Vancouver Chinatown Parade is Sunday, January 6th, 12pm to 2pm

Chinese New Year Parade in Chinatown
begins 12 noon on Sunday Feb 6th

The Vancouver Chinatown Parade is one of Vancouver's most exciting and colourful festival events.  Last year it was almost canceled due to a conflict in scheduling times with the 2010 Winter Olympics, due to an afternoon hockey game.  The Chinatown parade was moved to an earlier time, to accommodate the clearing of the streets for security for the hockey game.  see

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a Chinese parade dragon.  How to tell a dragon from a lion?  You wear
the lion costume over your body, while the dragon is always held up on

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Lots of local politicians pass out lucky red envelopes (li-see), here is Vancouver city councilor Kerry Jang handing out lucky red envelopes called “li-see” for good luck!

Here are some details of the 2011 Chinese New Year Parade from the website of the Chinese Benevolent Association.  – one of the main organizers of the parade.

Chinese New Year Parade

The Chinese New Year Parade, Vancouver Chinatown's signature
event, will return on February 6th, 2011. With lion dances, cultural
dance troupes, marching bands and more, this parade is a cultural
extravaganza not to be missed. Come see the sights, sounds and
festivities of Chinese New Year to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!

2011 Parade Highlights

The Chinese New Year Parade celebrates the new year of the Chinese
lunar calendar and is a fun-filled event for everyone to enjoy.
According to the City of Vancouver, the parade is one of the three
largest non-commercial annual parades of Vancouver. The parade features
the largest assembly of traditional lion dance teams in Canada with
dozens of colourful and energetic lions from the various local fraternal
and martial arts organizations. Other highlights include multicultural
dance troupes representing the diverse segments of our Canadian cultural
heritage, the Vancouver Police Department Motorcycle Drill Team,
marching bands and various community groups. The parade is expected to
have some sixty non-commercial entries, bringing over 3,000 participants
from various community and cultural groups. It is not surprising that
the parade draws over 50,000 spectators along the route each year plus
many more seeing it through TV coverage.

2011 Parade Schedule

The 2011 parade will start at 12:00 noon sharp on Sunday, February 6th, 2011, and will take two hours to complete.

Parade Route

The parade route is about 1.2 Km long. The starting point is at the
Millennium Gate on Pender Street (between Shanghai Alley and Taylor
Street), the parade will proceed east along Pender Street, turn south
onto Gore Street, turn west onto Keefer Street and then disperse at
Keefer and Columbia.
See map

Here is my article and picture of last year's parade.

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