Category Archives: Hapa culture

Bone Marrow Registry for Mixed-Race Donors and transplants

Bone Marrow Registry for
Mixed-Race Donors and transplants

Apparently there is a bone marrow registry for Mixed Race Donors and transplants!

My friend Jeff Chiba Stearns has just sent me this
message.  Jeff describes himself as half-Japanese, half-Euro mutt
– or “Hapa” – according to the Hawaiian term meaning “Half-White” or
“Half-Asian”… depending on your Hapa perspective

Check this out:

Mavin is an organization that has thousands of potential mixed-race donars for bone marrow transplants.  They set
this network up to help mixed-race people diagnosed with Leukemia.   This
will be the quickest route to helping out your friend since MAVIN has many donors already tested and able to help.

MatchMaker is the only national program dedicated to recruitment of mixed race
bone marrow donors. The need for mixed race bone marrow donors is great because
each year approximately 130,000 people are diagnosed with life-threatening diseases
like leukemia and other blood cancers and it is estimated that at least 12,000
of these patients will not be cured without a bone marrow transplant (BMT).

James Erlandsen on CTV news, as plea for Eurasian bone marrow donor goes to the media

James Erlandsen on CTV news, as plea for Eurasian bone marrow donor goes to the media

Good news for leukemia patient James Erlandsen, as the media is picking
up the plea for a Eurasian donor.  Last week I was contacted by
James' cousin Aynsley who felt that, a website that promoted intercultural issues, is a good place for a
story about the search for a Eurasian-Canadian bone marrow
donor.   I have sent James' story to media contacts, and the
story was broadcast
by Channel M yesterday, and CTV tonight.  The North Shore News,
Ming Pao and City TV are also following up on the story.

James was interviewed earlier on Saturday for a story which ran on CTV
6pm and 11:30pm local news.  It's a good story which highlights
his life-threatening situation, and the fact that only 15% of bone
marrow matches are for non-whites.  Recent cancer surviovr and MLA
Sindy Hawkins is also interviewed talking about these issues. 
James' case is more desperate because while Sindy's sister was able to
donate bone marrow, James has no siblings.  James' father is
caucasian and his mother is chinese, it is more rare to find a
compatible bone marrow match.

While I have communicated with James' cousin and aunt, I have not
him yet…. but Saturday evening we exchanged e-mails.  The
television newscast was the first time I have seen
him during his treatment.  He seems to be in good spirits and
emphasized the importance of being positive.  He has lost much of
his hair due to the
side effects of  chemotherapy treatment, and his face looks puffy
– probably due to prednasone steroid treatments used to help stimulate
metabolism during chemotherapy treatment.  I went through the same
process 18 years ago.  I went through 5 months of chemo treatment
before my blood tests were clean of cancer markers.

I know I am drawn to James' story because of the similarity to my own
health crisis
when I was diagnosed 17 years ago with a life-threatening cancer tumor when I was age 29 – while attending SFU.  Do I see myself in James?  A young man full of potentialities, waiting to blossom?

James and I will meet for a City TV interview on Monday.  I hope
to share with him some of the things that I learned during my
experience of cancer, and what I learned in my subsequent studies in
health psychology, medical anthropology, and sport psychology that I
took at SFU, following my illness. 

I would like James to recover from Leukemia and achieve his many
unrealized dreams.  23 is much too short a life to have. 
Maybe eventually as I did, he may also become a recipient for the SFU
Terry Fox Gold Medal.  It is
given annually for a person who has “triumphed over adversity” and is
“dedicated to society.”

I also know that Hapa-Canadian culture is important.  The search
for a bone marrow match is challenging because James is Eurasian… but
the future of Canada is becoming more Eurasian with each inter-racial
marriage and each Eurasian baby being born.

My brother's young children are
Eurasian.  Many of my cousin's children are all Eurasian.  My friend's Baby Tasha was the 1st baby born in BC for 2007 – all are Eurasian.  Maybe this is why James' story has resonated for me… he seems like family.

His Aunt sent me this message yesterday morning

Hello Todd:
Thank you  for posting the information on James on your website and for notifying your contacts.
excellent and speedy work have  provided a noticeable lift in the
spirits of James and his parents.  We shall continue to have faith and
hope.  Again, thank you for all that you have done.
Bev Wong

and hope are sometimes all we can have, and all we can give in times
like these.  Hopefully a donor can be found for James. 

“All Mixed Up” – Book launch dedicated to creative Hapa (mixed race Asians)

“All Mixed Up”
– Book launch dedicated to creative Hapa (mixed race Asians)

The editors of “All Mixed Up,” a chapbook dedicated to the writing,
art, photography, and social commentary by and about Hapas (mixed race
Asians), announce a celebration for the publication.

— Thursday, January 18, 2007, 6-8 pm, Centre A, 2 West Hastings Street
Vancouver contributors include:
Margaret Gallagher
Kelty McKinnon
Mark Nakada
Debora O
Haruko Okano and Fred Wah
Michael Tora Speier

Authors will read, perform, and sign chapbooks.  There will also be
performances and film screenings by special guests, including animator
Jeff Chiba Stearns and local band Mimi's Ami!

— If you are Hapa and would like to perform or read at Centre A,
please email
— Bookstore and Cafe owners, if you would like to hold a
reading/signing at your business, please email

“All Mixed Up” will be on sale for $12/copy.  “All Mixed Up” is a
limited-run chapbook collection, and each copy is handcrafted.
Proceeds from the sale of this chapbook go toward the publication of
the complete works of the “Mixed Up” series (three chapbooks total),
entitled, “Completely Mixed Up,” forthcoming in 2007.

For more information, email

Thanks to the following sponsors for their support:
Rhizome Cafe
Centre A
Powell Street Festival
Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC
UBC Initiative for Student Teaching & Research in Chinese Canadian


“All Mixed Up”–Third and Final Volume of Mixed Up Hapa Chapbook Series

Mixt Up Productions is proud to announce the release of the third and
final chapbook in the “Mixed Up” hapa chapbook series, begun in 1999.
The final chapbook has been six years in the making, and is a
compelling addition to the series devoted to the creative works and
social commentaries by and about mixed race Asian North American
writers, artists, and scholars.  Each limited-edition copy is
hand-sewn, embellished, and numbered.  All copies of the previous two
chapbooks were sold out, and the editors of this third one expect a
quick sell-out as well.

Nineteen writers, artists, and scholars are included in this volume:

Sumi Braun, California
Margaret Gallagher, Vancouver, British Columbia
Jeneen Garcia, the Philippines
Sherlyn Jimenez, Connecticut
Christian Langworthy, New York
Trina Mendiola, California
Kelty Miyoshi McKinnon, Vancouver, British Columbia
Rashaan Alexis Meneses, California
Dorian Merina, New York
Shyamala Moorty, California
Mark Nakada, Vancouver, British Columbia
Debora O, Vancouver, British Columbia
Stevii Paden, Pennsylvania
Haruko Okano and Fred Wah, Vancouver, British Columbia
Michael Tora Speier, Vancouver, British Columbia
Claire Tran, California
Brandy Lien Worrall, Vancouver, British Columbia
James Lawrence Ardena, Washington

To order a copy of “All Mixed Up,” or for inquiries, email  The price of the chapbook is $12 plus
shipping and handling.  Proceeds of this chapbook go toward the
publication of the complete works of the “Mixed Up” series, entitled,
“Completely Mixed Up,” forthcoming in 2007.

Intercultural Christmas music: Hawaii

Christmas music can mean so many things.  One of my favorite
Christmas music memories is listening to Hawaiian Christmas songs in
Hawaii at Christmas time.  Some are traditional Christmas carols
sung with Hawaiian lyrics, others are original songs in English with
Hawaiian and English words such as “Mele Kalikimaka.”

Many years ago, when my Auntie Rose still lived in the Nuanu Valley,
just outside Honolulu, our family would visit her at Christmas
time.  It was at one of these Christmas visits that our family was
invited to the Lau family Christmas luau on Kaneohe Bay.  In the
afternoon the family had put the Kailu pig, smothered in
leaves, in the pit to roast with hot rocks, Grandma Lau was
cooking squid in a huge pot.  By dinner time, the sky had gone
dark, and the Christmas party was outdoors underneath Christmas
lights strung up across the back yard.

Uncle Tony was dressed up as Santa Claus, and he laughed with a
thick Hawaiian accent.  His daughters and nieces sang Hawaiian
Christmas carols and played guitar.  And all through the Christmas
season, you could hear the Beamer Brothers or the Brothers Cazimero
sing songs on the radio.  After becoming associated with the
Hawaiian culture, I used to cringe whenever Bing Crosby would come on
the radio singing his popular music sanitized version of “Mele

Hawaii is a very multicultural society now.  It's history
is very similar to the Vancouver area.  Similarly visited
by Captain Cook, and subjugated by British traders and
missionaries, the native populations were nearly wiped out by measles
and other viruses, quickly becoming the minority, in a white dominated
settlements.  I learned all about the Hawaiian independence
movment, very similar to the Native Land Claim settlements in BC –
sometimes they were peaceful, and sometimes they were occupational

In the late 1970's and early 1980's, Honolulu felt more like home to
me because there was a healthy mix of Asians, Caucasians and local
Hawaiians, everywhere – all living in relative peace.  On the
television news shows there were newscasters of colour… Chinese,
Japanese… Filipino… Hawaiian…  Wherever I went, I was
accepted as a kamaiaina “local or old-timer.”  Nobody ever asked
me where I was from, like they did in my native Vancouver, where my
family had lived for five generations.  Hawaii was
different.  Hawaii was special.  And that was why I fell in
love with Hawaiian culture, and continued to occasionally dress
Hawaiian even when I came back to Vancouver.  That, and I met a
girl there…  with whom we would send each other letters when we
were 17 and 18 years old.

In Hawaii, there are so many people who belong to blended
families.  Many of my friends were Chinese-Hawaiian,
Chinese-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian, Chinese-Japanese… and that's
just the way it is.  Inter-racial marriage was an evolution of
cultures merging, and while it depleted the pure blood lines of the
Hawaiian race, it also spread it further, so that more people could
claim they were Hawaiian descendents thus, often helping to further
expand Hawaiian culture, and further validate it's respect and
inclusion in mainstream culture.

I still listen to the old Hawaiian records occasionally, having
replaced some onto cd when I last visited in 1991.  On that last
visit, I spent Christmas on the big island of Hawaii, on a belated
honeymoon that year.  My then newly married wife and I,
listened to Hawaiian Christmas carols on the radio, we learned about
Hawaiian culture, we hiked the volcanoes, we visited with local friends
in Honolulu.  And she fell in love with Hawaiian culture
too.  So much that after we split, she moved to Hawaii for a
year.  After living in California's Monterey Bay and Vancouver,
she again moved to the Big Island, where she and her young children are
learning all the nuances of singing Hawaiian Christmas songs, with such
words as “Melekalikimaka is the thing to say in the land where palm
trees sway…”