Scripting Aloud Summer Sipper… Monday August 13

Scripting Aloud Summer Sipper… Monday August 13

Scripting Aloud is organized by film-maker Kathy Leung and writer/actor Grace Chin, two friends that originally met in my dragonboat and Ricepaper circles.  It is a fun event that encourages both writers to bring developing scripts and actors to come help read them… a fine collaboration that helps build community.

This event really helped to develop Twisting Fortunes, the play that Grace wrote with fellow writer Charlie Cho.  I reviewed it and really enjoyed attending the performance.

The following is the latest message from Kathy and Grace:

Hi All,

It's getting a little too hot…not! But summer's still
got some post-Celebration of Light sparkle with a few events in August.
VAFF's Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon (the evocatively abbreviated
MAMM) returns for a threepeat, this time with a new genre requirement.
As always, the winning teams share $5,000 in prize money

Put your scripting hat on, crew up and find your cast for MAMM 2007, if you haven't already, at the Scripting Aloud Summer Sipper
this coming Monday! Or show up just for an excuse to party on a weekday
– yes, the cafe is licensed. 🙂
Snoozers lose – this year there's a MAMM registration cutoff of 15
teams, and to date seven have already confirmed participation.

WHAT: Summer Sipper
WHEN: Monday, August 13, 2007, 6:30 pm – 9 pm
WHERE: Our Town Café, 245 E. Broadway (at Kingsway) in Vancouver

Scripting Aloud is now on Facebook!
Rather than spam everyone with Facebook invites, and knowing many of
you may already be on – we thought we'd build it and let y'all come. 🙂
Find us and join the group today!

This weekend's Chinatown Festival features two sketch groups
from SKETCHOFF!#$%!! in May – prepare to be disorientaled and licked.
And if a Vietnamese accent is in your voice repertoire – there may be a
gig for you.

Kathy & Grace
Producers, Scripting Aloud

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