Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team getting ready to go to Kent/Seattle race.

Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team getting ready to go to Kent/Seattle race.

is the first road trip for Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team since
Harrison last year…  It's been awhile since the whole team went on
the road to enter under our own name.  2003, in both Kent WA and

But not all our paddlers are able to make the trip south to Washington state. 
There will be paddlers joining us from 3 other Vancouver area teams + a team in Victoria, and maybe even from teams in Tacoma and Portland… as we now have just one empty seat. 

The team has rebuilt, and is probably its strongest yet… 
Competition was much tougher at ADBF this year… a lot of weaker teams
have dropped out, or found it too prohibitive to enter a team.

had a good practice tonight… but having to use the Gemini boat… 
was challenging…  I will ask Dragon Zone to reserve a 6-16 for us for
next Tuesday, as we are training for Vernon.

WEDNESDAY practice…. focusing on technique and  Beginner paddlers.
Start time 7:00pm… we load up at 7:20 and on the water from 7:30 to 8:55pm.

This is ideal for rookie paddlers, beginners and experienced paddlers who want to
work on their technique or try their hand at steering, coaching, etc.

Please find the attached information sheet on paddling technique.

Sunday practice…
is cancelled as half the team + coach + steers and drummer will be in Seattle.

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