Toddish McWong's Misadventures in Multiculturalism: through arts, culture, food, dragon boats, travel + more…
Category Archives: Photos
Francisco Carreon Argudin and Jeff Chiba Stearns– my Easter Sunday snow boarding buddies at Silver Star – photo Todd Wong
Todd skiing on the summit of Silver Star, in Vernon BC – photo Jeff Chiba Stearns
Two Todds: David Todd (Silver Star Ski Tour partner) and Todd Wong – photo Deb Martin
April 19th Head Tax Consultation: WW2 veteran Ed Lee (good friend of my
Uncle Dan) and Todd Wong (me), Thekla Lit and Gabriel Yui sit directly
behind me
April 19th Head Tax Consultation: Sandra Chan moderates while Jason
Kenney and Canadian Heritage directors ?? and Linda Johnston anticipate
the questions to follow – photo Todd Wong
April 19th Head Tax Consultation: Todd Wong, Joy Kogawa, Cynthia Lam
and Jason Kenney – Parliamentary Secretary on Multiculturalism – photo
Todd Wong
Ski Buddies at the summit of Silver Star: Jeff Chiba Stearns, Francesco and me!
“Queen Kong” flies off the jump in the 2006 Silver Star “Dummy Gelunde” event – photo Todd Wong
Snowmobile pulls a snowman entry for the Dummy Gelunde at Silver Star Resort – photo Todd Wong