Toddish McWong about town – Jan 15, 16, 18, 22, 2006

Toddish McWong about town – Jan 15, 16, 18, 22, 2006

Todd Wong appears in 4 different events listed this week in the Georgia Straight's Time Out section.


Storytelling Society presents an evening of Chinese and Scottish
storytellers, including Todd Wong of Gung Haggis Fat Choy fame. Jan.
15, 7:30 pm, Hodson Manor (1254 W. 7th). Tix $3 members/$4 nonmembers at the door.


Todd Wong, Ariadne Sawyer, and Alejandro Mujica-Olea host a celebration
of both Chinese New Year and Robbie Burns Day, featuring readings by
poets Fiona Lam, James Mullin, and Alexis Kienlen; Chines dancing by
Yan Yan and friends; bagpipe music by Joe McDonald; and surprise
guests. Jan. 16, 7:30 pm, Vancouver Public Library (350 W. Georgia). Free admission, info 604-526-4729.


Author reads from her book Chow From China to Canada: Tales of Food and Family,
with guests Larry Wong of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society and
Todd Wong of the Asian Canadian Writer’s Workshop. Jan. 18, 7:30 pm, Vancouver Public Library (350 W. Georgia). Free admission,

and of course don't forget about….

GUNG HAGGIS FAT CHOY: Toddish McWong's Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner

growing Vancouver legend featuring a 10 course cultural fusion dinner
featuring haggis won ton and haggis lettuce wrap.  Lots of great
performers such as Rick Scott and Harry Wong, Joy Kogawa, Joe McDonald
and Brave Waves, LaLa, The Shirleys, Sean Gunn + many more surprises.

January 22nd, Floata Restaurant, #400 – 180 Keefere Street, Vancouver Chinatown.
Tickets: call Firehall Arts Centre 604-689-0926

for single seat at premium table with wine, $60 for regular table
seating.  10 per table. Children are $35 and $30.  All adults
recieve one year subscription to Ricepaper Magazine ($20 value).

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