Category Archives: Commentaries

Dim Sum with Olivia Chow in Vancouver

Dim Sum with Olivia Chow in Vancouver

Olivia Chow and Todd Wong (center) with Barry Morley (left) and Mary-Woo Sims (right) – photo Todd Wong Collection

Olivia Chow came to Vancouver, ditched husband Jack Layton, and attended Meena Wong's monthly Dim Sum networking lunch at Rich Ocean Restaurant.  Actually, Jack Layton attended the Pride brunch, as Jack and Olivia attend Pride parades across Canada.  Meena has known Layton and Chow from her time living in Toronto, and is now continuing to handle communications and community building in Vancouver's Chinese language community for the NDP.  I've known Meena since 2002, when soon after arriving in Vancouver, she came to help volunteer for Asian Heritage Month events organized by explorASIAN.

Meena Wong and Olivia Chow addressing 40 people at Rich Ocean restaurant on Saturday- photo Todd Wong

The crowds came out to welcome Olivia to Vancouver.  Libby Davies MP for Vancouver East, dropped in to say hello.  COPE organizer Mel Lehan and his wife attended. Victor Wong, executive director of the Chinese Canadian National Council was in town.  Sid Tan, Sean Gunn and Ron Mah of the Chinese Head Tax Families Society attended.  Even Faye Leung dropped in.  In all there were about 40 people.

I had a nice chat with Olivia.  Meena had seated us at the same table.  I knew she would be interested in hearing about the CBC documentary Generations: The Chan Legacy.  And she was also very interested to learn more about Gung Haggis Fat Choy – which she would love to attend, if and when I bring my Robbie Burns Chinese New Year dinner to Toronto.

Olivia joins Vancouver's head tax descendants for a picture: standing: ??, Mary, Ron Mah, Olivia Chow, Sid Tan, Faye Leung, Todd Wong; sitting: Sid Wong, Sean Gunn, Victor Wong (executive director of Chinese Canadian National Council) + head tax redress supporter  Mary-Woo Sims.

The federal NDP was the first national party to recognize the
importance of redress for Chinese Canadian head tax issue.  Olivia
recognized that it was Margaret Mitchell who first brought the issue to
Canadian Parliament in 1984.  Olivia also supported the calls for Chinese Head Tax redress, as head tax became an issue in the 2006 federal election.  She also supports and inclusive redress that would honour every head tax equally, not just for the surviving head tax payers and their spouses, but also the head tax certificates that were left in the hands of the daughters, sons and grandchildren when the original head tax payers couldn't live to see the federal apology by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Jim Chu is the new police chief in Vancouver!

Jim Chu is the new police chief in Vancouver!

has a brand new police chief.  Born in Shanghai, he is locally
raised, growing up and playing band and rugby at Charles Tupper High
School in Vancouver, graduating in 1978.  Gee…. I played band
and rugby in my grade 12 year at Carson Graham in North Vancouver in

There used to be a time in Vancouver when the police seemed to be all
British descendants with lots of Scots, and they looked at the Chinese
with suspicion.  In 1924, A Scottish nanny named Janet Smith was
killed, a Chinese houseboy was accused, and the Scotland Yard was
called in.

In the mid 1980's the Vancouver Police department addressed trying to
recruit visible minorities, and how to deal with the multiculturalism
in their own department.  My cousin Hayne Wai, worked on
multicultural issues, and created a slide show called “Stakeout in
Anglotown.”  It took a lot of the stereotypes about Chinese and
Asians and flipped them onto the dominant white Canadian mainstream

For instance, the Police and Fire Departments used to have height
restrictions for recruitment.  If you were too short, you couldn't
get hired, and of course, Asians and women were significantly shorter
than White Males.  The slideshow grew into a video, and was always
a hit at conferences.  Hayne was the Chinese-Canadian cop, and his
friend Dave Sangha was the Indo-Canadian cop, and they patrolled the
tough part of the city that kept its secrets to itself –
Anglo-town.  They recieved an APB for a white male caucasian, and
go on the search for him checking out local “Anglo” establishments
(Government Liquor Store) and religious centres (St. Andrews-Wesley
Church) where “their people talk to ghosts and spirits.”

It was very tongue-in-cheek, and it was one of my inspirations in
learning how to flip cultural stereotypes as I have developed “Gung
Haggis Fat Choy.”

Times have really changed in Vancouver now.  The Vancouver Sun has
recently written a series of articles about him, and I think that Jim
Chu has been a real leader on the Police Force.  Chu has helped to
pave a high tech roadway for the Police Department and has been
successful on his own merits.  There seems to be a lot of support
for him.

We wish him luck and success as Vancouver becomes a truly multicultural 21st Century City.

See news stories and more on

50th anniversary of the election of- Douglas Jung – 1st Chinese-Canadian Member of Parliament

50th anniversary of the election of– Douglas Jung
– 1st Chinese-Canadian Member of Parliament

June 10th, 2007 marks the 50thanniversary of the election of Douglas Jung, Canada's 1st Member of Parliament.  I met Mr. Jung on two occasions – the first was at a community meeting for redress for Chinese Head Tax back around 1984 or so.

Recently Wesley Jung launched his film documentary about Douglas Jung titled “I am the Canadian Delegate” which aired in February 18thon Channel M.  Jung received many honours during his lifetime, including both the Order of BC, and the Order of Canada.

Jung's son Arthur Calderwood is now paddling on the Gung Haggis Fat
Choy dragon boat team.  I first met Art on May 12th, at the 60th
Anniversary Candian Citizenship dinner organized by the
Chinese-Canadian veterans of Pacific Unit 280.

Here are links for Douglas Jung O.C.

Order of BC Biography – Douglas Jung

Douglas Jung – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Burma Star biography: Jung

Burma Star biography: Jung

Captain Douglas Jung 
Special Operations Australia

Douglas Jung was born in Victoria , British Columbia on Feb 24 1924 and passed away on January 4, 2002. He will be remembered by his legion of friends and the public as an outstanding citizen with a host of accomplishments affixed to his resume.

Douglas graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1953, having the distinction as the first Chinese Canadian veteran granted university training by the Department of Veterans Affairs. After receiving his two degrees-Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws-he was called to the B.C. Bar in 1954. He made history in 1955 by becoming the first Chinese Canadian lawyer ever to appear before the B.C. court of Appeal.

During World War II, he volunteered for special intelligence duties and was assigned to Special Operation Australia which theatre of war covered Southwest Pacific. Trained in Australia as a paratrooper, he and twelve other Chinese Canadian soldiers was destined to operate in Japanese occupied territories in China . Operation Oblivion was canceled because General Douglas MacArthur wanted to have the South East Asia command to be an all American operation. Operation Oblivion was under the direct control of the British war ministry and it's role was under the direct command of the Prime Minister Winston Churchill. These S.O.A. members ended in Borneo and Guinea . Which four were awarded the M.M. for their war services. After demobilization from active service, Douglas joined the Canadian Army Militia, working his way up to the rank of Captain.

Douglas owned the honour as the first Member or Parliament of Chinese descent in 1957 representing Vancouver Centre. In his maiden speech in the House of Commons he urged Canada to take a leading role in serving as a bridge to the Pacific Rim Countries.

Recognized by his colleagues as an innovative M.P., Douglas was credited for the establishment of the Nation Productive Council (now called the Economic Council of Canada }. He achieved changes in the Old Age Pension regulations. Making it possible for pensioners to receive their pension while living any where in the world. Douglas also achieved the following initiatives obtained $750,000 grant to enlarge the Stanley Park Aquarium, established the Canadian Coast Guard Services, and tuition fees included as a deductible expense by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker to represent Canada as Chairman of the Legal Delegation to the United Nations.
Reflecting on his term as a Member of Parliament, Douglas noted with satisfaction when Ottawa implemented the Amnesty program, the essence of which permitted thousands of illegal immigrants to regularize their status with the Immigration Department. This measure enable them to apply for the admission of their real families into this country. He was also instrumental in broadening regulations to permit more categories of family members to apply for resident status in Canada .

Time Magazine at that time credited him for pushing for these new progressive changes.
Douglas`s multi-faceted career also included a stint as a judge on the Immigration Appeal Board in Ottawa.

Douglas took a special interest in the welfare of Chinese Canadian veterans. In his view, the contributions made by his fellow veterans were enormous. Without their service and sacrifices, Chinese Canadian might not have received the right to vote and the community would not be as dynamic as it is today.

One of the projects he spearheaded was a visit for Chinese Canadian veterans to their ancestral homeland. During that trip, the veterans received the red carpet treatment from the Chinese government and Douglas was honoured as being the first Member of Parliament of Chinese origin in Canada . On another occasion, he brought a group of Chinese Canadian veterans to Ottawa who were well received by the Right Honourable Ray Hnatyshyn. Governor General of Canada .

Douglas` record of public service was accorded nationwide recognition.  His profusion of honour included the Order of Canada and the Order of British Columbia , the highest honour a citizen can receive from the federal and the provincial government respectively. Other awards came from the Chinese Benevolent Association, S.U.C.C.S.S. Chinese Cultural Centre, Chinese Canadian National Council and Chinese Association in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Thunder Bay and Toronto, Ontario, as well as the Quebec Japanese Canadian Citizenship Association in Montreal.

The broad scope of his community involvement was evident by his ready acceptance of the role as Life President of Army Navy Air Force Veterans in Canada Unit #280, Patron of S.U.C.C.E.S.S.: Director of Vancouver Symphony. B.C.: Deputy Director of the Governor General`s 1992 Regional Celebration of Canada 125th. Anniversary. Director of the Far East Relations of the Former Parliamentarians Association and the President of Japan Karate Association of Canada which awarded him a sixth degree Black Belt.

Douglas was predeceased by his two brothers. His oldest brother Major Ross Jung served as medical officer in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and second brother Flight-Lieutenant Arthur Ernest Jung was a bomber pilot in the Royal Canadian Air-Force during World War II.
The following is an abridged text of Douglas Jung`s address at the 40th Anniversary Reunion of Army, Navy, and Air Force Veterans Pacific Command Unit 280. September 6 1987, Chinese Cultural Centre, Vancouver , B.C. Canada .

This transcript was made possible with the kind permission us Sid Chow Tan who recorded the event for Roger`s cable Chinatown today:
“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and dear friends.  Seven years ago in Victoria , I had the honour of welcoming those who attended the reunion of the Chinese Canadian veterans who served Canada . Tonight in Vancouver , we celebrate the 40th anniversary of our veterans reunion.

I take pride in the knowledge that we belong to an exclusive and special club. We paid the “admission fee” to join this club and in fact for most of us, we even had to fight to be allowed into the armed force. From a military point of view, there were not enough of us to form our battalion.

Our contribution to the social and economic progress of our Chinese community was a far greater victory then any battle. The success of us veterans was entirely out of proportion to our actual numbers because after the war, we were able to demand and receive for the first time equality of treatment as Canadian citizens.

Unfortunately, after some forty years, there are many among us, particularly the younger generation and new arrivals in Canada, who are not aware that if it had not been for our efforts to demanding recognition of our status as Canadian citizens the Chinese Community would not be as dynamic, as affluent and as welcomed as it is today.

They take for granted that we have always had the right to practice any of the professions, to receive recognition for our distinction in the arts, sports, Business and academic achievement. These people know nothing about the very restrictions as to where we could live and know even less that we were denied the vote and to be recognized as a political voice, and they cannot and do not understand the discrimination which the Chinese community once suffered. For those members of the younger generation, it is almost inconceivable that these social, electoral and economic values existed .

Why should it be this way? Those of us who served during the Second World War were on the whole, less educated, certainly less affluent or sophisticated than the present generation because we never had the opportunity or privilege that Canadians now have. And yet we took up arms and made it possible for others to follow in our footsteps.

Is it too late for us to teach our children or educate our fellow citizens as to the value of what we did? I can tell you, we veterans, individually or as a group, have nothing to be ashamed of. We can hold our heads high because what we did accomplish could never been accomplished or bought with any amount of money.

We, who even denied the most fundamental rights of citizenship, acted as honourable citizens to serve our country in its hour of need.

And no one can take that honour away from us. We are now in the September of our years. Our time and resources are limited and common to all veterans in every land. Some of us have paid terrible emotional, physical and mental price for what we did.

But the price we paid was and remains a symbol of our loyalty and dedication to our country and we can be proud of our accomplishment.

I say this to you. We did something for the Chinese community no other group could ever have done. We should be proud and take satisfaction in the knowledge that without our contribution to Canada as members of the armed forces during the Second World War, none of the rights that exist in the Chinese community to day would be possible.

And to your loved ones and to members of your family, I say this, take pride in our accomplishments. Give to us the privilege to indulge a little bit in our comradeship and also give to us now, your support and understanding because what we did, we did for you.
Be proud of us, as we are with you. Be happy with us and take some time to spread the word and record of us among your friends so that someone will once more be inspired to take up the challenge to be a voice for our community in elected assembly. Do not, I beg of you, let our efforts go to waste simply because no one cares. Our efforts, instead of being recorded as a mere footnote in pages of Canadian history should, at least,, be a blazing and inspiring chapter of the Chinese people in the history of Canada.

And finally, to my comrades in arms I sent you my warmest and most affectionate greetings where ever you may be, I am proud to be one of you and to all I say, “Well done, Thank you for the honour and privilege of speaking to you. I wish you all continuing good health and success. I look forward to our next reunion. Until then. God bless.”

Submitted by W. Chong EX SOE

James Erlandsen on CTV news, as plea for Eurasian bone marrow donor goes to the media

James Erlandsen on CTV news, as plea for Eurasian bone marrow donor goes to the media

Good news for leukemia patient James Erlandsen, as the media is picking
up the plea for a Eurasian donor.  Last week I was contacted by
James' cousin Aynsley who felt that, a website that promoted intercultural issues, is a good place for a
story about the search for a Eurasian-Canadian bone marrow
donor.   I have sent James' story to media contacts, and the
story was broadcast
by Channel M yesterday, and CTV tonight.  The North Shore News,
Ming Pao and City TV are also following up on the story.

James was interviewed earlier on Saturday for a story which ran on CTV
6pm and 11:30pm local news.  It's a good story which highlights
his life-threatening situation, and the fact that only 15% of bone
marrow matches are for non-whites.  Recent cancer surviovr and MLA
Sindy Hawkins is also interviewed talking about these issues. 
James' case is more desperate because while Sindy's sister was able to
donate bone marrow, James has no siblings.  James' father is
caucasian and his mother is chinese, it is more rare to find a
compatible bone marrow match.

While I have communicated with James' cousin and aunt, I have not
him yet…. but Saturday evening we exchanged e-mails.  The
television newscast was the first time I have seen
him during his treatment.  He seems to be in good spirits and
emphasized the importance of being positive.  He has lost much of
his hair due to the
side effects of  chemotherapy treatment, and his face looks puffy
– probably due to prednasone steroid treatments used to help stimulate
metabolism during chemotherapy treatment.  I went through the same
process 18 years ago.  I went through 5 months of chemo treatment
before my blood tests were clean of cancer markers.

I know I am drawn to James' story because of the similarity to my own
health crisis
when I was diagnosed 17 years ago with a life-threatening cancer tumor when I was age 29 – while attending SFU.  Do I see myself in James?  A young man full of potentialities, waiting to blossom?

James and I will meet for a City TV interview on Monday.  I hope
to share with him some of the things that I learned during my
experience of cancer, and what I learned in my subsequent studies in
health psychology, medical anthropology, and sport psychology that I
took at SFU, following my illness. 

I would like James to recover from Leukemia and achieve his many
unrealized dreams.  23 is much too short a life to have. 
Maybe eventually as I did, he may also become a recipient for the SFU
Terry Fox Gold Medal.  It is
given annually for a person who has “triumphed over adversity” and is
“dedicated to society.”

I also know that Hapa-Canadian culture is important.  The search
for a bone marrow match is challenging because James is Eurasian… but
the future of Canada is becoming more Eurasian with each inter-racial
marriage and each Eurasian baby being born.

My brother's young children are
Eurasian.  Many of my cousin's children are all Eurasian.  My friend's Baby Tasha was the 1st baby born in BC for 2007 – all are Eurasian.  Maybe this is why James' story has resonated for me… he seems like family.

His Aunt sent me this message yesterday morning

Hello Todd:
Thank you  for posting the information on James on your website and for notifying your contacts.
excellent and speedy work have  provided a noticeable lift in the
spirits of James and his parents.  We shall continue to have faith and
hope.  Again, thank you for all that you have done.
Bev Wong

and hope are sometimes all we can have, and all we can give in times
like these.  Hopefully a donor can be found for James. 

Harper and Conservatives say “No Apology” for First Nations residential schools.

Harper and Conservatives say “No Apology” for First Nations residential schools

The New Government of Canada is breaking a promise that
was made to First Nations peoples by the former Liberal government of
Canada.  Gee…. I would hate to say that the Canadian government
speaks with a forked tongue, or that the Canadian government is an
indian giver.”  But aside from falling into ironic derogatory stereotypes, I
think it's a mistake if Harper and the Conservatives must really think
that it isn't worth wooing First Nations votes for the next election,
at the cost of losing votes from all Canadians who actually believe in
truth, honour and good government.

After giving an apology for the racially motivated Chinese Head Tax
that was designed to deter Chinese immigrants from coming to Canada
after Chinese helped to build the Canadian transcontinental railway
that helped to bring European settlers to BC, thus displacing Chinese
workers already in BC – but not apologizing for the even worse Chinese Exclusion Act
that banned Chinese immigration and separated families from 1923 to
1947, Harper and the Conservative government agreed to give ex-gratia
payments to surviving head tax payers and spouses – but not
descendants, even though 99.9% of the original head tax payers and
99.7% of the original spouses had already died.

After handing Maher Arar over to the US government who gave him to the Syrian government to be tortured, and after the resignation of the top RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli,
the government gave Arar an apology and a $12 million settlement
because they said that's the appropriate amount if the case went to

Even 19 years after the Mulroney Conservative government gave an
apology and redress to the Japanese Canadians who were interned and had
their property confiscated during WW2… only after the US government
first compensated Japanese-Americans were only interned (no property confiscation) – and allowed
to return to their homes following the war (Japanese Canadians were not).

Why is the Canadian government refusing to give an apology and compensation to First Nations residential school survivors?

The residential schools forcibly broke up families, and refused to
allow them to speak their native language to each other.  Twenty
years ago, I listened to Chief Joe Matias of the Capilano Band speak
about being sent to residential school, and not be allowed to go home
at any time – even though home was just down the street.  They
used to speak to family members by yelling from windows, and then they
would be punished for doing that.  The residential schools
destroyed First Nations culture and families, in a manner similar to
the Potlatch Act which forbade First Nations peoples from attending
potlatch ceremonies in BC – a cultural and social institution. 
These laws paved the way to forced assimilation into Canadian culture,
or was it actually the road to cultural genocide? 

This is why so many First Nations peoples developed a negative
self-identity in the early to mid 20th Century, similar to Asian-Canadians.  If
you practiced non-British cultures in Canada, it was
non-Canadian.  Okay, in a British colony, maybe practicing German,
Ukrainian, Jewish, French or Italian traditions wasn't cool.  But
it was looked upon as worse if your culture was South Asian, Chinese or
Japanese.  But isn't it even far more cruel to impose rules on a
culture that lived here for a hundred generations before British
invaders even arrived in a land yet to be called Canada?

These are the kinds of incidents that make you embarrassed to be a
Canadian… especially with the 140th Anniversary of Confederation to
be celebrated in 2007.  It's bad enough that PQ leader André Boisclair
was still making “slanting eyes” comments during the Quebec provincial
election.  I guess he isn't a “real Canadian” who believes in
mutual respect, Canadian history, multiculturalism and inclusiveness.

There are many articles and editorials from mainstream newspapers and
magazines calling on the government to make an apology and more. 
Here are links to some of them, plus an editorial from the Toronto Star. No residential school apology, Tories say – Canada – National | No residential schools apology

Toronto Star
March 28, 2007

This country and its governments wronged early Chinese immigrants
with an odious head tax, for which the government of Prime Minister
Stephen Harper has now apologized and paid compensation.

This country and its government wronged Canadian citizen Maher Arar by aiding the U.S. government, which sent him to Syria to be imprisoned and tortured. For that, the Harper government apologized and paid compensation.

This country and its government also wronged native Canadians for
more than two decades, starting in 1874, when it forcibly removed
native children from their homes and placed them in residential
schools, where they were not allowed to speak their own language and
where many of them suffered sexual and physical abuse.

While the Harper government is ready to pay compensation, it won't
apologize on behalf of Canadians. Indeed, Indian Affairs Minister Jim
Prentice said this week the government has nothing to apologize for.

In adopting this position, Harper and Prentice have broken a
commitment made in 2005 by the previous Liberal government to apologize
to the victims.

Honouring such moral commitments ought to be just as important after
a change in government as the obligation is to honour previous
government's accumulated debt.

More fundamental, however, is the glaring flaw in Prentice's argument for why no apology is necessary.

Because “the underlying objective (of residential schools) had been
to try and provide an education to aboriginal children,” Prentice
claims, “the circumstances are completely different from Maher Arar or
also from the Chinese head tax.”

That is like saying the ends justify the means, an unpersuasive
argument when the means involved tearing apart native families, as well
as widespread abuse.

The Harper government should apologize for this stain on Canada's
history which, in the pain and suffering it created, is every bit as
shameful as the treatment of the Chinese migrants and Maher Arar.

Did the “slanted eyes” comment defeat Boisclair in Quebec election or was it because of other judgments and gaffes?

Did the “slanted eyes” comment defeat Boisclair in Quebec election or was it because of other judgments and gaffes?

Andre Boisclair has led the Parti Quebecois to one of it's most stunning defeats.  Boisclair recently won the anger of Asian-Quebeccers for refusing to apologize for “slanting eyes” comment aimed at Asians.

Did it make a difference in exposing the poor judgements of a man who wanted to become the next separatist leader of Quebec?  Did it demonstrate the problems of misunderstanding multiculturalism when the man wanted to create a sovereigntist monoculture?

Prior to the election, a coalition of Asian Canadians in Quebec sent out the following letter on Saturday afternoon, March 24, 2007, in both English and French.  The strategy was to focus on the voices
of Asian Quebecers. The signatories were those who responded before today's media release.

It's a well written letter and exposes the problem that there are leaders in Canada who still stereotype and generalize all Asians because they look the same re: “slanting eyes.”  It is a pity that many Candians cannot recognize or do not know the long and valid multigenerational history of Asian-Canadians in Canada.


March 21, 2007

The undersigned deeply regrets that Mr. André Boisclair used derogatory and deplorable references to describe persons of Asian and Indian origin during a speech to students at the Université du Québec in Trois-RIvières.

Our objection concerns not only his use of the French expression “yeux bridés” to describe Asians in general.  This common expression in the French language dating from the 19th century, during a period of expanding colonization of Asia by European countries, is essentially a western invention to label peoples of the Orient.  It may appear to be acceptable for persons who do not care, including Asians.

However, Asians do not form a homogeneous group:  the reactions vary according to their respective history, social experiences and national  cultures.  In North America, the simplistic expression “yeux bridés” has been largely rejected by many Asians because of its derogatory and condescending meaning, in whatever possible language.

We find the comments of Mr. Boisclair, a former minister of immigration and who is looking to become the Premier of Quebec, unacceptable since they reinforce stereotypes when he says he was surprised to see that one-third of the students in Boston in an undergraduate program had “les yeux  bridés”.

Firstly, why the surprise?  If he admires the spirit of entrepreneurship and the other qualities of these persons, why be surprised that there are so many Asians at Harvard where he spent one year.  Also, was he talking about Americans of Asian origin or foreign students from Asia?  If he is unable to make this distinction, it speaks volumes about his awareness.

Lastly, his reaction after protests about his use of these terms  surprises us since it is inappropriate and disrespectful towards a group in society who felt directly insulted by his words.    Mr. Boisclair should have shown a sensitivity and maturity by withdrawing those comments and the matter would have been closed.  Having been personally targeted by some people’s unacceptable remarks about him, Mr. Boisclair should readily understand
that words can be harmful, whatever the intention of the person saying them.

In refusing to apologize for the use of this expression in a statement that is just as insensitive towards Asians around the world, Mr. Boisclair has lost a golden opportunity to show his openness of spirit and sensitivity towards these persons.  It is this obstinate refusal which unfortunately leaves a poor impression in the minds of many.  

Mr. Boisclair still has time to show a greater spirit  We would be prepared to publicly  welcome him only if he makes this magnanimous gesture of a retraction of the expression as well as his reference to being “surprised”, and which would be a confirmation of his undertaking for a Quebec free from bias.

And we offer him our hand in friendship and honour for a better understanding and mutual acceptance – in all languages of humanity. 

Alan Wong, co- président- Gais et Lesbiennes Asiatiques de Montréal
Howard Tan,  président- Fédération de Professionnels Chinois Canadiens-Québec
Martin Liu, président- Association des Jeunes Professionnels Chinois
Savan Thach, président- Association Cambodgien Khmere Kampuchea-krom du Québec 
James de la Paz, président- Fédération des Associations Canada- Philippines du Québec
Evelyn Caluguay- présidente- Association des Femmes Philippines du Québec-Pinay
Jocelyn Toy, président- Association Chinoise de la Ville de Québec
Napoleon Woo, Société de Bienfaisance Chinoise de la Ville de Québec
Jeanne To-Thanh-Hien, Communauté Vietnamienne Gatineau-Ottawa
Walter Chi-yan Tom, avocat
Dr. Alice Chan-Yip, médecin pédiatre
Virginia Lam, avocate
Lily Luangphakdy, avocate
Millie Lum, pharmacienne

Raymond Liew, enseignant collegial
Lynette Lim, comptable agrée
Raymond Tsim, agent en immobilier
Esme Lo, femme d’affaire
Wah-Keung Chan, éditeur & rédacteur
Ting-Ming Chen, ingénieur
Warren Lee, planificateur financier
Wallie Seto, éditeur & rédacteur
Tess Augustin, femme d’affaire
Sylvia Ho, analyste en marketing
Douglas Yip, avocat
Delia So
Zhimin Hu

Walter Chi-Yan TOM, L.L.B. lawyer/avocat
5898 Clanranald, Montreal, Quebec Province, Canada, H3X 2T1
Telephone : 514- 341-3929  Fax : 514- 733-6670

“Slanted Eyes?” Does Parti Quebecis leader Andre Boisclair have a “slanted” view of Asian-Canadians?

“Slanted Eyes?” Does Parti Quebecis leader Andre Boisclair have a “slanted” view of Asian-Canadians?

PQ leader Andre Boisclair has called Asians “yeux bridés”
which translates as “slanted eyes.”  He is not making an apology
for this racist slur.  He says it is an acceptable term in french
language.  The Chinese-Canadian National Council
has called on Boisclair to apologize.  He is refusing.  Even
May Chiu the Chinese-Canadian born in Quebec who ran as a Bloc
Quebecois candidate in the 2006 federal election against Paul Martin
has said that “
yeux bridés” is a derogatory term and she will review her membership in the PQ party. 

Boisclair living in the dark ages?  There used to be a time when
the term “coloured person” was acceptable in society… or “chink”…
or “blackie”…  Communication is about people understanding the
message you are trying to convey, not telling people they are wrong for
misunderstanding you.  This is why racism is wrong and
hurtful.  Imagine telling somebody that because they don't like
the term you call them, you are not wrong – they are!  Maybe
Boisclair should read the book “
Black Like Me (1961)” by John Howard Griffin, to discover what it is like to walk in the shoes of non-white people.

have been called many names as I have grown up such as: Chink,
Chinaman, Nip, Nipper, Boat people, and more.  Many times they
were uttered by people who were ignorant, frustrated or angry. 
Sometimes they were said by British immigrants to Canada. 
Sometimes they were said by multigenerational Canadians.  I
consider myself 5th generation Canadian, after my
great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan came to Canada in 1896.

Boisclair's comment is similar to the 1985 Campus Giveaway story run on CTV's W5 program which resulted in the historic W5 protest
by Chinese Canadians across Canada.  Just because people have
Asian features and could be immigrants or foreign students doesn't mean
they aren't actually multi-generational Canadians of Asian ancestry,
born in Quebec!

See below for some of the newstories + statements from the CCNC.

March 16, 2007



CCNC Slams PQ Leader On “Slanting Eyes” Comment

TORONTO. Chinese Canadians today slammed Parti Quebecois leader Andre Boisclair
for his refusal to correct his offensive description of Asian students as
having “slanting eyes.” Mr. Boisclair was
speaking to Quebec
students on the topic of global competition on Wednesday when he said:
“The reality is these countries are not just working to create jobs in
sweatshops. When I was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

“These are
not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later become
engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious competition
happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you and equip
Quebec to face (the
challenge).” Source:

“We were extremely disappointed to learn that Mr. Boisclair did not avail himself of the opportunity
yesterday to correct himself and simply withdraw the remarks,” Colleen
Hua, CCNC National President said today. “Mr. Boisclair’s
failure to recognize his harmful comments and his refusal to make amends calls
into question his suitability to be the next Premier of Quebec.”

“How can he
defend the interests of all Quebecers when he fails to recognize the harmful
nature of his words.

In response to questions about whether the term is derogatory, CCNC
cited two dictionary references:


  slant I

(slang) a disparaging term for an Asian person (especially for North Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War)
gook [N. Amer]

Derived forms: slant-eyes

Type of: Oriental [archaic], oriental person


slant-eye  Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. an Oriental person, esp. a Chinese or Japanese.


“Mr. Boisclair has alienated some of
his supporters including members of his party’s campaign with his lack of
sensitivity,” Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director said today. “Is
it acceptable to refer to school children as students with slanting eyes?

“If they are a source of amazement to Mr. Boisclair,
then why not be more respectful and just refer to us as Asian Canadians or
Asian Quebecers?”

While the French expression « yeux bridés » may have a nuance, it is clear that
many Asian Canadians are offended. CCNC urges Mr. Boisclair
to seize this opportunity during this Action Week Against
Racism in Quebec
to correct himself, that is, to withdraw his harmful comments, and to do so

CCNC is a community leader for Chinese Canadians in promoting a more
just, respectful, and inclusive society. CCNC is a national non-profit
organization with 27 chapters across
Canada with a mandate to promote
the equality rights and full participation of our community members in all
aspects of Canadian society.


For more information, please contact Victor Wong at (416) 977-9871.


'No way' will Boisclair apologize for remarks

From Friday's Globe and Mail

Parti Québécois Leader
André Boisclair refused to apologize yesterday
for referring to Asians as having “slanted eyes,” even as he faced
criticism from Asian-Canadian and other groups that the comments were

Chinese Canadian National Council said Mr. Boisclair
should withdraw his words, which it said were disrespectful and traded on
caricatures. And a Montreal
civil-rights group said the PQ Leader should apologize because the remarks
betrayed “racial bias.”

a character issue,” said Victor Wong, executive director of the council,
which has members in Quebec .
“You're aspiring to be premier, and aspiring to be premier of all of us.
To refer to Asian students as having slanting eyes is offensive.”

Boisclair said during a campaign speech to students
on Wednesday that they would face growing competition from emerging powerhouses
like India and
China .
He said he was struck by the large number of Asian students while he was
completing his one-year master's degree at Harvard
University in
Boston .

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Boisclair studied at the John F. Kennedy School of
Government before running for the PQ leadership in 2005.

was surprised to see that on campus, about a third of the undergraduate
students had slanted eyes,” he said.

not going to work in sweatshops. They're people who will later work as
engineers, managers, and will create wealth. They're people who will innovate
in their countries. There is ferocious competition in the world today.”

PQ has spent years trying to build bridges with ethnic minorities, who have
traditionally backed the Liberal Party, and Mr. Boisclair
has tried to make inclusiveness and tolerance one of his selling points since
his election as PQ leader in 2005.

faced with repeated questions from reporters, Mr. Boisclair
said he stood by his remarks and didn't understand why a fuss was being made,
since he has used the “slanted eyes” phrase repeatedly in stump
speeches in the past.

no way I will apologize,” he told reporters during a campaign stop in
Quebec City . He said he
used the expression because “these people are a source of amazement for
me. I've been to Japan ;
they are my friends, my colleagues. No way I will

why he was referring to the Japanese, when he had talked about Chinese students
the day before, Mr. Boisclair said he meant students
from various Asian countries.

Boisclair was speaking French to a classroom of
university students when he referred to “yeux bridés,” which
translates as slanted or slanting eyes. He suggested yesterday the term might
have a more negative connotation in English than in French.

doing politics, not linguistics,” he said, adding that he believes
“Quebeckers are 100 per cent behind me” on the issue. Even Mr. Boisclair's rivals said they think he did not intend any

might have used a better choice of words, but I know Mr. Boisclair
enough to know his intention was not to be disrespectful,” Liberal Leader
Jean Charest said.

issue has become a distraction for Mr. Boisclair.
While the French media have reported the comments, most of the questions
yesterday came from English-language reporters.

Niemi of the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations, a Montreal
civil-rights group, said he was surprised to hear the remarks come from Mr. Boisclair, whom he considered a socially progressive leader
from a new generation of Quebec

Niemi said he called the PQ yesterday to simply alert them to what he
considered the inappropriateness of Mr. Boisclair's
remarks. But then he said the party's director of communications for the
election campaign, Shirley Bishop, aggressively told him over the phone that
she saw nothing wrong with the comment and blamed “people like you”
for making racism an issue.

when Mr. Niemi said he decided to issue a news release condemning Mr. Boisclair's comments.

a very derogatory remark and very racially offensive,” Mr. Niemi said in
an interview, adding that the comments were ill considered at a time when
Quebec needs to increase ties with the economies of Asia
and India .

March 15, 2007


CCNC Calls on PQ Leader To Correct “Slanting Eyes” Comment

TORONTO. The Chinese Canadian National Council
called on Parti Quebecois leader Andre Boisclair to clarify comments attributed to him in the
Montreal Gazette and Globe and Mail today:

From Montreal

PQ leader sees
Asian rivalry

In speaking to
students yesterday, Andre Boisclair warned that the
working world they will graduate into is totally different from the one of
their parents, but wound up using an unusual turn of phrase. He said in an open
economy, competition from emerging economies like India
and China
is stiff. Every year, 80,000 young people leave India
and 60,000 leave China to go
to study in the United
States .

“The reality
is these countries are not just working to create jobs in sweatshops. When I
was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

“These are
not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later become
engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious competition
happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you and equip
Quebec to face (the

© The Gazette (
Montreal ) 2007

“It is rather disappointing to hear Mr. Boisclair,
and an aspiring Premier at that, refer to students of Asian heritage in this
manner,” Colleen Hua, CCNC National President said today. “Indeed,
it is ironic that today marks the start of Action Week Against
Racism in Quebec .”

“So we are taking action in asking Mr. Boisclair
to correct his statement immediately.”

CCNC is a community leader for Chinese Canadians in promoting a more
just, respectful, and inclusive society. CCNC is a national non-profit
organization with 27 chapters across
Canada with a mandate to promote
the equality rights and full participation of our community members in all
aspects of Canadian society.


For more information, please contact Victor Wong at (416) 977-9871.

From Montreal

PQ leader
sees Asian rivalry

speaking to students yesterday, Andre Boisclair
warned that the working world they will graduate into is totally different from
the one of their parents, but wound up using an unusal
turn of phrase. He said in an open economy, competition from emerging economies
like India and
is stiff. Every year, 80,000 young people leave India
and 60,000 leave China to go
to study in the United
States .

reality is these countries are not just working to create jobs in sweatshops.
When I was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

are not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later
become engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious
competition happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you
and equip Quebec
to face (the challenge).”

© The
Gazette ( Montreal )

From Globe and Mail:

Boisclair remarks on 'slanted eyes'

MONTREALParti Québécois Leader
André Boisclair said during a speech on global
competitiveness that he was surprised to see so many students “with
slanted eyes” when he was studying at
Harvard University .

to university students in Trois-Rivières
yesterday about growing competition from emerging economies such as
India and
China , he said he had witnessed the
trend firsthand while on a master's program at Harvard.

Boisclair studied at the John F. Kennedy School of
Government before running for the PQ leadership in 2005.

I was at Harvard, where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus,
about a third of the undergraduate students had slanted eyes,” he said to
a large classroom packed with students. He went on to say that 80,000 students
from India and 60,000 from
China study in the
United States yearly.

not going to work in sweatshops. They're people who will later work as
engineers, managers, and will create wealth. They're people who will innovate
in their countries. There is ferocious competition in the world today.”

Boisclair also told the students they had benefited
from the language battles their parents' generation had fought.

English sales ladies at Eaton's . . . you didn't live through that,” he
said, evoking a rich symbol of English dominance in
Quebec .


Kyoto Journal: Multicultural Webfinds – a story about Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

Kyoto Journal: Multicultural Webfinds
– a story about Gung Haggis Fat Choy!

Kyoto Journal
is a non-profit quarterly magazine based in Kyoto, it's objective is to
present throught-provoking perspectives from Asia.

Author/moderator Jean Miyake Downey has written: 

HAGGIS FAT CHOY: Asian-Celtic Robbie Burns New Year with Toddish McWong
in Vancouver – Turning the “East-West Dichotomy” Inside

Jean moderates the feature called 10,000 Things which is a Buddhist expression representing the dynamic
interconnection and simultaneous unity and diversity of everything in
the universe.

Somehow she thinks Gung Haggis Fat Choy fits into this
perspective.  Jean and I have exchanged e-mails, and she wrote the
following piece based on our conversations and what she found on

HAGGIS FAT CHOY: Asian-Celtic Robbie Burns New Year with Toddish McWong
in Vancouver – Turning the “East-West Dichotomy” Inside

When Asian Eyes are Smiling
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Asian laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Asian hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Asian eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away…

song, especially when sung by a Chinese- or an Irish- or a Japanese-
or a Scottish- or a Korean- or a First Nations- or a Filipino- or African-
or Arab or Mexican- or Ukrainian-Canadian tenor, or all of the before-mentioned
hyphenalities in one person, always brings tears to my eyes. A twist
on the musical tribute to Ireland, “When Asian Eyes are Smiling”
has become one of Vancouver's anthems hailing the intercultural fusion.

A groundbreaking leader in this global movement, Canadian activist and
bon vivant Todd Wong does more than mix food, song, and fun from Scottish,
Chinese, and many more cultures in his annual celebration of Vancouver's
intercultural fusion — the annual Gung
Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year
, now in its
tenth anniversary. With acute wit and humanity, he challenges essentialist
descriptions of culture, subverts the usual ways of thinking about differences,
and consciously creates a space that embraces everyone:

“Gung Haggis Fat Choy does more than mix East and West. It blends
them together and turns them upside down and shakes them out sideways.
It highlights Canada's Scottish and Chinese heritage and pioneers. It
breaks down barriers and is an impressive forum for the emerging intercultural
Canada where everybody can claim and celebrate Chinese and Scottish
culture and everything in-between.

Expect great cultural fusion music between East and West, as Scots musicians
play Chinese music and Chinese musicians play Scottish music… and
everything in between and beyond!”

Scheduled between the Gregorian calendar New Year's and the Chinese
lunar New Year, and incorporating the birthday of Scottish poet Robert
Burns, this hybrid New Year's celebration is a valentine to Vancouver's
intercultural community, and proudly serves the “world's first
haggis shrimp dumplings, haggis spring rolls, haggis-stuffed tofu???
in addition to the now famous haggis won ton! For all the non-haggis
lovers there will be: lots of vegetarian food…tofu appetizers, deep-fried
tofu, tofu with vegetables, tofu hot pot, tofu with taro, tofu-stuffed
haggis, and tofu pudding…”

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy has morphed into an ever-increasing series
of creative events — a GHFC festival at Simon Fraser University, a
GHFC World Poetry Night, featuring Robbie Burns' fierce poetic manifesto
on human equality, “A Man's a Man For All That,” and a Dream
Dragon Dance.

A fifth-generation descendant of the Reverent Chan Yu Tan, a Christian
minister who emigrated from China to Canada in 1896, Wong celebrates
his extended family's mix of Scottish, French and other European cultures,
and First Nations, as well as Chinese.

A documentary,
chronicled his cousin Chief Rhonda Larabee's
discovery of her previously obscured
First Nation heritage
and subsequent resurrection of the
Qayqayt band, long considered a vanquished tribe, until she insisted
the Canadian government recognize her status as a surviving member.

Ann-Marie Metten describes Wong's road
to intercultural awakening and activism

It all started in 1993, when Todd attended Simon
Fraser University, home to a World Champion pipe band. When organizers
asked him to help out with the University’s annual Robbie Burns
celebrations, Todd says: “I was befuddled with the idea of a Chinese
guy (me) wearing a Scottish kilt and having to show my bare knees out
in the snow. But I quickly realized that this was my epiphany—a
true multicultural moment.”

Todd's sharp humor and energetic humanity resounds on his blog,
one of the most insightful sites for diversity commentary on the web,
and a smart, lively mix of news and activism.

A friend of fellow Vancouver resident, Japanese-Canadian novelist and
activist Joy Kogawa, he has kept an up-to-date account of the activist
movement to memorialize the Joy
Kogawa House
, which the Kogawa family lost when they were
incarcerated during the Japanese-Canadian internment. In another entry,
he reports efforts to name a park in Vancouver after globally renowned
environmentalist David Suzuki, who was also forcibly removed from Vancouver,
with his family, to a camp in the central Canadian wilderness. A story
on poet-activist Roy Miki notes that the author was awarded three prestigious
university awards (Gandhi Peace Award, Thakore Visiting Scholar, Sterling
FOR JUSTICE, and his work in the movement and commitment to the ideals
of truth, justice, human rights, and non-violence.

Paying tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who saw the connections
between the African-American movement for equal rights with worldwide
anti-colonial resistance, and continuing post-colonial movements, Todd
adds commentary about the continuing struggle by Chinese Canadians and
their supporters to rectify the damage that the Canadian government's
Head Tax
perpetrated. The government imposed this intentional
economic barrier on Chinese immigrants to Canada, during the “White
Canada” historical period, that lasted from the mid-nineteenth
to the mid-twentieth century. During the exclusion era, early Chinese
pioneers were not allowed to bring their families, including their wives,
to Canada. As a result, the Chinese Canadian community became a “bachelor
society”. The Head Tax and Exclusion Act resulted in long periods
of separation and many Chinese families did not reunite until years
after their initial marriage, and in some cases they were never reunited.
While their husbands were struggling abroad, many wives in China were
left to raise their children by themselves, experiencing severe economic
hardship and deprivation.

Besides bringing the power of humor, food, music, poetry, storytelling
and dragon boat racing to his part in co-creating an all-embracing intercultural
society, confronting the hard issues of historical racism and contemporary
injustice, and persistent essentialist stereotyping head on, Todd blows
apart all the boring and predictable takes on multiculturalism, hybridity,
and assimilation. He asks fresh questions, reflecting wide inclusionary
views of all cultures, and deep angles into both the past and the future:

“Canada's multiculturalism has become like a display of pretty
little ethnic boxes for display. That was fine for the 1970's and 1980's.
We had to grow into it, out of our colonial past, into post-colonialism.
But what is next? Hapa-ism?

“Canada is a nation of immigrants. Some old – who think they
own the place. Some new – who think they own the place. Some brand
spanking new – who think they own the place. Where are the common threads?

“I went to see the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” with
a friend who was born in Hong Kong, and came to Canada as a teen. She
sees something in the movie that is a typically Greek-Canadian immigrant
thing, such as the Greek father wanting his daughter to NOT date a non-Greek,
or spoil his son, or the Greek aunties trying to set up their un-married
niece… and my friend exclaims 'Ai-yah! Just like Chinese people.'

“The truth is that there is universality amongst all immigrants.
They want to retain their traditional practices and behaviors, as well
as a sense of identity. This is the comfort zone. If they lose it –
what do they become? Non-Greek? Non-Chinese? Non-Scottish? Do they become
American? or Canadian? What is that?

“How do we address an “evolving culture” that adjusts
with each new boat load, plane load, refugee wave?

“What is a traditional Canadian culture? What happens when the
families become culturally blended? What happens when a Chinese-Italian
marries a Persian-Quebecois or a Scottish-English-Welsh-German-Finnish-Japanese?

“And in the end… we eat… we laugh… we sing… we make love…
we make babies… and another generation begins.”

Martin Luther King: a dream for peace and harmony beyond racism

Martin Luther King:
a dream for peace and harmony beyond racism

Today is the first Martin Luther King Day following the death of his widow, Coretta Scott-King.

1994 Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, designating the
King Holiday as a national day of volunteer service. Instead of a day
off from work or school, Congress asked Americans of all backgrounds
and ages to celebrate Dr. King's legacy by turning community concerns
into citizen action. The King Day of Service brings together people who
might not ordinarily meet, breaks down barriers that have divided us in
the past, leads to better understanding and ongoing relationships, and
is an opportunity to recruit new volunteers for your ongoing work.

This is a great way to celebrate a day dedicated to the memory of a man who wanted to improve the lives of all people.  And in particular, to imagine a day and a country without racism.  But we have to work for it – if we truly want it.  We have to provide service to help create the world we want to live in.

Today in Canada, we have a history of racism.  But the governments are acknowledging and making redress for some of the worst incidents such as Residential Schools, the internment of Japanese Canadians during WW2 and the confiscation of their property, the Chinese Head Tax and the Exclusion Act that tried to preseve a “White Canada.”

Bur fighting racism is an ongoing process.  The present Canadian government's action to redress the Chinese head tax is still challenged by community leaders who say they haven't gone far enough.  Redressing head tax certificates for only those head tax payers still living, or survived by their spouses, is a slap in the face and a denial of equality to those head payers who died waiting.  Those are the real pioneers who were old enough to face the active racism, confront it, or bury their heads to avoid it.

Here are some highlights of the famous I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out
the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of
their character.

“With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of
hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation
into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work
together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for
freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.”

CBC's Dragon Boys… Body count and community impact

CBC's Dragon Boys… Body count and community impact

Dragon Boys
was one of CBC's most hyped new shows for January 2007.  Because
it dealt with drugs, gang violence and prostitution in the Chinese
communities of Vancouver and Richmond, it broached sensitive
issues.  Cultural consultants were brought in, but did it help or
hinder the show?

Magazine gives a behind the scenes look at the development of the
script with input from the Chinese-Canadian communities from Toronto
and Vancouver.  It also explains the development of the “community
consultants” roles that writer/editor Jim Wong-Chu and film maker
Colleen Leung took on.  Check out
Crime and Controversy: The Story behind the Dragon Boy by Nancy Han.
My friend David Wong writes his critique: ‘Body parts in plastic bags’ + hongcouver = Dragon Boys for his blog Ugly Chinese Canadian
David gives an interesting view with regards to tying in the screen
violence to actual events that happened in Vancouver.

Here are my views that were originally written as a comment to his article:

It’s so easy to blame the dominant mainstream cultural stereotypes,
and the politically correct cultural consultants… The true fact is that
there are so few stories and characters that are Chinese-Canadian, that
anything that comes out goes under the microscope, gets anal-yzed like
pork entrails, and is criticized for generalizing/mis-representing the

When Kwoi writes that Dragon Boys is like an Asian version of Fast
and Furious – we also have to look around and say “Where is the Asian
version of Corner Gas?” Look at all the shows about about white
mainstream society, and there is no possibility that you will assume
that Causcasians are obsessed with killing people (CSI, Bones, Cold Case,
Crossing Jordon), or crime (Sopranos, Vegas, Without a Trace, 24, NCIS,
Law & Order, Prison Break).

Did Ang Lee need cultural consultants when he directed “Brokeback Mountain” or “The Hulk?”

Dragon Boys really had nothing to do with Chinese Canadian history.
It was more about Chinese language immigrant issues. And it is rare to
find the recent immigrants concerned with Chinese Canadian
multigenerational history, or the multigenerational CBCers concerned
with new immigrant issues such as prostitution, gangs or crime – unless
it makes the entire “so-called Chinese community.”

It was interesting to see that the Dragon Boys had pretty blonde
girlfriends, that Asian brothers had conflicts,
Chinese people took advantage of society or even tried to fit in. Yes
the stereotypes of Asian gang members, prostitutes and drug dealers were
all there – BUT they were fully developed characters that you could
know, like and even (gasp!) care about – instead of secondary
superficial undeveloped characters. Is this progress?

Having been a consultant for the CBC performance special Gung Haggis
Fat Choy, and the upcoming CBC Generations documentary on Rev. Chan
family and descendants (Feb broadcast date?) – I can say that without
my insight and comments – things would get missed, be inaccurate, and
run the risk of steotypes and generalizations.

It’s great that White-Canadians like Ian Weir want to write stories
that involve the Chinese-Canadian community – but let’s also have more
Chinese-Canadians given the opportunity to tell their stories too! We
need a balance and we need a spectrum of stories and view points.

BTW – I saw “Little Mosque on the Prairie” last night – and I LOVED it!!!
Why can’t we have a story about Chinese-Canadians like that?