Category Archives: Hapa culture

Rhonda Larrabee, chief of Qayqayt First Nations, in CTV's One Women Tribe

This is the CTV documentary about my cousin Rhonda Larrabee's struggle to resurrect Canada's smallest First Nations band the Qayqayt. 

Once upon a time the band flourished on the banks of the Fraser River.  Then White settlers moved into their territories and renamed it New Westminster.  The Qayqayt were put on a Reserve, but that was taken away from them too. 

Rhonda's mother fled her homeland territories due to racism and shame.  She came to Vancouver's Chinatown, where she met Rhonda's father.  Rhonda grew up into her teenage years thinking she was Chinese.  Then she discovered she was First Nations.

Now Rhonda Larrabee is resurrecting the Qayqayt Nation.

Tribes & Treaties

This show originally aired on January 26

Tribes & Treaties

Updated: Tue Feb. 05 2008 18:04:25

One Women Tribe:

Rhonda Larrabee discovered the startling truth about her family
origins. She was not of Chinese and French descent as she was told
while growing up in Vancouver's Chinatown. Rhonda's mother was First
Nations. Then an even bigger shock – Rhonda discovered that she is the
last surviving member of the Qayqayt Tribe (New Westminster Band). She
is now striving to preserve the cultural legacy that her mother felt
forced to reject.

see the pod cast:

Chinese-Canadians that inspired me in 2007

Last year in 2006, the Vancouver Sun published a list of 100 Influential Chinese-Canadians in B.C. in BC…. to much criticism – positive and negative.  I commented on my blog article: GungHaggisFatChoy :: Vancouver Sun: 100 Influential Chinese…

I am now working on my list of “Chinese-Canadians that inspired me in 2007”

I was inspired by seeing the name of Roy Mah, in the Vancouver Sun's list of people we lost in 2007, and shared the idea with my friend George Jung.   Rather than create a list of newsworthy or influential Chinese Canadians, we decided on CC's that inspired us.  This way there is NO
official requirement or standards.  It is  very subjective and personal.

I also emailed some friends to create their own lists:  David Wong and Gabriel Yu have sent me replies.  David's list can be viewed on

In no order, other than who came to mind first, who has crossed my path, and reviewing my blog to remind myself who I wrote about in 2007.

Roy Mah
the founder of Chinatown News, was written about in the Vancouver Sun
after celebrating his 90th birthday, as well as when the City of
Vancouver declared July 12th Roy Mah Day, in recognition of his
memorial service.  I have known Roy since I submitted an article back in the early '80's.  When he would make his regular trips to the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch, he would also wave to me sitting at the Information desk.
Thekla Lit
for her work with Alpha Canada, promoting the film Rape of Nanjing, and inviting media and public to meet Comfort Women survivors.  Gabriel says that a columnist on the Global Chinese Press
has named Thekla the Chinese-Canadian of 2007, as she and her husband Joseph have been busy on these issues for a long decade.  I got to know Thekla when she joined the committee for Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign in the months preceding the 2006 federal election.  She is a very smart women, not afraid to say what she thinks.

James Erlandsen
the young Eurasian SFU Student needing a bone marrow donor as he fights
leukemia (James was named honourary drummer for the Gung Haggis Fat
Choy Dragon boat team).  James reminded me so much of my own 1989 battle with cancer, even going to the same high school and university.  There have been ups and downs, and he still puts on a brave face.  I did a City TV interview with James, when James and I met for the first time.  It was James' cousin Aynsley who first contacted me about writing about James for my blog.
Tracey Hinder
– the 15 year old inaugural BC CanSpell champion, featured in the CBC documentary GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy.  People constantly told me after watching the documentary that they  thought that my young cousin Tracey was great in it.  She was very inspiring for the future of Canada, especially with Tracey's Eurasian heritage, learning Mandarin and being involved with her school's multiculturalism club.  This summer Tracey started an e-newsletter titled “Becoming Green” that gives suggestions how to create a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.  I knew from the beginning that Tracey had to be in the documentary.  The documentary also featured family elders Victor Wong, Helen Lee, and Gary Lee, artist/author Janice Wong and myself.  Read my blog stories about Generations: The Chan Legacy
Three generations of the Chan family: Tracey Hinder (left), Betty Wong and Todd Wong look over their family's impressive legacy.Tracey Hinder, Betty Wong and Todd Wong re: Generations: The Chan Legacy

Henry Yu
UBC professor of History, chair and organizer of the Anniversaries for Change '07 events
recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Anti-Asian Riots in
Chinatown.  Henry has organized events at UBC and throughout Vancouver recognizing the impact on Vancouver made by the 1907 Anti-Asian riot in Vancouver Chinatown, the 1947 franchise for Chinese Canadians enabling them full citizenship rights, the new immigration act of 1967, and the 1997 handover of Hong Kong.  Henry has attended many Gung Haggis Fat Choy and Asian
Canadian Writers' Workshop events over the past few years.  Henry always seems to have boundless enthusiasm and energy for all his projects.  But this past year was also significantly inspiring because he also became a cancer support person for his wife (see below).

Brandy Lien-Worrall – editor of Eating Stories: a Chinese Canadian and Aboriginal Potluck
and All Mixed Up – a Hapa anthology.  It is easy to be impressed by all the writing and editing projects that Brandy is involved in.  I got to know Brandy better when I took
the writing workshops sponsored by the Chinese Canadian Historical
Society of BC.  I truly learned what an incredible dynamo she is. She pushed us to write creatively, and from the heart.  And it was fun to have my stories and pictures published in
Eating Stories. Read:
Eating Stories, a Chinese Canadian and Aboriginal Potluck: book launch Nov 25th at Vancouver Museum
.  But more important to recognize is that Brandy finished editing Eating Stories in between chemotherapy treatments, after she was diagnosed with cancer in the summer.  Soon she started up a cancer blog in addition to her poem a day blog, and her 12 other blogs…  Just like James Erlandsen, Brandy is Eurasian… and also reminds me of my own cancer experience. 

Larry Wong, Todd Wong, Shirley Chan, Janice Wong with editor Brandy
Lien Worrall at the Eating Stories anthology official book launch at
Vancouver Museum – photo Deb Martin

more to come….

Jen Sookfong Lee

Margaret Gallagher

Karin Lee

Bill Wong

Vicki Wong

Joseph Wu

Tricia Collins

see part II
More Chjinese Canadians that Inpired me in 2007: part 2

Head Tax survivors Mrs. Der and Ralph Lee

Sid Tan – head tax activist

Bev Wong – community activist on bone marrow and blood donors

Douglas Jung building at 401 Burrard St. 

Lan Tung, leader of Orchid Ensemble, incredible musician and creator of Triaspora

Wesley Lowe – film maker, creator of I Am the Canadian Delegate – story of Douglas Jung

George Chow – city councilor

Raymond Louie – city councilor

Jenny Kwan – MLA

Jim Chu – 1st Vancouver police chief of Asian ancestry

Assaulted Fish – sketch comedy troupe

Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre VACT presented three productions in 2007, Cowboy VS Samaurai, Asian Comedy Night, and Bondage.

Twisting Fortunes duo – Charlie Cho and Grace Chin

Chinese Canadian veterans

Review: Gravity astounds the senses – Tricia Collins takes the audience on a journey into her past and across two oceans

Review:  Gravity astounds the senses – Tricia Collins takes the audience on a journey into her past and across two oceans

Chapel Arts
304 Dunley St.
Oct 25 – Nov 3, 2007

It seems like a very Vancouver thing to be from somewhere else, to live in two cultures, and to share your family story, and to do it artistically.  But Tricia Collins is all of this and more.  Both she and her self-penned one-woman theatrical show Gravity are “very Vancouver.”

Tricia Collins is “hapa.”  Her mother’s family came from Guyana, and from China before that.  Tricia is an actor, a  writer and an amazing performer/story teller.  She also does acrobatic work while hanging suspended from cloth draping… and speaking in a lucious juicy Caribbean accent.  This is one smart talented agile woman who can capture your attention…. and hold it for a long, long time.Gravity is a multi-media theatrical work based on similarities in her
family history.  But Collins takes it much much further.  While images of knitting or maps are projected onto the wall, Collins tells the multi-generational story of 4 women.  The stories travel through and co-exist in time… and fall through time. 

When you first walk into Chapel Arts, on Dunlevy and Cordova, it feels different.  The last time I was in the building had been for the funeral of my grandmother’s brother, at least 15 years ago.  The former Armstrong Funeral Home has now been converted to an arts centre.  My grand-uncle Henry had worked for many years at Armstrong, and the building was packed to over flowing.  He had been a well-known community figure and had played and important role of helping to bring up his 13 younger brothers and sisters.  They were all born in Canada, grandchildren of Rev. Chan Yu Tan. 

It’s fitting that I now back in this building where I am attending a theatre work based on the family history of Tricia Collins.  Hers is also a story about the Chinese diaspora coming to Canada.  But her story comes by way of Guyana on the Caribbean coast of South America, where the Chinese worked as replacement labourers after the African slaves had been set free.

The chapel has now been turned into a black box theatre room with chairs set up on two sides of the room.  White sand is in the middle of the stage floor, with small lights in a large
circle.  Theatrical fog hovers over the floor, as fish netting hangs beside one wall, and a large wooden box is in the back corner.  Calypso music plays faintly in the background.   I got the feeling that something special is going to happen.

The house lights dim and Tricia Collins walks to the centre of the stage floor.  She explains to
the audience that her name is Maya, and she is working on her Ph.D. thesis and trying to help
counter the flooding in her family’s ancestral home of Georgetown, the capital city of Guyana.  A screen projection shows on the wall her project, and a map of Guyana, showing its location between Venezuela and Suriname.  A voice whispers…. words appear on the screen… and the storytelling magic begins.

Tricia Collins has created a riveting piece of work that interweaves the tale of her mother, her Granny Ling, and her mother before her, who was kidnapped from China and sold in Guyana, after being shipped in a crate across the ocean.  We learn about the hopes and dreams of each woman, and how they deal with the challenges that they find themselves in. Collins plays each of the women, as she simultaneously tells stories about them, in an attempt to unravel the mystery that binds them together, while pulling them apart.

Gravity is what creates the dynamic tension as Collins tells her story as she twists around, suspended in the cloth drapes. It is a unique visual device that I am more accustomed to seeing in Chinese acrobatic shows, modern dance or Cirque Du Soleil.  Collins moves smoothly, her foot deftly wrapping the cloth around her calves or ankles, or her hands wrapping the cloth into a bundle that becomes a baby as she gently rocks it.

The lighting design by James Proudfoot, video and installation by Cindy Mochizuki, stage  management by David Kerr, and direction by Maiko Bae Yamamoto are fantastic.

“This was the dream team,” Yamamoto repeated several times during the opening night  reception as we talked about the production. “They created all lighting and projections  specifically for this space.  James just lets the space talk to him and tell him what it needs.”

Gravity has been developed in several stages, and this is it’s most complete.  At times Collin’s character Maya interacts directly with the audience, talking as if presenting a lecture or at point – touching the arm of an audience member.  Other times, she is acting out scenes while telling her stories, oblivious to the audience.  Sound, projection, lighting, and Collin’s expressions, voices and movements complement each other on cue. This is an exciting production and well worth seeing, and telling your friends.

see a promotional video of Gravity: an interview with Tricia Collins about Gravity


Here is what Colin Thomas wrote in the Georgia Straight about Gravity:
Heart of City finds centre of Gravity | Tricia Collins’s one-woman show Gravity explores ideas of love, poverty, and race through her own family history, which stretches back to Guyana and China.


Eating noodles in Vancouver: Jennifer Burke goes to Sha-Lin Noodles

Eating noodles in Vancouver: Jennifer Burke goes to Sha-Lin Noodles

– photo Todd Wong
Sha Lin Noodles is one of my favorite places to eat fresh noodles in Vancouver.  Throughout the summer, we often dropped in for dinner after Tuesday night dragon boat practice… or even on a Saturday afternoon for lunch.

Today, Oct 15, CBC's Living Vancouver did a spot with Jennifer Burke visiting Sha-Lin Noodles. It's a funny but informative story with Jennifer trying to twirl noodles, and slurping like she's famished.  She even handles chop sticks like an expert.

Wait!  Jennifer IS half Chinese.  According to internet sources, she was born in London  England, but raised in BC.  Her father is Chinese and her mother English.

Sha-Lin Noodles (video)

Living to Eat

Sha-Lin Noodles (video)

you're looking for a quick meal that's fresh, tasty and inexpensive –
how about noodles? We found a little place near Broadway and Cambie
where the noodles are so good it's even worth braving the nearby road
construction for.

– photo Todd Wong
Here's a picture from a Gung Haggis visit.  The chef makes his noodles, and Dan Seto lifts them up, while playing with his food.

Here's the April 18th story  Gung Haggis dragon boat team goes to Sha Lin Noodle Restaurant by Todd on Wed 18 Apr 200

Sha Lin Noodle House
548 W Broadway, Vancouver
Tel: (604) 873-1816

How(e) Sound: Heather Pawsey takes “New Music in New Places” to Brittania Mines

How(e) Sound: Heather Pawsey takes “New Music in New Places” to Brittania Mines

How(e) Sound
October 7, 2007 at 2:00 pm
B.C. Museum of Mining
Britannia Beach, “Sea to Sky” Highway 99
FREE (Reservations toll-free 1-866-640-9881)

Soprano Heather Pawsey is always creating “don't want to miss” concerts in really cool spaces.  Earlier this year, she was singing at the aquarium.  A few years ago, she was singing in a Kelowna wine vat.  I have known Heather since 2003, when she invited me to a performance where she sung in Mandarin Chinese.  This Scots-Canadian lass who grew up wearing tartan, soon joined the Gung Haggis Fat Choy roster for our annual Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner fundraiser.

Pianist Rachel Kiyo Iwassa is hapa, and a Japanese Canadian descendant.  She also plays in a flute/piano duo called Tiresias with fellow hapa musician Mark McGregor.  I first met her after a concert at West Vancouver's Silk Purse.

Kathryn Cernauskas came to play at Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner earlier this year with Heather.  Kathryn plays wonderful flute, and also hand drums.

Here's the press release that Rachel just sent me:

Psst ….. Wanna hear some
truly “underground” music?

Grab your hard hat and descend into the cavernous 1912 tunnels of the
B.C. Museum of Mining

(Britannia Beach, “Sea to Sky” Highway 99) as HOW(E) SOUND excavates some

treasure. Critically acclaimed musicians
, flute;
, clarinet;

Rachel Kiyo
, piano; and
, soprano take you on
a musical adventure

through the stunning and mysterious spaces of this National Historic Site
(including the core

sheds, load-haul dump, Mining House, 235 tonnes “Super” Haul Truck, and
the awe-inspiring

1923 gravity-fed concentrator mill, with its 1,194 windows and 18,792
panes overlooking Howe

Sound) at this limited-seating, one-performance-only concert,
Sunday, October 7 at 2:00

Mining a wealth of
contemporary Canadian classical repertoire, works (including, among

Harry Freedman’s
Paul Steenhuisen’s
Patrick Cardy’s

A Resonance in
James M. Gayfer’s
Cave Pools;
Violet Archer’s
If the Stars

are Burning and
Leila Lustig’s
Wretched Highway) on the
themes of minerals and gems,

caverns and caves, dreams and aspirations, and history will be
highlighted, with a special nod to

early British Columbian heritage music dealing specifically with the
history of mining in our

province. Admission to HOW(E) SOUND is free; however, due to space
restrictions, seating is

limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. To book a
space, please call the

reservations line at 1-604-815-4073, or toll-free at 1-866-640-9881,
beginning September 10.

Please advise if you have to cancel your seats so that others may be

As portions of this concert
will be held outdoors, please dress appropriately

for weather and underground temperatures, and wear footwear suitable for
uneven terrain.

Musicians Kathryn Cernauskas, flute; AK Coope, clarinet; Rachel Kiyo
Iwaasa, piano; and

Heather Pawsey, soprano are particularly noted for their fearless and
innovative approaches to

contemporary music. Collectively, they have premiered hundreds of new
Canadian works, many

written specifically for them, and their performance histories span North
America, Europe, Asia

and Australia.

HOW(E) SOUND is part of
the Canada Music Centre's “New Music in New Places” initiative
to take

Canadian music out of concert halls and in to alternative venues, and is
made possible through the

generous support and assistance of the B.C. Museum of Mining, Tom Lee
Music, Epcor, and the Howe

Sound Performing Arts Association.The Canadian Music Centre is an
independent, not for profit, nongovernment

agency that promotes and disseminates the music of Canadian composers.
The Canadian

Music Centre gratefully acknowledges the support of the SOCAN Foundation
and the Government of

Canada through the Canada Music Fund.

More Info:
Canadian Music Centre |
| 604.734.4622


Media Contact: Kara Gibbs | | cell 604.644.6985

Hip Hapa and Happening… Sep 21 +

Hip Hapa and Happening… Sep 21 +

Here's my weekend plans….

Friday Sep 21, (repeats Sep 22)
Triaspora at the Chan Centre
Dance, Music and multimedia telling of Chinese Canadian history, through the elemental themes of Fire, Air and Water.  Featuring Orchid Ensemble, Moving Dragon Dance

Saturday, Sep 22
private function annual Scotch Tasting fundraiser.
(by invitation only)
The hosts are a married couple, He is of Scottish descent and she is of Chinese descent.  She is well known in the community and has worn a tartan at my Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.  Last year, I performed at this private fundraiser with my accordion… a few of the songs I do for Gung Haggis Fat Choy events such as Loch Lomand, When Asian Eyes Are Smiling… and The Haggis Rap.
They LOVED me… and so… I have been invited to return.

Sunday, Sep 23
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team
Dragon Zone docks and clubhouse (just south of Science World)
We are training paddlers now for the Sep 30th UBC Day of the Long Boats event and the Oct 6 Fort Langley Cranberry Festival Canoe Regatta.
3:00 – Voyageur Canoe Orientation at Jericho Paddling and Sailing Centre

Sunday Sep 23
Dame Kiri Te Kanawa
Vancouver Recital Society
Chan Centre, UBC

Maori folk songs and the best of classical voice and opera singing.  I first saw Kiri Te Kanawa perform in 1986, the weekend that Princess Diana and Prince Charles came to Vancouver.  Okay… it wasn't the same night.  But the event was still magic.  She is a wonderful singer… and better looking than Pavarotti.  Her last Vancouver performance was 1993 at Deer Lake.  More tickets now available with the move from the Orpheum Theatre to two nights at the Chan Centre.  Here is last night's review from the Vancouver Sun:

Kiri te Kanawa

Kiri Te Kanawa builds to glorious concert ending

Powell Street Festival 2007

Powell St. Festival 2007 – Always lots to see and do!

Is this Todd Wong?  He's wearing a Gung Haggis Fat Choy shirt and he's
Chinese-looking…  I tlooks like he's hawking haggis won-ton…

Noooo!!!!  It's Todd's friend Walter Quan… and he is holding up his
famous sushi and won-ton cnadles that he sells at the Powell Street
Festival every year.

Lots to see and do at the Powell Street Festival
Great arts, entertainment, history and culture displays.  It integrates
traditional and contemporary Japanese-Canadian cultures with the
Downtown Eastside and the historic sites of Japantown.

Generations: The Chan Legacy on CBC Newsworld. July 29th – 4pm and midnight

Generations: The Chan Legacy on CBC Newsworld.
July 29th – 4pm and midnight

Chan Legacy is the lead episode in the new documentary series
Generations on CBC Newsworld.  It debuted on July 4th – my grandmother's 97th birthday.

How fitting!  Because the show is about her grand-father Rev. Chan Yu Tan who came to Canada in 1896 as a Christian missionary.

has been very positive.  Family members are very proud.  Friends are
very supportive.  Historians are enthusiastic. Strangers are thrilled.

Listen to Auntie Helen and Uncle Victor tell stories about Rev. and Mrs. Chan, and about growing up in pre-WW2 BC, and facing racial discrimination.  Uncle Victor Wong also tells about enlisting as a Canadian soldier to go behind enemy lines in the Pacific for suicide squadrons, fighting for Canada, even though Chinese-Canadians could not vote in the country of their birth.

The next generations assimiliated more easily into Canadian culture.  Gary Lee became an actor and singer.  Janice Wong became a visual artist and author of the book CHOW: From China to Canada – memories of food and family, which addressed the history of Rev. Chan coming to Canada, and how Janice's dad started a Chinese restaurant in Prince Albert SK.

Then there is Todd Wong – cultural and community activist who founded Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner – which inspired a CBC Vancouver television performance special.  Todd is shown active in the dragon boat community, and speaking at a Terry Fox Run in the role of a 16 year cancer survivor.  Renowned Japanese-Canadian author Joy Kogawa makes an appearance, as Todd was also involved in helping to save Kogawa's childhood home from demolition and to turn it into a national historic and literary landmark.

July 29th Sunday – repeats at midnight

  4:00 p.m. Generations: The Chan Legacy
– Missionaries from China come to the West Coast help Westernize Chinese immigrant workers in the late 1800's.
Generations: The Chan Legacy


Kilts and family history abound during two episodes of the 6-part Generations series on CBC Newsworld

Kilts and family history abound during two episodes of the 6-part Generations series on CBC Newsworld

out what a 250 year old Anglophone family in Quebec City and a 120 year
old Chinese-Canadian family in Vancouver have in common.

Both have:
bagpipes and kilts
+ accordion music
+ canoe/dragon boat racing
+ immigration as a topic
+ Church music
+ archival photos/newsreels of an ex-premier
+ cultural/racial discrimination stories
+ prominent Canadian historical events to show how
   the families embraced them or were challenged by them
+ both featured saving a historical literary landmark.
+ younger generation learning the non-English language

Generations: The Chan Legacy features Todd Wong, founder of Gung Haggis Fat Choy, a quirky Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner, which inspired a CBC Vancouver television performance special.  Todd's involvements with Terry Fox Run, Joy Kogawa House campaign and dragon boat racing are also shown.

July 29th 4pm PST / July 30th 12am

4:00 p.m. Generations: The Chan Legacy
– Missionaries from China come to the West Coast help Westernize Chinese immigrant workers in the late 1800's.
Generations: The Chan Legacy

August 5th 4pm PST

4:00 p.m. Generations: The Blairs of Quebec
– An Anglophone family with 250 years of history in Quebec City struggles to maintain it's heritage.
Generations: The Blairs of Quebec

July 4, 10 pm ET/PT, July 8 10 am ET, July 29, 7 pm ET
documentary begins with Todd Wong playing the accordion, wearing a
kilt. He promotes cultural fusion, and in doing so, he honours the
legacy of his great, great, grandfather Reverend Chan Yu Tan. The Chans
go back seven generations in Canada and are one of the oldest families
on the West Coast.
Chan family
The Chan family
Chan and his wife Wong Chiu Lin left China for Victoria in 1896 at a
time when most Chinese immigrants were simple labourers, houseboys and
laundrymen who had come to British Columbia to build the railroad or
work in the mines. The Chans were different. They were educated and
Westernized Methodist Church missionaries who came to convert the
Chinese already in Canada, and teach them English. The Chans were a
family with status and they believed in integration. However even they
could not escape the racism that existed at the time, the notorious
head tax and laws that excluded the Chinese from citizenship.
the documentary, Reverend Chan's granddaughter Helen Lee, grandson
Victor Wong, and great grandson Gary Lee recall being barred from
theaters, swimming pools and restaurants. The Chinese were not allowed
to become doctors or lawyers, pharmacists or teachers. Still, several
members of the Chan family served in World War II, because they felt
they were Canadian and wanted to contribute. Finally, in 1947, Chinese
born in Canada were granted citizenship and the right to vote.

Todd Wong, represents a younger generation of successful professionals
and entrepreneurs scattered across North America. He promotes his own
brand of cultural integration through an annual event in Vancouver
called Gung Haggis Fat Choy. It's a celebration that joins Chinese New
Year with Robbie Burns Day, and brings together the two cultures that
once lived completely separately in the early days of British Columbia.

also meet a member of the youngest generation, teenager Tracey Hinder,
who also cherishes the legacy of Reverend Chan, but in contrast to his
desire to promote English she is studying mandarin and longs to visit
the birthplace of her ancestors.

Produced by Halya Kuchmij, narrated by Michelle Cheung.

July 11, 10 pm ET/PT, July 15, 10 am ET, August 5, 7 pm ET

250 years, the Blair family has been part of the Protestant Anglophone
community of Quebec City. The Anglophones were once the dominant
cultural and economic force in the city, but now they are a tiny
minority, and those who have chosen to stay have had to adapt to a very
different world. Louisa Blair guides us through the story of her
family, which is also the story of a community that had to change.
Ronnie Blair
Ronnie Blair

senior member of the family today is Ronnie Blair. He grew up in
Quebec, but like generations of Blairs before him, he worked his way up
the corporate ladder in the Price Company with the lumber barons of the
Saguenay. Ronnie Blair's great grandfather came to the Saguenay from
Scotland in 1842. Ronnie's mother was Jean Marsh. Her roots go back to
the first English families to make Quebec home after British troops
defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham in 1759. The Marsh family
amassed a fortune in the shoe industry in Quebec City.

Marshes and the Blairs were part of a privileged establishment that
lived separately from the Catholics and the Francophones, with their
own churches and institutions. The Garrison Club for instance, is a
social club that is still an inner sanctum for Quebec's Anglo

Blair family
The Blair family

Work took Ronnie Blair and his family to England in the 1960’s but his
children longed to return to Canada, and to Quebec City. Alison Blair
was the first to return, as a student, in 1972. Her brother David
followed in 1974. Both were excited by the political and social changes
that had taken place during the Quiet Revolution in Quebec and threw
themselves into everything Francophone. David learned to speak French,
married a French Canadian and settled into a law practice.

came the Referendum of 1995, a painful moment in the history of the
Anglophone community, and for the passionate Blairs. But David decided
he was in Quebec to stay, and today his children are bilingual and
bicultural. More recently his sister Louisa also returned to Quebec
City and a desire to rediscover her past led her to write a book
called, The Anglos, the Hidden Face of Quebec. Her daughter is also is
growing up bilingual and bicultural, representing a new generation
comfortable in both worlds.

Produced by Jennifer Clibbon and Lynne Robson.

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas “Haida Manga Guy” opens show at Museum of Anthropology

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas “Haida Manga Guy” opens show at Museum of Anthropology

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Multi-site installation, July 10 – December 31, 2007

July 10, 2007 – December 31, 2007.
Opening Reception Tuesday, July 10, 2007,
7:00 pm (free; everyone welcome).

Every Tuesday the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team turns into the Gung Haggis Social and Foodie Club.  This Tuesday I have suggested we go to the Museum of Anthropology for a truly unique event.

I saw a post card for the event: titled Meddling in the Museum, and right away I
zoom in on the words “Live music and refreshments to follow, “tailgate
style.”  I said to myself, “Gotta go!”

I first met Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas when I introduced him at the Word On the Street Festival a few years ago at Library Square.  He was reading from his Haida Manga book.  and I held the book up and turned the pages so the audience could see the incredible drawings.  Michael was touched by this gesture, and warmly signed my copy of his book.

This new show features installations at the Museum of Anthropology. Michael has collected argillite
dust from all his fellow carvers and used it to create an “argillite
paint” which was used to cover a Pontiac Firefly car (“Pedal to the Meddle”), upon which more
uniquely Yahgulanaas artwork was painted.  It sounds inspirationally
crazy – just like Michael.

There is also a pop-culture take on First Nations style copper shields – but realized from the car hoods (“Coppers from the Hood”),.  

The July 10 opening will take place on the Museum
grounds, with a picnic and music by THREE local bands: The Byrd Sisters; Jamie Thomson and the Culturally Modified; and Sister Says.

The Bryd Sisters are three Haida women who have joined
together as sisters and, like their bird-relatives, share a love of
singing and drumming. The Bryd Sisters are Itlqujatqut’aas,
Lori Davis (Dadens Ravens, yahgu janaas), Guulangwas, Jacqueline Hans
(Skidegate Eagles, Gidins, Naa-Ewans Xyadaga), and Gid7ahl-gudsllay,
Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson (Skedans Ravens, gak’yaals kiigawaay).

Check out the story in the Georgia Straight: 
Re Collecting The Coast

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, shown with one of his new auto-part-based sculptures, fuses pop and Haida cultures. Alex Waterhouse-Hayward photo.

Nicoll Yahgulanaas, shown with one of his new auto-part-based
sculptures, fuses pop and Haida cultures. Alex Waterhouse-Hayward photo.
Famed for his Haida manga, artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas reframes the Museum of Anthropology’s view of First Nations.
man who invented Haida manga is standing in an improvised studio at the
UBC Museum of Anthropology. Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas is positioned
between his sculptural works in progress–two large, copper-coated
“shields”, which he will install outside MOA's front doors–talking
about meeting places, middle places, and margins. “I'm trying to play
the edge between the neighbourhoods,” he says, indicating the way the
interface between First Nations and colonial culture has shaped his
current project–and his life. “I grew up that way. I was the only
pale-looking Haida in the whole village…the only green-eyed,
light-haired kid.” Born in Prince Rupert and raised in Del­katla, on
Haida Gwaii (he added the Haida name of his mother's family to his
Anglo surname), he has witnessed and experienced social inequities
based solely on appearance. “I'm always very conscious of the edge,” he

His dual careers reflect that consciousness. After briefly studying art
in Vancouver in the mid-1970s, Yahgulanaas returned to Haida Gwaii (he added the Haida name of his mother's family to his Anglo
surname), he has witnessed and experienced social inequities based
solely on appearance. “I'm always very conscious of the edge,” he says.

dual careers reflect that consciousness. After briefly studying art in
Vancouver in the mid-1970s, Yahgulanaas returned to Haida Gwaii to
assist acclaimed painter, carver, and printmaker Robert Davidson on a
significant totem-pole commission. While occasionally participating in
other such projects, he spent much of the 1980s and '90s dedicated to
public service and political activism. For a period, he was an elected
chief councillor for the Haida, and he also sat on numerous committees,
negotiating jurisdictional disputes between the Haida and various
levels of government. “I was working with other people in the community
on issues related to the land, social justice, offshore oil, and gas
transport, these sorts of things,” he says. By 2000, however, he felt
he could return full-time to his art-making. “What's really good about
it is that the art is informed by that experience,” he says. “The
exploration of the edge.”

Yahgulanaas began creating pop-graphic
narratives, riffing on traditional Haida stories and painting
techniques, and quickly developed the distinctive art form for which he
is most widely known. “I started off trying to do comic books because
comic books are about accessibility,” he says. Karen Duffek, MOA's
curator of contemporary visual arts, adds, “Michael brings together his
own version of the language and imagery of Haida painting with the
mass-circulation and graphic aspects of Japanese manga.” A
tricksterlike sense of humour contributes to his work's appeal, Duffek
observes. Yahgulanaas's books include A Tale of Two Shamans , The Last Voyage of the Black Ship , and Hachidori , a bestseller in Japan.

check out the rest of this Georgia Straight story: