Category Archives: Joy Kogawa & Kogawa House


NEWS RELEASE                   



The Land Conservancy of British Columbia announced today that it is
moving forward with the purchase of the historic Joy Kogawa House and
will prevent its demolition.

“While we still need
to raise more funds to purchase and operate the house, our ‘option to
purchase’ expires this weekend,” explained
TLC Executive Director Bill Turner. “We are out of time. So TLC
has decided to step forward, and take out a mortgage if necessary, to
make sure that this important piece of our country’s heritage will not
be lost.”

Turner said that by exercising the option to purchase, it will put the future of Kogawa House under the control of TLC
and the community. This, in effect, will take away the threat of
imminent redevelopment.  The house had been the subject of a
development proposal, and a demolition permit had been requested.  The
City of Vancouver put that request on hold for three months in order to
TLC and the Save Kogawa House Committee the time to raise funds to purchase the property.

To date $230,000 has been raised from over 500 donors. TLC
needs $700,000 specifically to purchase the house and is seeking a
total of $1.25 million which includes funds for restoration and for an
endowment to allow the house to be used both as an educational site
addressing the issue of the internment of Canadians of Japanese
heritage during the Second World War and as a site for a
‘Writers-in-Residence’ program.

“We are confident
that, given enough time, we will be able to raise the necessary funds
for this project.  We have requests in to the City of Vancouver and to
the Government of Canada, as well as to many other potential donors,
and we remain optimistic that their support for this important project
will be forthcoming. In the meantime,
TLC is prepared to take on the risk and protect the site.”

Noted Canadian
Author Joy Kogawa was overwhelmed when told the news that her childhood
home would not be demolished. “Words can’t express how much this means
to me,” she said. “This is definitely a miracle. What a wonderful new

Turner said that TLC
would be exercising the option to purchase (i.e. making the legal
commitment) this weekend, and that the purchase will close at the end
of May. During that time,
needs to call on everyone who wants to help protect this important part
of our heritage to make their donation as soon as possible. Donations
can be made to
TLC at (604) 733-2313 or online at


For further information:

TLC:    Bill Turner (250) 213-1090;

Heather Skydt (604) 733-2313;

Save Kogawa House Committee:    Ann-Marie Metten (604) 263-6586;  

Todd Wong, (604) 987-7124;

KOGAWA HOUSE is being SAVED! It's REALLY happening! The Land Conservancy will purchase Kogawa House to create a Writing Centre.

HOUSE is being SAVED!  It's REALLY happening!  The Land
Conservancy will purchase Kogawa House to create a Writing Centre.

It's TRUE!  It really is going to happen!

The Land Conservancy is moving forward to exercise their option to purchase Kogawa House from the owner.

Lots of happy people around the world… now to make it REALLY HAPPENING!

The Metro News called me yesterday for a comment
for a story.

Reporter Tia Able said that Bill Turner had just told her
“We're buying the house – no matter what.  It's going to happen.”

I asked her. “Did he really say that? 

also asked why the purchase of the house was so important to me.

Obasan was the first Asian-Canadian book that made it okay for us to tell our
stories,” I explained that “as an 5th generation Chinese-Canadian, I know how
hard it was for my parents, my grand parents and my great-grandparents to find
acceptance in this country.  It was the same for the Japanese Canadians –
moreso because of the internment.

“Establishing Kogawa House as a
historical landmark for all Canadians means that we have gained acceptance and
are important.  Saving Joy Kogawa's childhoom home to share with all
Canadians is like Pierre Berton House, in the Yukon, or George Ryga's home in
the Okanagan or Emily Carr's home in Victoria.

“We can have a physical
place that says here was a home where Joy Kogawa lived as a child, until she was
interned.  It is a physical place like the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam,
or Anne of Green Gables Cottage in PEI, where people can say “This is where she
lived and played.” 

“Thousands of people visit Anne of Green Gables
Cottage, but she was fictional.  Joy Kogawa is real, Anne Frank was
real.  We need a place where we can say that racism can never do this

Bill Turner sent me an e-mail with the following:

“Yes I really said that.

“Heather and Joy will be doing a lot of media work this
morning.    They are taking the 7am ferry from Victoria to
Vancouver and going immediately to CTV where Joy will go on camera at

“Joy will then go to CBC TV for
an update filming to the segment they will show on the National
tonight.   I believe that around mid day the media release will go

“Last night's event at Chapters in Victoria was
packed.  It was a small venue but there were a lot of people
standing.   It was an emotional and exciting event and well worth
doing.   At that event I said again that this is going to happen that
today (Friday) we will be announcing that we are moving ahead with the purchase
and will borrow whatever necessary to make it happen.  

“Of course we
have to work hard to raise the rest of the money and in particular to pay off
the mortgage.” 

far $230,000 has been raised in a short fundraising campaign.  A
total of $700,000 is needed to purchase the house outright.  Next
steps will be fundraising for restoration of the house, and to create
an endowment for the continued running of the Joy Kogawa Writing Centre.

Joy of Canadian Words: April 25th fundraiser for Kogawa House – Actors read Canadian Literary works to Astound!


Joy of Canadian Words: April 25th fundraiser for Kogawa House – Actors read Canadian Literary works to Astound!


April 25th, 2006

Christ Church Cathedral
Georgia and Burrard

A beaming Joy Kogawa stands between
the evening's co-hosts Todd Wong (Save Kogawa House committee) and Bill
Turner (The Land Conservancy), following a magical evening of reading
performances – photo Deb Martin

audience listened attentively to literary interpretations of how Coyote
played a role in the Japanese internment and confiscation of property,
as written through the comical lens of Thomas King.  The short
story “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens” was read by Chief Rhonda Larrabee
of the Qayqayt First Nations.  It is painted a funny but ugly
truth about how Canadians of Japanese descent were deprived of basic
citizenship rights, and had their property confiscated for no reason
other than possessing Japanese ancestry, even if they were 3rd
generation Canadian.  The trickster figure of Coyote is used to
create a metaphor for mischief, as the BC and Canadian government found
reasons based on racism, to move the Japanese out of Canada, and keep
them from reclaiming their wrongfully confiscated property, homes and
fishing boats.

event was to raise money and awareness about the house that author Joy
Kogawa grew up in.  When she was 6 years old, her family was
forced from the only home she had ever known and forced to live in what
she described as shacks for the next 30 years.  The family was
interned in Slocan, than sent to work beet farms in Alberta, “to work
for nothing and prove their loyalty to Canada,” as Coyote said in the
Thomas King story.

and cultural celebrities were invited to read some of
Canada's most important literary works. Obasan and some of the works
read such as Anne of Green Gables are listed on the recent Literary
Review of Canada's 100 Most Important Canadian Books Ever
Written.  Authors such as Thomas King and Leonard Cohen were also
presented, to create a short but incredibly rich and diverse samplng of
Canadian literary riches.


Bill Turner, co-host for the evening, executive director of The Land Conservancy – photo Deb Martin

Bill Turner,
executive director of The Land Conservancy of BC, opened up the evening
explaining how the Land Conservancy became involved  in 
leading the fundraising to turn Kogawa's child hood home into a
literary and historic land mark for Vancouver.  “It is much more
than a house,” stated Turner citing the importance and role of Kogawa
House in the literary works of Obasan and Naomi's Road, “It is a symbol
of what we can create for society, to ensure that such racism never
happens again.”


Sheryl Mackay, reads from Anne of Green Gables – photo Deb Martin

Sheryl Mackay, host of CBC Radio's weekend program “North By Northwest”
read from Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery.  McKay is
a native Prince Edward Islander, and told of many people who go to
visit “Anne of Green Gables House” telling themselves “This is where
she slept.”  McKay secretly commented to the audience “She isn't
real – she's just a work of fiction.”  McKay also pointed out that
Kogawa House is real, and that Joy Kogawa actually slept in the
bedrooms of Kogawa House, and it would be wonderful to save the house
for generations to visit.

Joy Coghill read from Emily Carr's “Klee Wyck” – photo Deb Martin

Joy Coghill, esteemed and legendary actor
read from Emily Carr’s “Klee Wyck,” a collection of sketches about
Carr's experience with First Nations peoples.  The book had won
the Governor General's prize for non-fiction
Coghill was amazing to watch.  The timing and
delivery was breathtaking as she read from Emily Carr's
“Klee-wyck.”  As I watched, I knew that we had really hit the
jackpot when we decided to ask actors to choose a book to read.

Doris Chilcott read poems by Alden Nowlan – photo Deb Martin

3rd up was actor Doris Chilcott, again amazing to watch as the actor's
craft of presentation and speaking unfolded.  Doris read three Alden
Nowlan poems, a gifted writer who served many writers in residence
programs across the country.

Leora Cashe lifts the musical mood with Leonard Cohen's “Dance Me to the End of Love” with Jay Krebs on piano – photo Deb Martin

Next up to hit a home run, was gospel jazz singer Leora Cashe.  How
could she not hit a home run while singing Leonard Cohen's song “Dance
Me to the End of Love.”  Definitely a winner.

Rhonda Larrabee, Chief of Qayqayt First Nations, reads “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens” by Thomas King – photo Deb Martin

Chief Rhonda
Larrabee hit another home run, with the insightful and wickedly ironic
and humourous Thomas King story titled “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens”? 
Imagine the trickster figure of Coyote behind the internment of
Japanese Canadians and the confiscation of their property.  It all
sounds like a bad dream, and King makes it so!

Bill Dow reads Aron Buchkowsky's “The Promised Land” – photo Deb Martin

I introduced
actor Bill Dow, as having recently performed in the play The Diary of
Anne Frank, relating how the House of Anne Frank is a major tourist
attraction in Amsterdam, and how Kogawa House could be that for
Vancouver. Tourist and people making pilgramages could say to each
other “This is the house that Joy was taken away from.”

Bill gave a dramatic reading of Aron Buchkowsky's “The
Promised Land.”

I pointed out that Buchowsky, Leora Cashe and Joy Kogawa all had
fathers who were ministers.  Rhonda Larrabee's great grandfather had
been a minister.

Maiko Yamamoto, Manami Hara, Bill Dow and Hiro Kanagawa read Dorothy Livesay's “Call My People Home” – photo Deb Martin.

Bill next invited to the stage actors, Hiro
Kanagawa, Maiko Yamamoto and Manami Hara to read Dorothy Livesay's
radio documentary poem “Call My People Home.” Written in 1949, it is
one of the first written pieces to criticize the internment of Japanese
Canadians.  It was a magical group reading, as the voices took
turns speaking alone or in unison, each giving voice to different
aspects of the internment and the dispersal of Japanese Canadians, away
from their homes on the BC West coast.

Marion Quednau spoke about the cultural importance for saving Kogawa House – photo Deb Martin

Marion Quednau of the Writer's Union of Canada,
gave a spirited explanation about why Kogawa House is an important
landmark for all Canadians, by telling the story of how she convinced
the city council of Mission to support Kogawa House, by explaining the
historical Japanese connections in the Fraser Valley.


Joy Kogawa was thrilled with both the audience and the evening's performances – photo Deb Martin

I was
privileged to introduce Joy Kogawa, and held up the program asking
everybody to look at the cover picture of Richmond school children with
a smiling white haired lady raising her arms in happiness.  “That's Joy
Kogawa…” and I shared some of Joy's accomplishments.

Joy stood at the podium, and stated simply, “This is wonderful…. how
could you ask for anything more.” She thanked members of The Land
Conservancy and the Save Kogawa House committee for helping bring a
dream closer to reality.  “I believe in miracles, and these people are
miracles,” she shared,

Joy then read from the prologue of
Obasan, then a section describing the house.  She then read from a
section she had never read from before.  It was about the process of
how the Canadian government had voted to keep the Japanese Canadians
interned up to 1947, and decided to continually exclude them from
resettling on the Pacific Coast.  It was all decidely heart-breaking
and apalling to learn that this was the Canadian government's doing.

Bill Turner came back and explained how the audience could help support the vision of Kogawa House. 

It was a wonderful evening.  An evening where there were friendly
smiles on everybody's faces.  Strangers greeted strangers.  And books
were bought and signed.  A six year old girl named Ashashi proudly
showed me the copy of Obasan that Joy had signed for her.

Then on the evening CTV news… we saw Bill Turner interviewed at our
event, as he made his plea for Canadians to support the Kogawa House

Cheers, Todd

To donate for Save Kogawa House – check out

For more information – check

Highlights for “Joy of Canadian Words” – fundraiser event for “Save Kogawa House”

Highlights for

“Joy of Canadian Words”

– fundraiser event for

“Save Kogawa House”



April 25th, 2006

Christ Church Cathedral

Georgia and Burrard

have invited actors and cultural celebrities to help us read some of
Canada's most important literary works. We started with the Literary
Review of Canada's 100 Greatest Canadian Books Ever Written, which
included Obasan and we allowed the presenters to find what moved them.

Introduction by Bill Turner
The Land Conservancy of BC

Sheryl McKay, CBC Radio Host of “North By Northwest”
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery

Joy Coghill, actor

Emily Carr’s “Klee
Wyck” and P. K. Page’s “Planet Earth”

Doris Chilcott, actor

Alden Nowlan poems

Leora Cashe, jazz gospel singer
songs by Leonard Cohen

Rhonda Larrabee, chief of the Qayqayt
First Nations

“Coyote and the Enemy Aliens” by Thomas King:

Bill Dow, actor
Promised Land”
by Aron Buchkowsky,

Bill Dow, Manami Hara, Hiro Katagawa,
Maiko Yamamoto (actors)
“Call My People Home”by Dorothy Livesay (radio documentary poem)

Marion Quednau of the Writers’
Union of
    The significance of Kogawa House

Joy Kogawa

promises to be an incredible event.  All the pieces just fell into
place.  The actors have found some incredible moving literary

Sheryl McKay starts things off with “Ann of Green
Gables” a beloved Canadian institution with contemporary parallels to
Joy Kogawa's “Naomi's Road” in that an opera has now been written and
performed, and like Anne's House in PEI, people are now making
pilgramages to Kogawa House.

Joy Coghill is a treasured actor
and arts advocate.  By choosing to read Emily Carr's Klee-wyck,
Joy has found a parallel in that Emily Carr's childhood home has been
turned into a heritage site.  Hopefully Kogawa House will be the

Doris Chilcott has chosen to read some poems by Alden
Nowlan, who had been a writer-in-residence at many places throughout
Canada.  We hope to create a Writers-in-Residence program for Kogawa House.

Dorothy Livesay wrote “Call My People Home”, for a CBC radio documentary that critized the internment and dispersal of Japanese Canadians in 1949.  This will be read by actors Bill Dow, Manami Hara, Hiro Katagawa,
Maiko Yamamoto

King wrote an incredible short story about the mythical Coyote playing
havoc with the internment of Japanese Canadians and the confiscation of
their property in “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens.”

Leore Cashe is
an incredibly gifted jazz and gospel singer. She has picked two songs
by Leonard Cohen to perform.  “Hallelujah” and “Dance Me to the
End of Love”

And then there is Joy….

Joy of Words, An Evening of Readings and Music for Kogawa House, April 25th



What:   The Joy of Words, An Evening of Readings and Music
with Award-Winning Canadian Author Joy Kogawa

When:   Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Time:   7:30 to 9:00 pm

Where:  Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard Street, Vancouver

Price:  Admission by donation


TLC The Land Conservancy of British
Columbia is pleased to host an evening of readings and music with
internationally recognized author Joy Kogawa on Tuesday, April 25, from 7:30 to
9:00 pm. Kogawa will read from her first novel,
Obasan, recently re-released as a
Penguin Classic and listed as one of the “100 Most Important Canadian Books
Ever Written” in The Literary Review of
in November 2005. Along with Joy, special celebrity guests will read
their favourite selections from the list.

Kogawa’s Obasan, published in 1981, describes
through the eyes of a young girl the life of her family before, during and
after the Japanese Canadian internment in 1942 and features Kogawa’s childhood
home. The struggle of the Japanese Canadian community for justice culminating
in the 1988 redress settlement is the subject of
Emily Kato.

Over the years, Kogawa's
childhood home has become a symbol of lost hope and happiness and a central
image in her writings. Located in the Marpole neighbourhood of Vancouver, the
historic Joy Kogawa House is now threatened with demolition.

This event is part of TLC’s fundraising campaign to save
the house as a cultural landmark for all Canadians. Once protected, the house
will be a used as a writing retreat, enabling new writers to create works
focusing on human rights issues. It will also be open for public and school
tours to
educate people about
the Japanese Canadian experience during World War II

Joy Kogawa reading tonight for Canadian Authors Association, at Alliance for the Arts Building

Joy Kogawa Reading Tonight for Canadian Authors Association

– at Alliance for the Arts Building

see below from the Canadian Authors Association website

Wednesday – April 12,

Healing Words: a Reading and Talk

Joy Kogawa, a member of the Order of Canada, is a prize
winning novelist
and poet living in Vancouver. Her first novel, Obasan (1981) won the
annual novel prize for Canadian Authors Association, and First Novel Award from
Books in Canada. She has also written Iksuka (1992), The Rain Ascends
(1995), and Naomi's Road for children. Her four poetry books include Woman in

She has been active with the BC Heritage Foundation to save the demolition
of her childhood home on 64th West Avenue. in Vancouver.  This would be a
memorial to Japanese-Canadian citizens who lost much in WW II by being sent
to interment camps.  Writers across Canada are working and donating ” to
preserve the house and convert it to  public use as a retreat for writers of
conscience whose work focuses on healing and reconciliation.”

Admission is free for members, $10 for non-members.

Author speaks as the guest of the Canadian Authors Association. April 12, 7 pm, Alliance for the Arts (938 Howe). Admission $10, info 604-948-2654.

The doors open at 6:45 p.m. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and include Vancouver
Branch announcements and guest speakers (or events). There will be time for socializing
(and book signing) at the end of the evening.

Rafe Mair's Family Secret – his connection with Japanese Canadians

Rafe Mair's Family Secret

– his connection with Japanese Canadians

all have family and personal secrets.  Things we would rather not
share with strangers.  But they also help define the kinds of
people that we become.  Rafe Mair, the tough talking right wing
media commentator who served as a cabinet minister in the former Social
Credit provincial governments has recently written to very revealing
articles about his personal connections with the internment of
Japanese-Canadians.  I admire him for his stance and the courage
to make these articles public knowledge.

Rafe Mair was the first
person who ever interviewed me on radio.  It was in May 1993, and
I had just recieved the Simon Fraser University Terry Fox Gold
Medal.  Rafe Mair had a reputation for being a very tough
interviewer.  But with me he was very gentle. He has a soft side,
and he shared with me his stories of meeting Terry Fox and Rick

Many years later, I heard him speak about the
challenges he faces going through depression.  I was going through
depression at that time too.  The doctors told me it was normal
after cancer survival, to have post-traumatic depression.  A few
years ago, I had the opportunity to thank him personally for speaking
openly and candidly on his radio show about his depression.

Rafe Mair wrote a letter of support
for the Save Kogawa House campaign last week.  In this letter he
revealed that his personal reasons for supporting Kogawa House, as well
as how his family had a personal connections to Japanese Canadians who
were interned in World War II.

Check out Rafe Mair's latest column in The Tyee:

Japanese-Canadians in a wartime BC concentration camp.

My father 'legally' stole assets from interned Japanese-Canadians.

By Rafe Mair

Published: April 10, 2006

Two things happened to me this past week that took me into a small corner of my brain that I don't like visiting.

First, there was an email from a sometime editor of mine telling me that efforts were being made to save the childhood home
of internationally-acclaimed writer Joy Kogawa, located at 1450 West
64th Avenue. Then, on the weekend, I read a review of the autobiography
of Dr. David Suzuki.

Let me first paint a picture of British Columbia in the early months
of 1942. On the 7th of December, 1941, the Japanese had attacked the US
Naval base in Pearl Harbour, causing large scale damage to capital
ships and death to many Americans. This devastating attack drove a
stake of fear into Americans and Canadians living on the West Coast.
But it was more than just Pearl Harbour. Japanese soldiers had
committed atrocities (perhaps too mild a word), in their undeclared war
in China. Between December 1937 and March 1938, approximately 400,000
Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were slaughtered by the invading
troops. An estimated 80,000 women and girls were raped; many of them
were then mutilated or murdered.

The prejudice against Japanese-Canadians was also part of the
prevailing mood and social fabric. “Japs” or “Nips,” as they were
always called, kept to themselves and were obviously not to be trusted.
Long before Pearl Harbour, politicians and newspapers were warning of
the “Yellow Peril”.

In 1942, I was in my 11th year while David Suzuki, a third
generation Japanese-Canadian, was six and Joy Kogawa, who was second
generation, was seven. They, along with all Canadians of Japanese
origin, were deported to concentration camps, mostly in the interior of
BC, where they remained interned until the war ended in August 1945. A
little girl in my class at Maple Grove Elementary, Michiko Katayama was
amongst them.

My family secret

But there was more to it than that. A “trustee” was set in place to
hold all the internee's holdings. He then sold them all for as low as
10 cents on the dollar, with the money going for the upkeep of the
prisoners. And here is where I'm forced into the distant recesses of my
mind, for my Dad bought a paper box company from the trustee at a 90
percent discount, so it's fair and accurate to say that I was fed,
clothed and educated on assets literally stolen from the true owners.
It is part of me that I can never be rid of. My dad would have been 100
this July, my mother the same age in November, so I feel I can finally
talk about this without opening old wounds.

It must be clearly understood that my dad didn't do anything
wrong by the standards of that day. Indeed, this sort of thing was seen
as a form of patriotism since it got even with the Japs and kept people
working. And that's a key point. With the exception of the Winches,
father and son of the CCF (later called the NDP), few expressed any
horror at what had been done. Indeed, it was quite the reverse.
Government MPs from BC badgered Prime Minister Mackenzie King, who had
been told by the commissioner of the RCMP that the Japanese-Canadians
posed no threat, to go along with the deportations. The local
newspapers egged the politicians on.

In a curious twist, at the conclusion of the war, the federal
government offered all the prisoners a one-way passage to Japan, a
country few had ever seen. Many came home, however, to start again from
nothing and while Joy Kagawa and David Suzuki are shining examples of
forgiveness and achievement, they're by no means the only ones who
returned to live useful lives.

Read more of:   My father 'legally' stole assets from interned Japanese-Canadians.


Canadian Land Trust Calls for Global Action in Saving Author’s Threatened Home

NEWS RELEASE             

Canadian Land Trust Calls for Global Action
in Saving Author’s Threatened Home

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA – A coalition of friends, writers groups and The Land Conservancy (TLC) are asking global citizens to help save the childhood home of Canadian author Joy Kogawa from demolition.

TLC and the Save Kogawa House Committee have until April 30 to save the historic Joy Kogawa House. The goal is to raise $1.25 million to purchase the house, fund restorations, and establish an endowment for a writer-in-residence program.

Phone calls, letters of support, and donations have been received from across Canada, but a call for help is being asked on an international level. To date, $217,000 has been raised from 340 donors.

“We’re calling on everyone who has been touched by the past treatment of the Japanese community during World War II,” says Bill Turner, Executive Director of TLC. “This house will stand as a symbol of the wrongs that were committed in the past, but also as a symbol of what an international community can achieve when it pulls together.”

The historic Joy Kogawa House is located in Vancouver. Kogawa and her family were removed from the home in 1942 as part of the Government’s policy of internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II. Over the years, the house has become a symbol of lost hope and happiness and a central image in Kogawa’s award-winning novel Obasan. The home is also featured in the sequel Emily Kato and the children’s story Naomi’s Road.

“This is a story that needs living symbols so people remember this happened in Canada,” says Kogawa. “We need to show the world that we are not afraid to hide from our history, and we can work towards reconciliation among our own citizens.”

The historic Joy Kogawa House first came to TLC’s attention in early 2005 through the Save Kogawa House Committee. On November 30, 2005, the City of Vancouver granted a 120-day delay on the demolition permit for the house. In early December, TLC announced they would spearhead the campaign. On February 8, 2006, the Kogawa House was listed on Heritage Vancouver’s 2006 Top 10 Endangered Sites. Mid March, TLC received a 30-day extension on the option to purchase the home.

Once protected, the historic Joy Kogawa House will be a used as a writing retreat, enabling emerging international writers to create new works focusing on human rights issues. It will also be open for public and school tours.

Donations can be made at or (604) 733-2313.


For more information, please contact (interviews in English):

TLC The Land Conservancy of BC:
Bill Turner, Executive Director, (250) 479-8053;
Heather Skydt, Communications Coordinator, (604) 733-2313;

Save Joy Kogawa House Committee:  
Anton Wagner, (416) 863-1209;
Ann-Marie Metten, (604) 263-6586;
Todd Wong, (604) 987-7124;

Rafe Mair endorses and supports Save Kogawa House campaign

Rafe Mair endorses and supports Save Kogawa House campain

Rafe Mair has offered to publish the following on his website and suggested that we send it to the Vancouver Sun and other newspapers as a letter to the editor.  Rafe writes:

To whom it may concern

I recently received the following letter, in part

“I am calling on you now, Rafe, to speak out in support of a local project of The Land Conservancy of British Columbia ( With a Vancouver coalition of friends and writers groups, The Land Conservancy (TLC) is asking for help to save from demolition the modest family home of the author Joy Kogawa.  

Kogawa house is located at 1450 West 64th Avenue, and Joy and her
family were removed from the home in 1942 as part of the Government’s
policy of internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II. Over
the years, the house has become a central image in Joy’s award-winning
novel Obasan, which has recieved both national and international

On November 30, 2005, the City of Vancouver
granted a 120-day delay on the demolition permit the owner was seeking
for the house. On February 8, 2006, the Kogawa House was listed on
Heritage Vancouver’s
2006 Top 10 Endangered Sites. Mid March, TLC recieved a 30-day
extension on the option to purchase the homes, allowing us to
fundraise until April 30.

purchased and protected, it is our intention to use Joy Kogawa House as
a writing retreat, enabling emerging writers to create new works
focusing on human rights issues and Canada's evolving multicultural and
intercultural society.  It will also be open for public and school
tours to preserve the memory of the violition of the civil rights of
an entire cultural minority community during World War II.”

I support this effort for a personal reason.

1942, when I was 11, I was kind of sweet on a classmate, Michiko
Katayama. One day she didn’t show up to school and we learned that she
had been shipped, with her family, to the Interior, by cattle car. I
was told by my parents that the “Japs” could not be trusted, that they
got their orders (or so it was presumed) from the Japanese Emperor and
would help any Japanese troops that landed bent on slitting all our

long after that, an event occurred that I’ve never really been able to
live with – my Dad bought a paper box company at 10 cents on the dollar
from the “Trustee” of the assets of Japanese Canadians. I owe my
education to this and am ashamed of it.

must be understood that no one, including my Dad, thought he’d done
wrong. With very few exceptions most British Columbians accepted the
fact that these “little yellow bastards” in our midst were dangerous.
My Dad’s action was seen as one of patriotism. At war’s end, the
Canadian government, to avoid Japanese Canadians going back to their
homes and raising hell about what had happened, offered the detainees
passage to Japan – a place that most had never been.

was a horrible time but many Japanese Canadians were able not only to
forgive but to show what they were made of by great personal
achievements. Joy Kogawa is such a person and it's critical, in my
view, that we maintain her house not only as a reminder of her success
achieved at great odds, but that she is a fine British Columbian and
Canadian – and as a reminder to all of us and those to come that
great great wrongs were done that must never be repeated.


Rafe Mair

Joy of Canadian Books – April 25th – fundraiser for Kogawa House

Here's the scoop – the first sneak preview announcement.


Joy of Canadian Books 
fundraiser for Kogawa House

April 25th
Come and enjoy an once in a lifetime event of theatre, book readings, and music at:

Christ Church Cathedral
690 Burrard Street,

Tuesday, April 25, 7:30pm-9pm

Canadian author and poet Joy Kogawa will read from her award-winning novel, Obasan. Special celebrity guests will read their favourite selctions from:

Literary Review of Canada's list of the 100 Most Important Canadian Books ever Written 

This event is part of TLCThe Land Conservancy's fundraising and awareness campaign to save Joy Kogawa's childhood home in Vancouver from demolition.

For more information, call (604) 733-2313 or visit or