Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy V – February 20, 2011

Seattle celebrates
5th Anniversary of
Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner

My parents tell me that I first visited Seattle, Washington, when I was a year old.  We would drive south from Vancouver BC, in Canada, cross the international border at the 49th Parallel, and visit both family and friends in Seattle.

In the 1980's I would drive down on my own to visit with friends, see concerts, and go skiing.  In the 2000's I would travel to Seattle for dragon boat racing.  From 2007 to 2011, I now cross the border wearing a kilt to emcee the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Seattle Dinner event.

Bagpiper Don Scobie, Todd Wong (me), event producer Bill McFadden, and young bagpiper – all playing with a kilted Quatchi Olympic mascot.

The Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner is different but similar to the Vancouver Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner.  Bill McFadden organizes the dinner food, and the entertainment.  The food is simpler than what we have at Vancouver's Floata Restaurant, and the entertainment is more traditional – both Chinese and Scottish.  But I am still the emcee, and I bring in the poetry, some of the Vancouver elements, and of course my characteristic “Toddish McWong” energy!!!! to perform my rapping version of the famous Robbie Burns poem “Address to the Haggis”.  And there are always lots of surprises.  Last year, I challenged an member of the audience to a hockey shoot-out, to avenge that day's preliminary Olympic hockey game loss by Canada to the USA.  But because I forgot to bring a puck – we used the Olympic mascot wannabe – Muk Muk as a puck!

Seattle's Gung Haggis Fat Choy V
February 20, 2011 5-9 pm

8 course dinner with haggis, great entertainment, and too much fun!

Harbor Restaurant
2040 Westlake Ave N.
Seattle, WA

$35 per person – Tickets now available
 Reservations required
Seating limited to 360

Additional details available at:

Entertainment includes:

Belltown Martial Arts Lion Dance Troop with Master David Leong ,

Red McWilliams, Scottish Troubadour

Susan Burke, Cape
Breton Fiddler 

Piper Don Scobie & Nae Regrets, 

Northwest Junior Pipeband*
with Director,
Kevin Auld,

Lauren Black** Premier Level Highland Dancer
from Ontario, Canada

year's event will be a fund raiser to help send the NWJPB to compete in the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow Scotland, August 2011.

Organizer Bill McFadden writes a Special Note:

Lauren Black and her family will be joining us
this year, all the way from Ontario.  Lauren's mother is second
Chinese.  Her father is a “recreational”
piper of Scottish ancestry.  Her grandfather served with a kilted
regiment, The Toronto Scottish, during the
war.  Lauren is “Gung Haggis Fat Choy”! 
Her photo will grace the cover of this year's program.

Beautiful new location on Lake Union:

Harbor Restaurant
2040 Westlake Ave N.
Seattle, WA

$35 per person –  Reservations required

Additional details available at: 

or email
Bill McFadden at

tickets, please send a check made out to
“Gung Haggis Fat Choy”
for $35 per ticket (or $350 for a table
of 10) to:

Last year, the Asian Youth Orchestra, under Director Warren Chang performed.

The Kenmore & Distric Pipe Band performed traditional Scottish pipe songs.

Please click here to view photos in our Gallery from the '07 event in Seattle.

Please click here for a sample of “Toddish McWong's” Haggis Rap!

Please click here for additional information on Todd Wong's annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy held in Vancouver, BC.

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