Category Archives: Commentaries

In Scotland – 'Chinese all look alike' – but when does foreigner become “Chinese” in China?

In Scotland – 'Chinese all look alike' – but when does foreigner become “Chinese” in China?

Do I look less Chinese but more Scottish if I wear a kilt?

Check out these interesting news articles that Susanna Ng posted on

give an interesting perspective to the issue of nationality vs
culture.  Can we be Chinese if we are born in China?  Can we
be Scottish if we are born in Scotland.  Definitely, we are
Canadian if born in Canada – and we can also be Scottish and Chinese
too, if you are like my friend Fiona Tinwei Lam – born in Scotland of
Chinese ethnicity, but now a Canadian citizen since she was a child.

Judge clears driver because 'Chinese all look the same'

By David Lister, Scotland Correspondent, The Times

A JUDGE has provoked outrage among race relations groups by claiming that all Chinese people look the same.

Margaret Gimblett cleared Hui Yu, 23, a student from Beijing, of a
motoring offence after dismissing evidence from two police officers
identifying him.

She told Greenock Sheriff Court: “Without
wanting to be derogatory in any way, sometimes it is said that all
black people look the same at first glance, and the same can be said
that all Chinese people can look the same to a native Scot.

“It’s only when you have time to look that you begin to see the differences.”

'Chinese-ness' by race, or by culture?

following article is from the Shanghai Daily.  Interesting
article…  It is all about the individual person's
perspective.  Remember that even though I am 5th generation
Canadian – Mainland Chinese will view me as “Overseas Chinese.”

China calls itself “The Middle Kingdom.”  5000 years of continuous
uninterrupted culture has encouraged an ethno-centric viewpoint of the
world.  People who look  like us vs people who do not look
like us.  Most European countries also have a similar sense of
“national self.” But Brazil, USA and Canada are different… We are
colonized countries, populated by indigenous peoples plus many waves of
immigrants.   Our definition of “Canadian-ess” is less based
on race, but rather by shared culture and values.

Last week, I was talking to a friend who was born in Romania – yet she
identifies herself as a Hungarian – because that is her parent's
language and culture.  She told me that I was “Chinese,” even
though I am 5th generation Canadian.

“No…” she told me, “you are still Chinese… look at you…”

“Yes…” I said, “I just happened to be born with this beautiful DNA,
but I don't speak Chinese, I wasn't born in China, I don't think
Chinese.  I don't know all it's history and culture.”

Maybe it's the Nature vs Nurture issue.  Much of the things we
know can be taught, but somethings are socialized unconsciously, and
some things are hard-wired biologically.

I know somebody who was born in Shanghai, to Austrian parents, and is 100% Canadian.

I know somebody who was born in Scotland, to parents of Chinese ethnicity, and is 100% Canadian.

Being identified as one thing or another is often dependent on what
makes you stand out from the crowd. I grew up amongst white Canadians
in high school, so I was identified as the “Chinese guy.”  When I
hung out with lots of Asian-Canadians who were  immigrants or
children of immigrants, I was identified as the “Banana” or the “CBCer.”

But how we define ourselves is the most important thing.

Puzzle of identity: Beyond race, nationality
By Wayne Hsu 2007-1-8  Shanghai Daily

HOW we identify ourselves is how we perceive others see us.

For example, if I identify myself as an American, I also wish others to perceive me as an American.

Identifying oneself can sometimes be a tricky act. Many factors may come into play – race, nationality and cultural background.

for instance that I was born in China of Chinese ancestry, and at the
age of three I moved to France and lived there until I was 25. Shortly
after that, I moved to the United States and became a US citizen.

how should I identify myself? Am I Chinese? Sure, my race is Chinese.
Am I French? Sure, my cultural background is French. Am I American? Of
course, my nationality is American. The question remains how should we
identify ourselves?

a more significant question to ask oneself is: Which is the most
important factor among race, culture, and nationality? 

Chinese Canadian Head Tax issue one of 2006's top events

Chinese Canadian Head Tax issue one of 2006's top events

So was it? or wasn't it?

The Chinese head tax issue made
top newsmaker in every chinese media's year end review.  But was
rarely seen in English Language media year end summaries. 

Chinese-Canadian stories listed by Susanna Ng includes Head Tax redress
apology plus the resignation by Michael Chong over recognizing Quebec
as a “nation” within a united Canada.  see Susanna's
Chinese in Vancouver: Year end review  and her stories on Chinese Head Tax.

Chinese head tax should be more than just an “ethnic issue.” It is a
Canadian issue.  Canadian parliament charged a head tax from 1895
until 1923 when parliament creeated the “Chinese exclusion act” which
lasted until 1947.  That's 52 years of legislated racism! Oh…
plus an additional 49 years without an apology – not to mention a tax

language media was a leading force in the head tax issue, covering it
almost  every day during the election campaign after November
25th, when 200 people protested the Liberal signing of the ACE program
– see

Chinese Head Tax: Protest in Vancouver Chinatown.

English Language media still seemed slow on this issue, often relegating it to ethnic issue side bar stories.  The first real head tax story in the Vancouver Sun was from Toronto head tax descendant Brad Lee who wrote The liberals bungle a great opportunity to do the right thing: This was followed by Daphne Bramham's Dec, 2 column
Compensate Chinese immigrants fairly:
  I didn't see an actual news story in the Vancouver Sun, until Dec 8 when
Stephen Harper and Conservatives jump on the Head Tax apology band wagon

But also notable was the coverage by the Georgia Straight's Charlie Smith. Head tax unites activists,
Georgia Straight: Harper Stickhandles Redress
as well CBC Radio did a number of audience call-in shows + interviews with head tax redress activists. 

year end of 2005, Chinese head tax was listed in the top ten by a
number of Asian newspapers, citing it to have both importance for
Canada, as well as global importance.  Last year, this time, the
Chinese Head Tax emerged as the sleeper issue for the January 2006
Federal Election.  Three Conservative candidates broke from Stephen
Harper's former No Apology stance, to join with the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and
Green Party.  Then with the Liberals facing themselves behind the
Conservatives in polling, Liberal PM Paul Martin mumbled a so-called
personal apology about head tax on Fairchild Chinese language radio
station, but would not commit to a formal governmental apology – nor
did he repeat the same “apology” for English language media.   see:
Political debate heats up over Chinese head tax.

Then on June 22nd, the 
Head Tax Apology Ceremony

finally happened.  In the days leading up, English language media
finally got on the head tax band wagon, literally, by putting reporters
on the head tax redress train from Vancouver to Ottawa

In October, The Vancouver Sun even put together a list of 100 Influential Chinese Canadians in BC…
listing head tax activist Sid Tan.  But while the Sun made it
their lead feature on the front page, they relegated a story about
Charlie Quan receiving the first head tax redress cheque to backwater pages in the West Coast section.  Even the Globe & Mail had made it the lead story in their BC edition.

Head Tax redress groups say the Conservative government hasn't gone far
enough for a just an honourable redress, only honouring 0.6% of a total
81,000 head tax certificates that were issued from 1885 to 1923. 
Only surviving head tax payers and spouses will receive a $20,000
ex-gratia payment.  And it took the government months and months
to settle on the definition of a spouse, even asking that

Proof must be provided that the person was ordinarily residing with the
Head Tax Payer in a conjugal relationship of some permanence that would
be, as an indication, for at least a year.”
  see  Head Tax – Applicant's Guide

the Conservative cabinet ministers and MP's make a big photo
opportunity of presenting the ex-gratia payments to senior citizens in
the '90's, at great distress and effort on behalf of this very aged
seniors.  My own maternal grandmother is 96 years old, and is much
too weak to be trotted out for display.  And the irony is that
there will be NO ex-gratia payment for her father's head tax
certificates because he died back in the 1920's.  Any family whose
head tax paying parents or their spouses died prior to the
Conservatives reaching power in February 2006 is out of luck.  Too
bad… so sad…

Chinese-Canadian head tax redress is still burning up the blogs.  Susanna Ng has created a poll listing Top news of importance to CC society in 2006. And yes… head tax is leading the polls.

David Wong also writes about it for his year end observation the-tax-on-giving-head on his blog titiled  The Ugly Chinese Canadian and “struck a nerve” with many readers getting many comments including my own.

anything, the head tax redress campaign served as a wonderful history
lesson for all Canadians.  It also exposed past racism as well as
present bigotry and ignorance.

Will the Conservative government follow through on the two stage redress process proposed by the Chinese Canadian National Council, or will they stall at only honouring 0.6% of head tax certificates?

the Liberals under Stephane Dion step up to the plate, eager to one-up
the Conservatives, after opening up the redress can of worms with their
appallingly underwhelming ACE program for acknowledgement,
commemoration and education of head tax redress, not even considering a
formal apology or individual compensation which the Mulroney
Conservatives did for Japanese-Canadian internment redress?

the NDP, Bloc Quebecois and Green Party, continue to support individual
compensation for head tax descendants whose original payers left them
in care of the head tax certificates, hoping that one day there would
be a tax refund?

All I can say is this:
I will continue to
support head tax redress for descendants whose ancestors are
predeceased for the present Conservative ex-gratia program.
I will continue to blog and attend head tax issues and events.
I believe in social justice, and that each head tax certificate should be treated equally.

Chinese Year of the Dog is not over until February 18th, when the Year
of the Pig takes over.  2007 was a good year for Chinese head tax
redress.  It's been a long time since Margaret Mitchell first
raised this issue in Parliament back in 1984. 

Who would
have thought that it would take 24 years before the 1923 Chinese
Exclusion Act would repealed in 1947?  Who would have thought that
it would take until 1988, 46 years later, when the Japanese Canadian
would receive redress, after their homes and property were
“confiscated” from them from 1942 to 1945.

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2006

This has been one of my busiest Christmases ever.  And it has also been one of the best Christmases.

Here are some of my highlights:

December 15th, Friday: 
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team social – movie and eats at the Bacchus Lounge

December 16th, Saturday:
Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team activity – skiing on Grouse Mountain, snow boarding and sleigh ride:  check our article
Gung Haggis Fat Choy paddlers enjoy the winter

December 17th, Sunday:
I play my accordion during social hour for my Church group, Centre for Spiritual Living.
Christmas carols and Christmas songs – with my friend Bob on his accoustic guitar.  This is our gift of song for others to enjoy.

December 19th Tuesday:
Holly Cole concert with Vancouver Symphony Orchesta.  I treat my girlfriend, and we are joined by two good friends who had never attended a Holly Cole concert before – they love it!

December 21st, Thursday:
Kogawa House committee Christmas Party
What could be better than hanging with incredible people that you admire and like – and who admire and like you back!
Joy Kogawa returns to Vancouver.  Committee organizers Ann-Marie Metten and David Kogawa rent Baldwin House on Deer Lake for the dinner party.  Bill Turner, executive director of The Land Conservancy of BC attends. Me and my accordion lead Christmas singalongs.

December 22nd, Friday:
Winter Solstice at the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens.
The gardens and park are transformed into a wonderland of light and magic.  Very cool.  members of GHFC dragon boat team come out to join Deb and me for a traditional walkabout celebrating Chinese Dong Zhi (winter solstice). check our article
Gung Haggis Fat Choy paddlers enjoy the winter

December 24th, Sunday:
Jean Downey of the Kyoto Journal wants to write a piece about me and Gung Haggis Fat Choy for her column  Ten Thousand Things: Multicultural Webfinds.  She says that she really likes my humanitarian perspective on interculturalism and multiculturalism.

December 24th, Sunday:
Meet friends for drinks and appetizers at The Sandbar Restaurant on Granville Island.  Judy Maxwell returns to Vancouver from Australia where she is working on her PhD on Chinese migration.  She has done research on the Chinese Canadian veterans.

December 24th, Sunday:
Attend Christmas Eve service for Centre for Spiritual Living.
Play more Christmas songs and carols on my accordion with Bob and his guitar.  I sing so much, I loose my voice the next day.

December 25th, Monday:
Open presents with my family.  I have a new two month old niece.  My 3 1/2 year old nephew is excited with every gift – whether receiving or giving.

My girlfriend gives me a wonderful red vest, made with a Chinese gold dragon pattern.  Perfect for Gung Haggis Fat Choy events!  pictures to come soon!

December 26th, Tuesday:
Drive to Vernon with girlfriend and friend to visit her parents.  It starts snowing as we arrive at Kalamalka Lake by 4:30pm.  Wonderful to see everybody.  I get to carve the ham.  We watch Polar Express dvd.  It snows all evening – light powdery stuff.

December 27th, Wednesday:
We wake up to 4 inches of snow,  a real winter wonderland.  We open stockings and presents.  It's Christmas morning all over again!  Christmas dinner with turkey.  Zsuzsanna Luckas and I play Christmas songs for dinner guests, on piano and accordion.

And throughout this Christmas season, whether rich or poor, yellow or white, red or black, happy or sad….  there is intercultural grace whether we see it or not.  It lives and breathes within our lives, sometimes so subtley that we do not recognize it.  Sometimes it is blatantly proud, and thunders it's arrival.

But here I am on the outskirts of Vernon.  I haven't seen another Asian person since I waved goodbye to my father yesterday morning.  Yet, tonight with friends of my girlfriend's parents I could talk to them about our differing views about Chinese head tax redress, First Nations land claims, Gung Haggis Fat Choy, history revisionism…. and still lead them in games of poker and Christmas carol singing.  Life is only as wonderful as you choose to make it.

Chinatown gentrification in Boston: protest by adapting Christmas carols

Chinatown gentrification in Boston: 
protest by adapting Christmas carols

The following comes to me from one of our GHFC dragon boat paddlers.
BARBARA WALDERN - now doing an anthropology degree at SFU.

Vancouver Chinatown is undergoing its own gentrification. Some people think that
Vancouver Chinatown is dying. In fact, it's vitality has been in decline for decades.
But there are revitalization projects forhistoric Vancouver Chinatown.
Will it make a difference?

NEWS: Boston Carolers Sing About Gentrification

Carolers: Gentrification means many not merry

By Laura Crimaldi
Boston Herald

Chinatown residents are hoping a few fa-la-las, and maybe a ho, ho,
ho, will
help residents battle the gentrification blues.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) and the Chinatown Resident
Association will go caroling throughout Chinatown next week to raise
awareness about the influx of high-rises, hotels and ritzy restaurants
squeezing residents of the neighborhood.

"This is the first time we're doing this," said Amy Leung, a CPA
activist, who is helping organize the caroling stops at six apartment
buildings. "The idea is to get the information out in a fun way."

CPA Executive Director Lydia Lowe has penned pointed lyrics to the
tune of Christmas classics like "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" to describe
what gentrification is doing to Chinatown.

The lyrics of "Won't Be Living Long In Chinatown," which is sung
to the tune of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland," include "We always said that
what we need is housing, / But penthouse condos isn't what we meant. / Who
knew that C-town could be like the South End / This strip where migrant
workers pitched their tents,"

Four carolers practiced the songs, which will be sung in English
and Chinese, at the CPA office yesterday. Carolers plan to bring maps of
Chinatown with their sheet music to show tenants how much development
is going on in their neighborhood.

These are the lyrics to one of the "carols" that Chinatown neighborhood
groups will sing to battle gentrification:
(To the tune of 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas')

The MP3, "Won't Be Living Long in Chinatown"
The MP3, "We Wish That We Get to Stay Here"


We wish that we get to stay here,
We hope that we get to stay here,
We'll fight so we get to stay here!
Chinatown is our home!


Support other tenants
To stay in their homes,
Follow our master plan
As development grows.


We wish that we get to stay here,
We hope that we get to stay here,
We'll fight so we get to stay here!
Chinatown is our home!


We need some laws changed
To make ourselves heard
Some real city planning
That's not just in word.

Asian Santa Claus in Richmond BC – Why did it take so long?

Asian Santa Claus in Richmond BC – Why did it take so long?

Asian Santa takes the reins

Here's a story about the first Asian Santa Claus at Richmond Centre Mall. George King, age 73, was born in Shanghai, then lived in Taiwan where he saw his first Santa Claus hawking merchandise in department stores.  Apparently there is not long tradition of Santa as a benevolent figure bearing gifts in China.Mr. King isn't really up on all the names of the reindeer, and apparently wasn't aware of Rudoph. 

While Santa diversity may be a good idea, cultural insensitivity or ignorance cannot be ignored.  I think that in Greater Vancouver's history of Chinese born in BC since Won Alexander Cumyow in 1861 – Richmond Centre should be able to find a Canadian of Chinese descent who truly understands the important role that Santa Claus plays in the development of Canadian children.

I saw my first Asian Santa Claus in 1980 at a Honolulu shopping mall.  I even have a picture with our family and Santa “Uncle Tony” Claus at a Christmas Eve Luau party in Kaneohe – just North of Honolulu.  27 years later and Richmond Centre gets big press over there first Chinese Santa Claus and he doesn't know who Rudolph is?   Do we dare ask him about “Olive” the other reindeer?  or would that be too cruel?

Asian Santa takes the reins

Globe and Mail: Cancer: A day in the life – incredible stories of compassion, strength and sadness

Globe and Mail: Cancer: A day in the life
– incredible stories of compassion, strength and sadness

On Saturday Nov 18th, 2006, the Globe & Mail published  Cancer: A day in the life.

is a unique look at fifty Canadians living with, or dying from
cancer.  Fifty stories spread throughout the country, and
throughout a single day – June 15, 2006.  These stories are
incredibly moving.  Some are inspiring.  Some are sad. 

can personally relate to many of the stories that Globe & Mail
writer Erin Anderssen has collected.  From stories of chemotherapy
treatment to being strong for friends and relatives, from tearful
relapses to joyful recovery and accomplishing athletic endeavors. 
I lived through many of these experiences  with my family and
friends. These are stories that will tug your heart strings.
really comes through in the stories are the importance of partners,
family and friends.I don't know what I would have done without my
family and girlfriend at the time. There were times that felt very
lonely.  There were times when it felt good just to have
company.  There were times when family and friends really took
their own initiatives to help.  Some people could talk about it –
others couldn't.  The “C word” still really scared a lot of people
back in 1989.

It was
17 years ago
this month, that I had my last chemotherapy treatment.  It was a
very fragile time in my life.  My head was bald due to
chemotherapy, and because the drugs killed any fast growing cells in
your body, my finger nails had stopped growing, and my finger tips were
slightly numb due to the drug's effects on the nerve endings. 
Balance was wobbly, and I lost the abiltiy to hear certains pitches of
sound.  But the week before Christmas, I was swinging a badminton
raquet, wobbly on my feet – laughing and playing with my family.

21st, is always a special day for me.  That was that day in 1989,
when I
was diagnosed with a life-threatening concer tumor.  I had been
gradually becoming sicker for months after initially complaining of
back pain.  Little did I know it was one of the warning symptoms
testicular cancer.  Like in one of the stories… my doctor saw me
an athletically fit young man of 28 and did not think that behind my
breast bone, a tumor would grow to the size of a large
grapefruit.  The doctors later told me that if I hadn't had
treatment – my life
expectancy from that day would have been two weeks.  It was that
serious.  The tumor was pushing on my vena cava – restricting the
flow to my heart, and putting pressure on my lungs, which had then
filled half-way with fluid.

Upon reading the stories in the Globe & Mail, I thought back to what I was doing on June 15th 2006.  This year I was busy preparing the Gung Haggis Fat Choy
dragon boat team for the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival that weekend. I was
also getting my accordion ready to help send off the Head Tax redress
to Ottawa which would leave Vancouver on June 16th, and arrive in
time for the Government's offical apology for the Head Tax and
Exclusion Act on June 22nd.

Some people say “the cancer's gone – you're healthy now – get over
it.”  But I am always a cancer survivor, and the experience stays with
you for the rest of your life.  I try to watch my health, eat good
foods, exercise, reduce stress.  As a Terry's Team member, each year I
speak at
Terry Fox Run sites in the Greater Vancouver area, as well as
at elementary schools, serving as a living example that cancer research
has helped to make a difference.  Every now and then, people who experience health crises ask me for
guidance about recovery.  It's always good to talk to a walking success
story.  I guess that's what I am. 

After my hospital recovery, I tried to study lots of things about
health psychology and incorporated it into my studies at Simon Fraser
University.  I took classes in Behavorial Methods and Psychology
of Emotion (psychology), Health and Illness and Medical Anthrology
(anthropology/sociology), as well as Kinesiology, and Athletics. 
I had felt that I had effective used pyschological techniques such as
visualization, pain management, social support and
affirmations/self-talk, during my recovery from cancer, so I planned on
furthering graduate studies for Health and Sport Psychology.  But
life takes turns down paths you don't expect.  While I took one
graduate class at SFU in Health Psychology, I never did apply for
Psychology graduate school.

a picture of Todd Wong (me) with Doug Alward (Terry Fox's best friend)
and Terry Fleming (Terry Fox's high school basketball coach) at the
2005 25th Anniversary “Hometown Run” in Coquitlam. – photo Deb Martin

strange to think of the things that I would not have been involved in
if I had died of cancer 17 years ago.  But it's true…  The
Toddish McWong's Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner  would not exist. None of it's spin-offs would exist: the CBC television special “Gung Haggis Fat Choy”,  Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night at the Vancouver Public Library or the SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Canadian Games.
There would be no Taiwanese Dragon Boat Races in Vancouver, since I was
the first to present the idea to the Taiwanese Cultural Festival and
the Dragon Boat Association. And there certainly would be no
Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dragon Boat team. 
I wouldn't have been guest speaker at the 1993 Terry Fox Run in
Beijing, China, nor at any of the Terry Fox Runs or elementary schools that I have spoken at since.  I wouldn't
have helped create the Asian Canadian Writer's Workshop's Pioneer
Community Dinners, nor the inaugural One Book One Vancouver program for
the Vancouver Public Library.  I wouldn't have been present on the
campaign to save historic
Joy Kogawa House
or Chinese Head Tax Redress campaign,

all have a life, and we make choices with how we live it.  I am
glad that I have been able to help enrich my community, and the lives
of people that I connect with.


The Globe & Mail is also doing some interactive stuff, for Cancer: A day in the life. They are inviting readers to join the Conversation and submit stories using the comment function on the left side of the page. They will publish here all the submissions that meet our guidelines. We will also choose a few stories each day to highlight at the bottom of this article.

They would also like to invite you to share your photos and images. Please e-mail them as attachments to

Here are some significant articles about my cancer experience and my experiences as a Terry's Team member.

on Sun 18 Sep 2005 06:01 PM PDT

on Mon 19 Sep 2005 10:55 PM PDT

on Mon 18 Sep 2006 11:42 PM PDT

on Sat 30 Sep 2006 11:58 PM PDT

VAFF: Asian-Canadian or Canadian-Asian… and what about being mixed-race Canadian?

VAFF: Asian-Canadian or Canadian-Asian… and what about being mixed-race Canadian?

Vancouver Asian Film Festival
continues to celebrate it's 10th anniversary by asking provocative
questions about identity, and exploring the qualities of Asian-ness
through the eyes of immigrants or through multi-generational Canadians
of mixed races parentage.

Saturday morning's program, Canadian Asian vs. Asian Canadian: Politically Correct Labels, featured films
Canadian-Chinese by Felix Cheng, and Between: Living in the Hyphen by
Anne-Marie Nakagawa, plus a panel discussion featuring UBC English
Assistant Professor Glenn Deer, author/editor Alexis Kienlen, UBC
English instructor Chris Lee, and Georgia Straight editorial assistant
Craig Takeuchi.

The films each explored sensitive topics of identity. 
Canadian-Chinese explored the relationship of language to first and
second generation immigrants, as director Felix Cheng interviewed his
parents and friends about the process of learning to speak Chinese and
his resistance of it when he was younger.  Cheng said he did this
film as a project while attending Emily Carr Schol of Art and
Design.  His parents immigrated from Hong Kong, when Cheng was
still two years old, and didn't learn English fully because they were
focussed on providing for the family.  Felix says he basically
grew up with his older brother watching English television

Through the interviews with his parents, it is apparent that they have
a different perspective of him growing up and not wanting to lear to
speak Chinese, then he does.  He is now questioning himself and
his identity, as he converses with a friend who came to Canada at age
six.  It is an intimate look at the schism between immigrant
parents and their children as they come to grips with the children
wanting to fit in more with Canadian society, at the risk of creating a
communication gap with their parents.  At one point, Cheng shows
moving pictures of his parents interacting and talking without sound,
highlighting the inability to understand the Chinese language…
imagining for the audience what it must be like to be unable at times
to communicate with his parents.

Ann-Marie Nakagawa has created a beautiful lush film about the personal
issues of growing up mixed race.  She spoke to the audience that
Canadian and Hollywood films have addressed mixed-race relationships
but never really about the children who grow up in such unions, and the
issues that they have to face, sometimes ostracized from one culture or
the other, or both.

Nakagawa found a variety of celtic-First Nations, Indo-German,
Carribean-Caucasian, African-Caucasian, Chinese-Irish-Scottish-Swedish
subjects for her interviews by word of mouth, she told the

Poet Fred Wah, the poet / retired University of Calgary Engish professor is featured in Between: Living in the Hyphen, a National Film Board film.  He  speaks
about growing up mixed-race, and finding his own place in a Canada that
initially wanted to homogenize everybody into a White Anglo-Saxon
culture during the 1950's when he grew up.  Several other
interview subjects discuss growing up as products of racial hybridity,
and how they move between the ethnic cultures of either parent, as well
as mainstream White Canada. 

Nakagawa proves herself to be a gifted filmaker both in presentation
and subject material.  Over a period of three years, she got to
know the interview subjects to the point where they trusted her enough
to share intimate and personal stories of race and prejudice. 
Some feel they are as Canadian as can be, while others share that
because of the way they look, they will always be questioned as to
their ethnic origin, as the traditional stereotype “Canadian standard”
is white, blond with blue eyes.  Nakagawa plays this challenge to
great effect by utilizing the famous “I am Canadian” Molson beer
commercial rant, which featured a good looking caucasian male.

It is an interesting must-see film that seeks to legitimize mixed-race
as a valid cultural identity within the mosaic of Canadian
multiculturalism, while challenging the the pigeon-hole process of
ethnic labeling.

The following panel discussion was lively.  It included
perspectives that were  honest, academic, casual, immigrant
-based, multi-generational, and prarie-informed.  Each panelist
described themselves and their interests in relation to the themes of
identity and labeling.  Kienlen said she used the term mixed race,
because that is what she is.  While many of the Nakagawa's
subjects grew up as solitary mixed race individuals, she grew up with
her mother who is half-Chinese. 

Takeuchi says he describes himself as 4th generation Japanese Canadian,
because it is important to demonstrate the relationship to the
internment.   Lee said he felt he was the newcomer to the
group because his parents were immigrants, and because of that he
doesn't have all the familial history that the other panelists carry.

Festival founder and president Barb Lee shared she came up with the
theme of Asian Canadian vs Asian Canadian on a car trip in Eastern
United States with her sister.  They argued about the usage of the
word forms.  Her sister stated she was Canadian Asian because she
wanted to emphasize her Canadianess by putting Canadian before
Asian.  Glenn Deer pointed out that the word “Canadian” is really
a noun, denoting a country and a culture, so that Asian Canadian is the
more correct term.

Personally, I feel that both forms of usage are valid, but Asian
Canadian denotes a Canadian of Asian heritage, where Canadian Asian
will more likely describe an immigrant Asian who has come to
Canada.  Felix Cheng's film's subjects were Canadian Asians, born
in Hong Kong, who became naturalized Canadians.  Nakagawa's film
included Fred Wah a Canadian of diverse ethnic ancestry who can be
included in the group of Asian Canadians. 

Federal Govt to name Vancouver building after noted MP who made racist comments

Federal Govt. to name Vancouver building after noted MP who made racist comments

The latest hot issue in the Asian-Canadian community is the Federal government's attempt to name a Vancouver building after a Conservative MP who served during Diefenbaker's government.  Howard Green apparently made the following statements:

“Orientals (should) be excluded from Canada .”
– Vancouver News-Herald front-page story on July 25, 1939

Green felt there should be 'no halfway measures about the Japanese
question in Canada.” 'The Japs must never be allowed to return to
British Columbia”

– The Vancouver Sun of May 17, 1945

Japanese-Canadian and Chinese-Canadian community leaders are speaking
out against the naming of the building.  My quick perusal of the
internet reveals the Hon. Howard Green to have held  cabinet
positions of Public Works, Defense Building, External Affairs. 
John Diefenbaker called him  “one of the greatest leaders in the
field of disarmament and world peace”as he was a strong advocate of
world peace and the United Nations.

So what is true?  Did
this WW1 veteran feel that Canada's existence was really threatened by
Canadian born citizens of Japanese ancestry?  Even though
Japanese-Canadian soldiers were accepted in the Canadian Army? 
Did he ever recant his racist declarations?  Was he a victim of
the times, when Canada was swept up in fear of attack from Japan that
everybody and their dog wanted BC's Westcoast free from anything
Japanese… even though Japanese-Americans were never interned or sent
away from the Hawaiian Islands.

Other possible names were apparently considered, such as Chief Dan George and Terry Fox.
we condone racist comments as the tenor of the times, or do we move
along and say that while it may have been acceptable back then, it is
no longer acceptable now.  After having worked on the Save Kogawa
House committee, and the Head Tax Redress campaign it is amazing to
discover the deep-rooted emotions that many Canadians have had towards
these issues.  These emotions are valid, and we cannot move
forward as a country until we stop paying lip service to these
issues.  This is the reason why we must ensure that all
communities that have vested interests are not only part of the naming
process, but also part of the decision making bodies – such as the
government.  Otherwise we have uninformed people going “What's the

Minister asks volunteer committee to review recommendation on naming of Howard Green Building

Public Works and Government Services Canada / Travaux publics et Services  gouvernementaux Canada 


For immediate release

October 24, 2006 – The Honourable Michael M Fortier, Minister of Public
Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), today announced that he
will ask the local volunteer committee in British Columbia to review
its recommendation regarding the naming of the Howard Charles Green
Building in Vancouver.

keeping with the Policy on Naming Government of Canada Structures, a
volunteer committee comprised of representatives of Vancouver
organizations held public consultations and made a recommendation in
2004 for consideration by the Government on the naming of the federal
building at 401 Burrard St . The organizations included the Downtown
Business Association, the Vancouver Business Improvement Association,
the Vancouver Historical Society, and the Vancouver Heritage Commission.

concerns expressed by Canadians of Japanese descent regarding the
naming of the Howard Charles Green Building , I will be asking the
volunteer committee to review its recommendation and indicate whether
it continues to stand by this recommendation,” Minister Fortier said.

Fortier committed his department to taking immediate action to work
with the volunteer committee to review the recommendation and to report
back to him as soon as possible.

“I will await the results of this review before making any decision regarding the naming of this building,” the Minister added.


ce texte est également disponible en français.

For further information, please contact:

Jean-Luc Benoît
Director of Communications
Office of Minister Fortie

Media Relations
Public Works and Government Services Canada

PWGSC news releases are also available on our Internet site at



For Immediate Release

October 25, 2006

CCNC to Ottawa : Name Building After Heroes Who Survived Racism

The Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) is calling on Ottawa to
reverse a decision to name a federal building after the late Howard
Charles Green, a former Conservative MP who served in Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker's government.

Globe and Mail published a story on October 24, 2006 bringing attention
to some of the racist comments made by Mr. Green, when he was a Member
of Parliament:

“A Vancouver News-Herald front-page story on July 25, 1939, had Mr.

demanding 'Orientals be excluded from Canada .' The Vancouver Sun of
May 17, 1945, states: “Mr. Green felt there should be 'no halfway
measures about the Japanese question in Canada .

” 'The Japs must never be allowed to return to British Columbia ,' he said.””

are dismayed to learn that the Conservative Government chose last month
to name a building after someone who advocated so forcefully for
exclusion of Asians in general and internment and repatriation of
Japanese Canadians in particular,” Colleen Hua, CCNC National President
said today. “The irony is that we just completed a ceremony to restore
dignity to our few living Head Tax payers including 99 year-old Charlie
Quan and WWII veteran Gim Wong who both who lived through the Chinese
Exclusion Act era.”

“There are no half-way measures about fighting racism in Canada”

question is how members of the Japanese Canadian community will feel
walking into a building named after someone described as ‘among the
most vocal and unregenerate of the racist politicians,’” Sid Tan, CCNC
National Director added. “Where are the lessons of redress here? This
building should be named after Suzuki, Kogawa, Miki, Shoyama and the
true heroes who survived this vicious racism.”

Canadian National Council (CCNC) continues to work with other
redress-seeking groups including the Ontario Coalition of Chinese Head
Tax Payers and Families (Ontario Coalition) and Head Tax Families of
Canada Society (formerly the B.C. Coalition of Head Tax Payers, Spouses
and Descendants) in the campaign for inclusive redress of the Chinese
Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act.

– 30-

For more information, please contact:
Sid Tan, CCNC National Director, (604) 783-1853 ( Vancouver )
Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director, (416) 977-9871 ( Toronto )

What Is A Canadian?: 43 Thought-Provoking Responses – Check out this new book!

Following a year that saw CBC TV's “The Greatest Canadian” and CBC
Radio's “
BC Almanac's Greatest British Columbians” – there is a book

Book Description
Each of these essays begins with the words
“A Canadian is . . .”. Each one is very different, producing a
fascinating book for all thinking Canadians.

Studin is an idealistic young Canadian who wanted to do something
extraordinary for his country. So he decided to approach leading
Canadians — he calls them “sages” — to tell us what they believe
defines us. The people who responded eagerly, to produce an essay of
1,500 to 2,000 words, are, in his words, “all distinguished Canadian
thinkers and achievers from all walks of life — politics, the civil
service, academia, literature, journalism, business, the arts — from
both official language groups, and from all regions of the country, as
well as from the Canadian diaspora.”

The strength of this book
lies in the contributors, listed in the sidebar. The variety ranges
from the funny — “A Canadian is . . . someone who crosses the road to
get to the middle” (Allan Fotheringham) through the hostile — “. . .
the citizen of a country badly in need of growing up” (William Watson)
through the surprising — “. . . adaptable. To illustrate, consider the
depth and breadth of the Canadian woman’s wardrobe” (Jennifer Welsh) or
celebratory — “. . . a wonderful thing to be” (Bob Rae).

A Canadian is . . . certain to find this book fascinating.

Fotheringham, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Roch Carrier, Jake MacDonald, George
Elliott Clarke, Margaret MacMillan, Thomas Franck, Rosemarie Kuptana,
Gérald A. Beaudoin, Peter W. Hogg, George Bowering, Christian Dufour,
Paul Heinbecker, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, John C. Crosbie, Audrey
McLaughlin, Roy MacGregor, Charlotte Gray, Hugh Segal, Janet
McNaughton, Sujit Choudhry, Aritha van Herk, L. Yves Fortier, Catherine
Ford, Mark Kingwell, Silver Donald Cameron, Guy Laforest, Maria
Tippett, E. Kent Stetson, Louis Balthazar, Joy Kogawa, Wade
MacLaughlan, Douglas Glover, Lorna Marsden, Saeed Rahnema, Denis
Stairs, Valerie Haig-Brown, Guy Saint-Pierre, William Watson, Doreen
Barrie, Jennifer Welsh, Bob Rae

Hmmm… definitely a great list of thinkers.  Whom have I met?  Joy Kogawa is now a friend.  I have met writers George Elliott Clarke and George Bowering a few times.  I saw Roch Carrier just on Sunday at the Word on the Street Festival, I can add Audrey McLaughlin to my list…  I would love to meet Charlotte Grey!

Of CBC's top ten Greatest Canadians – David Suzuki lives in Vancouver
Of BC Almanac's top ten Greatest BC'ers – David Suzuki and Nancy Greene are still alive
“What Is A Canadian” contributers – several live near Vancouver: George
Bowering “Canada's first poet-laureate”, Joy Kogawa, Valerie
Haig-Brown is the daughter of eco-pioneer Roderick Haig-Brown and lives on Vancouver Island.

Maybe I can propose an essay collection for “What is Chinese-Canadian?” or “What is Asian-Canadian?”  Would Kristin Kreuk be availalble or Jon-Kimura Parker? 

'Chinese Canadians,' or 'Canadian Chinese' (with or without the hyphen)

'Chinese Canadians,' or 'Canadian Chinese' (with or without the hyphen)

It's almost as interesting as the question: “What is a Canadian?”  But, truly… What is a “Chinese-Canadian?”

I used to think it was like being a French-Canadian, but instead of my ancestors being from France, they came from China.  Presto!  I am a Chinese-Canadian.

But then I discovered that French-Canadians have different historical and parliamentary differences.  In 1985 I spent 2 weeks in Montreal and Quebec City, trying to speak French exclusively.  I learned that  being “Quebecois” is different from being a “Quebecker.”  A Chinese-Canadian friend went to Montreal, and phoned me saying “Guess what? I'm not Chinese-Canadian anymore, now I'm an Anglophone!”

So… what is a Chinese-Canadian, or a Chinese (un-hyphenated) Canadian?

Susanna Ng asks the question on her weblog “Chinese in Vancouver.” She cites a study by Julianne Rock titled “We are Chinese Canadian: The Response of Vancouver's Chinese Community to Hong Kong Immigrants, 1980-1997.”

Susanna finds it interesting to discover that the “established” Chinese Canadian community (pre-1967) felt threatened by the new immigrant waves from Hong Kong during the 1980's, because of different values and cultures.  As one of the Hong Kong immigrants, she “didn't realize the Hong Kong Chinese were seen so much as an outsider by established Chinese Canadians then.”  She goes on to “comtemplate about the recent wave of immigrants from China
and how we – the Hong Kong Chinese now the established Chinese
Canadians – responded. We see big differences in
culture/habits/behaviours between 'us' and 'them.'”

I find Ms. Ng's article interesting and I look forward to meeting with her. After growing up in Canada amongst Chinese-Canadian pioneer descendants, then making friends with each of the subsequent Chinese immigration waves in the 70's, 80's and 90's – it is clear to me that each immigrant wave brings different cultures and regionalities of location and time.  This is similar to each of the different ethnic immigration waves that came to Vancouver's Strathcona neighborhood: Jewish; Russian; Chinese; Hong Kong; and Vietnamese.

The Vancouver / Canadian “Chinese-Canadian” community is itself very
diverse and multicultural. Fact: China is many times larger than
Europe, and filled with many “types” of Chinese ethnic groups. So it
makes sense that there should be as many “types” of Chinese people, as
there are European peoples.

I have made this point many times, especially when organizations try to
label “somebody” a “representative” of the Chinese community. It's like
asking somebody to be representative of the “white community” or the
“Canadian community.”  I once went to a CBC Radio breakfast meeting of “Chinese community representatives” and was shocked to see so few multi-generational born in Canada pioneer descendants.  Most were Chinese language speaking immigrants.

As a 5th generation Canadian, it's not surprising that Chinese-Canadian
pioneer descendants from prior to the 1923 Exclusion Act would feel
threatened by the massive immigrant waves from; post-1967 with a new
immigration point system; 1980's Hong Kong exodus; recent Taiwanese
immigration wave; and recent Mainland China immigration wave. 

Nor is it surprising that ethnic Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong,
would find themselves resentful of the new recent immigrants who don't
integrate easily.  These complaints are not as harsh as the sentiments of the White
Canadian (largely immigrant) population that created both the 1885-1923 Chinese head
tax, or the 1923-1947 Exclusion Act, when they said that the Chinese would not integrate into Canadian
society stating, “We don't want Chinamen in Canada, This is a white man's country and white men will keep it.” or “The people of Canada do not want to make a fundamental alteration to the character of our population.”  Hmmm… did anybody ask First Nations if European or Asian immigrants could come to Canada?

It was great when many of the post 1990 immigrants joined the Head Tax redress movement. Gabriel Yiu, Thekla Lit and Bill Chu really represented the immigrant-Chinese community very well.  The BC Coalition of Head Tax Payers, Spouses and Family was a very cooperative work group of both Canadian-born pioneer descendants, China-born sons and daughters of pioneers who couldn't come to Canada because of the head tax / exclusion act – but came 1947-1967, and immigrants who arrived post 1967. It was an issue that brought Chinese Canadians together across the country, not dependant upon their regional or historical immigration culture or history.  Yiu, Lit and Chu spoke in many Chinese language debates in the Chinese media, as many pioneer descendants like myself do not speak Chinese (In 1967 – who would have ever thought that so many ethnic-Chinese immigrants would come to Canada, overnumbering Canadian-born pioneer descendants?).  A Georgia Straight article titled Head Tax Unites Activists summarized this alliance very well.

The reality is this: after a few generations everybody gets
inter-married, and calls themselves Canadian. In the between-time, new
immigrant Chinese will call themselves “Canadian” to distinguish
themselves from the homeland they have recently left, than they will
call themselves Chinese-Canadian, to distinguish themselves from
mainstream white-Canadians, then as families inter-marry, they will
call themselves Canadian.  Full circle.

Below is an excerpt from Susanna Ng's article.

We are 'Chinese Canadians'

I found an interesting study done by Julianne Rock for her master thesis at SFU. The title of the study is “We are Chinese Canadian: The Response of Vancouver's Chinese Community to Hong Kong Immigrants, 1980-1997“.

indicates that local born Chinese and post-1947 immigrants comfortably
called themselves “Chinese Canadian” after the establishment of the
multiculturalism policy. However, the term “Chinese Canadian” was even
more important to these groups of Canadians of Chinese descent when
Hong Kong Chinese began their exodus to Canada in the 80s, whom were
seen as people refusing to integrate into Canadian society.

Rock states:

speaking about nationality, older Chinese Canadians who were either
born in Canada or who immigrated in the post war years are adamant
about their identity as Canadian first and foremost.

And she quotes how prominent Vancouver architect felt about the “invasion” of the Hong Kong Chinese:

Thom, a Vancouver architect with ties to the Chinese Cultural Centre,
called himself a “true-blooded, third generation Canadian” and admitted
that he is “getting the uncomfortable feeling now that, because [he] is
of Chinese heritage, [he] is looked upon as an immigrant again.

notes the lavish lifestyle of the Hong Kong Chinese has made older
immigrants/locally born feel threatened and “concerned about a possible

read more: We are 'Chinese Canadians'