The Wong family crest approved and recognized by the Canadian Government: maybe now I will have to design a McWong family crest

The Wong family crest approved and recognized by the Canadian Government: maybe now I will have to design a McWong family crest
The Wong or Huang family crest approved and recognized by the Canadian Government
The Wong or Huang family crest approved and recognized by the Canadian goverment, the project was started by the Wong Association of Ontario.

I can understand that a panda bear is from China
– but why a white polar bear? The Chinese Wong pioneers came to “Gold
Mountain”, and “Wong” means “yellow” – it should be a “yellow bear” or a
Grizzly Bear!!!

I do like that both bears are standing on a “gold mountain” since “gum san” was what the Chinese referred to America, since the early pioneers came for the California and BC gold rushes.

The panda bear is holding a pick axe, to signify that the Chinese pioneers came over in search of gold.  The polar bear is holding a sledge hammer to signify that Chinese pioneers also came to Canada to help build the Canadian Pacific Railway.

My own grandfather Wong Wah, arrived in Victoria BC in 1882, at age 16.  He helped his uncle's dry goods store in Victoria and was soon managing “the largest Chinese dry goods store in Victoria” according to my father.  Wong Wah had 6 wives. 3 were in China, 3 came to Canada.  My own grandmother was wife #5, and my father was known as #8 son – even though from wife #5, he only had 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters.

My great-great-grandmother Wong Sze was the wife of Rev. Chan Yu Tan.  Rev. Chan arrived in 1896, following his elder brother's missionary footsteps.  Rev. Chan Sing Kai had arrived in 1891 to help found the Chinese Methodist Church.  Wong Sze arrived around 1899 bringing their children, including my great-grandmother Kate.  The Chan family history is documented and told in the CBC film Generations: The Chan Legacy

My friend David Wong, is also a 5th generation Canadian, who was interviewed on CBC Radio One's “Early Edition” program by host Rick Cluff, on Friday morning.

Here are some quotes from the Toronto Star article
“So far no equivalent of the Highland Games are on the agenda.
“I don’t think you’re going to get Mah-Jong replacing caber tossing,” says Bonnie Wong.
Ontario Wongs meanwhile, will be extending an invitation for all Wongs
to use the crest as their own symbol, said Caroline Wong.
“This is for all the Wongs in Canada.”
And the good news is, you don’t have to wear a kilt. “

Here are my comments about the article…

“The first Chinese Canadian baby born in 1861 was by a Wong.”
is usually listed as Alexander Won Cumyow – it is acknowledged by the
Cumyow descendants that the name is actually the first name, and was
written down wrong by the immigrant officials.

Jean Lumb was the first Chinese Canadian to receive the Order of Canada, in 1976. She was the best friend of my grand-Aunt Helen.  I know 2 of Jean Lumb's daughters: Arlene Chan is a Toronto librarian and author of the dragon boat book: Paddles Up!, while Janet Lumb is the artistic director and founder of Acess Asie (the Montreal equivalent of the Asian Heritage Month Festival).

The first MALE Chinese-Canadian was Ernest Chan, in 1984 – His daughter
Betty Chan became a national highland dance champion of Canada, and a
McChan plaid, was created for her. 

Now for my own friends and family starting with me:

Todd Wong aka Toddish McWong, has yet to create a McWong tartan, but
often wears the Macleod Tartan – because it is the “most yellow kilt I
could find”.  Todd has received the BC Community Achievement Award in 2008, and was featured by the BC Royal Museum in their 150th Anniversary of BC display – “The Party”.  He is founder of Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year
Dinner, turned into a CBC television performance special in 2004.

Also some more Wongs:

Adrienne Wong is of Chinese-Canadian and French ancestry.  She is an accomplished actor and founding director of Neworld Theatre.

Bill Wong is the energy behind Modernize Tailors,
the last remaining tailor shop in Vancouver's Chinatown.  The shop made
the majority of zoot suits during the hey-day of the 1930's and
1940's.  A recent documentary titled Tailor Made: The Last Tailor in Chinatown.

Janice Wong
, artist and author.  Janice wrote the book Chow: From China to Canada, Memories of Food + Family. She was featured in the CBC documentary “Lotus Land Sasketchewan” and Generations: The Chan Legacy.  She is my 2nd cousin, as we are both descended from Rev. Chan Yu Tan.

Jim Wong-Chu
is a Vancouver Chinatown historian, poet and cultural engineer.  He edited Many Mouthed Birds, the first book of Chinese Canadian prose and fiction.  He is the creator of the North American Asian-Canadian Historical Timeline.  He has been the driving force behind the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop and the Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society.

Milton Wong
is former Chancellor of Simon Fraser University, known as the father of
dragon boating in Vancouver, and is also a well-known businessman, and
philanthropist. He received the Order of Canada in 1997, and the Order of BC in 200

Paul Wong
is the accomplished video artist pioneer.

Rita Wong
is author of Forage,
which won the 2008 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize at the BC Book Prizes. 
Her first collection Monkey Puzzle, won the Asian Canadian Writers'
Workshop Emerging Writer Award.

Vicki Wong
is the author/illustrator of Octonauts, and the creator of Meomi Productions which created the mascots for the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games.


Joe Wai
, architect, my cousin.  His mother was a Wong.  Joe is the architect of many projects in Vancouver Chinatown including: Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardents, Chinatown Millenium Gateway, Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives.

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