Chinese Head Tax apology for BC is incomplete… and not acceptable from CCNC

  • The head tax infamy actually started in 1885, 129 years ago… and continued long after MP Margaret Mitchell first asked Canadian Parliament for redress in 1984 – four years before Japanese Canadians were given an apology and redress in 1988. The Chinese Canadian National Council, which has fought for a fair and honourable redress for decades, declined the BC government apology, because it failed to symbolically address many issues including: 1) “the Apology motion lacks basic sincerity” 2) “Only the affected head tax families can accept this Apology and allow the reconciliation process to begin” (not newer immigrants who are not head tax descendants) and 3) “that the that there should be a symbolic return of these funds to the head tax families”
    But the Chinese Canadian National Council – which has fought for redress for decades, and played a major role in the 2006 Federal Apology declines the motion of Apology offered by the BC Legislature today.

    The CCNC press release states:

    CCNC has supported the Head Tax Families Society of Canada in seeking an inclusive redress with the BC Government. The BC Government is well aware of the role of past BC political leaders in fomenting anti-Chinese racism including receiving a significant share of the head taxes collected. Last year, CCNC provided the BC Government and all MLAs with a schedule of the head tax levies transferred which totals $8.5 million, a sum with a present value of about $1 billion today. CCNC takes the view that there should be a symbolic return of these funds to the head tax families.

    Unfortunately, the Apology motion lacks this basic sincerity.

    “A government should never be seen to be profiting from racism but this is what has happened here today,” Victor Wong, CCNC Executive Director said today. “Only the affected head tax families can accept this Apology and allow the reconciliation process to begin.”

    “We urge all MLAs to reflect on our views and to expend the effort to offer a meaningful apology to the Chinese Canadian community.”

    Founded in 1980, CCNC is a national non-profit organization with 27 chapters across Canada and a community leader for Chinese Canadians in promoting a more just, respectful, and inclusive society.…/apolog…/9842654/story.html

    The Province of British Columbia formally apologized to Chinese Canadians Thursday for historical wrongs and racism dating back to Confederation.

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