Kogawa House is being saved! Can you believe it! Joy is probably jumping up and down in Toronto.

Joy Kogawa and school children from Tomsett Elementary, from Richond.  photo courtesy of Joy Kogawa

Kogawa House is being saved! 
Can you believe it! 
Joy is probably jumping up and down in Toronto.

been a long 8 months since I was asked to help with the impending
demolition of Kogawa House back in September 2005.  Ann-Marie
Metten informed me that a demolition permit inquiry had been made at
City Hall for 1450 West 64th Ave. 

It was November 3rd
that we went before Vancouver City Hall to ask them for a unprecedented
120 day delay in processing the demolition permit.

Here are some of the highlights.

May, 2005 – Obasan named as the One Book One Vancouver 2005 selection by the Vancouver Public Library. Joy also is reunited with her brother Rev. Timothy Nakayama, whom she hasn't seen in 10 years.

September 27th,
Asian Canadian Writer's Workshop / Ricepaper magazine 10th Anniversary dinner honouring Joy Kogawa as a Community Builder

(left photo courtesy of Jessica Cheung – right photo courtesy of Vahcouver Opera)

September 30th,

Naomi's Road (review)
opens at Norman Rothstein Theatre.  Commisioned by
Vancouver Opera for the Vancouver Opera Touring Ensemble, it will go on
to perform at schools throughout BC, plus Alberta and Washington State.

November 1st,
Obasan Cherry Tree Day, declared by Vancouver City Hall.  Event is presided over by then Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell, and attended by Paul Whitney (City Librarian), and James Wright (Vancouver Opera General Director).

November 3rd,
Vancouver City Council votes to delay processing demolition permit for 120 day, effective November 30th. 
120 days given to Kogawa House, as demolition timeline extended

November 2005

December 1st, 

The Land Cconservancy joins community efforts to save Joy Kogawa's childhood home

December 26th,
Joy Kogawa featured on CBC Radio's “Sounds Like Canada” – interview by Kathryn Gretzinger

January 22, 2006
Kogawa is the featured poet/author at 2006 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year dinner.  Save Kogawa
House is included to beneficiaries from annual fundraising dinner.

February 8th, 2006
Joy Kogawa House named to Heritage Vancouver's 2006 Top Ten list of endangered buildings.

February 11

Joy Kogawa & Friends – Emotionally and Truthful reading at Chapters on Robson, Saturday Feb 11

Joy is joined by Daphne Marlatt, Ellen Crowe-Swords and Roy Miki.

February 15,
Kogawa is keynote speaker for the Canadian Club's annual “Order of
Canada / Flag Day” luncheon
– welcoming BC's newest recipients of the
Order of Canada.  Joy recieved the Order of Canada in 1986.

February 27th,
Kato” Book launch
at Vancouver Public Libary – it is a rewritten version
of Itsuka, the sequel to Obasan and focusses on the Japanese Canadian
redress process.

March 9th,
Joy Kogawa fundraiser in Toronto, at Church of the Holy Trinity.

March 26th,

March 30th,
TLC negotiates a 30 day extension for the demolition permit with the owner of the house.

April 25th,
Joy of Canadian Words – fundraiser event in Vancouver, at Christ Church Cathedral.  Special speakers include CBC Radio's Sheryl Mackay, actors Joy Coghill, Doris Chilcott, Hiro Kanagawa, Maiko Bae Yamamoto, Chief Rhonda Larabee.  Hosted by Todd Wong (Save Kogawa House Committee) and Bill Turner (The Land Conservancy).

April 30th,
TLC exercises their option to purchase historic Joy Kogawa House.

May 15th

Naomi's Road at Seattle Public Library – seen by Joy Kogawa's brother Rev. Timothy Nakayama

May 18th,

Joy Kogawa named to Order of BC

May 30th,
TLC officially purchases Kogawa House – mortgage free! 

TLC becomes proud owner of historic Joy Kogawa House


June 6th,
Joy Kogawa's Birthday.

June 22nd
Joy Kogawa goes to Victoria to recieve Order of BC

June 23 (?)
Gung Haggis Fat JOY KOGAWA HOUSE fundraising dinner.
Flamingo Chinese Restaurant.  Tickets available by phoning The Land Conservancy.
$40 Advanced.  $50 at the door (if available).  More details to be announced.

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