Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival is coming – with the Haiku contest

Every year the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival blooms!

I first met VCBF founder Linda Poole in 2005 at the planting of a Kogawa House cherry tree grafting at the City of Vancouver.  Since then the VCBF has grown with its events and partners.  It was wonderful to see Linda at the yarn bombing event of the Kogawa House cherry tree on Sunday.

Ricepaper Magazine publishes the winner of the Haiku Invitational poetry contest.  Personally, I have always thought it would be cool to have a haiku contest with a dragonboat theme, for all the paddlers in the city.  But until then… VCBF has a contest that attracts submissions from around the world.

  • Celebrate Metro Vancouver's cherry blossom legacy, one
    haiku at a time.  The Festival invites your fresh submissions to
    the 2011 Haiku Invitational presented by Leith
    Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.  In honor of Vancouver's 125th
    anniversary the theme this year should celebrate community through the
    blossoming of the cherry trees. Submit your poem with the submission form at

  • Mark your calendar to pick up your Birthday
    cherry tree at your chosen location for
    Saturday April 2nd and Sunday April 3rd, 2011. As
    this is a special event this is the only weekend to
    bring your cherry tree home and they’ve grown beautifully tall! Thanks for
    supporting our green and pink initiative.


Festival Director
O : 604.257.8120  C:

Visit our website at
Vancouver's 125th birthday and order your Birthday Blossom Cherry Tree

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