Category Archives: Dragon Boat Information

Gung Haggis paddlers featured in cover photo of Langley Advance for Cranberry Festival!

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Cranberry Festival is a big fun and important event in Ft. Langley.  Every year the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team attends.

In the above picture our Gung Haggis Hot Chili team is caught in a boat jam, as a team pushes our stern forward, preventing us from turn the boat to go left. 

I am in the front seat, trying to steer our boat left.  Our left side paddlers are paddling at a 45 degree angle to help pull our boat left.  Our right side paddlers are paddling hard to get us away from the boat colliding on our right side.

This is what happens when 3 teams enter a wide turn all at the same time.  We got the inside edge going into the turn, and pulled away from the boat beside us… but they kept their bow against our stern, preventing us from turning… meanwhile a third boat caught up on the outside and tried to paddle around us… but got stuck in the middle.  It sure looks like fun from this angle.

Gung Haggis paddlers compete at Ft. Langley Cranberry Festival Canoe Regatta: 1st in B Final 5th in A Final

AMAZING paddling Stories from today's races. 
Challenges and big leads…
Missed Opportunities and lots of boat collisions.

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Our team's favorite photo from the weekend. Sheer determination of our paddlers as they paddle along the beach. Our lead stroke Tzhe really leans out to help pull the boat forward away from the beach. – photo Todd Wong

Our paddlers on the Gung Haggis Bacon Explosion and Gung Haggis Hot
Chili teams proved their competitiveness, team spirit and sportsmanship.

Ft. Langley Cranberry Festival Canoe Regatta
October 10th, 2009

In the weeks prior, our 2 rosters had filled to 11 paddlers per team,
so we had to recommend to paddler friends Remus Wong and Tricia Pang
(Gung Haggis Friends at UBC Long Boat), to paddle for Team Naluwan,
home team of Richard & Karen Mah and Oliver Wu who paddled with us
at Richmond races.

Then in the final week, we had 4 paddlers unexpectedly drop out or be
sick.  We are thankful to Marciel and Michael, and Johannes for filling
in for us at the last minute.  We are also happy that friends Lisa
Venables, Maggie and Harvey (Richmond) and Carolyn (former GH paddler)
could join us for Ft. Langley races.

Final Rosters

Gung Haggis Bacon Explosion
Raphael – Captain
Dave Samis (steer final)
Adam (steer first race)

Gung Haggis Hot Chili
Debbie Poon (captain)

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 Gung Haggis Fat Chili leads the race in boat #2.  Todd is lead stroke, while Harvey steers. – photo Deb Martin

First Race (Right turn oval X ) 5 boats

GH Fat Chili

Good start… and we were 2nd going down the first stretch.
We caught up to the team on the 1st turn… taking the inside edge.
We raced neck and neck down the stretch.  Steersperson Harvey got us
the inside track and we entered the 2nd turn.  Coming around the 2nd
turn, the other team tried to hold us back… their lead stroke stuck
their paddle in front of our boat, trying to push us back…
But we stayed ahead of them.  As we cleared the last pylon, our front
paddlers tried to turn the boat… left… but the back of the boat was
blocked by that other darn boat… and a third boat, came into the
logjam.  We were pushed off towards shore and had to hold the boat,
while two other boats, turned behind us and down the 3rd stretch.  We
righted our boat, and headed into the 3rd turn trailing fast behind the
Pirates team.  We came down the final stretch hot on their heels and
and catching up… We placed 3rd.

Gung Haggis Bacon Explosion – (2X left ovals)
GREAT start… and BacEx is in the lead down the first stretch.  Other
teams get hung up in collisions.  BacEx makes the 1st turn with nobody
near them.  The final team has just finished the 1st turn, when BacEx
is making the 2nd turn.  They are 10 boat lengths in first place.  But
why is Tzhe drawing on the right side, when they are turning left? 
BacEx is on the wrong side of the buoy.  They paddle backwards, as the
2nd place team passes them.  They start paddling forward when the 3rd
place team passes them… they jockey for 2nd place along the turn…
boats colliding.  Finally they start to pull away out of the 2nd turn
and down the 3rd stretch.  At the 3rd turn they are 2 boat lengths
behind the 1st place team.  Down the 4th and final stretch they paddle
hard… creeping up to the tail.  They make their move in the final 1/4
stretch… gaining seat by seat… 4 seats behind… closer… 3 seats
behind…  almost there… one seat behind… will they make it?  So


We eat our Chilis…  Deb has made a cranberry/craisin chili.  Raphael
makes a bacon explosian chili.  Everybody is happy.  We mingle and chat
with our cheerleading squad led by Deb Martin, Jonas & Wendy,
Alissa & Ryan, Debbie's dad KK, Lisa's mom Peg, sister and nephew,
Remus' daughters Rebecca and Sarah, Brooke, Brooke's mother, and
niece.  We have enough cheerleaders to fill a boat.

The 1st race of the 2nd round of reverse ovals…
A team takes the first turn too sharply… people lean the wrong way…
people fall into the water.  The other teams are all racing down the
2nd stretch along the South Shore.  The small rescue boat goes to their
aid.  Race organizers are trying to tell the competing teams to stop
the race, but they can't hear.  They call the teams in, and boats are
sent out half empty to try to help rescue the wet paddlers.  But the
rescue boat has managed to take 4 people at a time to the South Shore,
while 2 paddlers remain helping to bail the capsized boat.

A meeting is held, and the races are post-poned because of the high
winds.  One woman is sent to the hospital to be treated for
hypo-thermia, but she is later reported to be okay.
Teams are told to reconvene at 1:30, and a decision will be made.  We go off to eat more chili,

At 1:30 16 teams remain to paddle.  4 teams have quit, gone home or to the beer garden.

Gung Haggis Hot Chili

Gung Haggis is racing against the other lower 7 finishers, including
Naluwan which contains friends Richard & Karen Mah, Oliver, Remus
and Tricia.

We go over the tactics needed to do good turns, and a good beach run. 
We change the start from a 6-6-6 to a 6-8-8.  We are lined up near the
North Shore at the start.  We tell our races to watch the red flag,
along with the air horn.  We think we hear an air horn… We feel a few
paddles take a stroke… but we don't start… yet… The flag goes
down/ hear the air horn… We paddle… hard… Eastwards… toward the
bridge…  I can see somebody on the bridge holding up a pumpkin… Our
boat steers a bit to the right where three pumpkins are thrown into the
water.  Steersperson Harvey wants to go where we have the best chance
of finding a pumpkin – not like last year's Gung Haggis teams – who
both missed pumpkins in the A final.

We are paddling hard towards the pumpkin.  There is another boat in
front to the right.  I am lead stroke… I keep paddling because it is
hard to pick up a pumpkin because of the raised bow in seat one.  Lisa
shouts “I've getting it!”  She is in seat two left.  While everybody
else is still paddling… she bravely bends down with her body to get
the pumpking bringing it to her chest.  I will ask her later
“Were you bobbing for pumpkins?”

She brings the pumpkin into the boat, and shakes the water from her
head, grabs her paddle and takes good hard strokes.  Our boat is the
first to emerge on the East side of the bridge because the 1st place
team missed their pumpkin and had to back up.  We are first all the way
to the 1st turn.  As we turn left, I call out “Take it easy”, I spike
my paddle to help facilitate the turn around the 1st buoy.  We have a
good sharp turn, we call a power series and race back under the bridge
towards the 2nd buoy. Another good turn, and we head North towards the
beach.  As we approach the beach, we feel our paddles hit the bottom of
the river, as Harvey turns the boat right.  Devon jumps out of the boat
to do the cranberry juice walk.  He has to balance a glass of juice on
his paddle and walk up the beach.  We try to push the boat forward, but
we are beached. 

“Back up!” I shout.  A few pushes, and we are free.  “Paddle forward!”
and our paddles scrape against the shallow shore.  Our boat moves to
deeper water and we move up the river.  Devon has finished his juice
walk, and he runs to our boat.  We draw left to bring the boat closer
to shore to pick him up.  He scrambles in, as we paddle forward, turn
right and cross the river.  The other boats have all finished turning
at 2nd buoy… Thankfully, because we now have to go around the same
buoy – but in the opposite direction.  It's a tight turn… So I spike
it hard, by turning backwards in my seat – pointing the paddle towards
the left front of the boat, to help facilitate the turn, as Harvey
completes the steering arc at the back of the boat.  We call a power
series and head Eastwards again towards the bridge and the finish line
beyond.  We can hear people chanting “Go Gung Haggis!”  We emerge on
the other side… and call another power series… heading to the
finish line buoys.  2, 4, 6, 8, 10… We call a finish and paddle
hard.  “More, More, More! 10 more strokes… we count them down 9, 8,
7, 6, 5… as we cross the finish line… 4, 3, 2, 1… We rest and
look back to see Naluwan battling it our with another team…. paddling
hard to the finish line.  Our friends finish 2nd.  We cheer on the
finishing teams.

Our friends and team mates congratulate us… and we exchange race
information.  Tony compliments us on a beautiful race…. the most
beautiful he has seen!  Our turns were tight, and we avoided any
collisions.  He is pumped up, and he tells the GH BacEx team to make
sure they grab the pumpkins (avoiding last year's fate)!

A Final 

Gung Haggis Bacon Explosion

BacEx had a good start.  They pulled away from the two team on their
left side.  But somehow they veered left and cut them off causing a
collision.  BacEx corrected and led the way to the closest pumpkin. 
Marciel grabbed the pumpkin, but lost his paddle at the same moment. 
Luckily, Raphael, sitting behind him, grabbed it with his left hand,
and a moment later Marciel was able to grab it back.   BacEx emerged
from under the bridge with four teams to their right.  The centre most
team was in the lead.  All the teams had to do a left turn around a
buoy.  BacEx made their turn behind the lead team,  they paddled hard
to go back under the bridge.  But they were still on the North side of
the bridge.  They had to race to the South side of the river and make a
right turn at the 2nd buoy.  Teams further south were closer to the
buoy.  They were in 5th place by the time they made their turn.

As BacEx approached the beach,  there were 4 boats already there… 
Raphael jumped out of the beach and held out his paddle for the juice. 
We walked quickly up the beach.  We had done this walk the previous two
years as well.  Two years ago, he had tripped climbing out of the
boat.  No tripping this year.  BacEx boat moved up the beach to pick up
Raphael, cutting off another runner from his boat.  BacEx paddled hard
towards the finish line going under the bridge.

Collision as they emerged under the bridge.  Oops, BacEx veers left. 
Another boat emerges colliding with the other boat.  Gung Haggis Bacon
Explosion turns tries to take the outside line, but the 2 boats are
pushing Northward off course.  BacEx slows down, waits for the boats to
pass, cuts right, and heads for the finish line…  Wheewww what a
finish.  One of the boats back paddles, then turns right to cross the
finish line.  The other boat does not finish.  Gung Haggis BacEx
finishes 4th or 5th in A Final for our highest ever finish in A Final.

Good races all around for everybody!  People on both our teams had big
smiles on their faces. Lots of compliments to our steers people Harvey,
Adam and Dave… and to our team captains Raphael and Debbie.  Thank
you to all paddlers for joining us.  It was the first Cranberry regatta
for many paddlers, and they thoroughly enjoyed it.  WARNING: Some are
even planning for next year already.

More pictures here on flickr:

Cheers, Todd


Here is a message from race organizer Cheryl McIntosh ( who paddled with Gung Haggis in Vernon 07)


What an exciting day – We never get wind like that in Fort Langley. 
But thank you all for being understanding and flexible in our day.  I
want to thank everyone for being to helpful when we had paddlers in the
water and let you know that the one that went to the hospital for
observation is fine and at home.  She phoned to thank all for your
help. Better safe than sorry. 

In case you did not hear the announcement at the midday meeting the
winner of the chili contest were
Best Meat – Cran-vores
Best Cranberries (and Veggies) – Canoe Yahoo

Here's the results from the final races

Final B
GH Hot chili 8:33.21
Naulwan 9:22.72
PP Apple blueberries 9:34.43
KS Chickens 10:03.87
Canoe Yahoo 10:17.18
DF Cranberry Kickers 10:31.76
Saints Preserve Us 10:45.15

Final A
FLCC Flatwater 7:00.49
Misfits 7:55.09
Cran-ivores 8:05.75
SOAR 8:38.81
GH Bacon Explosion 9:24.81
Sturgeon Bashers 9:25.79 DNF – outside of finish buoys
Crusaders 9:51.25

Great racing everyone and congratulations to Flatwater for placing
first overall. 
I am so glad we were able to have our last races and everything was
I ask each of your teams if they have any comments or suggestions for
next year please email me.
And of course thanks for helping put the equipment away after the last

I hope everyone had fun, enjoyed the festival and races, and that we'll
see you next year.

Gung Haggis paddlers compete in 2009 UBC Day of the Long Boat race – 2nd in Mixed and Mens Community races.


Gung Haggis paddlers came 2nd in both Mixed and Mens Community races.

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Tzhe, Christine, Hillary, Brandi, Karen, Debbie, Walter and Joe of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Community Mixed long boat team – photo Alex Kwok/T. Wong

UBC Long Boat race is a tough challenging race.  Lots of strategy is
important.  Steering plays a big role.  Experience makes a big

for organizing and captaining the team for today!

BIG THANKS to our long boat team.
Tzhe in seat 1 – the runner and lead stroke
Hillary and Christine in seat 2
Debbie and Brandi in seat 3
Walter and Karen in seat 4
Joe and Ernest in seat 5
Todd for steering.


Tony had wanted to create a strong mens team to give the visiting
Philippine paddlers a chance to race while they were still in Canada. 
I said let's do it!  UBC Long Boats was the opportunity. After Tony had
also potentially recruited 3 women paddlers, I felt it would be easier
to recruit 2 additional women and create an additional MIXED TEAM, that
I named Gung Haggis FRIENDS.  This allowed paddling friends such as
Carly & Steve – the father daughter duo from Metro Van 44 Cheeks
and Flight Centre to paddle with us. Lisa and Dominic from How Wet Can
You Get and who paddled with us in Richmond, as did Oliver from PCL. 
Carolyn Jeffries from CC Riders joined us, as did her coach Alex Kwok –
paddler for Booze Cruise.  Remus from Dragon Hearts has paddled in
Vernon and Ft. Langley with us – He brought Tricia with him from Dragon
Hearts.  Alison and Wade (on Mens Team) from Sudden Impact joined us. 
They paddled with Dan Seto (loyal Gung Haggis alumni) at the Nationals
in Montreal this year.  Along with Michael Chavez, Philippine paddler
who joined us for Last Gasp – this was the GH FRIENDS team. Almost
nobody had done UBC Long Boat race before… except Tony, Alison,
Tricia and Dan.

GUNG HAGGIS team philosophy has always been to be inclusive, give paddlers opportunities, emphasize friendship and fun. 
I think we all accomplished this today.

There were lots of challenges… many unexpected… some preventable….
I apologize for any mistakes in steering….  I know we could have done better.
Given the circumstances we did our best… and we were competitive.  If
not for us, Scaly Bytes FC didn't have any close competition.

We tried to beat Scaly Bytes FC team in Mixed and Mens categories. 
These are experienced outrigger paddlers used to long distances.  Scaly
Bytes recently competed in the 51km Santa Catalina crossing race in
California.  I have known team organizers Ron Chin, Stuart Higginson
and Sarah Glazzard for many years.  The first time they raced UBC Long
Boat was with a Gung Haggis team back around 2006.


Here's my blog draft about:


Strong paddling from everybody today – at points in both races Gung
Haggis Chop Suey MENS team and Gung Haggis FRIENDS were in the lead.

We had strong men in the boat today.  I first met Tony in 2006 when he
paddled on the PYROS team from the Philippines.  He had recruited
former fellow teammate Achilles who had paddled on the Philippine
National team, as had Abu.  Marshall and Michael Chavez had come to
Canada recently as paddlers on the Phillipine Police team for the World
Police and Fire Games.  Remaining paddlers were Wade, Allison and Dan
who had paddled together on the Sudden Impact Team that went to
Montreal Nationals race. Alex Kwok from the Booze Cruise team rounded
out the team.

MENS team had a great start and were leading the 2 team division…. as
well as leading the 2 womens teams.   We had a fast start and reached
the 1st buoy with a great line, maximizing speed.  Scaly Bytes FC Mens
got trapped by the 2 womens teams on either side of them.

Going past the 1st buoy and the Jericho wharf, we were leading by about
5 boat lengths in front of Scaly Bytes FC…. until we got hung up on
the sand bar – forcing Marshall to run from the sandbar, through deep
water, grab the baton and jump back into the boat.

We tried to back off the sand bar, and move left to go pick up
Marshall… but the Scaly Bytes FC Women's team then hit into us, as we
moved left… hitting us into the sand bar again.  Marshall ran hard
through the water to jump back into our boat…

We were able to push away and get going hot on the tail of the Scaly
Bytes FC Mens team, cutting off time with a tighter turn on the 2nd
yellow buoy.  Maybe they were about 3 boat lengths in front of us…   

“We're gaining on them” yelled Tony. We had a chance.

In the long stretch FC Scaly Bytes pulled farther ahead… Both boats
bounced on the waters of English Bay… left… then right…

“Anything can happen!” I yelled… “They could flip… keep paddling” 
I said these words to give our team some hope… knowing that races
could still be won or lost on corners, and in the finish…

Scaly Bytes FC made their tun…. going wide.  We kept paddling… I
took us for a wider turn to keep our speed up… and cut the 3rd and
final buoy sharp.  We practically clipped the buoy.  We had lots of
speed, that took us a bit wide.. but steering corrections brought us
back on track to the finish line. 

Scaly Bytes FC ran their boat onto the beach… and their runner jumped
out of the boat… ran up the beach to bang the gong.   We kept
paddling… our  runner Marshall jumped out and ran up the beach…
banging the gong.  What a race…  We had been in the lead, we didn't
go far enough around the corner into the bay.  We hit the sand bar.  We
were behind.  We tried to catch up.  We struggled. We lost.  We had
done our best… but it hadn't been good enough.  We gave high fives to
each other in recognition of our shared experience… of thanks…  but
it did not ring with the joy of exhileration of winning.


To help give more preparation for our Gung Haggis FRIENDS MIXED team,
Michael Chavez and I walked over to watch the next race to see how best
teams can make the turns, follow the course, avoid the sand bar, make
the beach landing… then return around the 2nd buoy, paddle the long
length back to the 3rd buoy, then race to the finish to drop off the
runner and bang the gong.


2009_Sept_UBC_Longboat 015 by you.
Gung Haggis Friends teams pushes off from the start – photo Alex Kwok/T.Wong

At the start… The Gung Haggis Fat Choy Mixed team was on the far
left… and the Gung Haggis FRIENDS MIXED team was on the far right.  I
was to steer Gung Haggis Fat Choy with Scaly Bytes FC on our right. 
The horn sounded… and All the steers people ran to the boats… 
“Go.. Go…” I yelled, as I go to the boat… and the paddlers…
paddled… forward taking off as I tried find my seat and grab my
paddle.  The boat lurched forward, with nobody steering.  I found my
paddle and paddled forward, looking around me to see where I should
steer the boat.  We were ahead of Scaly Bytes FC.  There was open water
to our right.  Surprise!  The left most lane is the hardest because you
have to some how cross every other lane to the right.  With nobody
blocking our way, I turned to the right… cutting off the teams to our
right…. as they had to avoid collisions…

Scaly Bytes FC, had backed off to “avoid the canage” (I talked with
their steersperson after the race), they came around the outside to our
left… but they were behind us. 

A team bumped into us hard from our right. 

Surprise, it was the Gung Haggis FRIENDS team.  They had been in the
inside lane closest to the 1st buoy.  This is a good lane if you are a
fast team.  But it is a tough lane if the other boats force you to the
right, missing the 1st buoy.  They had been in danger of other teams
pushing them over… but Gung Haggis FRIENDS paddled hard, staying on
the outside of the buoy. 

Not backing down to make a sharp turn, Gung Haggis FRIENDS paddled
hard… coming up hard beside Gung Haggis FAT CHOY team.  With two
boats so close beside each other, there was no room for the inside
paddlers to paddle.  This effectively slows both boats down
significantly.  Behind us, Scaly Bytes FC was catching up, avoiding
collisions.  Gung Haggis FAT CHOY and Gung Haggis FRIENDS struggled to
push off from each other… but too late.  Scaly Bytes FC was catching

Gung Haggis FRIENDS took the inside path… I steered Gung Haggis FAT
CHOY to a wider path to the bay where we had to pic up the baton… I
really had to avoid the sandbar that I had steered us into during the
mens race.   Behind us, Scaly Bytes FC tried to pass, but had to steer
further to the outside, trying to avoid colliding with us.

All three teams paddled hard to the beach.  Scaly Bytes FC took a
further line, still paddling when Gung Haggis FRIENDS hit the beach. 
To the left or to the right of them, I had to make a decision.  I
expected the boat to drop off their runner, then keep moving to the
left.  We came in fast, and I kept the boat moving.  But GH FRIENDS had
come into the beach to hard, and beached the front of their boat.  We
hit them hard.

“You rammed us” later said the GH FRIENDS paddlers during our debriefings. 

The GH Friends boat tipped over to the left, from the impact.  Water
started filling into the boat.  They tried to right it fast. 

“Back up!”  I shouted to the GH team.  But we too were now a bit
beached.  Tzhe had already jumped out of the boat, and was running to
grab the baton from the tent.  GH paddlers push backwards against the
sand, backing away from the GH FRIENDS team, who were climbing back
into their boat, now partially filled with water.  They looked
frantically for bailers…

Tzhe jumped into the boat, and we were still backing up.  Remus was the
runner for the GH FRIENDS team, and he too had jumped back into the
boat.  GH Friends was backing up, as we were backing up… we had to
back up even more.

Scaly Bytes FC were now paddling away from further down the beach, having regained their runner.

“Draw Left!” I shouted… as we were finally clear of the GH FRIENDS team.  We struggled to turn the boat away from the beach.

“Paddle Forward!”  we shouted, as we tried to gain some speed to catch up to the rapidly escaping Scaly Bytes FC team.

They turned left at the second buoy, and there were less than boat
lengths between us.  Behind us, another team was behind us by 2 boat
lengths.  We paddled past the 2nd buoy.  There were OC-6 outrigger
canoes stopped to watch the race.  I think they had False Creek Racing
Canoe Club written on their hulls.

“Power Now!” shouted Ernest from the 5th seat left.  Ernest has done
this race many times.  A few years ago, he had been a runner.  He knew
that the race wasn't over yet.  Anything could happen… at anytime
during a race.  “Power Now… 2, 4, 6, 8, 10” Ernest called, paddling
hard with each stroke in an effort to will the team to catch up.

GH Friends was paddling hard.  Water was still in the boat, surrounding
their feet.  As they paddled, water sloshed in the boat.  As the boat
tipped this way or that, the water in the boat reacted, forcing the
boat to lurch.  But these are all experienced paddlers.  Many of them
paddled now or in the past on competitive teams.  Michael was an
experienced canoe paddler and steers, and has paddled on Phillipine
National teams.

As Scaly Bytes FC turned the last buoy to head to the finish line, we
were now about 5 to 6 boat lengths behind.  The boat behind us was 3
boat lengths behind.

We turned the corner, with the other boat hot on our heels.  Each boat
trying to make the corner tight.  Each boat trying to keep their speed

Scaly Bytes FC hit the beach.  Their runner ran up the beach to bang the gong.

We came up to the beach the right of them.  Tzhe jumped out and ran up the beach.

The next team came up close to our boat to the right.  Their runner ran up the beach to hit the gong.

As we started unloading the boat, the 4th place team had rounded the
final buoy and was paddling to the beach.  It was GH FRIENDS paddling
hard.  They came to the left of us.  Remus jumped out as the boat hit
the beach.  He ran up to hit the gong.  We helped each other out of the
boat.  And went to congratulate each other for finishing the race.

High fives… for all paddlers.  It had been an exhilerating finish for all teams. 

Gung Haggis had paddled hard to come 2nd to a much more experienced
team.  We had 3 rookies in the boat.  Karen and Christine had paddled
with us since April, training for the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat
race.  Walter had joined us in May.  We had experienced paddlers Tzhe,
Joe, Ernest, Hillary, Debbie and Brandi.

Gung Haggis FRIENDS was a team who had never ever paddled together
before.  Allison had the most experience, and had paddled the UBC Long
Boat with a Ft. Langley team.  Tricia had paddled Long Boat races 4
times before, but this was her first time as a dragon boater.  Michael
steered the boat, after only having his first Long Boat race as a
paddler 90 minutes earlier while racing with the mens team.  For 7
other paddlers, it was there first time in the UBC Long Boat Race. 
Only Remus, Oliver and Allison had paddled before voyageur canoes
before at the Ft. Langley Cranberry regatta.  For Lisa, Carolyn, Carly,
Steve, Dominic it had been their first time in the 10 person voyageur
canoe.  They had paddled valiantly with maybe and extra 300 pounds of
water in their boat.

Cheers, Everybody…  Todd

Kelowna Dragon Boat Festival – Day One

I am paddling in Kelowna with “How Wet Can You Get”

– formerly known as Scotia Dragons for the past decade, they changed their name this year.

I last raced in Kelowna in 2001 with GM Team (also known as Canadian, and later Roli), and in 2002 we raced a Gung Haggis Fat Choy team supplemented by paddlers from the 39th Brigade Army team.

The race site is on Okanagan Lake, just north of the new Bill Bennett Bridge and beside the Grand Hotel.  There is a small beach that is used for the loading and unloading of dragon boats.

There are many people I know and have paddled with over the years o this team.  I was invited by my paddling friend Lisa Venables, who joined the team this year after paddling the previous 8 years with O2P.  Steers William Cheng and I last raced together in 2001 when I coached the Civil Serpents and we brought him on as steers.  Back in 2000, Manley was on Dragon Hearts novice team, when I drummed and coached the Dragon Hearts Rec team.  Cal Kelly joined the Gung Haggis team for the Taiwanese Race 4 years ago.  And Connie Pan works at the Vancouver Public Library with me.

On the first day of this Kelowna Festival, we raced two times, and came 2nd in each race.  Our morning race time was 2:20 – losing by 4 seconds to RGL United

In our afternoon race, with increasing winds and rough water, we raced
2:26 – losing by 10 seconds to Without Warning – where Dan Seto is

But… we made it into Diamond Division – the second highest tier – so
we are in the top 20 teams of about 80-100 teams (I don;t know what the
final total is).  We are in lane 1 – so we probably had the slowest
combined time,  (they always seed the fastest team in the middle eg. 3
for 5 teams).

But we have 5 or 6 “borrowed paddlers” – so with each race the entire
team improves as we learn the race calls, adjust to the stroke and
pace, and help bond as a team.  But the other teams have borrowed
paddlers, and are adjusting too.  Also in Diamond Division are SFU
Scaly Justice Bytes with Stuart Higginson and Ron Chin + Booze Cruise
with mercenary paddlers Manfred Preuss + Carolyn Jeffries & Alex
Kwok from CC Riders.

The weather started off raining this morning… but cleared up for our
first race.  Sunshine actually happened.   But winds blew up after our
2nd race – causing a boat collision – but they kept going.  Sun and
heat arrived in time for beer garden time after the races.

I chatted with lots of dragon boat friends. 
Manfred Preuss is here with his wife Kathy, paddling on Booze Cruise, 
Manfred paddled with Gung Haggis at Rio Tinto Alcan this year.

Carolyn Jeffries from CC Riders and the CC Riders Coach Alex Kwok are also on Booze Cruise.

Maggie and Harvey are racing with Dragon Hearts Beat, as is James Yu (coach of Metro Van 44 Cheeks)

Allison Adachi and Wade who came out to practice with us on Tuesday are here with a mixed Chilliwack team.

Guen from Shaggin' Dragons is wearing her bunny ears on the drummer's seat.

Lee who paddled with us at Taiwanese last year is here with her Sudden Impact team

Lots of paddlers from Kelowna, including the Blazing Paddles who insisted on buying me a beer for steering for them in Vernon.

Gung Haggis dragon boat team races inaugural Last Gasp regatta and posts big leads!

Gung Haggis dragon boat team posts two big 1st place finishes in Vancouver's inaugural Last Gasp dragon boat

The Dragon boat racing season isn't quite over.  With the cancellation of the 6 year old 2009 Vancouver International Taiwanese Dragon Boat Race, held in conjunction with the Taiwanese Cultural Festival, the new Last Gasp regatta found it's place on the Vancouver Labour Day weekend.

Last Import - 010 by you.

Gung Haggis team after the 2nd race, first 500m race of the day – photo T. Wong

10 person dragon boats were incorporated into the race grid alongside traditional 20 person dragon boats.  The race format featured one 200m. sprint + two 500m races with an optional 1000m. race.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy team was a competitive 3rd place (by 1/2 sec)
in first race, a 200m sprint.  Facing tough competition from Starbucks Waverunners and Phat Phish who came 1st by 2 seconds, Gung Haggis was slow off the start, but picked it up for a strong finish.  Finishing so close to more traditionally stronger teams was a big boost to the confidence of our paddlers.

For our 2nd race, I sat off the boat, as a 10 person crew needed a steers.  We had brought in former Gung Haggis paddlers/drummer Julie – so she drummed our regular races.  Steven Wong and I shared steering duties, so he took over for the 2nd race.

2nd race had a strong lead from the start.  After the first very tight race, it was hard to believe that Gung Haggis had such a big lead.  Our team kept up the pressure, calling power series and a strong finish. 

Last Import - 006 by you.
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team crosses the finish line in our 2nd race. – photo T. Wong

The final races, were ranked in order of combined times from the first two races.  We ended up in the D division, even though we were just .23 seconds slower than one of the teams going into C division. But that's racing.  We would have liked to have raced our friends The Pirates from Chilliwack. 

For our D Final race, we were lined up beside Aquarius Aqua Divas – a women's made up of paddlers from Shaggin' Dragons and Speediatrics.  I've known their drummer Guen since about 2006, and Charlene from 1999.  Also lined up beside us was Twisted Hips – a rookie team that was developed from the Paddlers Up public paddling program, that we helped start up back in 2006.

From the start, we took a slight lead.  The team paddled steadily.  We could feel the surge of the boat with each stroke.  I could hear veteran paddlers Tony and Dan calling “Backs Push” – keeping the backs strong and steady.  By the mid-point we had a comfortable lead, so Julie didn't call any more power series. 

“Finish Now” yelled Julie. And the team dug their paddles deeper.  “More” I called from the 4th seat.  And we all paddled harder.   We crossed the finish line, as Julie yelled “More!”  Next she called “Let it run” and we collapsed in fatigue, turning our heads to see the other boats approaching and crossing the finish line, following us by 5 seconds.  Our final race time was 2:25, very close to the 2:24 times of the C final above us.

There were 5 finals altogether. In the A Division Final Race –  A and B had four teams racing.  C, D and E had 3 teams racing. We were happy that our final time beat two teams in C and B divisions.

of D'Zone prevailed, with the addition of our paddler Gayle, who used
to paddle with them many years ago.  Gayle is the strongest and most
experienced woman paddler on our team, and we feel very fortunate that
she likes us and paddles with us for two years in a row now.  We
nicknamed her “The Goddess”.

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Gung Haggis team passes under the Science World dock after their 2nd race of the day. – photo T. Wong

Gung Haggis did NOT race 10 person boats… just 20 person boats + 1000m race.

I also steered a 10 person boat for the joint Banana Fusion / Race Face / Dragon Z team –  We came 1st. for their final Mens team heat.  The 10 person boats also raced heats for womens and mixed as well.

This was my first time in a 10 person boat.  It is  very sensitive.  I needed to brace and balance a lot.  It would have been fun to do a barrel race in them!!!!

Our 1000
m was fun. We had a good start and caught up to the team ahead of us at
the turn. But… they slowed down spiking the turn – where I steered
a wider course to keep our speed up – trying to cut behind them, as
they turned out…. BUT THEY SLOWED DOWN TO MUCH. I told our team “Slow
Down” I clipped the outside of their stern… I should have yelled
“BACKS HOLD!” We got forced to go outside around the ADD (Shaggin
Dragons/Speediatrics) team…. Damn.  we will have to practice turning maneuvers with multiple boats as we prepare for the UBC Day of the Long Boats (Sep 27) and Ft. Langley Cranberry Festival Regatta (Oct 12).

I made the turn, we would have sling-shotted past the 3rd starting
boat, and quickly caught the 2nd starting boat. 1st starting O2P was
left behind on the first straightaway. 5th starting Strathcona Storm
came behind us on the turn, caught up, and powered to the finish.

I am Very proud
of our team's performance and that they are all wonderful good-hearted people who like being friends!

Last Import - 030 by you.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team – Last Gasp edition:
l-r Dan, Sean John, Todd (front), Jim, Christine, Nancy, Joe (back), Stephen W., Tzhe, Walter, Carly (front), Raphel, Julie (almost hidden), Stephen M (back), Marion, Danielle, Karen, Devon (back), Debbie (front), Steve (back), Hillary, Tony, Georgia, Michael, Marshall – photo D. Martin

Final dragon boat races for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy team Saturday Sept 5th @ Science World/False Creek

It's the final dragon boat regatta of the 2009 season in Vancouver

Last Gasp dragon boat regatta Sep 5 Saturday @ Science World/False Creek
This will be the first public dragon boat race in Canada that features 10 person dragon boats.  These boats were first used in Vancouver for the World Police and Fire Games in August.

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team started their racing season with practices in the last week of February, the first race on May 2 in Burnaby's Barnet Marine Park, the Dragon Zone regatta on June 7th, and the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival on June 20 and 21st. 

We entered the Richmond Festival for our first time, and came 4th in the A division.  We traveled to Vernon for July 25/26, as it is our favorite race of the year on beautiful Kalamalka Lake.

We will next enter the UBC Day of the Long Boats and the Ft. Langley Cranberry Festival Regatta, to race in voyageur canoes.

But first…. we have to race Saturday Sep 5th at the Last Gasp regata.
Dragon Zone beside Science World, at Creekside Park, Vancouver BC.

Please come cheer us on!

Here's the message from our magnificient manager Tzhe Lam:

'ello Gung Haggis,

I have finally received the race grid from Dragon Zone and it looks like the first races of the day start at 9am.

first race of the Day will be at 9:55am so we will need to marshall at
9:35 if they are on time which means I would like everyone to be at
Dragon Zone at 9am at the very latest.

This is so that we have
enough time to setup tents and get organized as well as make sure we
get the final roster into the Officials so that we can race.

If you have not signed the roster yet make sure you arrive early so that you can do so.
Also bring me your $20 race fee if you have not yet paid me!!!

Our second race will be between 12pm and 12:45pm depending on our placing in our first race

Race 3 will be most like between 2:15 and 3pm  depending on our times

Race 4 1000m will be between 3:20pm – 4:20pm again determined by overall time.

These are rough estimates of time and can and will change on race day depending how quick/slow they get the races out.

As always bring food and drink of your choice to the event. Preferably something that won't make you sick while paddling.

Fans and supporters are welcome.


Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team heats up Vernon Races

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 005

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team at the start line for 5th Annual Vernon Dragon Boat Races.

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 004Steven Wong is steering our first race on Saturday.

Vernon Dragon Boat Races are one of our favorite races of the year.  We love the hot weather, lots of sun, the beach and the clean clear cooling water of Kalamalka Lake.  This was our 4th visit to these waters.

Our first race was a 200m sprint.  We finished in 53 seconds…. and some of our stronger paddlers weren't even in the boat.  I videoed the race on my camera.

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 008 Video of 1st Race – 200m sprint.

were loaded in the boat for our 2nd race of the day. We had already
posted a 53 second 200m spint… and we were ready for the 500m.

The winds picked up. Two other teams were already out on the water….

The race was post-poned.  We were told to wait it out on land. But the wind started to blow all the tents away. We were told to go look after our stuff.

We saw the band stand tent nearly getting blown off the stage.

The races were being post-poned for about 40 minutes.

saw the big wave action at the beach, with lots of white caps, and
encouraged the team to come “wave jumping” with me. I took two paddlers
into the lake with me – and we tried body surfing.

Then the rain started…. Somebody said there was hail.

Jimmy B. reported that the races were being canceled for the day. Our
500m race would rescheduled for 9am first race of the day….

The 1000m race was canceled 🙁:-(

packed up the tents and equipment, loaded up our cars in a downpour,
then went to Deb's parents' lakeside home, where we were hosting the
team bbq.

We have a picture of 13 people in the hot tub… as the sun was coming out.

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 014 Hot Tub at Martin's Nest

5:46pm I received a phone message, “This is Vernon Dragon Boat Races,
We are live… There is sunshine on the beach. Come down to the beer
garden and help save the festival.”

But we were already relaxed, and preparing our traditional bbq at Martin's Nest – childhood home of my girlfriend Deb Martin, former paddler/drummer/steers for the team.. Some of our paddlers went canoeing and kayaking…. at the private dock.

Sunday Races

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 023 Jane drums for the re-scheduled 500m race at 9am Sunday morning.

We were in the first race heat on Sunday morning, rescheduled from Saturday afternoon.  It was an easy 500m race.  I (Todd) steered. I think we came 2nd. After we got off the boat, I was quickly pulled over to steer for another team, then another team.  I had to take a break after being on the water for about an hour in the heat.

raced our Semi-final around noon, but we spun out, after steers Dave
Samis lost control. We clipped another boat – but finished under

was right after, I had steered a boat for DRAGNUM…. and hit boat
waves… losing control of the boat. DRAGNUM had posted a 2:12 quarter-final time, and was a top seed… but because
of the spin-out, narrowly missing another boat, they got bumped down to
B Final instead of A final.

Because of our spin out, Gung Haggis was bumped to D Final instead of C Final.

We had a good race final finishing 2nd with a time of 2:25.

Then I (Todd) steered again for the Kelowna Blazing Saddles.  The team had a strong race finishing 2nd, after catching up and passing a boat that had been neck and neck with us.  Final time 2:16.

Time for the beer gardens Gung Haggis team got the dancing going in the beer garden on
Sunday with a “revised lyrics” version of 500 Miles.  eg.  “I WOULD
PADDLE 500 MILES”.  Lethal Weapon – we will have to teach your teams
for improved DB spirit!  We even put a kilt on a Calgary paddler, known
to this forum.

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 029 “I Would Paddle 500 Miles!” – Kilts in front of the stage. Bruce from Calgary, Debbie from Kelown with Dave and Todd.  more Gung Haggis paddlers on the right.

2009_July_VernonDragonBoat 033 Colleen, Alissa and Debbie show our 2nd place ribbons!

Calgary Teams ruled the fastest times along with Kamloops' Extreme Currents, and Extreme Curves women's team.

to all teams that participated and contributed to the truly friendly
atmosphere, and willingly volunteered to help make these races run
smoothly, in the wake of so many challenges (eg. Dynasty Boats ugh!)

Gung Haggis Fat Choy Team Captain Jim Blatherwick pointed out that:

1) Fastest 200m by GHFC at Vernon at 53 seconds.

Our 2nd place time in our final (2:25) was 1 second behind the Bronze
medal time of the A Final. It was also our 2nd fastest time in Vernon
ever for the 500m.

3) Our steerers raced with countless other
teams. Todd, Steven, and Dave are to be congratulated as it seemed like
they were somehow involved in every other race.

4) During our
unfortunate collision of the semi-final, everyone followed instructions
and Dave was able to keep his wits about so that we only clipped the
other boat and didn't hit it in the middle. Bruised egos are better
than bruised people and as a group we did well.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team racing in Vernon

The Greater Vernon Dragon Boat Festival, is “THE FAVORITE” race of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team.  This is the the 4th straight year we have entered, and the 5th annual race in 2009.

In 2007, the Gung Haggis dragon boat team won the gold medal in B Division.  In 2008, we finished 2nd in the C Division Finals.

We posted the 6th fastest time for 200m sprints this morning.

Coach/paddler/steers Todd Wong, and paddlers Dave Samis and Steven Wong are also helping out to steer boats for other teams.

On Saturday afternoon, the team had just gotten seated in the Calgary based Dynasty dragon boats, when the races were temporarily canceled due to
 high winds.  The team waited out the wind and rain in the racer's village.  But thunder and lightning storms continued the delay, until the races were canceled for the day.

Gung Haggis Fat
Choy dragon boat team retired to Martin's Nest, the home of our hosts, and 14 paddlers jumped in the hot tub.

Now we have to paddle the first race of Sunday, and do 3
races on Sunday…. Team is in good spirits…  and now doing bbq.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team places 4th overall at Richmond Dragon Boat Races

Richmond was a good fun race…
We posted the fastest time ever for Gung Haggis.

2009_July_Richmond_Dragon 037 by you.

The race couse was 425m.
our first race was 2:15
our second race was 1:26 – with incoming tide.
our final race was seconds away from 1st overall.
We came 4th…
fractions away from a 3rd place medal.

Here's the video of our 2nd race.
2009_July_Richmond_Dragon 012
It was the 3rd fastest time of the day.
It put us into the A Final.  1:26

Here's another view

Richmond Dragon Boat Festival 2009 Heat 16 GHFC

Here is our race in the A Final – filmed with better quality.

Richmond Dragon Boat Festival 2009 Heat 20 GHFC


4th place overall in A Division is something to be proud of.
The other teams we raced were also conglomerate teams and/or were used to paddling at
Rec A/B and Comp C/D levels.

2009_July_Richmond_Dragon 045 by you.

Front Row (kneeling): Dominic, Tony, Todd, Jim, Tzhe, Oliver,
Middle Row: Gayle, Karen, Lisa, Danielle, Debbie, Christine, Keng, Harvey (steers), Ernest
Back Row: Richard, Dan, Kevin, Danny, Jessica (Drummer), Barb, Devon, Richard, Maggie

All the paddlers had never paddled together before – but we paddled as
a team.  We stayed positive, made new friends, and put good effort into

12 paddlers from Gung Haggis Fat Choy
4 paddlers from PCL Centurions
3 paddlers + drummer from Flight Centre
2 paddlers from How Wet Can You Get
1 paddler + steers from Eye of the Dragon
1 paddler from Sudden Impact black (Gung Haggis alumni)
1 paddler from False Creek Grand Dragons (Gung Haggis alumni)
Some of the paddlers from other teams were old friends, some are brand new.
It was fun to share stories about paddling with Richard and Karen Mah from PCL, back in '99 in San Francisco.
Or about drumming/coaching the Nokia dragons team to a Rec B Gold in 2000, with Danny Issac's (Flight Centre) older sister.
Or about Richard Montagna's first time paddling dragon boats in Vernon with us back in 2006.
Or learning that Dominic has both Scottish and Chinese ancestry…

2009_July_Richmond_Dragon 039 Harvey did a great job steering the boat.

2009_July_Richmond_Dragon 038 Jessical was our wonderful drummer


Special Thanks to Jim Blatherwick for captaining and Tzhe Lam for managing.

Let's bring this wonderful experience to the rest of the team, and take it up to Vernon with us!!!

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team has a great weekend at Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival

2009_June_RTA_DBF 032 by you.

Look at that R-E-A-C-H….  Gung Haggis stays ahead of boat 1 in the Rec D Championship Finals – photo Deb Martin.

Congratulations to Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team paddlers!

They conveyed a sense of teamship, caring for each other, and for community.

They paddled their best, adapted to changing situations, changing rosters, and changing race conditions.

2009_June_RTA_DBF 015 by Toddish McWong.Gung Haggis paddlers after our 1st race on Sunday morning – photo thanks to Allan

Our paddlers improved with every race, both individually and together. 
Very little separates you from the teams that we know who finished in
Rec C (O2P, Hmmm Sea Monster), Rec B (Pirates, CBC, Strokin' It Hard,
Flight Centre, CC Riders) or Rec A (Metro Vancouver, Banana Fusion,
Shaggin' Dragons) – except maybe a little bit of testosterone, a little
bit of cardio and muscle work, a little more attention to detail such
as rotation, reach, entry, paddle angle, etc.

4 seconds
faster and we could have medaled in Rec C Final.
10 seconds faster and we could have medaled in Rec B Final.

2009_June_RTA_DBF 003 by Toddish McWong

Sean John high-fives Karen and other paddlers as they come up the ramp from the boat docks, after our Sunday morning race.  We came 3rd, so we moved into the Rec D Final for the afternoon – photo D.Martin

While medals are fun, I think it is more important to be part of a great group of people,
that had fun, did their best, and can be friends together, and share
meals together.  I am personally very proud of everybody on the team,
and I know that everybody each has something special that adds to this

It was great to have Manfred in the boat with us this weekend. 
He has been a coaching friend and rival competitor and occasional
teammate for many years.  He says this is a good team.  He likes your
attitude, your paddling ability, your friendliness… and sense of
fun.  Manfred will not take off his pants for “just any team” you

Special thanks to Commodore Stephen Mirowski, team
manager Tzhe Lam
for helping to organize the team, roster and leadership.

Thanks to Keng and Gerard Graal to step in to drum and be land manager, after spending the past 3 weeks in Holland.

2009_June 052 by Toddish McWong.
Gung Haggis team was filmed for the upcoming documentary “Chinatown Canada” produced by Image Pacific, to be seen on Omni Television in the fall.  I was also interviewed talking about Vancouver Chinatown, Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner, and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team – photo D.Martin

It was a busy weekend for me as I was also busy with:

  • my coaching Killarney Cougar Dragons Junior Team
  • our being filmed for the “Chinatown Canada” tv documentary series
  • my being interviewed for the “Chinatown Canada” tv documentary series
  • my steering for out of town teams (I used to be on the Race Committee, so they know I am a good qualifited steers)
  • my
    social involvement and networking with ex-paddlers, friends on other
    teams, race organizers, Festival past-presidents, friends on out of
    town teams, friends who cheered us on,

These are also qualities that makes Gung Haggis
Fat Choy dragon boat team and myself, amongst the first choice to be
involved in film documentaries and books on dragon boating!   

As lang's me arm…

2009_June_RTA_DBF 021 by Toddish McWong

Todd Wong stands with dragon boat community friends Enzo Guierro (RTA DBF Race Committee) and Milton Wong (founding chair of the Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival Society), Todd served on the DBF race committee from 2001 to 2003. photo Steven Wong.

Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival June 2009

More photos Click here:   Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat.. on Todd's Flickr site.