Category Archives: One Book One Vancouver: Joy Kogawa's Obasan

I visit the Kogawa Homestead site – Please sign petition to preserve the house.

I visited the Kogawa Homestead site on 64th Avenue tonight…

There are the tell tale signs that plans for development are
planned.  There are paint markings on the sidewalk and street
marked “W” and “S”- I assume for Water and Sewer.

The house is quaint looking with a white picket fence on 64th
Ave.  There are houses next to it  and across the street that
are new.  I am surprised that this little house is still standing,
when the many of the same era houses have long since been bulldozed in
favor of newer houses.

But, an application for demolition is expected soon.  An inquiry
by an architectural firm to City Hall was made two weeks ago, prompting
the revitalization of the “Save the Kogawa Homestead” committee.

This simple house, is the only “publicly known” house that was
confiscated by the Canadian Government during WW2, after Canadian born
citizens of Japanese descent were sent to internment camps as “enemy
aliens.”  Last week, I talked with Reiko at the Japanese Canadian National Museum,
and she said this was the only house that is identifed with known
cultural value.  There are many houses that were confiscated and
sold at cheap prices as the “owners” were not expected to return. 

But this house is special.  Joy Kogawa wrote about it in her novel
Obasan, and subsequent  children's version Naomi's Road.  She
left the house at age 6, to be re-located at a camp in Slocan BC. 
And forever after, the house represented a time of happiness, and the
best home she lived in, as the family was forced to live in chicken
coops, shacks, and other housing.  Joy became an active part of
the Redress for Japanese-Canadian Internees.  She recieved the
Order of Canada. 

Obasan became one of the most celebrated Canadian novels, and was
ranked the 11th most influential Canadian novel by Quill and
Quire.  Roy Miki calls it the most significant Canadian novel of
the last 20 years.  The Vancouver Opera, commissioned a opera
based on Naomi's Road.  Obasan was chosen as the 2005 selection
for Vancouver Public Library's award winning One Book One Vancouver

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.

Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Naomi's Road: Pulls the heart in all the right places and directions – Vancouver Opera's first Opera in the Schools Commission exceeds itself

Naomi's Road: Pulls the heart in all the right places and directions

Vancouver Opera's first Opera in the Schools Commission is superb!

children are left in the care of an aunt, when their father is sent
away from them, after their mother leaves the country to look after her
sick grandmother.  And the “holiday” they are told they have just
boarded a train for is actually going to be a re-location camp for the
next 3 years of their life.  They will be called “enemy aliens,”
called racial slurs, and they may never see their real home

This is all
great stuff for school children to learn about bullying, Canadian
history, the importance of family, and how to make friends.  Oh…
and it has been turned into an opera.

Vancouver Opera has turned to the children's version of the award winning novel Obasan by Joy Kogawa for it's second-ever original commission, designed for their Vancouver Opera in Schools program
Naomi's Road revolves around the upheaval of a 9 year old girl's life,
as she and her older brother are removed from their home in Vancouver,
and sent to a re-location camp in Slocan, located in BC's Interior.

Limited by a
45-minute time frame, the creative team of composer Ramona Leungen with
librettist Ann Hodges were challenged to bring alive a dark time in
Canada's history, but make it palatable and relatable for 21st century
school children.  They have succeeded in spades!  Naomi's
Road conveys the story without oversimplifying it.  The music is
acessible and emotional, with soaring melodies and lovely ensemble work.

I attended the
Saturday afternoon performance following the previous evening's World
Premiere.  A question period followed the short but lively
performance during which adults in the audience wanted the opera
extended by an hour, and children wanted to know how the actors could
change costumes so fast playing multiple roles.

Young soprano
Jessica Cheung stands out.  Her projection portraying a 9 year old
is amazing.  She is completely believable, with little nuances
that enhance her character.  When I remarked to Jessica after the
performance about “another costume change” into very chic and hip
street clothes, she remarked “So people don't think I really am a
little girl.

Composer Ramona
Luengen, says of Jessica, “We were so thrilled to find her.  She
brings so much vitality and spark.  We just wanted to keep
her.  Where else are you going to find a twenty year old that can
play a 10 year old… and sing?!?!”

Sam Chung does a
good turn as Stephen, Naomi's older brother.  He initially plays a
shy reserved child who becomes emotionally volatile as he discovers
that the “holiday” really isn't a holiday and becomes cynical about
many things related to the internment.  Sam does a good job
evolving Stephen's emotional maturity compressing three years into 45

Gina Oh and Sung
Taek Chung both take on multiple roles, playing Mother, Obasan &
Mitzi and Father, Rough Lock Bill, Trainmaster and Bully,
respectively.  They create characters complete and separate from
the roles they shed with a change of clothes.  Seeing Gina go from
loving mother to reserved aunt to childish Mitzi within 30 minutes is
remarkable.  I particularly liked how Sung played doting father,
then later reappeared as Rough Lock Bill – a First Nations Character in
Slocan who befriends the children, gives Stephen a flute and helps
demonstrate racial acceptance and unconditional friendship.

During the
Q&A, a question was asked about the role played by Joy Kogawa,
author of Naomi's Road children's book.  Luengen described
attending a reading by Kogawa 2 years ago, in the Kogawa childhood home
(now threatened by demolition – see,
which she describes as magical.  Anne Hodges said that Joy gave
them complete reign over the story and never said to take or leave
anything out, nor questioned what they did.  “She was like a
benevolent and peaceful spirit that permeated what we did, and always
seemed to be in town whenever we needed her.”

When I told
music director Leslie Uyeda that I had tears in my eyes when the
children were in the train scene, she replied, “You're the third person
who has said that… that scene is so emotionally charged, especially
when they are separated from their father.  It is so
iconographic.  It's in all the pictures,” she commented about the
photographs showing Japanese-Canadians at the train station waving to
family members being sent to different camps, and used on the cover of
the book

If this is only
the 2nd-ever commission by the Vancouver Opera (the first was 1994's
The Architect), I can only eagerly anticipate the next one, and hope
that it will be soon.  Maybe they will pick another
Vancouver-based story such as the Komagata Maru incident that affected
the South Asian community, or an issue from Chinese-Canadian history,
similar to the opera
Iron Road, that is yet to show in Vancouver.

Kudos for the
Vancouver Opera's Naomi's Road.  I foresee a long life for it,
touring BC's schools and beyond.  Glad I wasn't sitting on a
gymnasium floor for 45 minutes… but I think the kids will definitely
enjoy it!

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.
Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Joy Kogawa story in Vancouver Sun's “Raise a Reader” supplement

Joy Kogawa story in Vancouver Sun's “Raise a Reader” supplement

Rebecca Wigod wrote a short story about Joy Kogawa in Thursday's
Septemeber 29th, Vancouve Sun, page A23c.  with a small picture.

On the road of learning with Joy Kogawa
by Rebecca Wigod

Joy Kogawa, the 70-year-old author of Obasan, is a
venerable Canadian writer – so venerable that in Vancouver, Nov. 6 is
Joy Kogawa Day.

She's a Member of the Order of Canad, but she's not
able helping children in southeast Vancouver with their reading.

In fact, she's only too happy to help.

On a sunny summer afternnon, Kogawa went to the
Fraserview branch of the Vancouver public library and shared her
children's book Naomi's Road, with the young folk in its Readalong

Many of them had South or East Asian backgrounds.

A diminuitive gifure in a long blue denim jumper,
she gathered the kids around her and asked: “Sixty years ago in August,
a terrible , terrible thing happend.  I was 10 years old. 
Does anybody know what happened?”

“A war?” asked one of the children.

Happy to recieve such an answer from children too
young to know anything of the Secod World War, she nodded
vigorously.  Then she told them something of her own history.

At one point, she produced a figurine and showed it
to the Readalong group.  It depicted Ninomiya Kinjiro, a great
19th-century Japanese landowner who began life in a poor peasant family.

He is seen as a symbol of hard work, and perseverence.

“His special road was the road of learning.  He
taught himself to read because he was too poor to go to school and he
beacme the greatest teacher in all of Japan.  When I was young, my
parents said, 'Be like Ninomiya Kinjiro.'”

Children in the Readalong program visit the library
twice a week during the summer for stories and help with their
reading.  Kogawa made the task palatable by handing out origami
paper and teaching them songs.

Her classic novel, Obasan, is the centrepiece of the library's One Book One Vancouver program this year.

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.

Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Naomi's Road: Vancouver Opera premiere of Joy Kogawa's children's book based on novel Obasan

Naomi's Road: Vancouver Opera premiere of Joy Kogawa's children's book based on nove Obasan

Click here for the Review of the Oct 1, Saturday Matinee performance.

Vancouver Opera
30, October 1 & 2 , 2005

Evening performance 7:30 pm, Matinees 3:00

Norman Rothstein Theatre

Naomi's Road
is a
new opera for young audiences. It is composed by Ramona Luengen, with libretto by Ann Hodges. It is based on Joy
novel Naomi's Road
which tells the story of a young girl named Naomi and her brother
Stephen as they meet the challenges created by the internment of
Japanese-Canadians during World War 2.

Check out the Vancouver Opera Naomi's Road press release

I have seen performances of highlights from the Opera both at the Chan
Centre for Roy Miki's June 27th lecture for the Laurier Institution titled, Redress: Dealing with Past Injustices, and also at the Vancouver Arts Awards
last week.  Both times, the performances were captivating and
featured singer Jessica Cheung in the role of Naomi.

This is a milestone for Asian Canadian art and literature for a
successful children's story to be turned into an opera, that will be
touring schools throughout BC, as part of the Vancouver Opera in the Schools program
It is important to share the story about an ugly chapter in Canada's
history – yet teaching children how to move beyond racism and hatred.

Kogawa Homestead Committee meeting: Friday Sept 29th 4pm

The “Save the Kogawa Homestead” Committee is meeting:

Friday, September 30th, 4pm
Sylvia Hotel
1154 Gilford @ Beach Avenue
Vancouver, BC

This will be the first meeting in person of the reconstituted
committee.  It is important for us to meet in person and
strategize how to best save the house where author Joy Kogawa had so
many happy childhood memories and was raised until the internment of
Japanese-Canadians forced the Kogawa family to Slocan BC.

For the history of the committee: see

Several strategies will be discussed, and we will also discuss key
meetings with movers and shakers in our literary community + political

Worst case scenario:  Kogawa House is demolished.
Best case scenario:  Kogawa House is saved and preserved on original site.
Alternative scenario: Kogawa House is saved but moved to another
site.  But this could be similar to the displacement faced by the
Japanese Canadians who were interned!

Good people are needed for this committee!
Please step forward and make yourself known.

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.

Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Vancouver Courier story on Joy Kogawa: Literary icons home faces wrecker's ball

Vancouver Courier story on Joy Kogawa:

Literary icon's home faces wrecker's ball
By Sandra Thomas-Staff writer

November city council passed a motion to plant a cherry tree propagated
from one growing in the backyard of the former home of author Joy

But if a demolition application recently filed at the
city by the owner is approved, that tree could soon be one of the last
remaining tangible symbols of the home on West 64th Avenue.

lived there until she was six years old, when her Japanese-Canadian
family was interned in the Slocan Valley during the Second World War.
The Marpole house was then auctioned off at a bargain price by the
government's “Custodian of Enemy Alien Property” program. Her 1983
autobiographical work Obasan, named one of the most influential novels
of the 20th century by Quill and Quire, a monthly magazine of the
Canadian book trade, tells the story of the internment camp through the
eyes of a child.

Kogawa, who keeps small apartments in both
Vancouver and Toronto, noted the irony of receiving the bad news while
being honoured at several events across the city.

“It is how life operates,” said Kogawa from her children's home in Surrey. “It is the yin and yang of the world.”

was honoured last weekend at a One Book, One Vancouver event for her
novel Naomi's Road, the children's version of Obasan, at Vancouver
Public Library, and at a dinner for Ricepaper Magazine, during the Word
on the Street Book and Magazine Fair, and at the premiere of Naomi's
Road performed by Vancouver Opera.

Kogawa, who was named to
the Order of Canada for her writing and work with the Japanese-Canadian
redress movement, said she was “dumbfounded” by the news the home is in
danger. Two years ago Kogawa discovered the property was for sale and a
committee was formed in an attempt to purchase it. The home was
eventually bought by private owners. In December 2004 when the owners
started renovations without a permit, the Joy Kogawa Homestead
Foundation contacted both the city and the media to increase pressure
on the federal and provincial governments to save the home as a
historical and cultural icon.

The city issued a stop-work
order which the new owners followed. They also donated the three doors
and 12 windows they had removed to the city for safe keeping. The
owners, who have no messaging service, did not answer several phone
calls from the Courier.

“I don't want to be aggressive, I don't want to fight,” Kogawa said. “We'll see what friendship can do.”

Green, a city councillor and mayoral candidate for Vision Vancouver,
said he was at the house with Kogawa recently to look at the cherry

“This is too sad,” he said. “This is a historical place in Canada and it should be preserved.”

Green sits on the city's heritage committee but admits the city can do little to save the home.

is very little we can do with the powers we have,” he said. “It will be
up to the will of council because I expect it to come before the
development permit board because it would have a significant impact
historically on Vancouver.”

Green said he and Kogawa expect to plant the cherry tree on the grounds of city hall within the next couple of weeks.

For more updates on the Kogawa Homestead status, please see:
For more updates, articles on Kogawa Homestead and Joy Kogawa on this web site, please see:
Joy Kogawa's Obasan and Homestead

Rice Paper 10th Anniversary: featuring Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre & Gim Wong

Ricepaper 10th Anniversary Celebrations: featuring Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre & Gim Wong

Ricepaper staffers greet guests at the door – photo Meena Wong

It was a love-fest as former editors and writers, + many featured
authors and performers + our favourite city councillors and community
organizers, all attended the celebration.  The Buzz about the Rice Paper Magazine 10th Anniversary Party,
organized by Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop, picked up speed late in
the week.  Numbers confirmed on Thursday night practically doubled
by Saturday night, as attendees “borrowed” extra chairs and tables from
the Tinseltown Food Court.

Writers Fiona Lam and
Lydia Kwa sat at a table next to Faye Leung, Vancouver Librarian Ross
Bliss stated “I want to meet writers!” and was quickly introduced to
lots.  UBC professor Glenn Deere and wife Faye sat at the Joy
Kogawa table.  Writer and Artist Janice Wong, along with Capilano
College instructor and writer Crawford Killian joined friends at Scott
McIntyre's table. Citizenship Court Judge (and former City Councillor)
Sandra Wilking sat nearby Opera singer Grace Chan, and across from
writer SKY Lee. City councillor Ellen Woodsworth chatted with SFU
writer-in-residence Daphne Marlatt. City Councillor Anne Roberts
brought her mother Barbara.  Kelly Ip chatted with Lt. Col. Howe
Lee.  Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre
producer Joy Lam hung out with CBC writer Charlie Cho, and scripting
partner Grace Chin.

Elwin Xie (ACWW Director) and Joyce Lam (VACT producer) share a smile and long friendship – photo Meena Wong

Joy Kogawa signs a book for one of the many event guests – photo Meena Wong

Whoops of joy were heard as it was announced that Vancouver city
councillor Sam Sullivan had secured his mayoralty bid to represent the
NPA party, as he made a surprise appearance fresh from the NPA
counting.  Even COPE city councillors Anne Roberts and Ellen
Woodsworth rushed to give him heartfelt congratulations.

And in the middle of this sat our featured guests: Joy Kogawa, Scott
McIntyre and Gim Wong.  Host and ACWW Vice President Don
Montgomery introduced each starting with Kogawa.  Joy said that
this year started off with the surprise of having Obasan selected for
the Vancouver Public Library's One Book One Vancouver program, and
described how wonderful the republishing of new versions of Emily Kato
(Itsutka) and Naomi's Road have been plus the delight of seeing Emily's
Road transformed into an opera by the Vancouver Opera.

Joy Kogawa holds
her ACWW Community Builders Award while Todd Wong (ACWW vice-president)
speaks about efforts to save the Kogawa Homestead – Event host Don
Mongomery (ACWW vice-president) looks on – photo Meena Wong

Joy called on me to speak about the developments of the previous 60
hours, as she had learned about the planned demolition of the Kogawa
and the efforts mobilized to save it.  I described the
seemingly impossible contradiction that while this week when Joy is
being celebrated at the Rice Paper Anniversary Dinner, Word On The
Street, Vancouver Public Library and Vancouver Opera… the proposed
demolition represents polar opposites that create a dynamic tension,
giving even greater emphasis on both positive and negative
aspects.  But it is because of her being celebrated, that reaction
to the proposed demolition, is even more sharply responded to – witness
the way that the Globe & Mail picked up on the story, that it was
announced and spoken about at the Vancouver Arts Awards by both Mayor
Larry Campbell and city councillor Jim Green.  And by the evening,
Scott McIntyre was volunteering his influence and suggestions to help
save the house. “One Million Dollars should be easy to raise,” he told

Scott McIntyre
tells the audience about the pionneering nature of the books by Paul
Yee, SKY Lee and Jim Wong-Chu that he has published – photo Meena Wong

Scott McIntyre was jovial in his speech.  He spoke about the
achivements of Douglas McIntyre Publishing, in putting out Salt water
City by Paul Yee, Disappearing Moon Cafe by SKY Lee, and Many Mouthed
Birds edited by by Jim Wong-Chu and Bennett Lee – each the first of
their genres, pioneers in Asian Canadian literature.  Then Scott
said, “We haven't done enough.”  He talked about the fact that we
are all one family – no longer separated by clan or race
distinctions.  Chinese-Canadian literature and Japanese-Canadian
literature is all Canadian literature – We are all the same family, as
he spoke about how his own daughter-in-law is Asian, and they are all
one family.  I was so moved by his talk, that at the end of the
evening, I invited him to speak the same words for the 2006 Gung Haggis
Fat Choy dinner in January.  “I'd be delighted,” was his reply.

Gim Wong recalls
the sacrifices he made and the discrimination that he faced by choosing
to enter Canada's armed forces in WW2 – photo Meena Wong

Gim Wong, stood up shakily, his 82 years betraying his youthful heart
and still innocent demeanor.  Honest in his gratitude, and
eloquent in his politeness, Gim talked about how proud he is to be a
Canadian, and how he came to enlist and train in the Canadian armed
forces, when nobody wanted Chinese in the army, airforce or navy. 
“We couldn't even vote,” he exclaimed.  He described his unselfish
attitude, willing to make the supreme sacrifice for the country of his
birth, and how he has continued to sacrifice his time unselfishly to
champion for redress, for the Chinese head tax. “They told me it
couldn't be done,” he said of his motorcyle “Ride for Redress” from
Victoria's Mile 0, to Ottawa and Montreal.  His bravado had
revealed itself when he had threatened to ride his Harley up the steps
of Parliament to confront Prime Minister Paul Martin.  His son
Jefferey had accompanied him on the ride, and looked after him. 
This week, the Georgia Straight's “Best of Vancouver” selected Gim Wong
for the “Gutsiest Ride against Racism.”  I had talked with Gim
many times throughout the evening, and knew that he was both humbled
and tired by the evening's celebration.  The applause touched him

Great appreciation to all the ACWW directors, Rice Paper staff and
volunteers for putting on such a grand event.  Special thanks to
organizers Jim Wong-Chu, Don Montgomery, Michelle Sui, and Jenny Uechi.

Joy Kogawa creates a presence at the Vancouver Arts Awards… and she's not even nominated or attending…

Joy Kogawa creates a presence at the Vancouver Arts Awards... 
and she's not even nominated or attending...

I attended the 2005 Vancouver Arts Awards Friday night, and the ripples 
Joy Kogawa were felt throughout the evening.
I spoke to both Councillor Jim Green and Mayor Larry Campbell, and 
told them about the demolition for
application of the Kogawa homestead.
A house acknowledged with heritage designation. They were both
and concerned, saying "Council had just passed
resolution to save the
cherry trees on Tuesday".
I spoke with City Librarian Paul Whitney, and briefly discussed the idea 
of creating a purpose for the
Kogawa Homestead, as a residence/office
for the Writer
in Residence Program for the Vancouver Public Library
- of course we would have to develop this idea, and have the aggreement
of VPL to proceed, which currently
we do not. But certainly an idea to
propose the
Homestead as a writers' retreat in general has been previously
discussed in the media, and by the
Homestead Committee 2 years ago.
(I just love the idea of saying... Obasan was the One Book One Vancouver
book for 2005 - the City of Vancouver loved the book so much - they bought
the house!)
Mayor Larry Campbell told the audience that council on Tuesday passed 
the motion to preserve the cherry trees
from the Kogawa Homestead
and that a one year old
graft from the tree would be planted at City Hall
October, in recognition of the the novel Obasan, and the significance
of the Japanese Canadian internments.
Bill Richardson, MC for the evening, told the audience that he talked 
with Joy Kogawa earlier this week
with regards to One Book One Vancouver
and Naomi's
Road opera, and then introduced Ramona Luengen, who
wrote the music for Naomi's Road opera. Ramona is the recipient of the
2004 Emerging Artist Grant from last
year's Vancouver Art Awards. The
Vancouver Opera
Touring Ensemble performed a duet from Naomi's Road.

Councillor Jim Green told the audience, prior to his introducing an award,
that the Kogawa Homestead was in
danger. He talked about the significance
of the One
Book One Vancouver program, Naomi's Road, and of Obasan...
and the importance of recognizing the
Japananese Canadian experience
in Vancouver.
And a little bird - who said to me "I didn't tell you this" told me that we could 
propose to buy the house
for $1, and have it moved, off the Marpole property.
The city has property all over town, we could ask to store it there or on a
private lot, until the time is
right to do something with the house. Which
could be
to find a private or city property to set it up on, or to integrate it
into a city park or other feature.
This latest suggestion is very timely as the City of Vancouver is planning 
a park in the Marpole area as a dedication and tribute to the remembrance
of the Japanese-Canadian Internment saga of Vancouver's history. The cherry
tree graft from the Kogawa homestead WILL be planted there. Imagine that
the Kogawa Homestead will be planted there too... What a wonderful home for
a storied house - featured in the books Obasan, and Naomi's Road.
This proposal is so wonderfully simple - it could be a win-win-win situation
for all involved.
1 - The home and property owner gets rid of the house, and builds a new 
single home on the property.

2 - The Committe gets to save the home, and create a new role for it for the
Arts community, on a new
park complete with cherry trees.
3 - The city of Vancouver, gets to preserve one of its historic and cultural
treasure and pay tribute and rememberance to a historically significant
time of its history.
So an important question is this... what is more important, keeping the house 
on the property... or
finding a way to have the house safe, but on a different
piece of property where iw would be safer.

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead.
Click on the white banner - this will forward you to an
on-line petition.
Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Kogawa Homestead threatened by Demolition Permit Application- same week as Joy Kogawa is celebrated throughout Vancouver

Kogawa Homestead threatened by Demolition Permit Application- same week as Joy Kogawa is celebrated throughout Vancouver

This week, notice was received that an inquiry for application for demolition was made to Vancouver City Hall by the owner of the Kogawa homestead.  It is a house celebrated by the award winning novel Obasan, and the childhood home of famed writer Joy Kogawa, who describes the house in both the novel Obasan and the children's story Naomi's Road.
Kogawa's reaction has been of shock and dispair, as she knew that efforts were being made to save the beloved cherry tree in the back yard which figures prominently in the novel. COPE mayoral candidate Jim Green is a founding member of the “Save the Kogawa Homestead” committee.

This is a weekend when Joy Kogawa is being celebrated all across Vancouver… at the Vancouver Public Library for One Book One Vancouver, at the ACWW Sep 24th dinnner for Rice Paper Magazine's 10th Anniversary Celebration, on Sunday for the Word on the Street Book and Magazine Fair, and next week for the Vancouver Opera Premiere for “Naomi's Road.”
A movement to buy the house, and to apply for heritage designation was aborted 2 years ago because of high costs to buy the house and resistance from the new owner to sell. The owner at the time said that she liked the house and did not intend to demolish it.

Now more than ever, it is important to preserve this house for the cultural heritage of Vancouver. There is not another house in Vancouver that is recognized for being confiscated during a dark time in Canada's history.

No other house in Vancouver could be turned into a bright spot on our cultural landscape as a writer's retreat, celebrating the work of a writer which has been called the most influential Canadian novel of the past 20 years. There is no other writer whose work helped fuel the Japanese-Canadian Redress movement, and has also received the Order of Canada.

In May, the Vancouver Public Library selected Obasan as the book chosen for all Vancouverites to read, as part of their award winning “city wide book club.” Earlier this summer, during One Book One Vancouver events Joy Kogawa held up a graft of the cherry tree that held such a revered place in the novel Obasan – studied by so many Canadians in high schools and universities across Canada. Both the novel and the homestead have a proven place in Vancouver’s literary history.

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.

Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

Special Dinner with Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre and Gim Wong celebrate Rice Paper Magazine's 10th Anniversary

Here's a wonderful evening soiree that everyone will enjoy.

Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop
publishes Rice Paper Magazine, and works hard to promote Asian Canadian
writers and developing writers.  I am a vice-president and helped
to found our Community Builder's Dinners.

Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre and Gim Wong
will be featured guests for
Rice Paper Magazine's 10th Anniversary Celebrations as part of the
continuing Asian Canadian Writer's Workshop Community Builder dinners.

September 24th
Saturday 6pm
Wild Ginger Restaurant (at Tinseltown)

Lots of good prizes including lots of books +
2 tickets to "Naomi's Road" opera premiere - donated by Vancouver Opera
2 tickets to "Turandot" opera - donated by Vancouver Opera
2 tickets to "Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns
Chinese New Year Dinner - donated by Todd Wong
"Chow: From China to Canada" - recipes and family stories
- donated by White Caps books
+ lots lots more

Joy Kogawa,
of course, is the writer of Obasan – this year's choice for the award
winning One Book One Vancouver program by the Vancouver Public
Library.  Her children's novel “Naomi's Road ” has been turned
into a touring opera by Vancouver Opera, and premieres in
October.  She is a member of the Order of Canada, as her work
highlighted the internment ordeal faced by Japanese Canadians during

Joy is a wonderful person, very concerned with peace and compassion for
all.  Her books have inspired many asian canadian writers, and
gave incredible support to the Redress  for Japanese Canadian
Internment camp survivors.

Gim Wong,
83 years old, rode his motorcycle to Ottawa and Montreal this summer to
draw attention for Chinese Head Tax Redress, and to try to meet with
Prime Minister Paul Martin. While the PM's office did not respond, Gim
did meet with NDP leader Jack Layton, and with Head Tax survivors and
descendents across the country.  Last year, Wong rode his motor
bike to Craigalllachie, site of the Last Spike for the Trans-Canada
rail road.  Gim has been part of the head tax redress campaign
since its 1983 inception.  He is a WW2 vet, enlisting in the
Canadian armed forces when Canadian born citizens of Chinese descent
weren't able to vote in the country of their birth.

Gim is a warm sweetheart of a man.  Compassionate about social
issues, and community.  He always has a big smile when I see
him.  Two years ago he was featured in the National Film Board
movie, “In the Shadow of Gold Mountain,” directed by Karen Cho.

SCOTT McINTYRE, co-found the Douglas & McIntyre 
Publishing Group where is he current President and CEO.
Douglas & McIntyre
has had a long-standing and continuing
commitment to publishing the voices of Asian Canadian
writers. In 1988, the company published Saltwater City: An
Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver, by Paul Yee
and followed up in 1991 with the first novel by a Chinese
Canadian in English, Disappearing Moon Cafe, by S.K.Y. Lee.

Douglas & McIntyre also published the first anthology of Chinese
-Canadian writing, fiction and poetry titled Many-mouthed Birds:
Contemporary Writing by Chinese Canadians, co-edited Jim
Wong-Chu. This was followed by The Jade Peony, by Wayson
Choy. It was the co-winner (with Margaret Atwood) of the Trillium
Book Award and the City of Vancouver Book Award. In 2002,
The Jade Peony was chosen as the inaugural title for the Vancouver
Public Library's "One Book, One Vancouver" reading program.

To get tickets - call me at 604-987-7124 or e-mail me at gunghaggis

or drop by the Rice Paper Magazine office or the ExplorAsian office.

For more information check

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Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation