Gung Haggis team results on Sunday at Taiwanese Festival

We did our best.  We showed up as a team, paddled as a team, and celebrated/comiserated as a team.

Lots of Thank yous for everybody being such a great TEAM on the
weekend.  I heard from a number of other people that Gung Haggis sounds
like such a FUN team, with great people.

We had lots of races,
and the heat also took its tow.  We shared our tent with the
Phillipines PYROS tent, and it was a delight to be able to welcome back
our friends from ALCAN, and see them with a full team.

CBC cameraman Mike Varga also showed up to film footage of Todd and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team in action for an upcoming CBC Generations episode that will feature Todd in late January/ early February.

Our races
were good, some were challenging.  We did our best, and we felt good. 
What more can we ask for?  a little bling bling? 

practice on Tuesday.  We will crank it up, and go throughout the fall
and winter, through the wind, rain and snow.  And come Alcan in June –
we will be more than ready!
I think not….

Keep doing what
we are doing.  Having fun, with steady improvement.  We will continue
to go through some growing pains, making new dragon boat friends with
other teams and the medals will be sweet when they come.

Who wants to go to
Saltspring Island?  We now have an invitation to go to Saltspring,
paddle with the Saltspring Homegrown paddlers, and be billeted.  Might
just be a weekend outing….

Thanks to everybody again, for
pulling water, and pulling for the team.  You all make us proud, and we
are more than glad for the friendships.

It was especially great to see Pamela and Marion on the weekend.  Hang out with Daming, Natalie and Grace. 

Peace & Blessings, Todd

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