Kogawa Homestead Committee meeting: Friday Sept 29th 4pm

The “Save the Kogawa Homestead” Committee is meeting:

Friday, September 30th, 4pm
Sylvia Hotel
1154 Gilford @ Beach Avenue
Vancouver, BC

This will be the first meeting in person of the reconstituted
committee.  It is important for us to meet in person and
strategize how to best save the house where author Joy Kogawa had so
many happy childhood memories and was raised until the internment of
Japanese-Canadians forced the Kogawa family to Slocan BC.

For the history of the committee: see www.kogawa.homestead.com

Several strategies will be discussed, and we will also discuss key
meetings with movers and shakers in our literary community + political

Worst case scenario:  Kogawa House is demolished.
Best case scenario:  Kogawa House is saved and preserved on original site.
Alternative scenario: Kogawa House is saved but moved to another
site.  But this could be similar to the displacement faced by the
Japanese Canadians who were interned!

Good people are needed for this committee!
Please step forward and make yourself known.

Please sign the petition to preserve the Kogawa Homestead. Click on the white banner – this will forward you to an on-line petition.

Donations can be made in care of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation

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