Todd Away from Bloging

It's been a very busy two weeks…

May 14th, I went to Saltspring Island for the Joy Kogawa talk for The Land Conservancy of BC
I only spent barely 15 hours on the island.  We arrived at 1:30pm with author Joy Kogawa, and Tamsin Baker – TLC Area Manager for Vancouver, after catching a 12:15pm direct ferry from Tsawwassen.  By 6:15am the next morning, we were on the ferry leaving Fulford Harbour for Scwartz Bay to catch the 7am ferry to Tsawwassen

Wednesday May 17th to Sunday May 22nd, I was traveling through Oregon for 3 nights, then attending a wedding in Seattle on the Saturday night.

Pictures are up on Flickr – and will be posted soon.
Cheers, Todd

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