordion.

2008_VDLC 002 North Vancouver contingent: Craig Keating (North Vancouver City councilor), Cheryl Leia (NVC councilor candidate), Darrell Mussatto (NVC Mayor), Sam Schechter (NVC councilor). – photo Todd Wong

Soon many of the Vancouver candidates for council, parks board and school board arrived.  I have gotten to know many of them over the past years through my community work for Joy Kogawa House, Asian Canadian Writers's Workshop and Chinese Head Tax campaign.  As well, many of them like to attend my Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner event.  It is always good to see Ellen Woodsworth, Heather Deal, Raymond Louie and David Cadman who gave great assistance and support for the Save Kogawa House campaign.  Andrea Reimer, Kerry Jang and Aaron Jasper are also wonderful people that I really enjoyed getting to know, and was pleased to give them endorsements for the nomination candidacy for the Vision Vancouver nomination elections.

It was an exciting meeting because the Vision/COPE/Green slate for Vancouver civic election was to be introduced and endorsed.  The meeting started and Vancouver candidates were introduced first.  City council, school board and parks board candidates were introduced respectively by party.

George Chow spoke for the Vision councilors and David Cadman spoke for the COPE councilors.  Both emphasized how difficult negotiations for the three civic unions had been under the NPA dominated Vancouver city council.  David Cadman spoke how the unions were not treated fairly when the GVRD Labour Relations Bureau walked away from negotiations.  Both he and Chow promised that both Vision and COPE sought to build better relations with their civic employees.  This was a theme that was also echoed later by North Vancouver City Mayor Darrell Mussatto and councilor Craig Keating, when they shared that North Vancouver City had avoided strikes by working with their unions in respect and fairness for bargaining.

Sharon Gregson spoke for Vision School Board candidates and Bill Bargeman represented COPE candidates.  For Parks Board, Aaron Jasper spoke for Vision and Loretta Woodcock spoke for COPE.    Both Jasper and Woodcock gave very impassioned talks that emphasized the importance of the Vancouver civic workers, as well as paying attention to Vancouver's cultural diversity.

Stuart Mackinnon, Parks Board candidate for the Green Party was unable to attend, and had asked me to represent him as we are friends.  I spoke about Stuart's activism in attending Parks Board meetings and his citizen involvement in parks issues such as the democratic naming of future parks and his criticism of park privatization such as the concession stands and Watermark Restaurant.  I shared that Stuart was a union brother, as a school teacher at Killarney Secondary School, and as a former vice-president of CUPE 392 of the BC Teachers Federation.  Afterwards, I was complimented on giving Stuart such as strong introduction and endorsement.

2008_VDLC 005 Vancouver candidates: Kerry Jang (city council candidate), Ellen Woodsworth (city council candidate), Anita Romaniuk (Parks Board candidate) – photo Todd Wong

The Vision / COPE / Green Vancouver city council slate has an amazing amount of cultural diversity.  George Chow, Kerry Jang and Raymond Louie have Chinese ancestry and Kashmir Dhaliwal is South Asian. Tim Stevenson is gay, Ellen Woodsworth is lesbian and Raymond Louie's wife has Scottish ancestry… as does Heather Deal.  I have also managed to get kilts on Deal, Louie, and Stevenson, but only tartan sashes so far on George Chow and Ellen Woodsworth.  David Cadman has been involved nationally and internationlly with the United Nations Association.  All the councilor candidates including Geoff Meggs and Andrea Reimer attended the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner with the exception of Kashmir Dhaliwal.

The Vancouver School Board slate includes Ken Clement – of Ktunaxa First Nations, Alvin Singh – South Asian ancestry, and Allan Wong – Chinese ancestry.  I first met Al Blakey, Jane Bouey and Allan Wong when I did a Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society presentation for the Vancouver School Board back in 2002.  I have also since met Sharon Gregson, Alvin Singh and Bill Bargeman.

The Vancouver Parks Board slate is very ethnic-culture cool!  Constance Barnes is Afro-Canadian, the daughter of Emery Barnes – former speaker of the BC Legislature, and she is operations manager for the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens.  Raj Hundal is Sikh, and last night explained to me some of the traditions that I didn't know. Aaron Jasper's wife is South Asian, and they both were volunteers at the 2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.  Stuart Mackinnon has spent more time in China than I have, but he didn't own a kilt until after he joined the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.  I've also met Loretta Woodcock and Anita Romaniuk over the years.  Sarah Blyth tracked me down for our introductions at this year's Taiwanese Cultural Festival and I hope to get this skateboarder onto a dragon boat sometime soon.

Here is the list of endorsed candidates by the Vancouver & District Labour Council for Vancouver, Richmond and North Vancouver:

Vancouver City Mayor             
Gregor Robertson                       Vision

Vancouver City Council            
George Chow                             Vision
Heather Deal                              Vison
Kashmir Dhaliwal                       Vision
Kerry Jang                                 Vision
Raymond Louie                          Vision
Geoff Meggs                              Vision
Andrea Reimer                           Vision
Tim Stevenson                            Vision
David Cadman                            COPE
Ellen Woodsworth                      COPE

Vancouver City Parks Board    
Constance Barnes                       Vision
Sara Blyth                                   Vision
Raj Hundal                                  Vision
Aaron Jasper                               Vision
Anita  Romaniuk                          COPE
Loretta Woodcock                      COPE
Stuart Mackinnon                         Green
Vancouver City School Board   
Patti Bacchus                                Vision
Ken Clement                                Vision
Sharon Gregson                            Vision
Mike Lombardi                             Vision
Al Blakey                                      COPE
Allan Wong                                   COPE
Jane Bouey                                   COPE
Bill Bargeman                                COPE
Alvin Singh                                    COPE

North Vancouver City Mayor   
Darrell Mussatto

North Vancouver City Council  
Craig Keating
Sam Schechter
Kelly Neilson
Rod Clark
Mary Trentadue
Cheryl Leia

North Vancouver District Council   
Robin Hicks
John Fair
Roger Bassam
David Magee
North Vancouver School Board  
 – North Vancouver City                      
Lynda Buchaman
Chris Dorais
Susan Skinner
– North Vancouver District                 
Chief Ian Campbell
Cindy Gerlach
Franci Stratton
Jane Thornthwaite

Richmond City Council            
Harold Steves   (RCA)
Linda Barnes     (RCA)
David Reay       (RCA)
Sue Halsey Brandt  (RITE)
Evalina Halsey Brandt  (IND)

Richmond City School Board   
Rod Belleza  (RITE)

NDP candidate Don Davies wins the Vancouver Kingsway federal riding, beating Conservatives and Liberals in the Emerson vacated riding.

NDP candidate Don Davies wins the Vancouver Kingsway federal riding, beating Conservatives and Liberals in the Emerson vacated riding.

Don_Davies_Victory_Party 016 by you.
Don Davies gives his victory speech, while his campaign team, wife and daughter stand behind him. – photo Todd Wong

the past two years, I have seen Don Davies mature from a shy potential
candidate when I first met him at one of Meena Wong's dim sum lunches. 
Don has become a more assertive – yet still humble and hardworking
victorious winner.  Genuinely concerned about others, he is a
thoughtful quiet man with the heart of a lion.

“There was
nobody in that room more surprised than me,” Don shared with me after
his victory party, when I drove him back to his car at the house where
he had been watching the early election returns.

“When I first took on the nomination, people told told me it wasn't winnable – but I believed with hard work, it could happen.”

hard work is the essence of this humble working man's politician.  Over
the past two years, Don built his community presence and his campaign
team.  He put the right people in the right places, such as his campaign manager Joe Barrett
(son of former BC Premier Dave Barrett), and he worked very hard to be
informed on the issues and to learn the issues in the different
communities.  Don is a lawyer who works on human rights and protecting
workers' rights as Director of Legal Resources for Teamsters Canada
(Local 31)

There really was a strong Chinese-Scottish element to Don Davies'
campaign.  Don's wife Sheryl Palm is of Scottish ancestry and she loved wearing her tartan and attending this year's Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner. 

One of
Don's key campaign advisors was Meena Wong, a Beijing-born
Chinese-Canadian who speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and even a little
French.  While living in Toronto, Meena had also been an assistant to
Toronto city councilor Olivia Chow, now re-elected MP for
Trinity-Spadina, and of course the wife of NDP leader Jack Layton.

In his victory speech, Don gave especially big thanks to Meena Wong, whom he called
“incredible.”  Meena really helped get Don's message out to the Chinese
language community, attending Chinese-Canadian community events and
even got Don working to help new immigrants with their family
citizenship and immigration applications. Even while making a bid to
secure a COPE nomination for Vancouver City council, Meena was always
taking Don to events in the Chinese-Canadian community.

Meena told me that after phoning up new immigrants and offering them rides to vote, “They thanked me so much to be encouraged and valued and to participate in this very democratic process.”

Lots of people showed up tonight to congratulate Don Davies at his Victory Party held at Heritage Hall on Main St.:

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Former BC Premier Glen Clark, Don Davies and Meena Wong – photo Todd Wong

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CUPE sandwich!  Todd Wong (CUPE 391 executive member-at-large) with Dr. Kerry Jang (Vision Vancouver councilor candidate), and Paul Faoro (CUPE 15 President). – photo Todd Wong

Don_Davies_Victory_Party 028

Chris Bouris (videographer of all those cool Don Davies youtube videos), Patrick Tam (Flunging Pictures), MLA (Vancouver East) Shane Simpson, Dale Jackman (NDP MP candidate Richmond)- photo Todd Wong

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Anital Romaniuk (COPE Parksboard candidate), Am Johal, Sheryl Palm, Michael Byers (NDP MP candidate Vancouver Centre), Ellen Woordsworth (COPE city council candidate) – photo Todd Wong

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Imtiaz Popat (Co-op Radio's “The Rational”), Todd Wong & Mabel Ellmore – photo Todd Wong

Don_Davies_Victory_Party 039 by Toddish McWong

Kim Elliott (, re-elected MP
Libby Davies,
– photo Todd Wong

See my flickr set here:

Don Davies Victory Party

Don Davies Victory Party

See pictures by Patrick Tam / Flunging Pictures

593 – 20081014 – Federal election – NDP victory party – Heritage Hall – Don Davies, Libby Davies, Michael Byers, Ann Chambers – Vancouver BC

593 – 20081014 – Federal…

Election 08: Vote for Harper or NOT!

I won't be voting for Harper's Conservatives today.

There is an “Anybody But Conservative” mood in BC this week.  The Tyee has published it's story: Tyee's Strategic Voters' Guide: A riding-by-riding look at pros and cons of voting 'anyone but Harper' in BC, and the Georgia Straight has printed
The Straight slate to stop Stephen Harper.

First of all, I hate negative campaign advertising.  All I have been getting from Conservative ads are why the other guys are not vote worthy, without the Conservatives saying why they are vote worthy.

Last time around, I was much more involved in the federal election because I was part of the Chinese Head Tax redress campaign. 

In January 2006, Chinese Canadian organizations were urging the members to vote for Stephen Harper's Conservative government, so he could follow through on a pledge to address Chinese Head Tax Redress.   Harper saw Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin stumble on a botched Chinese Head Tax non-apology redress.  He followed the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and Green Party in acknowledging the importance of redress for the Chinese Head Tax redress. N See my January 2006 article:
Will Harper keep his pledge for Head Tax Redress? Chinese Canadian groups are asking him!

Harper came through with his parliamentary apology on June 22 2008, and gave a redress ex-gratia payment to surviving head tax payers and their spouses, but ignored 99% of remaining head tax certificates for deceased head tax payers.  Too bad for my grand-father and great-grandfather who would have to be alive at 140 years of age, if they wanted to see a re-payment of the ultra racist head tax money.  Too bad for the families who also suffered through poverty trying to work off the incurred debt that cost as much as a house – when no other ethnic group was subjected to a head tax for entry to Canada.

Harper's Conservatives have also slashed funding for arts programs.  I have received many emails about the many different facebook groups and news releases protesting the Conservative programs.

I haven't been blogging about this year's election, because I feel this is an unnecessary election.  Thanksgiving is a terrible time for an election.  Voting sites and Election Canada have found so many of the usual volunteers and employees taking the holiday weekend off.  Political parties and other groups have been desperate for people to help do phonings and rides for voters to help get voters out.

When I went to vote this morning, I felt sorry for all the scrutineers and Elections Canada people who had to be up at 5am this morning to help get the voting sites ready for 7am voting.  That really put a damper on relaxing Thanksgiving dinner on Monday.

This election has been about opportunism on Harper's part.  He was riding high in the polls, and he wanted to call an election before the impending economic crash hit us.  He was a month too late, even though he knew it was coming soon.  He didn't release his party platform until one week before the election.

Harper has also been an opportunist on ethnic issues.  The Conservative government apologized for the Chinese Head Tax in 2006 and in 2008 apologized for the Komagata Maru incident – but they did so on their own terms despite community groups asking for more consultation.  See my article:  Ethnic Issues and the Canadian Federal Election: Gabriel Yiu's
commentary about Harper, South Asian community and the Komagata Maru

So there it is… I am not supporting Harper and the Conservatives.