Category Archives: Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner

Performers for Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2006


Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns
What: Gung Haggis Fat Choy:
          Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns
          Chinese New Year Dinner

When: 6pm, January 22, 2006,

            Sunday  Reception at 5:30pm

Where: Floata Restaurant

             #400 – 180 Keefer St.

             Vancouver Chinatown

Tickets: Firehall Arts Centre


Advance Premium price (until January 9):
$60 single / $600 per table. 
Includes wine and Ricepaper Magazine subscription

Advance Regular price (until Januray 9): $50 single / $500 per table – i
ncludes Ricepaper Magazine subscription

After January 9th
– Premium price $70 each / Regular price $60
each.  Children 13 and under 50% off (no Ricepaper subscription).

Hosted by Todd Wong and Prem Gill (City TV's multicultural director and host of Colour TV)

can proudly say the our special performing guests are all my
friends.  I have scouted and reviewed their performances and they
are all deemed Gung Haggis Fat Choy worthy.  We are honoured by
their participation:

Rick Scott & Harry Wong

creators of “5 Elements” children's cd and show – featured at Vancouver International Children's Festival in 2004

Goh Goh” (Harry Big Brother) is the affectionate term that Harry is
know as on his “Bean Town” chinese languarge children's television show
that is broadcast around the world.  He is the “Raffi of Hong
Kong” and Rick Scott and I watched ch
ildren at Vancouver Children's Festival line up to meet “Harry Goh Goh” after their joint show.  “He's their hero,” Rick told me. 

slouch in the performing deparment himself, Rick Scott has thrilled
children's audiences everywhere – especially with his fan favorite Rap
song tribute to Mozard. “Yo Mo!” (Come on Amadeus, Whatcha gonna play
us?”  Scott has also thrilled adult audiences for decade
as 1/3 of the accoustic folk trio Pied Pumkin with Shari Ulrich and Joe
Mok (whose father is Chinese – making the Pumkin 1/6 Chinese??)

Joy Kogawa O.C.

Award winning author and poet, of Obasan (Vancouver Public Library's
2005 choice for One Book One Vancouver) and Naomi's Road (Vancouver
Opera's production for Opera in the Schools)

has become a truly blessed friend, as we have come together by crisis.
I first met her back in 1986 at Expo 86's Folk Life Pavillion where she
read from her newly written book Obasan
. I was stunned by the beauty of her words, that always stayed with me.

In my support of Obasan as the OBOV selection and in joining the Save Kogwa House
committee – we know regularly chat and share the ups and downs of the
campaign from the tree planting at City Hall to the performances of
Vancouver Opera's “Naomi's Road.”  She teaches me about
forgiveness, healing and about the Japanese Canadian redress movement.

Joe McDonald & Brave Waves

Bagpiper, band leader, combining traditional scots, gaelic, celtic and
Canadian songs with Asian and South Asian music and instruments.

has become a great friend and Gung Haggis regular stalwart.  I
first met him in January 2001 and he first performed when GHFC dinner
was only 100 strong. He participates in the GHFC World Poetry Night and
the gives priority to the GHFC dinner.  He has travelled often to
China and Japan as part of Canadian “multicultural arts groups” and
this summer he performed at the Expo in Japan.  He plays at South
Asian weddings, and Chinese Spring Festival events.

La La

Exciting blend of contemporary soul and hip hop music with Asian roots and traditional Canadian songs.
first saw LaLa perform “Auld Lang Syne” in the CBC tv special Gung
HAggis Fat Choy… she was selected as the “Chinese element” for the
last segment of the tv special and has performed many years with Joe
McDonald, singing at weddings, services etc.  When we first met,
we got along famously.  La La has a great voice suited for
traditional, hip hop or blues music.  It is rich and
soulful.  Last year, we performed together for First Night
Vancouver, and our friendly chemistry really put “The Haggis Rap” over
the top.  I still cannot believe 500 people punching air and
singing “As langs my arm!”

Sean Gunn

Singer /Songwriter – Head Tax Redress activist and composer of “The Head Tax Blues”
poetry is included in the first anthology of Chinese Canadian prose and
poetry titled “Many Mouthed Birds.”  He even invited me to play
accordion with me one summer at the Powell St. Festival.  His
song, the Head Tax Blues, is a rallying call for redress of the
racially discriminating head tax and exclusion act, suffered by Chinese
immigrants to Canada from 1885 to 1947.  It has been performed at
GHFC dinners in 2000, 2001, 2003.  The song is featured in the
Karen Cho NFB documentary “In the Shadow of Gold Mountain,” a moving
story about the Chinese Canadian pioneers and the redress campaign for
an apology and reparation.

Jeff Chiba Stearns

Classical Animator – creator of award winning animated film “What Are You Anyways?”

met Jeff this past summer in the Vancouver Public Library promenade for
the Japanese Canadian community fair.  I was taken immediately by
his drawings of his animated film “What Are You Anyways?” that
described his adventures growing up Half-Japanese in a BC interior
town.  Right then, I invited Jeff to be a performer for
GHFC.  He is the first filmaker we have featured.

The Shirleys

Seven sassy soulful females singing accapella songs of protest and lullabyes.

first met the Shirleys at a fundraiser event last year for then city
councillor Ellen Woodsworth.  I was amazed by the groovy chemistry
that this acappella group radiated.  I have known one of the
group's leaders Karen Lee-Morlang for a few years, as Karen organizes
monthly music programs at the Vancouver Public Library.  The
Shirleys sing lullabyes, they sing protest songs, they sing songs from
around the world.  They are hip, they are happening, and they give
real good group hugs.  You better believe it.


Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan to attend Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2006 – will read poem in Cantonese?

Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan to attend Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2006 –
will read poem in Cantonese?

It's official!  Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan will be attending the
2006 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner event at Floata Restaurant on January

But will Mayor Sullivan wear a kilt?  Will he wear the Sullivan
tartan?  Or will he be stylishly attired in a Chinese

Will he read a Robbie Burns poem, or a Chinese poem?
  After all, this mayor is known for his fluency in Cantonese – the same
language as the early Chinese Canadian pioneers, many of home all paid
the Chinese head tax to enter the country.

I have known Sam Sullivan for a number of years.  We first
got to know each other when he visited the BC History and Genealogy Day
fair at the Vancouver Public Library back in 2001 or 2002. 
then, we have bumped into each other many times at the Central Branch
Library where I work, as well as the Yaletown neighborhood where he

We initially had
a great talk about our family histories in Vancouver, and we discussed
how we both grew up in Vancouver's East Side.  My father had a
signwriting shop on Venables St between Clark Drive and Commercial
Drive, called Hopp Signs.  Sam's father ran “Sully's Autoparts” on
Hastings Street, between Clark Dr. and Commercial Dr. 

a councillor, Sam Sullivan has also attended a number of events for
Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop.  At our 2003 ACWW dinner, he
gave a welcome as deputy Mayor.  At the recent Ricepaper 10th
Anniversary dinner in September 2005, he surprised people by showing up
after a long hard day, which saw him victorious over Christy Clark for
the NPA position of mayoralty candidate.

This morning, I learned that my Sam and I were both attending Vancouver
Technical Highschool at the same time.  I was in grade 8 at Van
Tech when the young Sullivan was in grade 9.  Then I moved to
North Vancouver.  Sam will probably see some his old Vancouver
Tech school mates as some of my Laura Secord Elementary School
classmates are planning to have Laura Secord alumni table for the Gung
Haggis Fat Choy dinner.  I hope they invite Howard Jang, who is
now general manager for the Arts Club Theatre. Sam went to the other
feeder school, Chief Maquinna.

Last year we started the tradition of inviting the Mayor of Vancouver
with Larry Campbell – now Senator Campbell.  Mayor Campbell showed
up wearing a brightly coloured Chinese jacket over his mult-coloured
kilt.  And we had him on stage reading the Burns poem “A Man's A
Man for All That A' That” along with MLA's Joy McPhail and Jenny Kwan,
along with myself and co-host  Shelagh Rogers.

Mayor Larry Campbell at the 2006 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner: 

1) reading Burns poetry in his brightly coloured Chinese jacket

2) having a slice of the haggis with host Todd Wong

3) reading Burns poetry “A Man's A Man For All That and All That” with
MLA's Joy McPhail, Jenny Kwan, and hosts Todd Wong and Shelagh Rogers.
photos by Ray Shum – Tempest Photography

GUNG HAGGIS FAT CHOY 2006: Dinner update

GUNG HAGGIS FAT CHOY 2006: Dinner update

The tickets sales are picking up, and the media calls are coming in.

Wednesday night, I bumped into Max Wyman and his wife Susan Mendelson.
Max is the new mayor of Lion's Bay, and is excited to be coming as one
of my special guests at the head table.  He told arts curator Tom
Graff that he will be reading some Burns poetry.  Susan asked
about what to wear, and we told her that ethnic-chic was very very

Councilor Suzanne Anton confirmed she is coming, and thanked me for
making Kogawa House one of the beneficiaries of the fund raising
dinner.  I replied that the decision was a no-brainer and that I
really appreciate what Joy has done for the Asian Canadian literary and
arts community and it is very important to save her childhood home.
Last year city councilors Ellen Woodsworth, Anne Roberts, Sam Sullivan
and Peter Ladner attended, along with Mayor Larry Campbell.

Wong of the Calgary Herald called me for a short interview, asking what
the special surprise for 2006 was going to be.  I said I couldn't
tell her – it would ruin the surprise.

Harper who lives in Everett WA, is hoping to come across the border to
attend the dinner with friends.  Christina writes for The Scotsman, an international newspaper for the Scots diaspora around the world.

I am looking forward to the January 16th GHFC World Poetry Night.  I talked to  bagpiper Joe McDonald
the other day.  He is readying the pipes for our annual free
event, and he will be bringing some of his self-penned songs to perform.

On the cover of the January Events for the Vancouver Public Library is my cousin Janice Wong on the cover – because her book reading/presentation for CHOW: memories of food and family,
is being presented at the Central Library with a panel discussion on
January 18.  Chef Steven Wong is joining us, Janice, historian
Larry Wong and myself.  That makes it 4 Wongs or Quad Wongs says

Earlier this week, I also confirmed my participation for the SFU
Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games 3-day festival.  On January
25th, there will be opening ceremonies with Lion Dance, and a rice and
chopsticks relay.  On January 26th, there will be the Dragon Carts
races, and on January 27th, there will be a brand new world's first –
“Human Curling.”

I can't believe how my simple idea of Gung
Haggis Fat Choy is morphing into such crazy and unbelievable
permutations.  But I love it.

Hey Mom! They printed a picture of me in Shared Vision magazine…

Hey Mom!  They printed a picture of me in Shared Vision magazine…

it's January in Vancouver, BC, and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy season is
upon us now.  Welcome to the first print media sighting of this
phenomena known as Gung Haggis Fat Choy.

The first known media sighting is Anne Garber's Evalu8 Website.  Click on the little picture of “Gung Haggis” for the article.

Toddish McWong
Joe McDonald (in mask) holding his bagpipes, while Todd Wong plays accordion – photo Jaime Griffiths, courtesy of Todd Wong

For most of the year, Todd Wong is a
community activist who works on issues such as Chinese head-tax redress
and the preservation of the childhood home of author Joy Kogawa. Once a
year, however, the mild-mannered Wong transforms into Toddish McWong,
the host and organizer of Gung Haggis Fat Choy, a celebration of
Chinese and Scottish culture in honour of Chinese New Year and Robbie
Burns Day, which occur a few days apart. 

Check out the rest of the article at

Bought my haggis today…. 75+ pounds of it from Peter Black & Sons

Ordered my haggis today…. 75+ pounds of it from Peter Black & Sons

like the haggis that Peter Black of Park Royal makes.  It is a
lovely haggis with wonderful spices and Peter's secret recipe, that may
or may not include mince meat (so a friend tells me).

The first
time I tasted haggis, I gagged.  It's true.  I have said this
many times.  I since found out it was from a lard recipe. 
Who eats lard?  It was 1998, at the first Gung Haggis Fat Choy
dinner that a lovely woman named Fiona brought a haggis to our first
dinner for 16.

For the following years, I went on a quest…
searching butcher stores for the elusive haggis, trying different
stores.  Then one year, I bought my haggis at Peter Black &
Sons, located in Park Royal South.  People actually came up to me
and said… “This haggis is good.”  They liked it.  And I
didn't gag… and neither did they. 

The following year,
I left it too late to purchase my haggis.  Peter Black was all
sold out.  I found a butcher store with some haggis.  I
bought them all.  I shouldn't have.  It was back to the gag

So… I made dropped by Peter Black & Sons
early the following December and told them I wanted to place an advance
order.  They told me to come back in early January.  I
did.  And I ordered lots.  They couldn't believe it. 

I had a great talk with the man himself, Peter Black.  I ordered
70 one-pounders for each table + a banquet haggis “as lang's my
arm”.  And I also ordered a bucket of haggis – without the
wrappings… so we could make our won tons and spring rolls. 
Peter told me that he was making the haggis on the weekend, and he was
preparing the spice mixture as we spoke.

He also told me that a
patron brought him a picture of a Chinese guy wearing a kilt, hosting a
Robbie Burns Dinner.  Peter nodded and smilied, saying all the
right multicultural things…  never once saying that he is the
“official supplier” to the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner, and that it is
only his haggis that I use to my my special “Gung Haggis Won

Okay, so it may have been a rare moment of grace
and humility for the man.  But I like him, and I like his
haggis.  And tomorrow I will take him a copy of my new poster for
the 2006 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.  And Peter may put it up
above the little cage he has with the “wild haggis” inside.  Maybe
he will tell people that when the little creature grows up, he will
look like this:

Ha Ha Ha Ha…….  A Wild Chinese Haggis…..  that's me!