January 17 – Gung Haggis Fat Choy World Poetry Night at Vancouver Public Library

World Poetry and Gung Haggis Fat Choy come together for one night

January 17th, 7:30pm at the Vancouver Public Library – Central
Branch – Alice McKay Room.  350 Georgia St. Vancouver.

Check out our fabulous GHFC World Poetry Poster

Ariadne Sawyer, my co-organizer and host of World Poetry Night with Alejandro Mujica-Olea is very excited about our 2nd annual collaboration.

Fred Wah is our featured poet –
retired University of Calgary English Professor and winner of the
Governor General's Award for Poetry for his prose poem collection
“Waiting for Sasketchewan.  Fred says his father was
Scottish/Irish/Chinese – Canadian and his mother was

Joe McDonald is our featured musician – bagpiper and leader of the ethno-fusion band Brave Waves. Joe
and Brave Waves were featured last year in the CBC TV special “Gung
Haggis Fat Choy.”  Joe is also a fascinating contemporary

Dugald Christie is an activist
lawyer and champion of human writes.  He was born in Scotland and
writes poetry in Canada.  In February he will be given a life-time
achievement award by the World Poetry Society.

Shirley Sue-A-Quan is a writer, and
poet, born in China – she also writes for local Chinese language
newspapers.  She brings an insightful global vision to her
work.  She is married to writer Trev Sue-A-Quan, born in
Guyana, who was featured at last year's inaugural Gung Haggis Fat
Choy World Poetry Night, as well as the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner.

And… there will be a poems and words from co-hosts Toddish McWong, Ariadne Sawyer and Alejandro Mujica-Olea.  A specially composed original group poem will also be presented for the evening…

…and maybe a surprise!

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