Chinese singing, Greek-Canadian George Sapounidis hosts CBC TV Special about the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Todd Wong anbd George Sapoundis – with dancers from the Vancouver Academy of Dance – all featured in the 2004 CBC TV performance special Gung Haggis Fat Choy – photo Todd Wong collection.

George Sapounidis, that Montreal-born, Greek-Canadian, who sings in Chinese-Mandarin… will be hosting a CBC TV Special about the Beijing Summer Olympic Games.

George was featured in the CBC Vancouver television performance special titled “Gung Haggis Fat Choy.”

George is a very funny, warm human being – who loves meeting people, especially women.
I was fortunate to meet him in 2005.

Hi friends of Chairman George
You are welcome to watch this Sunday at 4pm . 
I am hosting a national show on
CBC Television .
Let me know how you like it .
Sapounidis  'Chairman George'
TV Special :
  China-Canada Hand in
Hand –
Celebration of the Olympics

Host :  
George Sapounidis  'Chairman George' 

In August of 2008 China will host
more than 200 countries and their finest athletes to compete at the Beijing
Summer Olympic Games. 
This CBC Television Special features some
of the finest performers from China and Canada coming together to countdown
to the Beijing Olympic Games. 

Air dates :

1) CBC TV main network : Sunday, December 9,
2007 at 4PM (ET)

2) CBC Country Canada : Saturday,
December 15, 2007 at 1PM (ET) and 7PM (ET)  

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