Yarnbombing at Historic Joy Kogawa House to make knitted blossoms on the cherry tree

Knitted cherry blossoms to cover cherry tree at Historic Joy Kogawa House – come help!

Yarn bombing at Historic Joy Kogawa House
Pink cherry blossoms are being knitted to cover the cherry tree at Historic Joy Kogawa House.  In the photo above, the pinkness of the yarn is compared to the cherry blossoms on the cover of Joy Kogawa's children's story “Naomi's Tree, cover art by Ruth Ohi.- photo courtesy of Jeff Christenson

The Historic Joy Kogawa House Society—with Vancouver authors Mandy
Moore and Leanne Prain—yarn bomb Joy's cherry tree

Momentum and knitted cherry blossoms are growing for the yarn bombing project at Historic Joy Kogawa House.

Here's the invite from www.kogawahouse.com

Help writing blossom at Historic Joy Kogawa House! Join Leanne
Prain and Mandy Moore, co-authors of the book Yarn
Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti

You are invited to come and knit or crochet pink cherry blossoms to
help cover this historic tree, whose story is told in Joy Kogawa’s Naomi’s
, a picture book about friendship. Knitters and crocheters of
all levels are welcome to attend these FREE events.

Join one of these two community knit-ins at the Historic Joy Kogawa
House, 1450 West 64th Avenue, Vancouver, on:

Saturday, February 5, 2 to 3:30pm

Or help to stitch all of the cherry blossoms into place at Historic
Joy Kogawa House on:

Sunday, March 6, 2 to 3:30pm

Leanne and Mandy will entertain stitchers with daring tales of yarn
bombing feats from around the world, books will be available for sale
and signing, and refreshments will be served. Yarn and needles will be
provided; however, donations of pink yarn are appreciated!

Can’t make it to the event? Mail in your knitted or crocheted cherry
blossoms to be added to the tree, as follows:

Historic Joy Kogawa House

1450 West 64th Avenue

Vancouver, B.C. V6P 2N4

Or drop your blossoms in the covered bin you’ll find just down the
steps from the sidewalk in front of the house at 1450 West 64th Avenue.
Submissions will be accepted up until March 1, 2011. All cherry blossoms
should be made out of pink yarn. Patterns to use are available here.

For more information see our Facebook page or visit www.yarnbombing.com

(Arsenal Pulp
Press), as we cover the Joy Kogawa cherry tree in hundreds of knitted

Here is a wonderful blog article by Monica Miller @ www.granvilleonline.ca

And an article in the Vancouver Courier newspaper.

and blossoms

Vancouver Courier
Help writing blossom at Historic Joy Kogawa
. Join Leanne Prain and Mandy Moore, co-authors of the book
Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit

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