Category Archives: Commentaries

Head Tax redress: What is the bigger picture?” Todd Wong commentary

1) Todd Wong 2) with friends at Global News telecast from Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens (ethnic issues during the election) 3) with head tax redress supporters after the Redress Express Train departure ceremony in Vancouver 4) BC Coalition after the Head tax ceremony in Vancouver.

Head Tax redress: 
What is the bigger picture?” 
Todd Wong commentary

So what is the big picture?

I say that the BIGGER picture is this:  hundreds of thousands of Chinese Canadian head tax descendants will wake up out of their sleep, and say… “waitaminute… this isn't fair…”  If granny and grandpa or mommy and daddy died the day before the apology… then they get nothing!  They are dead, and redress is only for the living.

But the memory still lives.  As long as the descendents keep the memories of our mothers and our fathers, our grandmothers and our grandfathers… then they still live.  And if they still live, then redress compensation is for “those living head tax payers and spouses.”

The JC redress committee and the Mulroney Conservatives could not predict the impact, outcome, acceptance or continuing process on the Japanese Canadian community when Redress was made in 1988.

18 years later… the Japanese Canadian community is still broken.  Redress did not undo the despersal of the JC community across Canada, nor did it mend broken families, bring dead loved ones back to life, nor did it give back confiscated property.

There are Japanese Canadians who will never open up a copy of Obasan or Naomi's Road, because the memories of internment and property confiscation is too painful.  Even if Joy Kogawa and David Suzuki are two of Canada's most celebrated writers, examples of triumph despite adversity, members of the Order of Canada, the Order of BC, etc etc etc…    The personal experience is too buried, too integrated, too damaged to ever be completely healed.

Asians who have come to Canada after the 1950's and never understood or experienced the racism that those who lived here from 1880 to 1960 did, may never ever realize the extent of the negative self-identity and learned helplessness that crippled the Asian communities.  Yes… individuals succeeded despite the challenges… That is the triumph of the human spirit.  That is the will of the individual to succeed against adversity.

Talk to the UBC graduates who could not be hired as engineers, who took up jobs as clerks, in the same companies while whites who performed poorer in the same university classes got hired.

Talk to the people who applied for apartments or houses to rent, but were told “it's taken” – but when they phoned back with a “white name” that the place was available.

Talk to the people who were told that they would never be good enough as a white person, so don't even try.

When I hear our celebrated writers such as Joy Kogawa and Paul Yee, and many other friends say that while growing up – they wished they weren't Chinese, or Japanese, or Asian… if they could change their skin, their skin colour – because they were ashamed of being who they were… This is a tragedy.

It is a Canadian tragedy because it was the Canadian govt that is responsible for the Internment, and dispersal of the Japanese Canadians.  It is the Canadian govt that is responsible for the Chinese head tax and Exclusion Act.  It is the Canadian govt that is responsible for the Indian act  It is the BC government that is responsible for the Potlatch Law.

Who is responsible for the Canadian government?
It is the Canadian people.
It is the responsibility of the Canadian people to make redress happen.

Redress worked for the JC community… maybe not completely, but it was a start.  It was an acceptance.  It was an apology.  It was an acknowledgement.  It was a way to address the wrongs, and offer something symbolic to help make things right.

Redress did make people feel part of Canada.  It did offer healing, and the process for continued healing.  My friend Ellen Crowe-Swords told the audience at a Joy Kogawa reading at Vancouver Public Library, that nothing would ever take away all the hurt and anguish caused by internement. But by recieving the $21,000 – “I sure felt better.”

CC redress will not bring back loved ones, it cannot make up for the extra years of hard work paid in blood, sweat and tears.  It cannot erase the memories of Gim Wong being beaten and urinated on as a child.  It cannot take away the shame that Chinese Canadian soldiers felt unwanted.

But it sends a message to Canadians that this is the RIGHT THING to do.  Justice in OUR time.  The people who lived through the Head tax period and Exclusion Act are still alive.  It is THEIR time. It is still OUR time.  It is OUR time, as long as we choose to do something about it.

If we choose to walk away from it, then we are doing what non-Chinese Canadians did back then – by letting the Head Tax happen, by letting the Exclusion Act happen.  

If we choose to walk away from it, then we are doing what non-Japanese Canadians did back then – by letting the internment happen, by letting the confiscation of property happen.

If we choose to walk away from it, then we are doing what the non-Jews in Germany did back then – by letting the hooligans riot in the street on “Crystal Night”, by letting Jews be put on trains to be sent to concentration camps.

If we are to be the best Canadians we can… then we will be inclusive of ALL Canadians.  White, black, yellow, red, brown and pink, as well as every shade inbetween and every shade beyond.  Because this is what it means to be Canadian.  To be inclusive… to embrace cultural diversity as our strength… to find the THIRD WAY….   We do not fight for Win – Lose.  We fight for Win-Win-Win.  You, me and the community at large.  If somebody loses, then we all lose.

If we are to be the best Canadians we can… then we accept that the 1st generation Chinese Canadians were also “directly affected.”  They suffered as their parents suffered.  We know that in the JC community, whole generations tried to ignore and deny the internment process.  We know that whole generations succumbed to “Stockholm Syndrome” – to survive, they had to believe that they had done something wrong, and that the oppressors were their friends, and doing the right thing.

One certificate – one payment.  It is only fair.  If the government says… “sorry, the tax we charged you 120 to 80 years ago was wrong” but does not pay a dollar – is that right?

If the govt uses ill-gotten money because of racism for it's own purposes…  is it right for the govt to profit from racism?

What is the amount of $500 with accrued interest from 1903 to 2006?

If the Government were to charge the equivalent of the head tax amounts today… people would be outraged.  The Martin govt removed the $1000 immigrant landing fee, because it was seen as prohibitive for new immigrants.  What would the equivalant racist head tax be if it were charged today?

$350,000?  That's what Charlie Quan said.

The equivalent of a house, or 2 years salary – maybe more.

Would a landing fee of $100,000 keep undesirable aliens from wanting to come to Canada?

But what if they keep coming… even if we raise it to $200,000 – then $300,000.

The federal govt is getting rich from these new immigrants – but the public opinion doesn't want them in the country – because they are dirty, smelly, have strange customs, will never adapt to Canadian ways.

What will we do?
Create an exclusion act.  Ban them completely.

But what about the ones who are already here, and want to bring over their wives and children.  The immigrants from America and Europe are bringing in their wives and children.

No… we don't want them breeding in Canada.  Keep the wives and children out.  They're not really human anyways.

No redress payments for 1st generation descendents.
This is what the Conservative government is saying.

Do you agree?

Gabriel Yiu writes:

If we take a closer look at the Japanese Canadian settlement, for a father whose house and factory were confiscated and himself put into concentration camp during WWII, when he passed away before the government redress was announced, if his offspring wasn't born prior to 1947, they would received [sic] no compensation.

My father was born before 1947.  Gim Wong was born before 1947.  Alex Louie, WW2 Veteran and subject of the NFB film “Unwanted Soldiers” was born before 1947.  Roy Mah OBC, founder of Chinatown News, was born before 1947.  But they will not recieve redress payment because they parents who paid the head tax are predeceased.  Were they still “directly affected” by the impact and legacy of the head tax and exclusion act?  Many will argue yes.

Under the JC redress paremeters, they would recieve redress payment, even though their parents are predeceased.

Too many head tax payers and spouses have died between 1984 and 2006, when the issue of redress was first announced.  The government needs to acknowledge and honour those that have died before redress was made.  Otherwise, the ghosts are not properly buried and will come back to haunt the government.

It is only fair, just and honourable.

It is merely the end of one head tax era, and the start of another era of exclusion.

Todd Wong
5th generation Canadian
head tax descendant for 4 generations.

Head Tax redress package…. a leak… what will Harper say?

Head Tax redress package…. a leak… what will Harper say?

Today on Global TV news, the reporter said that Head Tax payers and spouses would be recieving $20,000.  But is she just anticipating what the Head Tax Redress groups such as CCNC, Ontario Coalition and BC Coalition have been asking for?

Earlier today, Head Tax redress groups recieved information at that:

Harper will apologize tomorrow ; (pls read Don Martin's coments in today national post); announces a 10-15 million dollar community fund, to be managed by the govt; no community compensation; no compensation for first generation; only surviving payers and
spouses will receive one-time compensation of between 15k to

If this is true, then there will be many dispointed people.  Everybody is expecting an apology, but the “compensation” is substantially less than the $35,000 that head tax payer Charlie Quon would like, and less than the $20,000 that head tax redress groups see as a minimum.  BC Coalition has been stating “One certificate – one payment.”

But hopefully, this is part of the 2 stage process that the Head Tax redress groups have been proposing all along.  Stage one includes apology + immediate redress payment for surviving head tax payers + spouses.  Stage two includes payments for descendants, to be negotiated over an 8 to 12 month process, acknowledging it will take time to register head tax certificates and prove direct lineage of descendants.

One certificate – one payment.  I believe this is fair.  It is like a tax refund.  A symbolic tax refund, for the exremely racist legislation that was created to keep Chinese out of Canada, while letting any other race in.  Very poor judgement on Canada's part, especially after seeking, inviting, recruiting, and hiring Chinese labourers to build the Canadian transcontinental railway at substantially lower wages than White labourers.

There are many head tax payers and spouses who have now died and gone to heaven.  Some were buried with their certificates.  Their children suffered the financial setbacks along with their parents.  Their grandchildren too.  My maternal great grand father Ernest Lee, and my maternal grandfather Sonny Mar both worked hard to pay the head tax, and they both died early leaving their widowed wives with children to look after.

Canada need to make the apology so that our country can move forward.  To the many Canadians who say “no compensation – get over it” – I say that financial redress is important and part of the process.  Accept it, share in the celebration, and get over it.  The United Nations asked Canada in 2004 to make an apology and financial redress, following New Zealand's example.

If we do not make an apology and proper redress, then future generations of multi-racial Canadians, will all be head tax descendants of a Canada that did not want their ancestors, refused to make apology for deliberately racist legislation, and refused to make fair and honourable redress when head tax payers, spouses and descendants were still alive.  This would be the legacy and the burden that we would leave to our grandchildren and their grandchildren.  Or we can make a proper fair and honourable redress and move on to the healing of our country.

Summer Solstice: My longest day 17 years ago

Summer Solstice:  My longest day 17 years ago.

17 years ago, my doctor asked me to come down for a visit.  I had just been to the doctor on the Monday, June 19th.  For a few months I had been gradually getting weaker and sicker.  At our father’s day dinner, my brother had said to me, “You look like you’re dying, you should go see a doctor.”

“I have been seeing a doctor,” I replied to him, “about every 2 weeks.”

Little did we know that when I went to see the doctor on Summer Solstice Day, June 21st, 1989, that I would not be coming home for about a month. 

I went to see my family doctor around 10:30 am. He next sent me to Lion’s Gate Hospital, to see a specialist.  The specialist introduced himself as Dr. Paul Klimo.  I looked at his white overcoat, and saw his name.  Below his name were the words “oncology.”

“What’s oncology?” I asked.

“Oncology is the study of cancer,” he replied.  “And yes, Todd… you have cancer.”

With those words, the true meaning of “longest day” began.  I sat in the emergency room, waiting more tests.  I tried to phone my parents, my grandmother, my brother, my girlfriend.  But nobody was home.  I left messages.  These were the days before people had cell phones and pagers.

My father arrived at the hospital in the afternoon, when my family doctor had arrived to do an ultrasound on my chest area.  He showed me the cancer tumor that was lodged behind my breastbone. It was so massive that I had bruises on my upper chest.  It was pushing on my lungs, so I had problems breathing.  It was pushing on the vena cava of my heart, restricting the returning flow of blood to my heart.

My parents, brother, girlfriend and grandmother came to see me that evening.  My mother asked the doctor what my chances of survival were.  He said 60%.  I think he was being generous.  The cancer was half the width of my chest cavity.  They put me on oxygen, and they started emergency chemotherapy treatment that night.  They couldn’t do any surgery because there was too much internal pressure inside my chest.

My longest day turned into a month as I stayed in the hospital until July before I was able to take weekends off for home visits.  In August, I got to go home for a few days, in between weekly chemo sessions.  Finally, from  September to November, the changed the program to an intensive one week chemo session, once a month.  By December, I was feeling better and attempting to play badminton on unsteady feet.  My hair was starting to grow back just in time for Christmas.  The treatments were over, and in February my oncologist pronounced me cancer free.

Today I celebrated my triumph over cancer by talking with my parents, doing some writing, playing with my cat, bought a blueberry pie for my nephew’s third birthday, and going to a meeting for the BC Coalition of Head Tax Payers, Spouses and Descendants.  Life is good today.  My mother said she was glad I made it. I have created a new life, and I also have a new relationship with a wonderful girlfriend who supports my many activities.

Life is fragile.  We need to treat each and every day as precious.  Whether we are stricken by cancer, disease or an oncoming car, we need to look after ourselves and our loved ones.  Life is busy for me today.  I am working on Head Tax Redress, a celebration for the Save Joy Kogawa House committee, the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team, my website. 

And today… I recieved an e-mail from CBC Toronto that they are confirmed to do a special television story for the “Generations” sequel to “The History of Canada.”  They want to do a story on the Rev. Chan family and descendants including me.  They want to include my social and community activism with head tax redress, Save Kogawa House campaign, Terry Fox Run, dragonboats, the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner and all that stuff I do. 

When I was lying in my hospital bed 17 years ago, I knew it wasn’t my time to die yet.  I knew I still had something to offer to the world.  I just didn’t know what it was.

Alcan Sustainability Award: nomination for Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team

Alcan Sustainability Award:

nomination for Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team

Every year the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival has special team awards.  For 2005, the Gung Haggis Fat Choy team won the Hon. David Lam Multicultural Award for being “the team that best represents the multicultural spirit of the festival.”

image  image  image

For 2006, the Alcan Community Spirit award has been renamed as the Alcan Sustainability Award.

Alcan Sustainability Award – new for 2006
beautiful award is generously donated by the Alcan Corporation. The
Alcan Sustainability Award is given to the team that contributes the
most to the sustainability of their community. These contributions can
take on many forms and, as such, it is up to each team to interpret and
convey their contribution to a healthy and sustainable community. To apply, send a written submission to the Race Registrar, indicating why your team should win. Submissions must be received by May 31, 2006.

Below is the submission for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team


re: Alcan Sustainability Award

To Alcan Dragon Boat Festival

Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team is pleased and
honoured to apply for the inaugural Alcan Sustainability Award.  We
feel that we contribute and embrace the concepts of sustainability and
apply it actively to our community.

Bio-diversity is important to the survival of our world.  So is
cultural-diversity.  Canada's multicultural program celebrating and
recognizing our globally influenced society is also important to the survival
of our society and our world.

Let's interpret sustainability
to as “cultural sustainability”, “community
sustainability,” and “heritage sustainability.”

From the World Commission on
Environment and Development:

“Sustainable development
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

   from Wikipedia:

  “Sustainability is a systemic concept, relating to the continuity of

   economic, social, institutional and environmental aspects of human    society.

Taking the ideas of enviornmental sustainability:
Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-duce, Re-cover, and…. we add Re-store,Re-think, and Re-energize!

How can we apply them to the community and cultural activities of the Gung
Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team?

1 – Re-store and Reuse
The Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa
House dragon boat team actively promotes awareness for the preservation  of the Joy Kogawa childhood home.  We
have helped with fundraisers (January 22nd, June 23 and promotion of the
house).  Don't tear down a heritage house and Canada's literary and
political history.  Preserve it for the future.  We believe that Joy
Kogawa is an important literary figure, and that her childhome home that was
confiscated by the Canadian government during WW2, when her family was
interned, should become a national landmark for Canada.  We are honoured
to name Joy Kogawa as our team's honourary drummer. 

We need to
sustain Canada's cultural and literary history.

2 – Re-use & Reduce
Instead of trying to build from scratch a community dragon boat paddling
program for the public.  We volunteered to help take people out for a
dragon boat ride with a cultural and instructional introduction, on Sundays at
1pm.  People got to try a dragon boat for the first time, without trying
create their own team, or gather 20 friends… We volunteered our own time,
muscles and knowledge.

It is important to make it easy for people to try dragon boating, just as it is
important to make it easy for people to recycle.  By encouraging people to
paddle dragon boats, we are helping to sustain the dragon boat community by
introducing new people.   We also network frequently with other
teams, such as Tacoma Dragon Boat Association, Lotus Sports Club and Fraser
Valley Dragon Boat Club.  With these organizations, we have donated
prizes, joined together for teams, and events.  They are our
friends.  Last year, we held a party on ADBF weekend, and gave free
tickets to out of town dragon boat teams such as San Francisco Dragon Warriors,
Portland's Wasabi Paddling Club, and Portland's Kai I'Kai'ka team.  These
are our friends too! 

We help to sustain our dragon boat community
and networks.

3 – Re-cycle & Recover
Everything is valuable.  We don't just throw out our old ethnic cultures
when we come to Canada.  We recycle them into Canadian culture.  Gung
Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year dinners blend together the
cultures and history of Scotland and China.  We promote Scottish-Canadian
and Asian-Canadian poets and artists with a Chinese banquet dinner.  And
we invent our own traditions:  Haggis won-ton, Haggis lettuce-wrap, Haggis
spring rolls…. and coming soon Haggis-maki sushi.  And we also sing
“When Asian Eyes Are Smiling.” 

We actively sustain
Canada's cultural traditions.

4 – Re-think
Sustainability is not just about our environment.  It is also about hour
culture, our heritage and our society.  We must be proactive to sustain
our what is important to us, and we must find new ways to engage the public to
be proactive as well.  To this the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team
promotes our unique form of multiculturalism, or rather interculturalism. 
We host Robbie Burns Chinese New Year dinners, and encourage the team to
participate in events such as Asian Heritage month.  Our dinner and social
conversations always seem to revolve around culture, heritage and how it is
applied to our food, music, activities, as well as community efforts. 

actively sustain Canadian multiculturalism, and its evolving society and

5 – Re-Energize and Self-Sustaining
The idea of sustainability is
also important  to include taking care
of ourselves so we don't burn ourselves out in pursuit of all our worthy causes
but continually strike a balance between what we need to do and HOW we do
it.  I think GHFCKH does a wonderful job of balancing
community/cultural/heritage/sport pursuits with having plain old inclusive fun
for community building and recharging our batteries.  

To look after the world and our community, we
must first be able to look after ourselves.

Think globally, act locally.
This is Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team.

Our team philosophy is that we are ONE!  One team, one paddle, one community,
one world.  There is no separation between paddlers on the boat, or on the
team.  What one person does affects us all.  Every team member is
valued, and nobody is turned away.  This is how we sustain a team, and
apply our principles to the dragon boat community, as well as our role in
Canadian society.

We embrace all of our world's cultural diversity, we recognize that it is our
shared heritage and our shared responsibility.   We share with our
friends, and help to develop our community.  We know it is important to
protect and nurture our heritage and culture for future generations.

This is
sustainability in action!

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House is deserving of the inaugural Alcan Sustainability

Todd Wong
Jim Blatherwick
Laurie Anderson

Gung Haggis Fat Choy Kogawa House dragon boat team

What can we say about Multiculturalism? That it's time has come? and we are now post-multicultural.

What can we say about Multiculturalism? 

That it's time has come?

and we are now post-multicultural.

Okay…. I was interviewed this morning at CBC Radio studios for a show
that will air this summer.  It will be called “The
Contrarians.”  I can't tell you anything more, other than it will
air on mid-week mornings, somewhere between “The Current” and “Sounds
Like Canada”on CBC Radio One (690 AM in Vancouver).  It's going to
be intellectually explosive and thought provoking and the producers
still want to keep the details secret for now.  They don't have
the official CBC website up for the show yet.

Wait… I just found out more on Tod Maffin's blog site.


Tuesday: 9:30-10:00 am
Wednesday: 7:30-8:00 pm
Host: Jesse Brown
Originating from Toronto
The Contrarians is a radio show about unpopular ideas that just might
be right. Each week, host Jesse Brown invites listeners to step outside
of their intellectual comfort zones and try an unorthodox opinion on
for size. You may be surprised by what starts making sense.

I was invited last week to be interviewed by host Jesse Brown. 
Somehow the producers found my website, and liked my ideas about
interculturalism, since I say we are actually now living in a
post-multicultural world.

We talked a bit about my unique perspective being a 5th generation
Chinese Canadian head tax descendant, as well as the creator of Gung
Haggis Fat Choy – that Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner that I do
every year, and why on earth would a Chinese guy wear a kilt while
paddling on a dragon boat.

But you, dear faithful reader already know all that….  because
you and many others faithfully click on to to
find out the latest in Toddish McWong's intercultural adventures in

Just imagine…  Todd Wong, will be espousing his views of the
importance of inter-racial marriage on national radio, while
criticizing popular concepts of “multiculturalism” in Canada. 
Personally, I think it is terrible when government officials pay
lipservice to Canada's or Vancouver's cultural diversity, making
references to it, or trotting out multicultural dance troupes to
perform on display, on cue”

look at the wonderful multicultural world we live in.  But no…
we don't support redress for Chinese Canadian head tax issues, and
no… we won't give money to save Joy Kogawa's childhood home from
destruction.  Those are Asian ethnic issues… not Canadian

As you can guess…  I personally don't like being stereotyped or gift wrapped as an example of multicuturalism.

What did I say?  Some surprising things… that you will have to
wait until the show airs.  And being a multi-generational
Canadian, I also had some things to say about new immigrants to Canada

Tune in…. details released as soon as I recieve them.

Vancouver Sun May 4: “Simple head-tax apology isn’t that simple” + comments


Vancouver Sun May 4: “Simple head-tax apology isn’t that simple”

Pete McMartin is a nice guy.  He wrote a wonderful story about me and my
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner back in January  2002 “Toddish McWong marks
Bard’s birthday.”  But he still hasn’t shown up wearing a kilt to taste
the haggis won ton, haggis spring rolls, or haggis lettuce wrap at
subsequent dinners.

McMartin’s family has probably been in Canada for about as long as my 7 generation family (I’m a fifth-generation descendant of Rev. Chan Yu Tan.  If Pete and I aren’t related yet… maybe we can create some “arranged marriages” so that he too can claim to be related to a Head Tax descendant family.  I know our family will be accepting, we already have relatives named McPherson and McLean. 

I have embraced Canada’s Scottish history and culture and customs, and even promote Robbie Burns and haggis at my annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner, which even inspired a  regional CBC television special of the same name.

But Pete just doesn’t “get” the Chinese-Canadian head tax issue.  It’s NOT a race issue.  It’s about justice, fairness and all those things for making Canada a better place.

McMartin has written an interesting column (see below) for today’s Vancouver Sun, citing
Gabriel Yiu as an example of a “Chinese-Canadian” with no claims to being a head tax descendant being a spokesperson for the BC Coalition for Head Tax Payers, Spouses and Descendants.  McMartin neglects to mention that Harvey Lee and Karin Lee also serve as “English language” spokespersons, and are both head tax descendants.

Harvey’s case for redress is a dramatic story of family hardship and loss.  His father paid the head tax and worked in Canada to support his wife and children in Canada, but they could not join him because of the Exclusion Act.  Japanese soldiers killed Harvey’s mother when he was a
young boy, and he was finally able to join his father in Canada long after the war was over.

Personally, I admire Gabriel for standing up for human rights and the head tax issue.  Much of the head tax story war has been taking place in the Chinese media, and I have no real access to it because I don’t speak Chinese. 

I thank Gabriel, Tekla Lit of BC Alpha, and Bill Chiu of Chinese Christians in Action for helping address our Chinese language deficiencies.  My born-in-Canada parents didn’t think that
Chinese language would be such a desired skill when I was growing up in the 1960’s.  Nobody foresaw that so many Chinese immigrants would still want to come to Canada after such blatant racist treatment and limiting immigration policies from 1885 to 1967.

But there have been recent Chinese immigrants such as Hong Kong-born former
Multiculturalism Minister Raymond Chan and Malaysian-born Ping Tan, president of the National Congress of Chinese Canadians, trying to make decisions about redress such as the now aborted Liberal ACE program and Agreement in Principle.  They have been telling Canadian born head tax descendants what should be done, such as NO APOLOGY and that the money
should go to Chinese community projects – NOT direct head tax payers, spouses or descendants. Needless to say, these individuals can be told to go back where they came from.

Pete McMartin likes to play devil’s advocate, and push people’s buttons. I can appreciate that.

McMartin is also expressing the views of many White Canadians out there.  One of my own library supervisors who wrote a recent reference letter for me, expressed anger at having to pay out for the “sins” of other people’s ancestors.  This is important to address and to help others understand the real issues of a sad chapter in Canadian history and its legacy.

McMartin is clearly generalizing the topic of redress and guilt to many other issues regarding racism and colonialism, and demonstrating that government policies were linked to the prevailing attitudes of the day.  Yes, I agree that First Nations claims must be addressed, and
Canada will be better for it. But adding these issues clouds the Head Tax picture, and it still does not excuse the 1907 riots by the Anti-Asiatic League that attacked both Chinatown and Japantown for which reparations were made.

Despite the seemingly complicated issue, there are simple questions:

1. Was it wrong for the Canadian government to place a Head Tax followed
by an Exclusion Act, ONLY on immigrants of Chinese ancestry?

2. Was it wrong for the Canadian government to ignore a 2004 request from
the United Nations to make reparations for head tax payers?

3. If the head tax was wrongfully applied, is not a refund and reparation in order?

4. How do we build the Canada now, that we want to live in tomorrow?  By
excluding people and our history, or by acknowledging wrongs and doing
something positive by apology, reparation and forgiveness?

Thank you to Pete McMartin for citing all the reasons for White Colonialism and privilege, that made it difficult for my ancestors to find equal footing in Canada, that gave us a “Chinaman’s Chance” of being found innocent in courts of law, that prohibited us from joining the armed
forces until Great Britain asked Canada for Chinese speaking soldiers, and kept native born Canadians from voting until 1947.  You really are helping to explain the difficulties in growing up Asian-Canadian in Canada, and why it is important to give redress for Head Tax Payers and
their estates.

Seven generations of our family have endured negative identity and racial discrimination for having the wrong DNA, coloured skin, slanted eyes, black hair.  Despite this our family
founders Rev. Chan Yu Tan and Rev. Chan Sing Kai were Christian missionaries;  2nd generation Uncle Luke Chan became a Hollywood actor; 3rd generation brothers Daniel, Leonard and Howard Lee with cousin Victor Wong enlisted in the Armed Forces; 4th generation Rhonda (Lee)
Larrabee became Qayqayt First Nations Chief; 5th generation Joni Mar became a CBC television news reporter.

And somehow our family has developed a continuing fascination for marrying white people with each successive generation.  There are lots of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th generations of the Rev. Chan Clan who share Chinese, Scottish, English, Irish, Czech, Dutch, Scandinavian, French, German, Italian ancestries  and many more.  This is OUR CANADA and they are all Head Tax descendants.

And by the way…. both myself and head tax descendant Sid Tan had also been spokespersons for a for the BC Coalition for Head Tax Payers, Spouses and Descendants, before Gabriel.

Regards, Todd Wong

Below are some comments from friends across the country:

Unfortunately, some writers take a lot of effort to intellectualize this issue.

Gabriel already pointed it out: A wrong is a wrong.

1. If the Head Tax and Exclusion Act were morally wrong, what is the morally right thing to do?

2. If we are unable to apologize for the wrong, then what do we learn from the injustice?

3. What about the families who were harmed. How do we turn the page?

The federal Government enacted this legislation and the federal Government
is an organic entity, existing since Confederation and some would argue even before then.

Trudeau argued that we must be “just in our time” when he refused to redress the Japanese-Canadians. It’s a convenient and somewhat selfish response. But we see this type of response too often from our political leaders.

The fact is that these sins of the past were wrong in their own time; people opposed the
discriminatory legislation “in their own time”. The Chinese Canadian community opposed the Exclusion Act and delegations regularly went to Ottawa to lobby for its repeal. White society was smug in its racism.  It was legal to be racist.

So, sorry Pete, no limitations on this one.

Victor Wong
long-time head tax redress advocate

I think deep down in his subconscious, McMartin questions why whites should apologize to the coloureds. And it also shows, as he keeps using the word “race” instead of “Chinese people” or “Chinese immigrants.”   I am sure if the situation was reversed, for example WWII vets in Japanese concentration camps, he would have demanded apologies a long
time ago.

Cheuk Kwan
Filmaker of “Chinese Restaurants”

Popsicle Pete finds the White Man’s Burden a bit heavy right now. Tell him there’s a sale on wheelbarrels at Rona. And while he’s there, pick up some fertilizer to add to his remarks and for the trees, parks and “public” facilities which the “head taxes” paid for “centuries” ago.
Kenda Gee


Simple head-tax apology isn’t that simple


Pete McMartin


Gabriel Yiu arrived in Canada in 1991 from Hong Kong, riding the huge
post-Expo wave of immigration that forever changed the fabric of the city.

He is a bright guy and a liberal thinker, whose thick round-rimmed glasses
are his trademark. He found Canadian society an economic grind when he first
arrived, but he and his wife, Angela, worked hard and now own a small chain of
upscale flower shops.

A political commentator back in Hong Kong, he continued that work here while
building up his business, and has worked over the years in both Chinese- and
English-language media, including The Sun. Last year, he ran unsuccessfully as
the provincial NDP candidate in Burnaby-Willingdon.

At present, Yiu finds himself as spokesman for the B.C. Coalition of Head Tax
Payers, Spouses and Descendants, a local group formed last year to lobby the
Canadian government for an official apology and compensation. Yiu’s advantage is
his bilingualism — he can take the message to both the established
English-speaking Chinese community and the immigrant Chinese-speaking

But why is a Chinese immigrant, who was never affected personally by the
injustices of the head tax, lobbying for an apology?

Well, for one thing, Yiu said, a significant portion of the recent Chinese
immigrant community wants to see an apology. For another: “Wrong is wrong,” Yiu
said, “and if we want to redress it we have to admit it.”

In this, he is without doubt on the side of the angels. But the question is,
who does Yiu mean by “we”?

Well, when you ask head tax lobbyists who it is they want to see apologize,
the answer is not a “who” but a “what” — the Government of Canada. That is, I
presume, an apology from the government would be a symbolic admission of
national historic guilt. Out of that admission would come a moral reckoning.

But this surely is a deflection of the truth. The present Government of
Canada has done no wrong to head tax payees and their descendants, nor has
today’s society at large. (It could be argued, even, that Canada’s inclusive and
colour-blind system of immigration — which brought people like Yiu here by the
hundreds of thousands — has gone some way toward expiating the racist sins of
the past. It could also be argued that that argument is beside the point.)

No, the wrong against head tax payers was committed by the Government of
Canada of a century ago. And it was not really the Government of Canada of a
century ago that committed the wrong. That government was only a conduit for its
constituents and their prevailing sentiments of the day.

And those constituents were white. And those constituents were my and, odds
are, your forebears. And here is where things get very delicate, because race
and ethnicity invariably intrude into discussions such as this. They cannot help
but do so, as much as we might deny it.

This is, after all, more than just an issue about a small portion of the
populace seeking financial redress from the government, otherwise it would just
be a matter of monetary compensation. Here’s your money, have a nice life.

But it is about more than that, or has become about more than that: It is
about ethnicity and racial pride. How else to explain Yiu’s assertion that a
significant portion of the recent Chinese immigrant population are in favour of
an apology, despite never having been affected by the head tax? And how else to
explain my own hesitation about the apology?

As Yiu wrote to me in a series of e-mails we exchanged discussing the
apology: “If there’s one day when ethnicity is no longer an issue, where every
Canadian is simply Canadian, the head tax issue would be irrelevant.”

But that day has not yet come, as Yiu tacitly admits, and despite the
multicult feel-good crowd who insist that it has. We carry our prejudices

Nonetheless, Yiu said, there are also many whites in the coalition who feel
there should be an apology. And I would guess — since I haven’t been able to
find any polls on the question — that the majority of white Canadians see an
apology as the moral and proper thing to do, as sensitive as they have become to
the history of white racism. And probably it is the proper thing to do.

But it would be disingenuous, I would also suggest, of whites to ignore, or
fail to recognize, what was borne out of that racism, or, at least, out of the
circumstances that encouraged that belief in white superiority.

A short list:

Colonialism. British hegemony in North America. The decimation and clearance
of inconvenient aboriginal populations. (Talk about your apologies!) Manifest
destiny. The creation of Canada. The ensconcement of a uniformly white
Establishment. Power. Affluence. An assumption of privilege so pervasive as to
be taken as a birthright.

In other words, the blessed existence that many white Canadians enjoy today
is due to that historical continuum. And that continuum was peopled by forebears
who were hard and driven and, yes, even racist, though they might not have
recognized themselves as being so.

This column is not to excuse them of that, or to absolve them from what we
now take to be their sins. As Yiu said, wrong is wrong.

But while I know what an official apology would seek to redress, I am not
sure what it would ask us to forsake. In that sense, the easiest part of the
head tax issue to address is not the apology, but the compensation. That is only

But an apology exacts a far greater cost. It apportions blame against sins
and motivations seen dimly through the gauze of history. It does so with the
clear-sighted certitude of hindsight.

It also asks: Are there limits to guilt? Does guilt have a past-due date?

And also this: Are we, from our enlightened, privileged present, enjoying the
luxury of condemning our hard, unfathomable past?

Rafe Mair endorses and supports Save Kogawa House campaign

Rafe Mair endorses and supports Save Kogawa House campain

Rafe Mair has offered to publish the following on his website and suggested that we send it to the Vancouver Sun and other newspapers as a letter to the editor.  Rafe writes:

To whom it may concern

I recently received the following letter, in part

“I am calling on you now, Rafe, to speak out in support of a local project of The Land Conservancy of British Columbia ( With a Vancouver coalition of friends and writers groups, The Land Conservancy (TLC) is asking for help to save from demolition the modest family home of the author Joy Kogawa.  

Kogawa house is located at 1450 West 64th Avenue, and Joy and her
family were removed from the home in 1942 as part of the Government’s
policy of internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II. Over
the years, the house has become a central image in Joy’s award-winning
novel Obasan, which has recieved both national and international

On November 30, 2005, the City of Vancouver
granted a 120-day delay on the demolition permit the owner was seeking
for the house. On February 8, 2006, the Kogawa House was listed on
Heritage Vancouver’s
2006 Top 10 Endangered Sites. Mid March, TLC recieved a 30-day
extension on the option to purchase the homes, allowing us to
fundraise until April 30.

purchased and protected, it is our intention to use Joy Kogawa House as
a writing retreat, enabling emerging writers to create new works
focusing on human rights issues and Canada's evolving multicultural and
intercultural society.  It will also be open for public and school
tours to preserve the memory of the violition of the civil rights of
an entire cultural minority community during World War II.”

I support this effort for a personal reason.

1942, when I was 11, I was kind of sweet on a classmate, Michiko
Katayama. One day she didn’t show up to school and we learned that she
had been shipped, with her family, to the Interior, by cattle car. I
was told by my parents that the “Japs” could not be trusted, that they
got their orders (or so it was presumed) from the Japanese Emperor and
would help any Japanese troops that landed bent on slitting all our

long after that, an event occurred that I’ve never really been able to
live with – my Dad bought a paper box company at 10 cents on the dollar
from the “Trustee” of the assets of Japanese Canadians. I owe my
education to this and am ashamed of it.

must be understood that no one, including my Dad, thought he’d done
wrong. With very few exceptions most British Columbians accepted the
fact that these “little yellow bastards” in our midst were dangerous.
My Dad’s action was seen as one of patriotism. At war’s end, the
Canadian government, to avoid Japanese Canadians going back to their
homes and raising hell about what had happened, offered the detainees
passage to Japan – a place that most had never been.

was a horrible time but many Japanese Canadians were able not only to
forgive but to show what they were made of by great personal
achievements. Joy Kogawa is such a person and it's critical, in my
view, that we maintain her house not only as a reminder of her success
achieved at great odds, but that she is a fine British Columbian and
Canadian – and as a reminder to all of us and those to come that
great great wrongs were done that must never be repeated.


Rafe Mair

Reaction to my interview about Chinese Head Tax on CBC Early Edition on Wednesday Morning

Reaction to my interview about Chinese Head Tax
on CBC Radio Early Edition on Wednesday morning

Doing a radio interview by telephone is always weird. You can't engage the person
you are speaking to, or the audience.

This morning my phone woke me up, and somebody asking if I could talk about my reaction
to the mention in the Throne Speech that there would be an apology for the Chinese Head Tax.
CBC Radio called back at 8:15, and I spoke with Early Edition host Rick Cluff.

Of course, after the interview was over, I immediately criticized myself for being more critical,
than positive in my message.  I similarly woke up my girlfriend when I telephoned her to
listen to me speaking on CBC Radio One 690 AM.  Her feedback was that the conversation
assumed that the listeners knew what the issue already was.

The Early Edition has been covering the issue almost since the Head Tax Story broke back on
November 26th, when we protested at the signing of the ACE program when Paul Martin
came to Vancouver.

Yesterday, I told one of my co-workers about the mention of the apology for the Chinese Head
Tax.  She was critical of the government paying out money for the “sins of our ancestors” that
she felt had no connection with.  I told her its a more complicated issue, and that 62 years of
legislated racism had a tremendous negative effect on the Chinese community.  I told her that the
United Nations had asked Canada to make reparations in 2004, and yet the Liberal Government
continued to refuse.  I also asked her to imagine what Canada would be like today, if there had
been no head tax or immigration restrictions.  Chinese Canadian culture would be even stronger
today, and much more integrated into the Canadian culture. 

Today I telephoned my 95 year old grandmother.  And she asked “Will there be any money?”
My grandmother was born in Victoria, BC.  The grand-daughter of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, who
came to Canada to preach Christianity to the Chinese pioneers.  My grandmother's father Ernest
Lee paid the head tax, as well as my grandmother's husband, Sonny Mar.  I can tell you that
they each did the best for their familes given the unfair start they had in Canada, when no other
immigrant ethnic groups had to pay a head tax, and when Canada was giving away land for free
to European farmers on the prairies because they were seen as “desirable immigrants.”

My uncle, Daniel Lee, at Rememberance Day ceremonies, and shaking hands with then
mayor Larry Campbell, and coucillor Jim Green.

I also telephoned my grandmother's younger brother, Daniel Lee.  Uncle Dan served in WW2
with the Canadian Air Force.  Being of Chinese descent, he was not allowed to enter combat, so
he became an engineer.  Each year he writes to Canadian Parliament, asking for an apology, but
never getting an answer.  Finally the Chinese Canadian veterans agreed to support the ACE
program for “Acknowledgement, Commemoration and Education” because they believed
that this would be the only way they would ever see the Canadian government recognize the
injustice of the head tax. 

Uncle Dan's first question was “Which apology?” asking whether it was for the NCCC or the
CCNC, as each of the groups had been waging disagreements how the redress should be
handled.  The National Congress of Chinese Canadians had signed on to the ACE program,
and the Chinese Canadian National Council stuck to their guns and continued to ask for an
apology and individual compensation for surviving head tax payers and spouses. 

“It's an apology for head tax.  It's the one you keep writing to Ottawa asking for,” I answered.

My cousin Janice Wong, and dragon boat friend Pam Jones heard me on the radio, complimenting
me, so I guess I wasn't overly critical and negative about the forthcoming head tax apology.  I
really am happy that it is coming.  It is long overdue… and I keep telling my friends and family.

Hey Todd,

I heard your lovely voice this a.m. on Rick Cluff's show. You sounded
Glad that you mentioned the misunderstanding of the issue at the end
of your interview. That was good, esp. the part about the vote and
professional status deprivation.


At the Global National News broadcast
with Kevin Newman photo 1) Deb Martin, Kevin Newman and me; photo 2)
back row Todd Wong, Deb Martin, Harvey Lowe front row: Imtiaz Popat,
Sid Tan

Hi Todd

I'm writing to let you know that you are such a
visible and contributing member of your community and the greater community at
large.  I listened to you this morning on CBC ( great job, by the way) and
I saw you on
Global National  when they did a live audience participation of the
Chinese community around the elections.  It seems like every time I turn
around, there you are!

Pam Jones
Sudden Impact

CBC Radio Early Edition interview and my response to the throne speech about upcoming Chinese head tax apology

CBC Radio  Early Edition interview and my response to the throne speech about upcoming Chinese head tax apology

was just interviewed on CBC Radio Early Edition program by Rick Cluff,
asking my thoughts about the mention of an apology for Chinese Head Tax
in the throne speech.

It's impossible to convey my feelings about 62 years of legislated
racism and the potential for nation building by redress in 4 minutes.

Yesterday, I was very happy to recieve an e-mail from Toronto stating that a forthcoming apology for the
Chinese Head Tax was included in the Throne Speech.  Very happy
because I had spent so many hours in working on the Vancouver campaign
for redress.  I was there on November 26th, when we protested the
ACE program announcement when then Prime Minister Paul Martin came to
Vancouver to announce a $2.5 million program for “Acknowledgement,
Commemoration and Education” – not apology or compensation.

It was in 2004 when
Doudou Diene, the UN special rapporteur on racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance, submitted a UN draft report recommending Canada consider paying reparations
for the head tax

once levied against Chinese immigrants. New Zealand had made and
apology and redress reparations – but Canada still said “No!”  And
up until last December, Paul Martin and the Liberal government was
still saying “No apology!”, until they figured out that Chinese head
tax redress was the sleeper issue of the election campaign, and the
other parties – NDP, Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois, had agreed to an
apology and compensation for urviving Head Tax payers and spouses.

It's all about fairness, and that Canada should not profit from
racism.  This is not the Canada that promotes multiculturalism,
and that we are a leader in racial tolerance.  This is about a
black spot in our history.

Yes… I was very happy that redress is going to happen. 
Yes…  I am happy that my Uncle Dan, a WW2 veteran who has every
year written the government for an apology, is finally going to hear an

But as I told Rick Cluff, I think Canadians still misunderstand the
issue.  Asian Canadians have been subject to so much systemic
racism up until 1967, that it has been hard to convey the sense of
“learned helplessness” against a system that constantly treats you as a
second-class citizen. 

I am afraid that many Canadians will see this as a money issue, and
paying for past wrongs should be over and done with.  But I feel
very strongly that Canada needs to move forward on these issues, or
else it constantly stays with us.

It's about fairness and justice and equality.  Finally, we are being fully embraced, and redress is being made.

More later….

BBC Radio Scotland: Interviewed this morning for 'The Radio Cafe'

BBC Radio Scotland: Interviewed this morning for 'The Radio Cafe'

I put on my maple leaf tartan and headed down to the CBC Vancouver studios this morning for a 9am appointment with  BBC Radio Scotland's arts and culture programme ('The Radio Café').  I talked with researcer Bronwen Tulloch, who is actually born in New Zealand.

We talked about why a 5th generation Chinese Canadian would be
interested in Scottish culture.  I explained that Canada's true
temperment as a nation is much more Scots than English, and that the
Scots are part of Canada's pioneering heritage, as they helped explore
this country such as Simon Fraser, one of the first Whites to cross
Canada and explore the Pacific Coast, by paddling down the Fraser
River, later named after him.

The Scots came to Canada from across the Atlantic, and named the new
land 'Nova Scotia.'  The Chinese came from across the Pacific
Ocean and called the new land 'Gum San' – meaning Gold Mountain.

We talked about how I came to invent Gung Haggis Fat Choy and shared some of my personal story.  I told Bronwen  that I wore my maple leaf tartan
kilt for our Canadian Club celebrations for flag day, and that it had
the colours of Canada represented in the greens, yellows and reds of
the maple leaf.

It's a wonderful expression of multiculturalism, when we can learn to
embrace each of the different pioneer cultures and history of
Canada.  But it becomes more than tokenism, when we start to
explore the historical interactions of the cultures, and the impacts of
the cultures on Canadian culture and society.  It's amazing at the
conversations that can be sparked when you are wearing a kilt.  At
the last kilts night at Doolin's, I met a fellow and we talked about
Scottish and Chinese explorers such as the Chinese Admiral Zheng He,
written up in the book 1421, the Year the Chinese Discovered the World.

The interview will be broadcast on BBC
Radio Scotland's arts and culture programme, 'The Radio Café' the week
starting Monday 3rd April. It's a series I'm running across the week
with New York's Tartan Week (April 1-8) as the peg.