Category Archives: Library Strike

CUPE 391 Library Workers back to negotiations with a facilitator/mediator

CUPE 391 Library Workers back to negotiations with a facilitator/mediator

On Friday afternoon, the bargaining talks between CUPE 391 Vancouver City Library Workers and the City of Vancouver broke down.  They have called on facilitator to mediate between the two groups.

Latest information about the library strike situation on

My back is better, and I have brought my accordion back to the picket line on Saturday.  I found my book with the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” otherwise known as “John Brown's Body” or the music to the union song “Solidarity Forever.”

Friday was also a busy busy day, as the CUPE 391 “strike theatre troupe” came to visit Library Square, following our weekly Friday bbq.  It is a form of interactive street theatre used to present ideas in an entertaining way.  The organizer (?) asked members of the library workers to participate.  It was fun!

At our 3:30 crew talk, it was learned that the media blackout had been lifted, and that the city was now calling for mediators for CUPE 15 and CUPE 1004 talks, while a facilitator would be appointed for CUPE 391 talks.

The theatre troupe then changed plans.  A previous plan to go perform at the Art Gallery, was exchanged to go perform at the CBC.  I checked with them, to find out who they would approach at CBC, and volunteered to introduce them to some of my CBC contacts.  The group stood outside the CBC entrance on Cambie St, while I contacted the Newsroom.  Nervous security guards were wary of the picket signs (turned over blank), and reporters were anxious for information as they had just heard that talks had broken down and that mediators were being called in.

A CBC cameraman came down and met us, then filmed the theatre troupe at Library Square.

Sep 14 CUPE 15 Strike Theatre comes to Library Square

Sep 14 CUPE 15 Strike Theatre comes to…

Tuesday, Sep 11th was Haiku Day on the picket line.  Library workers wrote Haiku such as:

“Gazing in windows,
of the darkened library,

“Library Workers
are not as meek as you think

“Neglecting issues
Sam perched on city hall
Spin Dobrovolny”

Poets at the library: George McWhirter – Vancouver Poet Laureate coming tomorrow

Poets at the library:  George McWhirter – Vancouver Poet Laureate coming tomorrow

Today poet Rita Wong came to read at Library Square to our Vancouver library workers.  Yesterday, Fiona Tinwei Lam came to read from her book “Intimate Distances.”  And tomorrow…. Vancouver Poet Laureate George McWhirter is coming.

Fiona and Rita both expressed the sadness at the library being closed due to the strike, and extended empathy to the library workers.  Fiona introduced her sister Shona, who is a librarian at the Cancer Control Agency of BC.  Rita shared that when she worked at the Delta Museum, they were out on a long strike.

Rita started off reading a poem from her collection Monkey Puzzle, which was written during that time on strike.

Both Rita and Fiona were well received and our library worker audience supplemented with members of the public, were appreciative and listened well.

Tomorrow… George McWhirter, Vancouver poet laureate, comes to read.

“Let’s talk” in black and white

Aliza wrote this in the late afternoon:

Tomorrow is going to be action packed, so get ready!

Members can start their day by picking out a wardrobe that is black & white. This is the theme for the day.

In the morning, members are encouraged to make and wear signs that
will bring public attention to our website, where they can access the
full picture of who we are and why we are out here walking the lines,
in “black & white”.

At 11:00 AM there will be a fabulous puppet show, a fantasy tale about a farmer named Sam and how he learns to negotiate.

12.00 PM is another filling and fun BBQ.

1.00 PM Poet Laureate of the City of Vancouver George McWhirter
will be speaking to the members. He is the author of Queen of the Sea :
Poems, Catalan Poems, Eyes to See Otherwise. He is also professor
emeritus of the UBC Creative Writing Department where he was department
head from 1983 until 1993. On March 8, 2007, Prof. McWhirter was named
the inaugural Poet Laureate of the City of Vancouver – an honourary
two-year term. As a champion for poetry, language and the arts, he is
tasked to create a unique artistic legacy through public readings and
civic interactions.

1:30 PM– Members will be making a human wall around
the pillars of the library, then moving that wall out to the sidewalk.
This wall will then shift over to the North Plaza where, at 2:00 PM, our members will be spelling out a message to our employer and the City of Vancouver:

“Let’s Talk”

If you know anyone who works in the Federal Tower, let them know what a great photo opportunity this will be.

Finally, at 2:30 PM, everyone will be collecting on the South Plaza for “Grandeur on Georgia”, our daily “hello” to the citizens of Vancouver.

“Read-In” for literacy.

Saturday is World Literacy day. To celebrate CUPE 391 is having
another “Read-In” from 2:00 PM until 2:30 PM on the South Plaza. Bring
your favorite book and some family and friends, and sit down to enjoy
the printed page in honour of literacy.

Finally, another reminder about Saturday night and the great benefit
planned for our local. Details are available on our bargaining
resources page (see right) and our “Splash” page. Look for the bright
green icon.

Writers reading for Library Workers 1pm Wed, Thurs + beyond

Writers reading for Library Workers 1pm Wed, Thurs + beyond

Hi everybody.  Here are the newest authors and writers to come to my
reading series for library workers and the public, at Library Square. 
Past authors and writers have included Terry Glavin, Stand Persky,
Chuck Davis, Tom Sandborn, Daniel Gawthrop, Hiromi Goto and the World
Poetry collective.

Lined up this week are:

Wednesday, Sep 5th
Fiona Tinwei Lam
author of “Intimate Distance” poetry collection
finalist for the 2003 Vancouver Book Award
was born in Scotland of Chinese ancestry, and came to Canada at an
early age.  She has Her work has been published in The New Quarterly,
Descant, Event, Grain, The Malahat Review, Quarry, The Antigonish
Review, Contemporary Verse II, and Canadian Literature. Her poems have
also been anthologized in A Room at the Heart of Things (Vehicule, 1999), Swallowing Clouds, an anthology of Chinese Canadian poetry (Arsenal Pulp Press, 1999), and Vintage 2000 (Ronsdale 2000).  Her debut book of poetry, Intimate Distances explores childhood, family death, relationships and

Thursday, Sep 6th
Rita Wong
author of “Monkey Puzzle”
winner of the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop emerging artist award.
Rita is now an Assistant Professor in Critical and Cultural Studies at the Emily Carr Institute.
Her work investigates the intersections and relationships between
decolonization, social justice, gender, racialization, labour,
migration, and contemporary poetics.

(date to be confirmed)
George McWhirter??? (possible)
Author of Queen of the Sea :
Catalan Poems, Eyes to See Otherwise.  He is also professor emeritus of the UBC Creative Writing Department where he was department head from 1983 until 1993.  On March 8, 2007, Prof. McWhirter was named the inaugural Poet Laureate of the City of Vancouver – an
honourary two-year term, as a champion for poetry, language and the
arts, and create a unique artistic legacy through public readings and
civic interactions.

Georgia Straight: Todd Wong 30 year library employee interviewed

Georgia Straight: Todd Wong 30 year library employee interviewed

I arrived at the Library Square picket line just before noon today, as
I had spent the morning in a picket captains orientation meeting.  Some
of my co-workers were wondering if there had been a misprint in the
Georgia Straight because I couldn't possibly have worked in the library
for 30 years.  Todd couldn't be that old!

I explained that I had actually started working for the library in
uetero, while my mother was working in the library catalogue
department, before I was born.  Officially, I joined the Vancouver
Public Library staff when I was 15 years old, back in 1975.

Today, the Georgia Straight published a news story, Boss and union tell different tales,
about the library strike containing an interview with me and a picture
from my website.  The picture shows myself with fellow picket captain
Alexis Greenwood, smiling with city librarian Paul Whitney, while on
the picket line on Monday.  We have the friendliest picket line – we
don't try to block anybody.  I have known Paul for many many years…

Even though he is library management and our Union bargaining committee
has to talk tough with him and the library bargaining representatives,
I would prefer to get along with everybody.  We still have to go back
to work with management when the strike is over – the city negotiating
team doesn't.  Paul told me personally, “It's not about you and me,
there are bigger things at play.”

Hmmm… maybe this explains why our formal employer “Vancouver Public
Library Board” had an in-camera meeting last night but have been conspicuously absent from advocating for the library.  Many of the CUPE 391 picketers are now
sporting picket signs that say “Where is the Library Board?”

see Boss and union tell different tales – Georgia Straight

Boss and union tell different tales

News Features By Charlie Smith
Todd Wong, an accordion-playing library employee, picket captain Alexis Greenwood, and city librarian Paul Whitney remain on friendly terms.

Wong, an accordion-playing library employee, picket captain Alexis
Greenwood, and city librarian Paul Whitney remain on friendly terms.

Read the entire article: Boss and union tell different tales – Georgia Straight

Here are the interview bits from me:

Wong, a 30-year employee, told the Straight in a phone interview that
the closure of the library will mean that fewer Vancouver residents
will learn about the 100th anniversary of the anti-Asian riots in
Vancouver in September. (See page 15 for more information.) He said
that people can't check e-mail at the library and they don't have
access to ESL programs in many of the branches.

“At the end of
July, I noticed that the Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra had to
cancel one of their programs,” Wong said. “They do incredible work.”

a community and cultural activist, said public librarians are paid less
than their counterparts in the corporate and academic sectors, adding
that he can't understand why the City won't agree to mediation.
“Obviously, there seems to be a hidden agenda,” Wong claimed, noting
that the City has hired a public-relations company called the Wilcox
to handle communications during the strike.

“Library Square conceived of being a cultural heart of the city,” he added. “It
seems like City Management is trying to prolong the strike.”

said the union “booked out of mediation” in July when it served strike
notice. “The City is our primary funder, so it's logical we would be
consulting closely with them on the movements in our negotiations,” he
said. “And the issue around mediation, I'm assuming, would be discussed
in the context of all three city locals.”

Here are the interview bits CUPE President Alex Youngberg:

Alex Youngberg, president of CUPE Local 391, described Whitney's
comment as “insane” and “downright outrageous” in a phone interview
with the Straight. “He's not giving librarians a very good reputation
as far as math goes,” she added.

Youngberg claimed that the
union's last offer, including provisions for pay equity, would work out
to a 29.5-percent increase in wages and benefits over a nine-year
period if the city granted every aspect of the package. She said that
the union has “trimmed back” its request for benefits, and is only
seeking coverage for eye examinations, laser surgery, and composite
dental fillings because of problems associated with mercury fillings.

claimed that the city has already saved more than $1.4 million by not
paying unionized staff during the strike. That contrasts with only one
percent of payroll, or about $200,000 per year, that she said would be
allocated for pay equity. In addition, Youngberg emphasized that this
$200,000 per year would only be forthcoming if the union could prove
that female workers were not being paid the same as male city employees
for work of equal value.

“In Burnaby, their council was actually
in favour of them having pay equity and they urged the employer to
comply with giving…internal equity,” she said.

City Councillor Raymond Louie meets CUPE 391 library workers

City Councillor Raymond Louie meets CUPE 391 library workers

Picketers in Pink with Raymond
Nancy, Sherry, Jean,
Margaret + Randy

at the Aug 29,
Civic Strike rally at Vancouver City Hall – photo Todd Wong

It was a busy day at City Hall on Wednesday, Aug 29, as three civic unions marched from Science World to City Hall for a rally.

After the speeches were made, City Councillor Raymond Louie was seen talking to some of the city workers.  One of my library co-workers suggested giving Councillor Louie one of our “My Civil City has Pay Equity” buttons.  I walked over to Raymond, gave him a button, and offered to introduce him to CUPE 391 Vancouver Library workers, as I don't think he knew any of our library workers, nor was aware of the Vision-CUPE conspiracy that was earlier reported in the Georgia Straight: Vision using strike for political gain.

Raymond was pleased to be introduced, and shared that he was a union member with CEPUC, the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, as he had worked for the Pacific Press Group for many years, and also endured many strikes.

Some of our members asked Councillor Louie what he was doing to end the civic strike, as last week Louie had called for a mediator to help bring the unions and city back to the bargaining tables. At that press conferience Louie had said:

“Enough is enough, it's time for the
city and the union leaders to sit down with a mediator and get this
strike resolved,” said Councillor Louie

“We're asking the parties to agree to a mediator, as negotiations
seem to be heading in a negative direction and the duration of this
strike is unacceptable… 

“The buck stops with the mayor! He should be the one to make
the first move in terms of calling on a mediator.”

 – but the City had still not responded days after the call, while the unions have said they would welcome a mediator.  Louie also said that Mayor Sam Sullivan and the NPA caucus have been very locked into their thinking and difficult to budge.

Louie also asked me how important pay equity was to our union because it would be expensive.  I explained that entry level librarians in Toronto are making $7 more than entry level librarians in Vancouver, and that library salaries were far below academic wages at UBC,

“Our former Human Resources Director left for the business sector, and one of the HR assistants went with her!” I explained as I pointed out that the corporate sector pays more for similar positions.  Salaries for Vancouver Public Library employees have fallen behind for 30 years.  Our union would accept the Burnaby contract, because it has pay equity.  Can we please have the same contract as Burnaby?

Todd Wong with Raymond
at the Aug 29,
Civic Strike rally at Vancouver City Hall – photo Todd Wong

Aug 29 Rally to City Hall, Day 35 Library Strike

Aug 29 Rally to City Hall, Day 35…

see Labour relations strain under NPA reign – Vancouver Courier

see Vancouver's Library Strike: Women's Pay on the Line – The Tyee

see Boss and union tell different tales – Georgia Straight

Daniel Gawthrop, author and CUPE National worker, speaks and reads to Vancouver Library workers

Daniel Gawthrop, author and CUPE National worker, speaks and reads to Vancouver Library workers

Daniel Gawthrop (Rice Queen Diaries, Highwire Act: Power, Pragmatism
and the Harcourt Legacy, Affirmation: The AIDS Odyssey of Dr. Peter)
and also a CUPE national worker, comes to read at the Library Square to
library workers.

Daniel talked to the Vancouver Library workers about how important their jobs are to the community, especially when it comes to promoting and supporting writers.  He complimented the reading events put on by VPL, and said that “No matter if you are a major figure like Alice Munro or Margaret Atwood, or little me… everybody gets the same poster!”

He also gave words of support to the striking library workers, telling them to hold tight, speak their truth, and get their message out.  He criticized the city of Vancouver's use of the Wilcox Group PR firm, to create a media spin on the labour dispute, instead of using their resources to manage a resolution.  He praised the creativity of the CUPE 391 library workers in getting their message out and getting recent media attention:

see: Globe & Mail: Library workers picket with pizzazz
see video: “Grandeur on Georgia”  Wilcox Group vs Pay Equity
see video: “Pay Equity – Recipe for Disaster”

Daniel Gawthrop then told the assembled library workers that he had brought a number of short articles to read from and offered them a choice:  a story about The Curse of Leni Riefenstahl, the killing of Theo Van Gogh, an article about post 9-11, an article about 9-11 in Thailand… but the winning vote was for an debut reading for a soon-to-be-published story titled “Marriage: Why I took the plunge.”  It was an entertaining and enlightening story about gay marriage, and the social impact of it both personally and culturally to somebody who had said that he would never get married.

Check out pictures of Daniel Gawthrop reading at Library Square:
Aug 27 CUPE 391, Daniel Gawthrop comes to read


Paul Whitney, city librarian stopped briefly by the picket line to say hello.  Okay, Paul is management and the union doesn't like some of the things he has said to the media.  I have known Paul for over 20 years, mostly by association, but he's always been a nice guy and supportive of some of the events I have organized.  He's probably caught between a rock and a hard place as the City negotiates with our Union… so in his own way, he's walking the line.

IMG_2414IMG_2415Paul Whitney, City Librarian, with picket captain Alexis Greenwood and library employee/accordionist Todd Wong

Tom Hansen, retired library finances officer, union rep and former VPL board member also came by.  But Tom was not diplomatic in his criticism of the city's handling of the civic strikes.  Tom congratulated on us going on strike to stand up for what we believe in, and to tell city hall what we think.  He told me that the city is saving a big whack of money every week we are on strike.  “$1 million dollars every two weeks,” he told me.  Hmmm… so much for the library's motto ”
Inspiration through information. Access for all.

IMG_2419IMG_2420 Tom Hansen, retired library worker, former union organizer and former VPL board member comes to give support.

Author Stan Persky speaks to library workers because his books are “locked up” during the strike

Author Stan Persky speaks to library workers because his books are “locked up” during the strike

Stan Persky, spoke to Vancouver city library workers on Friday August 24th.  He told his audience of picketers, lunch time loungers, and visitors to Vancouver that he came to speak at the library because his “books are locked up.”  Stan read from his latest book Autobiography of a Tatoo.

BC Book Prize winning author of  The Short Version: An ABC Book, was one of my political activist
role models and College instructors.  I was taking his classes in
Political Science at Capilano College when the Solidarity movement was
happening, and I was a member of the Capilano Courier student newspaper
collective.  He has written many books such as Then We Take Berlin, Son of Socred, Bennet II, and Buddy's.

Stan is no stranger to strike or bargaining action.  He was a member of CUPE while working up north, and he was the original editor of the “Solitarity Times” during the BC Solidarity movement of the 1980's.   He has also author a book about the Polish Solidarity
movement titled “At the Lenin Shipyard” and the “Solidarity Sourcebook

CUPE 391 president Alex Youngberg is surrounded by media as she speaks to Vancouver library workers.  Alex told us that with recent positive and understanding articles and columns about library worker issues, she feels that the tide is turning.  She cited the recent Globe & Mail article “library workers picket with pizzazz” and Don Cayo's column in the Vancouver Sun.

Daniel Gowthrop will speaks today on Monday, August 27th.
Gawthrop is the author of Affirmation : The AIDS Odyssey of Dr. Peter, Highwire Act : Power, Pragmatism and the Harcourt Legacy, The Rice Queen Diaries and also Vanishing Halo: Saving the
Boreal Forest
.  Daniel also works in the CUPE national office.  Hmmm… what a coincidence.

More pictures at: Todd Wong's Flickr site

For more information on the Vancouver Library workers strike:

Check out

Vancouver authors, writers and poets come to Library Square to address striking Vancouver library workers

Vancouver authors, writers and poets come to Library Square to address striking Vancouver library workers

for Library Workers”
1 pm reading/speaking program
South Plaza of Library Square
Robson and Homer St.

I have only made this program up
this past week…

Terry Glavin was our first speaker, on Tuesday August 14th.  Terry addressed pay equity issues, his life experience with strikes and the importance of libraries… and how he had planned to do some research at the library – but couldn't because we were on strike.

Tom Sandborn speaks to CUPE 391, Randy, Tom, Alexis and Peter – photo Todd Wong

Tom Sandborn was our 2nd speaker a week later on Tuesday, August 21st.  It was very timely because Tom had just written a piece on CUPE 391's call for pay equity, in The Tyee.  Vancouver's Library Strike: Women's Pay on the Line

Tom spoke about the importance of pay equity and how it works.  He compared the Vancouver library to other comparative systems.  He also spoke about how the media works and how it is important for Vancouver library workers to keep their support strong and write letters to get their views across, and ensure that correct information and perspectives about their contract struggles are presented.

joked that if the library workers settle before next Wednesday, it will
ruin his column for the Vancouver Courier.  After speaking to CUPE 391
library workers, he took some pictures of us waving at cars on Georgia
Street, then he reappeared on his bicycle waving to us… and everybody
yelled “Thank you Tom!”

The World Poets wrote original poems and read them to the audience, (l-r) Jan, ??, Alejandro and Ariadne – photo Todd Wong

The World Poetry Society presented poems specifically written for the Vancouver library workers on Wednesday.  Ariadne Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica Olea have organized World Poetry Nights at the Vancouver Public Library for over 5 years usually on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month.  Ariadne was one of the first people I called to come speak/read to Vancouver Library workers, as their group is one of many small community organizations that rely on VPL for a venue and adverstising of their events.

The World Poets received heart-felt and appreciative applause from their library worker audience.  Ariadne's poem mentioned many of the library workers whom she specifically works with in setting up a World Poetry event at the library.  Barbara who does the bookings, Adrienne who does the posters, Paul who presents ideas… It was a very touching tribute.  Alejandro closed it up with a passionate fiery speech that implored library workers to stand up for the issues they believe in and not to back down… “because you deserve it!” he cried out.

Ellen Woodsworth gives words of support to CUPE 391, while strike leader Peter DeGroot holds Ellen's bicycle – photo Todd Wong

Ellen Woodsworth, former COPE city councillor, gave words of support to the striking city library workers.  I got to know Ellen through her assistance with the Joy Kogawa House campaign and we became supportive friends.  Woodsworth encouraged library workers to stay visible, and keep up their campaign – because they are winning public sympathy and public opinon.  She urged the library workers to write to city councillors and to newspapers to ensure that their views were included and that correct information was being presented.

Chuck Davis speaks through the make-shift PA system that is Todd Wong's boom-box – photo Todd Wong

Chuck Davis spoke today.  He opened talking about the second most stolen book in VPL history, his self-penned reference book The Vancouver Book.  He told many funny anecdotes including phoning up the Vancouver Public Library to ask when the first traffic light was installed.  “Well… according to the Vancouver Book… it was…” came back the answer.

Chuck told some fascinating stories about how Vancouver history has been recorded, researched and recycled.  The library plays an important part of that as a cultural and historical storehouse of information and archives, he told the listening audience.  We also joked about how the first strike in CUPE 391's 77 year history will have to go onto Chuck's website:

Stan Persky, is coming on Friday August 24th.
The BC Book Prize winning author of  The Short Version: An ABC Book will speak on  Friday, August 24th.  Stan was one of my political activist role models and College instructors.  I
was taking his classes in Political Science at Capilano College when
the Solidarity movement was happening, and I was a member of the
Capilano Courier student newspaper collective.  He has also author a book about the Polish Solidarity movement titled “At
the Lenin Shipyard” and the “Solidarity Sourcebook”

Daniel Gowthrop will speak next week on Monday, August 27th.
Gawthrop is the author of Affirmation : The AIDS Odyssey of Dr. Peter, Highwire Act : Power, Pragmatism and the Harcourt Legacy, The Rice Queen Diaries
and also Vanishing Halo: Saving the Boreal Forest.  Daniel also works in the CUPE national office.  Hmmm… what a coincidence!

Globe & Mail: Library workers picket with pizzazz – Todd Wong interviewed with accordion!

Globe & Mail: Library workers picket with pizzazz
– Todd Wong interviewed with accordion!

Library workers picket with pizzazz – Globe & Mail story by Laura Drake

It seemed like an interesting angle to story about the Vancouver civic strike.  Why are Vancouver Library workers so cheerful with high morale on their first picket line in their CUPE 391 Union's first strike in 77 years?

“We are creative, literate, entrepreneurial, child-friendly and community oriented people,” I told G&M reporter Laura Drake.  She had heard about my accordion playing on the picket line and had found my blog reports and pictures on 

“Writer Tom Sandborn spoke to us yesterday, Terry Glavin last week, and today the World Poetry Society is coming to address our library workers.”

They wanted a picture of me playing accordion, and I immediately suggested that videographer/library worker James Gemmill should be in the picture too.  James videoed me playing some songs… just like he did when he has created some of his videos of library workers on the picket line – which can be seen on

Today we have author/historia Chuck Davis coming, and Stan Persky on Friday.  Chuck  Davis's “The Vancouver Book” was the second most stolen book in Vancouver Public Library history.  Persky was the original editor of Solidarity Times during the BC Solidarity movement.  He also wrote books on the Polish Solidarity movement.  Daniel Gawthrop, author of the Rice King Diaries, will be reading/speaking on Monday.

James Gemmill, Globe & Mail reporter Laura Drake, G&M photographer Laura Leyshon and Todd Wong – pose after Leyshon took pictures of James videoing Todd. – photo T.Wong collection.

Ross Bliss and Todd Wong – gypsy jazz guitar + classical concert accordion = fun

Check out the G&M story below:


Library workers picket with pizzazz

One worker keeps up spirits by playing the accordion;
others knit, practise tai chi and answer community reference queries on

VANCOUVER — The song Happy Together
was not meant to be played on the accordion, nor is it traditionally
considered a union protest song, but as striking Vancouver library
worker Todd Wong pumped out the tune yesterday for fellow picketers
yesterday in Library Square, it was a little bit of both.

“People thank me because they enjoy the music and it creates a
wonderful ambience,” said the library assistant, who had his picture
snapped by fellow strikers and tourists alike.

A 30-year veteran of both the accordion and the Vancouver Public
Library, Mr. Wong is just one example of the artistic temperament that
has decidedly flavoured the library workers' strike.

Today marks the start of the fifth week of the first strike ever in
Vancouver's library union history. The smallest of the Vancouver unions
currently on strike, CUPE 391's 800 members have taken a unique
approach to walking the picket lines – one that involves very little
walking and more knitting, reading, singing, barbecuing, listening to
lectures and practising tai chi.

Mr. Wong admits he's been slack with his performance schedule –
mostly because he's been busy organizing for poets, choirs and authors
to come entertain the striking workers.

“People are more than willing to come and perform for our picketers.
They have an appreciative audience that's cultural and literate,” Mr.
Wong said.

And just like the weekly Friday barbecues and daily tai chi in the
mornings led by librarian Tim Firth, the presentations are open to all.

“We do this because we want to continually engage with the community,” said Peter DeGroot, CUPE 391's job action co-ordinator.

“We feel compassionate and proud about the work that we do and we
can't just stop reaching out and being involved with the community.”

Many of the striking library workers have been answering questions
on the line that they would usually answer at reference desks, using
wireless laptops and cellphones to help confused passersby.

“It's very difficult to take the library out of the library worker,” laughed CUPE 391 president Alex Youngberg.

Ms. Youngberg pointed out that librarians and those who work with
them are generally of an artistic temperament, something that has
become evident during the strike. For example, she said, striking
workers have knit more than 80 hats, which are being sold for charity
or will be donated to Downtown Eastside residents.

“People who work for the library are a very creative, eclectic
bunch,” said Mount Pleasant children's librarian D'Arcy Stainton. “We
have all these creative people coming up with all of these things.
Every day on the picket line is different.”

Mr. Stainton and James Gemmill, another library worker, have created
a series of black-and-white videos posted on the union's website. While
Mr. Gemmill's videos serve as artistic depictions of life on the picket
line, Mr. Stainton's videos are humorous send-ups of the city's
position on key union issues, set to Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries and narrated in an old-time newscaster voice.

While the videos serve as a creative outlet and a morale booster for
other library workers, they also allow Mr. Stainton to show his support
for the issues that are keeping the library workers on strike, such as
pay equity.

“I spent five years as a single dad working in a female dominated
profession and it's hard when you look around and see other city
employees with master's degrees making $20,000 more than you,” he said.

Most of Mr. Stainton's cohorts are equally as devoted to achieving
pay-equity language in their collective agreement, something Mr. Wong
said they've been seeking for 30 years. At a recent union rally, the
library workers were by far the rowdiest bunch in the crowd, giving Ms.
Youngberg louder support than any other speaker.

“That spirit is still there,” Ms. Youngberg said yesterday. “This is
their first strike, and I wasn't sure how they would feel about it four
weeks in, but if anything, they seem to be more passionate.”