Category Archives: Chinese events

LiterASIAN 2015 – Celebrating 20 Years of Asian Canadian Writing

literasian2015_Thursday October 8 to Sunday October 11, 2015 – LiterASIAN Festival is back!  The 3rd annual Asian Canadian literary festival celebrates the best of Pacific Rim Asian Canadian literary talent.   LiterASIAN 2015 features readings, workshops, panel discussions and book launches. Featuring some of the Asian Canadian writing’s most innovative and creative writers in fantasy, science, and speculative fiction, history, and poetry, LiterASIAN is for literary enthusiasts, publishers, literary agents, and anyone interested in writing.  This year’s line-up includes:

  • Eric Choi & Derwin Mak (co-editors of Aurora Award winning anthology The Dragon and the Star)
  • Christina Park (The Homes We Build on Ashes)
  • JF Garrard (The Undead Sorceress, Designing Fate, How to Make a Munchkin)
  • Wesley Lowe (Terror Unleashed, Heaven Burning, Deadly Love, Ghosts of Chinatown)
  • Shirley Camia (The Significance of Moths)
  • Holman Wang (Star Wars Epic Yarns: A New Hope)
  • Presentation of the Emerging Writers Award winner!

Interviews and photo opportunities are available.

Website for registration: | Contact:

Anyone Interested in Seeing Chinese Canadian Treasure?


Check out Larry Wong’s curation of the exhibition Bon Voyage / Bon Appétit: Menus from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company’s Ships, Trains, Planes, and Hotels is an exhibition that will be held from April 7 to December 24, 2014. Whether you prefer quick eats or fine dining, join us for an exhibition of eye-catching and mouth-watering Canadian Pacific Railway Company menus dating from the 1890s through the 1980s from the renowned Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection in the Rare Books & Special Collections of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Level One, 1961 E Mall, Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z1.

Guess Who’s Coming to Town? Linsanity at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival 2013

1Guess who’s coming to town?   Jeremy Lin’s Linsanity: The Movie, is joining a strong roster of movies at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival from Thursday November 7 to Sunday November 10,  2013 at Cineplex Odeon, International Village.  Directed by Evan Jackson Leong, Linsanity: the Movie is about the rags-to-riches story of Lin, following his college days to his struggling rookie campaign to finally stardom in the NBA.

Synopsis: In February 2012, stuck in the mire of a disappointing season, the New York Knicks did what no other NBA team had thought about doing—they gave an undrafted, third-string point guard from Harvard named Jeremy Lin an opportunity to prove himself. He took full advantage, scoring more points in his first five NBA starts than any other player in the modern era, and created a legitimate public frenzy in the process. Prior to this now-legendary run, Lin had faced adversity in his career with Salesforce at every turn. Despite leading Palo Alto High to a shock California State prep title, he received no scholarship offers from any major university. Then despite a standout collegiate career at Harvard, he was not drafted by any NBA team.  The rest is now history.

Linsanity: The Movie has already generated much buzz around the film circuit, including the Sundance Film Festival, South by Southwest Film Festival, CAAMFest Opening Night film, Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, American International Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival, and the Hong Kong International Film Festival.


Dim Sum Stories Author Larry Wong at literASIAN 2013

22Dim Sum Stories, evokes the Chinese-style of cuisine featuring many delectable dishes of dumplings and bite-sized morsels often socially tasted in Chinese restaurants in the mornings and late afternoons.  The Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop is producing the inaugural literASIAN: a Festival of Pacific Rim Asian Canadian Writing which will have Larry Wong as one of the featured authors at the opening reception on November 21 and closing dinner gala on November 24.  Larry will be giving a reading and author signing of Dim Sum Stories.

Dim Sum Stories: A Chinatown Childhood is Larry Wong’s memoirs, a nostalgic glimpse back at growing up in Vancouver’s Chinatown during the 1940s and ’50s, and paints the portrait of his family.

Larry’s father is a central part of Dim Sum Stories, where his journey began from a Chinese village to settling in Canada. The senior Wong’s story is much like those of other Chinese who immigrated to British Columbia during and following the gold rush. After setting up a shirt-tailoring store, he was able to save and borrow enough to bring his wife and children over.   This story of struggle and survival also inspired Larry’s most recent play Empress of Asiaperformed at the Firehall Arts Centre.

His interest in history has seen him serving on a number of heritage committees, and as a mentor, consultant and resource person for a number of writers and scholars. He has been acknowledged in Chinese Canadian history books such as Paul Yee’s Saltwater City and Wayson Choy’s books. One of his current activities is the popular feature, “Ask Larry” on the Chinese Canadian Historical Society website. Part of his research on Chinatown can be seen on display at 5 West Pender Street as well as the Chinese military museum in the Chinese Cultural Centre.  For more information, please visit: or

Gung Hay Fat Choy ~ GUNG HAGGIS FAT CHOY ~ Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy Lunar New Year to everybody!

Here is the Joy TV News video that is currently running on Joy TV – Check it out!  Thank you videographer Dean Atwal for checking out our celebratory event.

  1. JoytvNewsGung Haggis Fat Choy

    Vancouver is no stranger to fusion events. One of the most anticipated is the Scottish Chinese celebration of Gung Haggis Fat Gung Haggis Fat Choy. Dean Atwal joins in the fun…

    There are many similar traditions between Chinese New Year and Scottish Hogmanay:

    1) Both celebrate the beginning of a new calendar

    2) Both emphasize food with family and friends

    3) Both make lots of noise – Chinese set off firecrackers, and Scots set off cannons in the harbour

    4) Both suggest paying off all your debts before the New Year.

Chinese Canadian Stories and Japanese Canadian Tribute

I was really honoured to be part of the celebration of the Chinese Canadian Stories and the Japanese Canadian Students Tribute.   Despite a frigid, rainy evening, a large number of community friends and supporters joined in the celebration at the van der Linden Dining Hall at UBC St. John’s College.   Chinese Canadian Stories was a three-year project, that finally wrapped up earlier this year in September 2012.  A number of talented UBC students under the guidance of Professor Henry Yu took part in the creation of a fantastic website, mobile kiosk, video game, and oral histories of Chinese in Canada.

Dr. Yu presented the project to the packed dining hall of St. John’s College.

There were many people from the community who participated.  Here is the UBC table.

Here is Ken Yip, president of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia, myself (Allan Cho), and John Yu (Henry’s father and friend of the CCHS).

The Chinese Canadian Stories involved twenty-eight communities across Canada.  From Victoria, BC’s University of Victoria to St. John’s, Newfoundland’s Headtax Redress Organization (NLHRO).

Chinese Canadian Stories began as a small project of collecting oral histories from Vancouver’s Chinese community.   Some of these oral histories are still being captured as we speak, and can be viewed online on its YouTube channel.  In this picture John Yu (standing) speaks to Larry Wong on his left.  Also sitting at the table is Bill Wong and his wife Zoey, of Modernize Tailors – subject of the documentary film “Tailor Made: Chinatown’s Last Tailors”

The night also included a very special recognition to Mary Keiko Kitagawa, leader in effort to get UBC to award degrees to 76 Nisei whose educations were affected by internment in 1941.  It was Mary who had first contacted UBC about the idea of welcoming the students back to campus and honouring their place and coming to terms with past injustices of the forceful removal and then internment.

The evening was capped off with a special honorary degree presentation to Min Yatabe.  It a very appropriate tribute during Remembrance Day weekend — Min had fought for Canada in World War II.   Big thanks goes out to Al Yoshizawa, of the Chinese Canadian Stories project, for permission to use these images.

Prior to Chinese Canadian Stories, the Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies (INSTRCC) had already collected and promoted Asian Canadian Studies.  UBC has approved a new Asian Canadian Studies program, which will start in September 2013.

Reporting for Gung Haggis, this is Allan Cho