Vancouver Sun prints picture of SFU's Gung Haggis Fat Choy™ Dragoncart racing

Dragoncart racing made it's debut
at the SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy™ “Canadian Games” on Friday January
28th.  The Vancouver Sun captured the “Gung Haggis FAS Choy” team
in action on page B1 on today's (Jan 29) Vancouver Sun. 

The caption reads:
“It's Gung Haggis Fat Choy (that's what they call it) on Friday at
Simon Fraser University, when Scottish Robbie Burns Day traditions mix
with Chinese New Year rituals.  To mark the occasion this team
from the faculty of applied science propels its dragoncart with
crutches and much enthusiasm in a race down Convocation Mall. 
They finished second.”

CITY TV and Channel M also shot camera footage – I missed it on last night's news – did anybody see it?  please comment!

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