Allan Cho checks out VAFF

Vancouver Asian Film Festival is “Almost Perfect” with guest actor Edison Chen

Written by guest blogger, Allan Cho

I checked out opening day’s VAFF
program.  What a great festival – seems
like this year is the biggest one yet.  
VAFF is celebrating its FIFTEENTH anniversary (
Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society and Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop, and Ricepaper incidentally also celebrate their FIFTEENTH
anniversaries).   Great chance for me to
catch up with our old friends from at VAFF – its dedicated executives:
Grace Chin, Callan Tay, Kathy Leung, and
Clement Woo, and board director Iven Tse
VAFF founder and president Barbara Lee was also there, and we exchanged
a few good laughs.   ACWW friend, filmmaker
and director of One Big
Hapa Family’s Jeff
Chiba Stearns
was also on hand.

The first film I saw was “Almost Perfect,”
Kelly Hu, Edison Chen, and Tina Chen.  A remarkable film, about the complexities of
families and the wrenching realities of modern relationships and marriage, the
film won the hearts of the audience, as they gave a roaring applause at the
film’s end.  On hand was also Asian mega
Edison Chen, who was greeted by curious observers and fans
alike.  I had a chance to exchange
greetings with Edison, and even had a chance to ask about his most
recent controversy
in Asia
, but he declined
comment.  Along with renowned actress
Tina Chen on a panel discussion after the film, Vancouver-born and
raised-Edison revealed that he is currently working on three music albums and
another film project.  What a hard

Check out the VAFF Website at

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