Category Archives: GHFC 2004 Media Stories

Does “haggis won ton” translate into french? The Source interview for Gung Haggis Fat Choy January 2005

Does “haggis wun-tun” translate into french?

Early in January 2005, I did an interview for The Source, a bilingual
newspaper in Vancouver.  Nigel Barbour met me at Library Square
and we chatted at Guttenberg's – one of my favorite coffee and tea
houses in the Library Square area.

Nigel was very intrigued by the concept of Chinese-Canadian and Scottish-Canadian cultures mixed together.

Very strange to read out myself in french.  Mais bien encours, je
peux parler en francais plus mieux que je parle en chinois.  Je
suis nay a Vancouver.  Je suis  cinquieme-generation Canadien!

Here's the link to the interview.

Vancouver Sun newspaper addresses the evolution of Chinese New Year

A Holiday in Everything But Name: Chinese New Year is now celebrated locally like never before – is it time to make it official?

Vancouver Sun – February 12 – page D1 & D19

The Vancouver Sun's Kevin Griffin addresses issues
around the evolution of Chinese New Year in Vancouver and Canada. 
He asks the question: Should Chinese New Year become an official

Griffin also cites how “the uniquely local Canadian
banquet Gung Haggis Fat Choy that mixes and matches Scottish and
Chinese New Year's traditions continues to grow and threatens to morph
into its own festival.”

Griffin interviews Dr. Jan Walls and explores the history of the
Vancouver Chinatown parade that originally emerged in the 1960's, faded
then re-emerged in 1974.  He then addresses Toddish McWong's Gung
Haggis Fat Choy and its spin-offs. I have only included the parts about
Gung Haggis Fat Choy and Todd Wong.

“Another multicultural tradition that's 100 percent local is Gung
Haggis Fat Choy, the creation of fifth generation Chinese-Canadian Todd
Wong.  The postmodern mix of chinese New Year and Robbie Burns Day
started seven years ago when Wong invited 16 friends for dinner. 
Two weeks ago, about 600 people turned out for a feast that included
Haggis Wun-tun in maple syrup at Chinatown's Floata Restaurant.

This past year, Wong added something new to the mix: The first annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games
at SFU that started off with a Highland dance, a tune by a bagpiper and
a Lion Dance.  The main event was dragon cart racing with teams
sporting names such as Haggis Hooligans and Fat Choy Chunkies.

Crystal Buchan had the honor of steering the winning team.  At 20, she's in her second year in the theatre-finarts program.

Asked if Chinese New Year should be a holiday, Buchan said, “Sure, why not?.”

Todd Wong – aka 'Toddish McWong' – isn't nearly as certain.

'It depends on the will of the people.” Wong said.  “It's hard to say at this point.”

In part, Wong's perspective comes from his own family history.  He's a descendent of Rev. Chan Yu Tan,
his great-great-grandfather who came to B.C. from Hong Kong in 1896
when immigrants were actively discouraged and had to pay a head tax of
$50 (later increased to $500).  Wong recalls growing up in the
1960's and 1970's when Chinese culture was maginalized.

Wong's family history spans the historiy of discrimination towards
Chinese immigrants and the complete prohibition of immigration from
china from 1923 to 1947 with the Chinese Exculsion Act
Because the emphasis was on fitting in when Wong was growing up int he
late 1960's, his fmaily never celebrated chinese New Year.

He believes that the next challenge for Chinese New Year is not only
to integrate the old and new Chinese Canadian communities but to make
it a uniquely multicultual and Canadian event.

“That's where the future lies,” Wong said. “Canada is an evolving
culture.  Lunar New Year will continue to grow and be inclusive –
not just limited to Chinese.”

For more of Kevin Griffin's story in the February 12 Vancouver Sun – pick up a copy or check



Burnaby News Leader interviews Todd Wong about SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy “Canadian Games”

Simon Fraser University is awash with images of Toddish McWong, dressed in Lionhead mask and Royal Stewart tartan kilt.  The
picture has been adopted by the SFU Recreation and Intramurals
department to promote the inaugural SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy “Canadian
Games.”  There are 4’x2’ signs hanging from
the ceiling of the Academic Quadrangle, and there are 3’x 2’ sandwich
board signs all around the campus.  I never
expected to see so many images of me in a kilt all around the SFU
campus, 12 years after I first donned a kilt to help participate in the
SFU Robbie Burns Day mini-parade.


from Burnaby News Leader interviewed me today at Simon Fraser
University, asking me questions about the origin of Gung Haggis Fat Choy and the creation of the SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy “Canadian Games.”


The story should appear in the next few days. Here is my recollection of some of the interesting questions she asked me:


Q: What is Gung Haggis Fat Choy?

A: It
is the intersection of two seemingly different cultures in which we
discover the similarities.  It is the exploration of Scottish
Canadian and Chinese Canadian pioneers and history that belongs to all
Canadians.  It is the intercultural fusion that happens as more
and more of Canadians from different ethnic and cultural groups marry
into each other's families and cultures.



A: Why
not?  It's going to happen anyways.  Almost all my cousins
have married people who are non-Chinese.  This allows their
children and their children's children to be able to celebrate both
cultures simutaneously and with fun.


this point the photographer says that he has a friend who hated all the
family politics and tension filled expectations surrounding Chinese New
Year in his family – but irronically he and his partner have been
attending the GHFC dinner for the past two years, and enjoying it


Q: How do people react to the cross-cultural fusion?

Very well, they “get the joke,” and after the dinners there are so many
people who leave smiling, saying “I have to tell my friends,” or “Only
in Vancouver could this happen.”


Q: Has anybody Scottish Canadians reacted negatively towards you?

A: Do
you mean, “How dare you misappropriate and make fun of our culture and
traditions!” (laughing) No… not at all… never in fact.  They actually think it’s pretty cool that a Chinese Canadian guy is promoting Scottish culture.  Harry
McGrath, coordinator at the SFU Center for Scottish Studies, comes to
the Gung Haggis Fat Choy poetry readings and he told me the other day,
“You’re famous in Scotland.” He was referring to a Canadian Press story
that had interviewed McGrath about this Sino-Caledonian fusion.  Harry thinks it’s grrrreat!


Q: How do you feel about people coming to the events?

A: I think it’s great. They get the joke.  As Canadians we have to laugh at ourselves, and have fun with ourselves.  So many Canadian families are now blended cultures.  We are celebrating inclusiveness.  We are celebrating learning about each other’s cultures.  We are celebrating learning about Canada’s own Scottish-Canadian and Chinese-Canadian histories.  It belongs to all Canadians – not just a particular ethnic group.


Q: Have there been any other Scottish Chinese dinners like yours, are there any imitators?

A: Not
that I know of (it slipped my mind that the Chinatown Lions’ Club has
done a Robbie Burns Dinner for many years – but apparently not as wacky
or humourously as mine).  There was somebody
who worked with me at the Vancouver Public Library, who told me he and
a group of friends had their own “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” dinner by
ordering in Chinese food, reading Robbie Burns poetry and playing a
bagpipes cd.  I am going to have to put together a “Gung Haggis Fat Choy
Dinner Kit” and include suggested format, Robbie poems, Asian Canadian
poems, my own poems and a bagpipe cd by my piper Joe McDonald


Q: Where do you see this going?

A:  All across Canada.  Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinners in every town.  People are asking about Gung Haggis Fat Choy.  They want to do their own dinners.  I have heard from people in Edmonton, Nanaimo, Tacoma, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Portland…

And if it brings people together than that is great!  I know that my own ancestors had a hard time in this land because of racial discrimination – often because of Scots.  But now we have so many cousins marrying people of Scottish descent.  We are all intermarrying each others’ cultures.  This is creating a uniquely Canadian culture.  And it is all good.


We finished by doing a photo session with Mario the photographer.  He
had me jumping into the air, holding my dragon boat paddle in one hand,
and my dragon hand puppet perched on my other hand (I don’t think he
was trying to get a shot under my kilt).  I did a variety of leaps, recalling my jumping repetoire from my days spent freestyle skiing on moguls.


Ó 2005 Todd Wong

Mia Stainsby lists Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner event in Vancouver Sun article: Best New Restaurants 2004

Vancouver food critic Mia Stainsby, listed Gung Haggis Fat Choy in her Cover story article for today's Vancouver Sun's “Queue” Arts & Entertainment summary.

In an article titled Best new restaurants 2004: Rising culinary stars showcase Vancouver's unique blend of multicultural cuisines, Mia writes: 

“Food is like edible culture.  Take a look at the best
restaurants that opened this year.  They tell us we're no longer a
city of immigrants with a disconnect between mainstream and ethnic

“Vancouver restaurants today, like the city itself, are more a
melting pot than a mosaic of many cultures.  International
cuisines have mixed and merged into a seamless whole, and like the
stitching on a baseball, there's no beginning or end to it. 
What's been happening is quite amazing and adds cosmopolitan flair to
the city.

“Ethnic restaurants are not only chameleons in the mainstream,
they're now at the forefront of ideas and trends, blurring the lines
forever, particularly Asian ones…  So-called western-style menus
are woven through and through with Asian notes and riffs.  Blended
cuisines are often referred to as 'fusion,' but it's gone beyond
self-conscious borrowings from ethnic cuisines.  It's a cuisine of
its own – Vancouver cuisine.”

Stainsby goes on to write: “And look at the success of the annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy celebrations, the food-centred fusion of Chinese New Year and Robbie Burns Day.  Haggis wun tun
symbolizes this eccentric culinary union.  Only in
Vancouver.  The main event will be dinner at Floata restaurant on
January 30 and 700 party-goers are expected
. (See”

Stainsby mentions us after introducing Shiru Bay / Chopstick Cafe's natto ice cream (a sticky mix of fermented soy beans and ice cream), and Zakkushi Chacoal Grill's ome bushi sour cocktail (Japanese vodka, soda and crushed sour plum.)

Wow – we are in great company, and we are not even a
resturant!  We even got mentioned before Clove restaurant's butter
chicken and kafta balls, Zen Fine Chinese Cuisine, Also Lounge and

see Mia Stainsby's December 21, 2004 article about Gung Haggis Fat Choy titled Have a taste of 2004.

Reflections: Things that Toddish McWong could have told Peter Mansbridge, on CBC TV's The National about Gung Haggis Fat Choy

After my appearance on CBC TV's The National, of course there are things I wished I could have said.

“Todd – tell me how Gung Haggis Fat Choy has expanded,” asked Peter Mansbridge.

actual said – “The dinner has expanded to expecting 700 people this year.”

should have said – “We are expanding beyond the dinner event into mainstream events.  We have been invited to be part of the rejuvenated First Night Vancouver.  This will be an incredible event in downtown Vancouver's Theatre District, held at QE Plaza, CBC Plaza and Library Square. Performing with me will be Silk Road Music's Qiu Xia He & Andre Thibault, Dragon River Shadow Puppet Theatre's musicians Karen Wong & Zhongxi Yu.  We will be creating a family oriented show of audience singalongs, cross-over music, story telling – all celebrating Scottish Hogmanay and Chinese New Year on First Night.

We will have the 2nd annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night at the Vancouver Public – a free event of music and poetry featuring poet Fred Wah – a Governor General's Award for Poetry winner.  This is done in partnership with the World Poetry Series at the Vancouver Public Library, organized and co-hosted with Ariadne Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica.  We will also be featuring musician songwriter Joe MacDonald, poets Dugald Christie and Shirley Sue-A-Quan.  And I, personally, will perform one of the songs I have written for a planned Children's album of songs celebrating Gung Haggis Fat Choy – incorporating Scottish Hogmany, Robbie Burns Day, Chinese New Year and Multiculturalism or Interculturalism.

We are creating the inaugural SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Highland Games at Simon Fraser University – and event to draw on SFU's adopted Scottish heritage and the large Asian student population, to bring the university population together for a series of intramural fun & games + music performances.

Terry “Bear” Varga – owner of Bear Kilts, was very happy – nay – extremely happy, that I was able to mention “This kilt is a Maple Leaf tartan, just made by my good friend “Bear” at Bear Kilts, in the short time I had speaking with Peter Mansbridge.  This also rated a mention on the web forum X Marks the Spot – a web site about everything KILTS.

And my website!  Peter, is getting thousands of hits now, and growing so fast.  I have now decided to use my blog to document and record Asian-Canadian and intercultural events in Vancouver, as I can attend.  I just reviewed the Vancouver Opera's production of Madama Butterfly, as well as a small community event, Harry Aoki's First Friday Forum.  All are important to the intercultural and cultural fusion dynamics of Vancouver.  There are many websites that list events, but very few that actually provide reviews.  So that is what my goal is, to share how engage in intercultural multicultural Vancouver, by sharing my personal adventures and events.

Toddish McWong meets Peter Mansbridge: Gung Haggis Fat Choy on CBC TV's The National

Peter Mansbridge meets Toddish McWong.  Gung Haggis Fat Choy on CBC TV's The National. Picture of me with Peter to come soon…

Roland has already provided a table of contents for new readers listing the essentials of Gung Haggis Fat Choy.  The topics on the left column is something I am just learning to use, it will become more complete as the weeks progress. 

The film clips: 

We filmed some shots last Monday – myself with accordion and lion head, performing music with Joe McDonald on bagpipes, and Harish Kumar on drum + eating haggis wun tun and haggis spring rolls at the Floata Restaurant in Vancouver Chinatown.

Also shown were clips of a musical variety special titled “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” – yes, CBC TV in Vancouver bought the rights from me to use the name, and produced a stunning multicultural tv special.  It was a greatly entertaining 30 minute show produced by Moyra Rodger of Out To See Productions, that had Monty Pythonesque touches with cartoon sequences.  It was so good that it was nominated for two Leo awards for best TV work in BC:  Best Musical/Variety and Best direction for Musical/Variety.

Rae Hull, CBC TV regional director, was the executive producer who invited me in for a meeting in July 2003 and said, “Todd, I think it's time to take Gung Haggis Fat Choy up to the next level.” And voila!  A script is written, studios are booked and music videos are made.

Anyways… from the TV special, clips featured The Paper Boys, Vancouver based celtic folk-rockers, Chinese flautist Ji Min Pan, bagpiper Tim Fanning – all shot in the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Chinese Classical Gardens in Vancouver.  Other segments not shown on The National featured Silk Road Music, George Sampoudis, and Joe McDonald's band Brave Waves, as well as the origins of Toddish McWong and Gung Haggis Fat Choy.

The Chinese New Year Dinner featured Joe McDonald in full kilt dress with bear skin hat (or is it ostrich feathers), singer Ula Shines joining my parents, grandmother, and friends.  That was a shot of me holding a plate of a large haggis.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy, the tv special, was proposed to the Toronto CBC head office to run nationally for January with an expanded format, but sadly it was turned down.  If Canadians would like to see the award nominated Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2004 tv special, then please call your local CBC station and ask them to play it for Robbie Burns Day on January 25th, or for Chinese New Year which will fall on Feb 9, in 2005.

It's good.  It is so good, that I believe all Canadians will absolutely love it.  Everybody I spoke to had real positive things to say about it, and it made them LAUGH!  It really captured the spirit of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinners.  It pokes fun at stereotypes, it shows how Canadians borrow and cross cultures easily.  And most importantly, it shows some of the history of Scots and Chinese cultural traditions in Canada, as well as how we can laugh at ourselves (very important Canadian trait).  The next version would push the boundaries further… We came up with so many great ideas, that it is a shame not to see them realized. Imagine Sara McLachlan performing with her husband/drummer on Indian tabla drums… Loreena McKennit performing with Silk Road Music… hmmm… more dreams….

It was good to get the Gung Haggis Fat Choy voice on national TV.  It was a lot of work, I think we did about 3 hours of filming etc at Floata Restaurant last week in addition to about 4 hours in conversations, meetings and e-mails.  All for about 3 1/2 to 4 minutes on air.  I will try to put a transcript on this blog – hopefully for tomorrow, as well as answer questions that readers may have.  Special thanks to National producer Sarah Quadri and reporter Eve Savory for all their hard work.

Oh – before I forget…  My kilt is made by Terry “Bear” Varga of Bear Kilts.  He started up his company only two years ago.  It is a synthetic polyviscose material – light, inexpensive and perfect for dragon boat paddling.  The tartan is called “Maple Leaf” – we are adopting it as the official Gung Haggis Fat Choy tartan.  And… instead of buckles, Terry uses… (dare I say it?)… velcro!

How is Gung Haggis expanding?  In every way possible, and never before imagined!

We will be featured at First Night Vancouver at the QE Plaza, Dec 31.  Performing with me will be Silk Road Music's Qiu Xia He and Andrea Thibault, Dragon River Shadow Puppet Theatre's Karen Wong and Zhongxi Yu, and hopefully Battery Opera's David McIntosh and Lee Su-Feh.  We promise a night full of family entertainment, featuring audience singalongs, storytelling, music and fun.

We will be at the Vancouver Public Library on Jan 17, Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night – hosted with my friend Ariadne Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica – featuring poet Fred Wah, bagpiper Joe McDonald, Dugald Christie, and Shirley Sue-A-Quan.

So… thanks for tuning in and checking our blog.  Please make your comments and we will do our best to address them and answer your questions.

Slainte, Toddish





CBC TV's The National features Todd Wong & Gung Haggis Fat Choy on Dec 7, Tuesday

Dec 6th, 2004

- For immediate Release -

CBC Television’s The National features:

Todd Wong & Gung Haggis Fat Choy

On Tuesday Dec 7th, CBC TV's The National looks at life in one of Canada's most integrated cities, Vancouver BC. Urban Road Stories visits Todd Wong and his intercultural creation: Gung Haggis Fat Choy, also known as Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner.   The show airs live on CBC NewsWorld at 6pm and locally on The National at 10pm.

The story follows a rehearsal with the musical fusion band Brave Waves, featuring bagpiper Joe McDonald and drummer Harish Kumar with Wong playing accordion. Haggis wun tun and spring rolls are also served up. News anchor Peter Mansbridge will then talk in person with Wong.

Wong’s 10 course Chinese dinner event + haggis, has been simultaneously described as "wacky", "whimsical", "Monty Pythonesque", and "very Canadian." It inspired the 2004 CBC Television special Gung Haggis Fat Choy, nominated for two Leo awards and produced by Out to See Production’s Moyra Rodgers.

The dinner blends together Scottish-Canadian and Chinese-Canadian cultural traditions, as well as creating some new ones. This "little" fundraiser dinner for Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team once started out as a dinner for 16, and now 700 are expected for dinner on January 30th, 2005. Floata is the 4th restaurant to host this dinner event, which almost doubles in size each year, quickly outgrowing 3 previously used restaurants.

Special co-host for 2005, will be Shelagh Rogers, host of CBC Radio's Sounds Like Canada. It was in September 2004, that Toddish McWong first created haggis wun tun as a special gift for Rogers, when she and her flagship morning show relocated to Vancouver from Toronto. Joining them as co-host will be Tom Chin of Vancouver Asian Canadian Theatre.

Performers for the event include: bagpiper Joe McDonald and his band Brave Waves, and contemporary hip-hop songstress LaLa – both featured in the Gung Haggis Fat Choy television special. Also joining them areOpera Soprano Heather Pawsey; Governor General's Award winning poet Fred Wah; Scottish Highland dancing brothers Vincent and Cameron Collins + many more special guests such as Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell.

Wong and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team will also be featured on the French television show Thalassa, shown on TV5 on December 10,11 & 12.

Tickets for Gung Haggis Fat Choy are now on sale at Firehall Arts Centre Box Office: 604-689-0926.

Earlybird price is $50 regular, $45 for students, $35 for children 12 and under. After Jan 2, the regular price is $60 and $55 for students, $45 for children 12 and under.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy events will be:

  • Dec 31 - First Night Vancouver @ QE Plaza & CBC Plaza
  • Jan 17 - Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night @ Vancouver Public Library
  • Jan 28 - SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Highland Games @ Simon Fraser University
  • Jan 30 – Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong’s Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

For More information check out

or call Todd Wong at 604-987-7124 or e-mail at

Cultures collide: Chinese don kilts, Scots try haggis wonton – Gung Haggis Fat Choy in Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Associated Press

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2004 was in the Associated Press and Seattle Post-Intelligencer. This is very appropriate because Todd has a Seattle familial connection which he will post about later.

From Cultures collide: Chinese don kilts, Scots try haggis wonton – written by Amy Carmichael and originally written for Canadian Press.

Here is an excerpt:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Chinese men don kilts and Scots try haggis wonton in the annual multicultural Chinese New Year party for Scottish poet Robert Burns – a 1998 college gag that's become a mainstream event.

More than 500 people so far have snapped up tickets for this weekend's celebration. The birthday of the 18th century Scottish bard is Sunday, at the dawn of the Chinese New Year.

“This is what Canadian society is all about, introducing each other to our cultures and celebrating more holidays,” said organizer Todd Wong.

He was dubbed “Toddish McWong” when he caved in to pleas from friends in a Burns club to help out with their annual reading. The fifth-generation Chinese Canadian was given a book of Gaelic-spiked poems to recite, and a crash course on Scots traditions: men wearing skirts, carrying swords and eating weird foods.

“People, especially Scottish Canadians, thought it was really cool to see a Chinese guy wearing a kilt,” he said.

for more… check out Cultures collide: Chinese don kilts, Scots try haggis wonton – written by Amy Carmichael and originally written for Canadian Press. and Canadian Press gets a great story – check it out

Check it out Chinese don kilts by Amy Carmichael of Canadian Press (here's a PDF version).

This story was reprinted in Seattle Post Intelligence, Windsor ON, and many other newspapers and blogsites around the world.

Harry McGrath, coordinator of the SFU Scottish Studies Program and Beverly Nann, president of Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society give great quotes about Toddish McWong and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.

Please note: the photo credit should be to Don Montgomery and courtesy of Todd Wong

CBC TV Special “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” + CBC Radio: All in one Day!!!

“Wow! What a show… fast moving – lots of interesting topics. Truly
quirky and at times full of irreverent trivia about Scots and Chinese –
just like the actual Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner. Producer Moyra
Rodgers effectively captured the essence of the Toddish McWong Robbie
Burns Chinese New Year dinner.

I especially loved the animation segments that were extremely
reminescent of the old Monty Python's Flying Circus television
bits.  And the bits of trivia… such as how many times the size
or population of Scotland could fit into China – how fittingly
self-describes as “a completely uselsss bit of information.”

Quirky, irreverent, fun, educational, interesting… a juxtaposition
of diverse cultures giving new views of what it means to be Canadian. I
love it! Good on you Moyra! And to Rae too, especially for having the
vision and the courage to take a risk on Gung Haggis Fat Choy.
Afterall, 400 people at last year's dinner can't be wrong… and almost
another 600 people have already bought tickets for the the two nights
for Jan 24th & 25th, creating a 50% increase from last year.

This afternoon, soprano Heather Pawsey and I appeared on the CBC
Radio show The Afternoon Show with Kathryn Gretsinger and Fairchild
radio host Deborah Moore. Debra and Kathryn asked me about the origins of
Gung Haggis Fat Choy. Debra even asked what I was wearing under the
kilt! True to the code, I dinna gie her a straight answer! “We'll go
for a wee walk after the show,” I told her…

I brought Gung Haggis Wun-tun and spring rolls as an offering to
these queens of afternoon radio. And I brought along my accordion and
new friend Heather Pawsey. Heather is an accomplished classical soprano
singer who regularly appears with the Vancouver Opera and will be the
lead principle in the Feburary production of the Burnaby Lyric Opera.
While Heather was raised on a steady diet of Burns dinners since she
was a little girl, she has recently been singing in mandarin and has
developed a real appreciation for Chinese music and culture. There is
nobody better that I could think of to bring to the special Chinese New
Year programming day for CBC and Fairchild Radio at Aberdeen Mall in
Richmond BC.

After dropping Heather off back in Vancouver so she could prepare
for her evening gig at the Pan Pacific doing “Opera Nights,” I had
dinner with my girlfriend and her parents – visiting from Vernon BC.
This is what they had to say about it:

“I like it,” says Pat Martin, “Loved the blend of cultures… I
liked the music. I love the idea of dinner tomorrow. I love the idea of
watching the dinner show tomorrow and I can hardly wait to see who is
on. Waiting for lots of laughs.”

“I enjoyed the show thoroughly,” said her husband Bill Martin, who
is looking forward to having haggis at the dinner, and wants to take
some home to friends in Vernon. We watched for all the credits for our
friends and family.After the show was over, my girlfriend gave me a big
hug. She is very proud of me.