Newmindspace coming to Vancouver to party on Sky Train for August 18

Newmindspace coming to Vancouver to party on Sky Train for August 18

a spontaneous party of bagpipers and kilts, Chinese lion and dragon
dancers with incredible fusion bangra highland dancers.  Haggis
won ton being served on sticks.  Maybe even dragonboat go-carts
being “paddled” down the street.   It could be a rave Gung Haggis
Fat Choy party.  Okay… this is still living in my imagination –
but check out the New Mind Space details below:

From the Newmindspace website:

vancouver august 18
Vancouver, we are going to do something involving the SkyTrain, the
musical duo known as Woodhands, and a 200W renegade soundsystem! To see
what kinds of subway parties we throw in Toronto, check out this video.

This was sent to me by e-mail:

Newmindspace (, a Toronto and NYC based

group who describe their work a interactive public art, creative

cultural interventions and urban bliss dissemination are coming to


They're famous for their huge public pillow fights, bubble battles,

easter egg hunts and subway & streetcar parties. And these aren't

just any old subway party. We're talking hundreds of people, big

sound, DJs, costumes, decorations and a great time!

And they're planning a huge SkyTrain party in our fair city. It will

be totally free, all ages, and totally amazing. Word on the street

is that it'll be robot themed, in honour of our driverless trains. And

there'll also likely be a huge post-SkyTrain Party party as well.

Should make for an unforgettable evening that eclipses any of the

SkyTrain parties any of us may have been a part of.

Event details are still being worked out, but to keep on top of the

latest sign up for Vancouver event updates (including this one) at:

What else have they doing?  See below from the Newmindspace website.

san francisco august 26
San Francisco, we are hoping to have a massive Bubble Battle on August
26th. To see what a bubble battle looks like, check out the video from our NYC bubble battle in June, they're a lot of fun!

information will become available as we get closer to our trip, so for
now, the best thing to do is subscribe to the mailing list. We can't
wait to see you there! 🙂

for more info, e-mail love

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