Category Archives: Canadian Identity

Watching “GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy” with my parents and my Mom’s sister’s family

Watching “GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy” with my grandmother and family

it was great to watch with family members who hadn’t seen the documentary yet.  My cousins Diane, Chris, Auntie Sylvia and Uncle Ian were all so pleased at how well done the show was. 

They kept talking over the narration whenever they recognized somebody in the pictures or the home movies that were shown.

Below are e-mails and messages that I have received from friends and family:

Todd - YOU have made us all very proud of our ancestors.
YOU did a great job to make this happen
MANY thanks
- David Young (Toronto cousin)


Dear Todd-really touched by your family, thought it was beautifully told – you look like your aunt Helen Lee
but in a handsome, manly way. What a treasure to have this documentary of this incredible
clan-well done, thanks for sharing
– Jane Duford – artist and Gung Haggis paddler

SO Canadian. Great documentary, and I’m glad that I caught it. Well, I only received half a dozen messages about it. 😉 The other segments look really good, too.
– Hillary Wong

I really enjoyed the program although I missed the first 10 minutes of the hour long program.  Now I know more about the story of your life than before.  I was touched not only by the story of Reverend Chan, the struggles of the early Chinese immigrants and “Canadian” Citizens but also your own survival and how overcame your health challenges and your Gung Haggis Fat Choy initiatives. A documentation well done.

– Kelly Ip (community organizer, Canadian Club advisor)


Karen and I enjoyed it. We watched the whole thing.
– Richard Mah (Vancouver International Dragon Boat Race – race director)

Congratulations, Todd!  I actually read a story last year about your family in the North Shore News — how proud you must feel!!!!  & how proud I am to know you!!! 
–Terrie Hamazaki (writer)

Todd! Generations was excellent! I loved it!  You were so great in it!!
Great job on all of your hard work in putting this together, it was really interesting.
Talk to you soon
Katie (Toronto cousin)

Yay for you, Todd, and all your family – mine are relative newcomers, just
here since 1948, when we were refugees after ww2 -cheers!

– Ieva Wool – choir conductor of High Spirits

Congratulations!  I am proud of you and your accomplishments!!
You are a blessing to our world.
Rev. Angelica (minister of Celebration of Life Centre)


The Show was excellent. It is a piece of history that needs to be taught in school.
Raphael Fang – Kilts Night co-ordinator


Thanks for letting me know about the documentary.  I
manage to see it last night.  It was well done and you interviewed well and
looked great!   A lot of hard work but well worth it.

– Gordy (genealogist organizer and head tax advocate)


Just finished watching “Generations” and just want to say THANK YOU!  for a great documentary on our family history.   You did a great job working with Halya!

Love, Auntie Roberta (grand-daughter of Rev. Chan Yu Tan, Victor Wong’s sister)









GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy airs today 10pm on CBC Newsworld

GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy airs today 10pm on CBC Newsworld

  10:00 p.m. Generations: The Chan Legacy
– Missionaries from China come to the West Coast help Westernize Chinese immigrant workers in the late 1800's.
Generations: The Chan Legacy

Yesterday I
was interviewed 8:20 am Tuesday morning, July 3rd, by Rick Cluff for the CBC Radio 690 show “The Early Edition.”  Rick first asked me how I got interested in family history, and I replied that one of the first computer programs I got was for genealogy.

I had found it fascinating that we were descended from a Chinese United Church minister. It was important for me to find positive role models growing up, because as a Chinese-Canadian, there weren't many.  I grew up in North Vancouver, and many people couldn't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese back then. Some people would tell me to go back where I came from.

I brought some photo displays into the radio studio and Rick asked about them.

“Here's a picture of Rev. Chan Yu Tan” when he first arrived in Canada in 1896.”

Here's a picture of Uncle Dan and his brothers during WW2″

“Here's a picture of our family reunion in 1999.”

“How many people attended, Todd?”

“We had over 200 people, from all across the continent Rick – from Ontario, Alberta, Washington, California.”

Rick asked what I hoped the younger generations would learn from the story.  I told him that it was important for our younger generations to learn what our ancestors had overcome, such as the head tax, the 1907 riot, the exclusion act, gaining the voting franchise.  And that it is an important story for all Canadians.  Too often as multigenerational Chinese-Canadians we get lumped in with the new immigrants as “Chinese” – even though our family has been here for seven generations.

Rick asked “What would Rev. Chan think of Gung Haggis Fat Choy”

 but our family didn't go to Church. When I was little, I attended one day of class at the Chinese United Church.  I was little and cried for my mother almost the entire time. 

But the legacy of Rev. Chan Yu Tan and his brother and sisters still lives in our family.  It lives on in the stories that my grandmother and my mother have shared with me.  My grand-uncle Daniel Lee and his sister Helen Lee, lived with Rev. and Mrs. Chan Yu Tan in Nanaimo while they were growing up.  Auntie Helen recalls her memories while she is interviewed for the documentary.  There are some newsclips of Uncle Dan and Chinese-Canadian veterans at Vancouver's Victory Square cenotaph for Remembrance Day.

Many of our family is excited at seeing the documentary tonight.  I have received e-mails from Ontario, and Washington.  Distant family members I haven't met have found the Rev. Chan Legacy facebook page:

Here are some well wishes from my friends after hearing me on radio and receiving my announcements about GENERATIONS: The Chan Legacy

Good morning Todd, just heard you on CBC Early Edition about your family.  
I look forward to watching it tomorrow night on CBC Newsworld at 10 p.m.
I hope some of our colleagues will watch some of the Chinese history in
Vancouver. You may wish to tell us something more about this 6-part series
on Chinese pioneers in Vancouver.
- Kelly Ip (Community organizer and advisor on Canadian Club Vancouver)

Thanks, Todd…
Heard you this morning, and you sounded great (however brief).
Will try to catch your segment. In fact, they all sound fascinating.

Thank you Todd for sharing your family's history
with us. This forms part of the Canadian national identity.
– Begum Vergee (my co-director on Canadian Club Vancouver.

Wonderful experience to be part of such an
important legacy. Thanks for letting us know.
Shirley Chan (community activist)

Todd: Thanks so much for this!

Chuck Davis – Vancouver Historian

Hi Todd
congratulations !!!!
where are you going to watch tonight's episode .... invite me along if
All good things,
Joseph Roberts - publisher of Common Ground

Hey Todd,
Great to hear from you.  I look forward to
seeing the doc.
Warm regards,
Moyra Rodger – producer of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy television performance special

Chan family

Generations is a 6 part series and the lead installment is The Chan Legacy
which is about my great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan, and our
family descendants who are committed to community service – like me! 
The episodes of the series are:

The Chan Legacy on CBC Newsworld

July 4, 10 pm ET/PT,
July 8, 10 am ET/PT,
July 29, 7 pm ET

Many family members were interviewed:

  • Victor Wong, grand-son, WW2 veteran and Victoria resident who visited his grandparents in Nanaimo BC.
  • Helen Lee, grand-daughter, who lived with Rev. & Mrs. Chan Yu Tan in Nanaimo.
  • Gary Lee, great-grandson who tells about some of the challenges overcome by the family.
  • Janice Wong, great-grand-daughter, and award winning author of CHOW: From China to Canada, memories of food and family.
  • Rhonda
    Larrabee, great-grand-daughter, and chief of the First Nations Qayqayt
    (New Westminster) Band, featured in the NFB film “Tribe of One.”
  • Todd Wong, great-great-grandson, community and cultural activist,
    creator of Gung Haggis Fat Choy: Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner.
  • Tracey
    Hinder, 5th generation high school student who was the inaugural
    Vancouver CanSpell champion and went on to compete in Ottawa and
    Washington DC.  Tracey is a member of her school's “multicultural club.”

Rev. Chan Yu Tan came
to Canada in 1896, following his elder brother Rev. Chan Sing Kai who
had earlier arrived in 1888 at the invitation of the Methodist Church
of Canada.  These two brothers were later followed by sisters Phoebe in
1899, and Naomi who later moved to Chicago.  Throughout seven
generations, the family has spread throughout Canada and the United
States.  The Rev. Chan Yu Tan Family was featured in the photographic
Three Early Chinese Canadian Pioneer Families

Read my blog entries about
Rev. Chan Legacy Project which includes stories during the making of the documentary and events for Janice Wong's award-winning book C H O W: From China to Canada memoris of food and family.

tell all your friends and relatives about this upcoming documentary,
very informative about the history of Chinese-Canadians, and the legacy
they have built in Canada.

check out the CBC Generations home page:

Pictures from Tartan Day Eve – at Doolin's Irish Pub

Pictures from Tartan Day Eve – at Doolin's Irish Pub

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team joined the Tartan Day Eve ceremonies at Doolin's Irish Pub on April 5th.  It was a special kind of kilts night.  The team also took part in a kilt fashion show, and scotch tasting.  We also watched the Vancouver Canucks lose to Colorado. 

Todd Wong in Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team shirt, Fraser Hunting tartan with Raphael Fang wearing a black leather kilt.

Christine Van, promotions manager of Doolin's grabs the dragon boat paddle and joins the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team. (l-r) Wendy, Deb, Todd, Tzhe, Keng (front), Gerard (back) and Stuart.
Our Gung Haggis kilt wearers: Keng, Gerard, Tzhe, Stuart and Todd – photo Deb

Piper Rob Macdonald with mini-kilted ladies with bunny tails for Easter – photo Deb Martin

Harper and Conservatives say “No Apology” for First Nations residential schools.

Harper and Conservatives say “No Apology” for First Nations residential schools

The New Government of Canada is breaking a promise that
was made to First Nations peoples by the former Liberal government of
Canada.  Gee…. I would hate to say that the Canadian government
speaks with a forked tongue, or that the Canadian government is an
indian giver.”  But aside from falling into ironic derogatory stereotypes, I
think it's a mistake if Harper and the Conservatives must really think
that it isn't worth wooing First Nations votes for the next election,
at the cost of losing votes from all Canadians who actually believe in
truth, honour and good government.

After giving an apology for the racially motivated Chinese Head Tax
that was designed to deter Chinese immigrants from coming to Canada
after Chinese helped to build the Canadian transcontinental railway
that helped to bring European settlers to BC, thus displacing Chinese
workers already in BC – but not apologizing for the even worse Chinese Exclusion Act
that banned Chinese immigration and separated families from 1923 to
1947, Harper and the Conservative government agreed to give ex-gratia
payments to surviving head tax payers and spouses – but not
descendants, even though 99.9% of the original head tax payers and
99.7% of the original spouses had already died.

After handing Maher Arar over to the US government who gave him to the Syrian government to be tortured, and after the resignation of the top RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli,
the government gave Arar an apology and a $12 million settlement
because they said that's the appropriate amount if the case went to

Even 19 years after the Mulroney Conservative government gave an
apology and redress to the Japanese Canadians who were interned and had
their property confiscated during WW2… only after the US government
first compensated Japanese-Americans were only interned (no property confiscation) – and allowed
to return to their homes following the war (Japanese Canadians were not).

Why is the Canadian government refusing to give an apology and compensation to First Nations residential school survivors?

The residential schools forcibly broke up families, and refused to
allow them to speak their native language to each other.  Twenty
years ago, I listened to Chief Joe Matias of the Capilano Band speak
about being sent to residential school, and not be allowed to go home
at any time – even though home was just down the street.  They
used to speak to family members by yelling from windows, and then they
would be punished for doing that.  The residential schools
destroyed First Nations culture and families, in a manner similar to
the Potlatch Act which forbade First Nations peoples from attending
potlatch ceremonies in BC – a cultural and social institution. 
These laws paved the way to forced assimilation into Canadian culture,
or was it actually the road to cultural genocide? 

This is why so many First Nations peoples developed a negative
self-identity in the early to mid 20th Century, similar to Asian-Canadians.  If
you practiced non-British cultures in Canada, it was
non-Canadian.  Okay, in a British colony, maybe practicing German,
Ukrainian, Jewish, French or Italian traditions wasn't cool.  But
it was looked upon as worse if your culture was South Asian, Chinese or
Japanese.  But isn't it even far more cruel to impose rules on a
culture that lived here for a hundred generations before British
invaders even arrived in a land yet to be called Canada?

These are the kinds of incidents that make you embarrassed to be a
Canadian… especially with the 140th Anniversary of Confederation to
be celebrated in 2007.  It's bad enough that PQ leader AndrĂ© Boisclair
was still making “slanting eyes” comments during the Quebec provincial
election.  I guess he isn't a “real Canadian” who believes in
mutual respect, Canadian history, multiculturalism and inclusiveness.

There are many articles and editorials from mainstream newspapers and
magazines calling on the government to make an apology and more. 
Here are links to some of them, plus an editorial from the Toronto Star. No residential school apology, Tories say – Canada – National | No residential schools apology

Toronto Star
March 28, 2007

This country and its governments wronged early Chinese immigrants
with an odious head tax, for which the government of Prime Minister
Stephen Harper has now apologized and paid compensation.

This country and its government wronged Canadian citizen Maher Arar by aiding the U.S. government, which sent him to Syria to be imprisoned and tortured. For that, the Harper government apologized and paid compensation.

This country and its government also wronged native Canadians for
more than two decades, starting in 1874, when it forcibly removed
native children from their homes and placed them in residential
schools, where they were not allowed to speak their own language and
where many of them suffered sexual and physical abuse.

While the Harper government is ready to pay compensation, it won't
apologize on behalf of Canadians. Indeed, Indian Affairs Minister Jim
Prentice said this week the government has nothing to apologize for.

In adopting this position, Harper and Prentice have broken a
commitment made in 2005 by the previous Liberal government to apologize
to the victims.

Honouring such moral commitments ought to be just as important after
a change in government as the obligation is to honour previous
government's accumulated debt.

More fundamental, however, is the glaring flaw in Prentice's argument for why no apology is necessary.

Because “the underlying objective (of residential schools) had been
to try and provide an education to aboriginal children,” Prentice
claims, “the circumstances are completely different from Maher Arar or
also from the Chinese head tax.”

That is like saying the ends justify the means, an unpersuasive
argument when the means involved tearing apart native families, as well
as widespread abuse.

The Harper government should apologize for this stain on Canada's
history which, in the pain and suffering it created, is every bit as
shameful as the treatment of the Chinese migrants and Maher Arar.

“Slanted Eyes?” Does Parti Quebecis leader Andre Boisclair have a “slanted” view of Asian-Canadians?

“Slanted Eyes?” Does Parti Quebecis leader Andre Boisclair have a “slanted” view of Asian-Canadians?

PQ leader Andre Boisclair has called Asians “yeux bridĂ©s”
which translates as “slanted eyes.”  He is not making an apology
for this racist slur.  He says it is an acceptable term in french
language.  The Chinese-Canadian National Council
has called on Boisclair to apologize.  He is refusing.  Even
May Chiu the Chinese-Canadian born in Quebec who ran as a Bloc
Quebecois candidate in the 2006 federal election against Paul Martin
has said that “
yeux bridĂ©s” is a derogatory term and she will review her membership in the PQ party. 

Boisclair living in the dark ages?  There used to be a time when
the term “coloured person” was acceptable in society… or “chink”…
or “blackie”…  Communication is about people understanding the
message you are trying to convey, not telling people they are wrong for
misunderstanding you.  This is why racism is wrong and
hurtful.  Imagine telling somebody that because they don't like
the term you call them, you are not wrong – they are!  Maybe
Boisclair should read the book “
Black Like Me (1961)” by John Howard Griffin, to discover what it is like to walk in the shoes of non-white people.

have been called many names as I have grown up such as: Chink,
Chinaman, Nip, Nipper, Boat people, and more.  Many times they
were uttered by people who were ignorant, frustrated or angry. 
Sometimes they were said by British immigrants to Canada. 
Sometimes they were said by multigenerational Canadians.  I
consider myself 5th generation Canadian, after my
great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan came to Canada in 1896.

Boisclair's comment is similar to the 1985 Campus Giveaway story run on CTV's W5 program which resulted in the historic W5 protest
by Chinese Canadians across Canada.  Just because people have
Asian features and could be immigrants or foreign students doesn't mean
they aren't actually multi-generational Canadians of Asian ancestry,
born in Quebec!

See below for some of the newstories + statements from the CCNC.

March 16, 2007



CCNC Slams PQ Leader On “Slanting Eyes” Comment

TORONTO. Chinese Canadians today slammed Parti Quebecois leader Andre Boisclair
for his refusal to correct his offensive description of Asian students as
having “slanting eyes.” Mr. Boisclair was
speaking to Quebec
students on the topic of global competition on Wednesday when he said:
“The reality is these countries are not just working to create jobs in
sweatshops. When I was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

“These are
not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later become
engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious competition
happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you and equip
Quebec to face (the
challenge).” Source:

“We were extremely disappointed to learn that Mr. Boisclair did not avail himself of the opportunity
yesterday to correct himself and simply withdraw the remarks,” Colleen
Hua, CCNC National President said today. “Mr. Boisclair’s
failure to recognize his harmful comments and his refusal to make amends calls
into question his suitability to be the next Premier of Quebec.”

“How can he
defend the interests of all Quebecers when he fails to recognize the harmful
nature of his words.”

In response to questions about whether the term is derogatory, CCNC
cited two dictionary references:


  slant I

(slang) a disparaging term for an Asian person (especially for North Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War)
gook [N. Amer]

Derived forms: slant-eyes

Type of: Oriental [archaic], oriental person


slant-eye  Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. an Oriental person, esp. a Chinese or Japanese.


“Mr. Boisclair has alienated some of
his supporters including members of his party’s campaign with his lack of
sensitivity,” Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director said today. “Is
it acceptable to refer to school children as students with slanting eyes?

“If they are a source of amazement to Mr. Boisclair,
then why not be more respectful and just refer to us as Asian Canadians or
Asian Quebecers?”

While the French expression « yeux bridés » may have a nuance, it is clear that
many Asian Canadians are offended. CCNC urges Mr. Boisclair
to seize this opportunity during this Action Week Against
Racism in Quebec
to correct himself, that is, to withdraw his harmful comments, and to do so

CCNC is a community leader for Chinese Canadians in promoting a more
just, respectful, and inclusive society. CCNC is a national non-profit
organization with 27 chapters across
Canada with a mandate to promote
the equality rights and full participation of our community members in all
aspects of Canadian society.


For more information, please contact Victor Wong at (416) 977-9871.


'No way' will Boisclair apologize for remarks

From Friday's Globe and Mail

— Parti QuĂ©bĂ©cois Leader
André Boisclair refused to apologize yesterday
for referring to Asians as having “slanted eyes,” even as he faced
criticism from Asian-Canadian and other groups that the comments were

Chinese Canadian National Council said Mr. Boisclair
should withdraw his words, which it said were disrespectful and traded on
caricatures. And a Montreal
civil-rights group said the PQ Leader should apologize because the remarks
betrayed “racial bias.”

a character issue,” said Victor Wong, executive director of the council,
which has members in Quebec .
“You're aspiring to be premier, and aspiring to be premier of all of us.
To refer to Asian students as having slanting eyes is offensive.”

Boisclair said during a campaign speech to students
on Wednesday that they would face growing competition from emerging powerhouses
like India and
China .
He said he was struck by the large number of Asian students while he was
completing his one-year master's degree at Harvard
University in
Boston .

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Boisclair studied at the John F. Kennedy School of
Government before running for the PQ leadership in 2005.

was surprised to see that on campus, about a third of the undergraduate
students had slanted eyes,” he said.

not going to work in sweatshops. They're people who will later work as
engineers, managers, and will create wealth. They're people who will innovate
in their countries. There is ferocious competition in the world today.”

PQ has spent years trying to build bridges with ethnic minorities, who have
traditionally backed the Liberal Party, and Mr. Boisclair
has tried to make inclusiveness and tolerance one of his selling points since
his election as PQ leader in 2005.

faced with repeated questions from reporters, Mr. Boisclair
said he stood by his remarks and didn't understand why a fuss was being made,
since he has used the “slanted eyes” phrase repeatedly in stump
speeches in the past.

no way I will apologize,” he told reporters during a campaign stop in
Quebec City . He said he
used the expression because “these people are a source of amazement for
me. I've been to Japan ;
they are my friends, my colleagues. No way I will

why he was referring to the Japanese, when he had talked about Chinese students
the day before, Mr. Boisclair said he meant students
from various Asian countries.

Boisclair was speaking French to a classroom of
university students when he referred to “yeux bridĂ©s,” which
translates as slanted or slanting eyes. He suggested yesterday the term might
have a more negative connotation in English than in French.

doing politics, not linguistics,” he said, adding that he believes
“Quebeckers are 100 per cent behind me” on the issue. Even Mr. Boisclair's rivals said they think he did not intend any

might have used a better choice of words, but I know Mr. Boisclair
enough to know his intention was not to be disrespectful,” Liberal Leader
Jean Charest said.

issue has become a distraction for Mr. Boisclair.
While the French media have reported the comments, most of the questions
yesterday came from English-language reporters.

Niemi of the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations, a Montreal
civil-rights group, said he was surprised to hear the remarks come from Mr. Boisclair, whom he considered a socially progressive leader
from a new generation of Quebec

Niemi said he called the PQ yesterday to simply alert them to what he
considered the inappropriateness of Mr. Boisclair's
remarks. But then he said the party's director of communications for the
election campaign, Shirley Bishop, aggressively told him over the phone that
she saw nothing wrong with the comment and blamed “people like you”
for making racism an issue.

when Mr. Niemi said he decided to issue a news release condemning Mr. Boisclair's comments.

a very derogatory remark and very racially offensive,” Mr. Niemi said in
an interview, adding that the comments were ill considered at a time when
Quebec needs to increase ties with the economies of Asia
and India .

March 15, 2007


CCNC Calls on PQ Leader To Correct “Slanting Eyes” Comment

TORONTO. The Chinese Canadian National Council
called on Parti Quebecois leader Andre Boisclair to clarify comments attributed to him in the
Montreal Gazette and Globe and Mail today:

From Montreal

PQ leader sees
Asian rivalry

In speaking to
students yesterday, Andre Boisclair warned that the
working world they will graduate into is totally different from the one of
their parents, but wound up using an unusual turn of phrase. He said in an open
economy, competition from emerging economies like India
and China
is stiff. Every year, 80,000 young people leave India
and 60,000 leave China to go
to study in the United
States .

“The reality
is these countries are not just working to create jobs in sweatshops. When I
was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

“These are
not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later become
engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious competition
happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you and equip
Quebec to face (the

© The Gazette (
Montreal ) 2007

“It is rather disappointing to hear Mr. Boisclair,
and an aspiring Premier at that, refer to students of Asian heritage in this
manner,” Colleen Hua, CCNC National President said today. “Indeed,
it is ironic that today marks the start of Action Week Against
Racism in Quebec .”

“So we are taking action in asking Mr. Boisclair
to correct his statement immediately.”

CCNC is a community leader for Chinese Canadians in promoting a more
just, respectful, and inclusive society. CCNC is a national non-profit
organization with 27 chapters across
Canada with a mandate to promote
the equality rights and full participation of our community members in all
aspects of Canadian society.


For more information, please contact Victor Wong at (416) 977-9871.

From Montreal

PQ leader
sees Asian rivalry

speaking to students yesterday, Andre Boisclair
warned that the working world they will graduate into is totally different from
the one of their parents, but wound up using an unusal
turn of phrase. He said in an open economy, competition from emerging economies
like India and
is stiff. Every year, 80,000 young people leave India
and 60,000 leave China to go
to study in the United
States .

reality is these countries are not just working to create jobs in sweatshops.
When I was in Boston ,
where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus about one-third of
the students doing their bachelor's degrees had slanting

are not people going to work in sweatshops. They are people who will later
become engineers and managers who create richness. There is a ferocious
competition happening in the world today. What I would like to do is equip you
and equip Quebec
to face (the challenge).”

© The
Gazette ( Montreal )

From Globe and Mail:

Boisclair remarks on 'slanted eyes'

MONTREALParti Québécois Leader
André Boisclair said during a speech on global
competitiveness that he was surprised to see so many students “with
slanted eyes” when he was studying at
Harvard University .

to university students in Trois-RiviĂšres
yesterday about growing competition from emerging economies such as
India and
China , he said he had witnessed the
trend firsthand while on a master's program at Harvard.

Boisclair studied at the John F. Kennedy School of
Government before running for the PQ leadership in 2005.

I was at Harvard, where I spent a year, I was surprised to see that on campus,
about a third of the undergraduate students had slanted eyes,” he said to
a large classroom packed with students. He went on to say that 80,000 students
from India and 60,000 from
China study in the
United States yearly.

not going to work in sweatshops. They're people who will later work as
engineers, managers, and will create wealth. They're people who will innovate
in their countries. There is ferocious competition in the world today.”

Boisclair also told the students they had benefited
from the language battles their parents' generation had fought.

English sales ladies at Eaton's . . . you didn't live through that,” he
said, evoking a rich symbol of English dominance in
Quebec .


Year of the Pig stamp launched today in Toronto

Year of the Pig stamp launched today in Toronto
To Year of the Pig
Feb 18, 2007, marks Chinese New Year of the Pig.  Canada Post celebrated with a new stamp in Toronto today on January 5th.

The Pig Year should be filled with good feasting and friendship. 
It is also a very good year for people born in the Year of the Rat, like me!

Check out these stories.

CBC British Columbia
Pig puts stamp of good fortune on new year

Vancouver firm's stamps mark Year of Pig
Globe and Mail, Canada – 27 Dec 2006

Canada Post welcomes the Year of the Pig with fortunate stamps
   “From February 18, 2007 to February 6, 2008, it will be the pig's turn to rule the Chinese zodiac. …”

Vancouver Sun 2002: Toddish McWong marks Bard's birthday – the newsclipping

Vancouver Sun 2002:
Toddish McWong marks Bard's birthday – the newsclipping

Here's the story that the Vancouver Sun's Pete McMartin wrote about me
in January 2002.  I just sent it to Toronto to be included for the
CBC Generations documentary.

It was a fun interview, and we went to the Vancouver Sun for the photo
shoot.  My friend Sonia Baker co-hosted the 2002 dinner with
me.  Neither Scottish nor Chinese, Sonia was actually born in
Holland.  If you watched the movie “The Mummy,” you heard Sonia's
voice… she voiced the Mummy. “Errrrrgggghhhh!!!!”

2002 was the first year the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner attracted major
media attention.  I did an interview with Bill Richardson for CBC
Radio's flagship afternoon show “Richardson's Roundup,” for which Sonia
and I read the Jim Wong-Chu poem “Recipe for Tea.” It is a poem written
for two voices and describes how tea travelled from China to

VTV (which was became City TV) sent a reporter and cameraman to the
dinner at the Spicy Court Restaurant.   Highlights of the
newscast included hearing the entire restaurant chanting “We want
haggis,” as well as seeing and hearing a verse of Robbie Burns “Address
to a Haggis,” read with a Chinese accent by Raymond Chan, who was inbetween member of parliament stints at the time.

Just over two hundred people attended that 2002  dinner in the
midst of a snow storm, an increase over the previous year's dinner of
one hundred attendees.  The following year we moved the dinner to
Flamingo Restaurant on Fraser Street, where we hosted 390 people. 
Now we host 450 to 550 people at Floata Chinese Restaurant in Chinatown.

I'll try to find a better photo scan for this news story. 

What is a Canadian? Joy Kogawa says….

What Is A Canadian? : Forty-Three Thought-Provoking Responses

In a year following the release of CBC TV's The Greatest Canadianand CBC Radio's BC Almanac's Greatest British Columbians
there is a book titled: “What is a Canadian? 43 Thought -Provoking
Responses.  Each of these essays begins with the words “A Canadian is .
. .”. Each one is very different, producing a fascinating book for all
thinking Canadians.

Here is an excerpt of Joy Kogawa's response… 

the other 42 responses including ones by Alan Fotheringham, Thomas
Homer-Dixon, Roch Carrier, Jake MacDonald, George Elliott Clarke,
Margaret MacMillan, Thomas Franck, Rosemarie Kuptana, GĂ©rald A.
Beaudoin, Peter W. Hogg, George Bowering, Christian Dufour, Paul
Heinbecker, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, John C. Crosbie, Audrey
McLaughlin, Roy MacGregor, Charlotte Gray, Hugh Segal, Janet
McNaughton, Sujit Choudhry, Aritha van Herk, L. Yves Fortier, Catherine
Ford, Mark Kingwell, Silver Donald Cameron, Guy Laforest, Maria
Tippett, E. Kent Stetson, Louis Balthazar, Joy Kogawa, Wade
MacLaughlan, Douglas Glover, Lorna Marsden, Saeed Rahnema, Denis
Stairs, Valerie Haig-Brown, Guy Saint-Pierre, William Watson, Doreen
Barrie, Jennifer Welsh, Bob Rae – you will have to go buy the book!

Here's a picture of Joy Kogawa with RCMP officer and “Toddish McWong” (me), at the Canadian Club Vancouver 2006 “Flag Day/Order of Canada luncheon.  photo courtesy of Todd Wong

What is a Canadian?

(excerpt)  click here for full reponse posted on

  Joy Kogawa

A Canadian is a transplanted snail called James who sat down on a
brick.  A Canadian is a big fat street party on the Danforth in
Toronto, 2004.  A Canadian is hockey night in Canada on a small patch
of ice created by buckets of water in the backyard.  A Canadian is a
plane full of people from Vancouver flying to Quebec with signs
saying:  “WE LOVE YOU.”  A Canadian is the wind on the prairies that
who has seen.  And a red-headed girl in a green-gabled house on an
island with red soil.  And the Mounties who always always get their
man.  A Canadian trusts the law.  And since we generally rank either
second or third or fourth or whatever, we try harder.  But weren’t we
proud when Gorbachev said, “Look at Canada. They don’t kill people
there.”  Or something like that.  That’s because a Canadian is, if
nothing else, decent.  Isn’t that the adjective that most commonly
comes to mind?  We’re as decent as the day is long, are we
not–fair-minded, peaceable, not demanding guns to defend ourselves,
abhorring and resisting the culture of violence we are virtually
force-fed by the fee-fi-fo-fuming giant close by.  My Canadian friends
who travel a lot say we don’t know how lucky we are.  I think a lot of
us do know it.  I, for one, am a Canadian who loves Canada more than
words can say.

My love is not cheap.  It’s been tested, and it
endures.  I can thank my parents for this.  And I can thank the
community from which I came, and which was destroyed by the particular
brand of racism in my childhood.  I can thank my Grade Two Highroads to
Reading that I practically memorized when we were living in that
once-upon-a-time space called Slocan (British Columbia).  Books were
precious and few.  I can thank the CBC that I listened to when we were
finally allowed to have radios again, after we were moved east of the
Rockies. That’s when a Canadian became the Green Hornet, the House on
the Hill, Share the Wealth, Terry and the Pirates and Johnny Wayne and
Frank Shuster and Rawhide, and that beautiful blonde skater, Barbara
Ann Scott.  Other Canadians from my community who were exiled missed
out on all that.  A Canadian is a group of more than four thousand
people who were exiled for no crime.  Oh sweet democratic country that
I love. Some people are tired of this drum-beat….

for more click here for full reponse posted on