Harry Aoki tribute on CBC Radio North by Northwest with Dr. Jan Walls and Judy Hanazawa

Lovely talk and memories about Harry Aoki on CBC Radio today with host Sheryl McKay, and Harry’s friends Jan Walls, and Judy Hanazawa. http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/Local+Shows/ID/2338342167/

There will be a Celebration of Life for Harry Aoki on March 1st, a First Friday Forum.

St. John’s College UBC

please see the following websites for more details, and to RSVP.

Celebration of Life Harry Aoki | St. John’s College UBC


Celebration of the Life of Harry Aoki. Friday, March 1 St John’s College, UBC 6:00PM – Reception and Cash Bar 7:00PM – Program Begins. Guest Name*

Remembering Harry Aoki | His Legacy


Harry Hirowo Aoki (1921-2013) devoted his life to music and intercultural harmony. A beloved friend and mentor to many in Vancouver and elsewhere, he was a

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