Electric Scotland come to SFU with Vancouver's Gaelic Choir

Electric Scotland come to SFU
with performance by Vancouver's Gaelic Choir

Dr. Leith Davies cuts the haggis “with ready sleight” at the 2011 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year Dinner. – photo by Lydia Nagai

– message from Scottish Express and Dr. Leith Davies, director of Centre for Scottish Studies, SFU

Got an interest in Scottish history, genealogy, travel, etc? Come hear
Scotland Electrified at SFU:

The Centre for Scottish Studies is
pleased to invite Alastair McIntyre, the founder and editor of the
website Electric Scotland, to SFU. He will be giving a talk and
demonstration about the terrific resources available on Electric
Scotland. We will also be thanking Alastair for his continuing support
of the endowment fund for a designated Chair of Scottish Studies at SFU
and celebrating SFU's mirroring of the Electric Scotland site. A
performance from the Gaelic Choir starts us off. 8:00-9:30 (note
difference in time from other programs), Thursday, February 17, 2011:
Room 1400, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings Street.


pm. Welcoming remarks and short performance by the Gaelic Choir

Baile Chaoil Ian Cameron / arr. Stephen Smith

Westering Home
Hugh S. Roberton / chorus traditional / verses H.S. Roberton /
Ken Johnston

O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast Robert Burns / Felix

Na Maragan aig Ruairidh Traditional Strathspey / arr.
S. Mac an T-Sagairt

8:30-9:30 pm: Alastair McIntyre talks about
and demonstrates his website about the history of Scotland and the
Scots, Electric Scotland ( www.electricscotland.com )

pm Reception

Dr. Leith Davis
Professor, Department of English
Centre for Scottish Studies
AQ 6111
Simon Fraser University
University Drive
778 782-4833
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

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