Send a letter to the federal Liberal government to protest the unfair redress to head tax payers and descendants

Send a letter to the federal Liberal government to protest the unfair redress to head tax payers and descendants

Here is my letter.

I am a 5th Generation Chinese Canadian.
And I will NOT vote Liberal if Bill C-333 goes ahead.
I will tell all my friends and family to do the same.

Chinese Canadian pioneers are being discriminated against 3 times over.

1 – Chinese had to pay the head tax – no other ethnic or racial group was taxed.
2 – We endured over a century's worth of racial discrimination and prejudice.
3) The government is ignoring us, and speaking to new immigrants who did not pay the head tax.

The Government must recognize that it was a Liberal government that
brought in the Head Tax, and it was a Liberal government that is
ignoring the Canadian born descendants of the head tax payers.

The Government’s actions to date have been to silence and ignore head
tax families and groups representing them who refuse to accept the
Government’s preset conditions of  “no apology, no
compensation”  for 62 years of legislated racism;

Tthe Government is poised to allocate $12.5 million from the ACE
Program to the Congress, so that funds will be distributed through only
the Congress, to resolve the Head Tax and Exclusion Act issue, despite
loud opposition from head tax payers and families across Canada who
declare that the Congress is not representative of Chinese Canadians,
WE, the Undersigned, state that Government’s process of appointing the
Congress is anti-democratic and that any payment to the National
Congress of Chinese Canadians is illegitimate without proper
consultation with head tax payers and families.

THEREFORE, the Government MUST:
STOP any and all payments from the ACE Program to the Congress; and
immediately commence negotiations with head tax payers and families and
their legitimately appointed representatives.
Send your own letter to

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