Dragon Boat paddling on Sunday Nov 6th

The Gung Haggis Fat Choy dragon boat team paddles Sunday

2011_Oct_Halloween 009
Karl and Steven hold up dragon boat paddles on Halloween Eve Day.  Karl paddled with the mask for most of the practice.

11am Sunday from Dragon Zone
False Creek Community Centre

We are continuing to paddle for fun and fitness – on Sundays throughout November.  I am also hoping to set up a paddle in voyageur canoes down the Harrison River or Fraser River from Hope to Chilliwack – so that we may see some of the spawning salmon, and the eagles who feed on them.  Our last competitve race was on Oct 8, for the Ft. Langley Cranberry Festival Canoe Regatta.  But last year some of our paddlers joined me for Day 4 & 5 of the “Paddle for Wild Salmon” down the Fraser River from Hope to Vancouver.  It was a 5 day journey to Jericho Beach – and while I started from Hope on Day 1, I skipped day 2 and 3, for work, then returned for Day 4 and 5, from the Katzie First Nations Reserver near the Golden Ears Bridge, all the way to New Westminster and Musqueam First Nations.  Day 5 we paddled from Musqueam, around Point Grey, and we landed at Jericho Beach.

Last Sunday

had a fantastic rain-less paddle last Sunday…   A number of people
messaged because they didn't want to paddle in the rain or cold.

But the rain stopped!!!

strong men, Karl, Aidan, Stephen Mirowski, Steven Wong, Guillaume and
Todd – paddled non-stop from Dragon Zone to Granville St. Bridge.  We
even paddled past Burrard St. Bridge and did a little stop at Sunset
Beach… before going for hot chocolate at Granville Island, courtesy of
Stephen Mirowski who had his wallet with him.  Aidan steered dragon
boat for his first time ever on the way back from Cambie Bridge to
Dragon Zone – GREAT PRACTICE!!!

This Sunday

11am is practice time – Yes we still show up rain or shine – the only thing that keeps us off the boat is
high winds… and if there is a monsoon… but we decide at the time of practice.

Hope to see you out paddling for Sunday –
weather looks rainless for now!

Cheers, Todd

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