Victoria, Nanaimo and Vancouver Library – Dinners and Poetry Night

It's been a busy busy weekend

I was in Victoria for a board meeting for The Land Conservancy of BC.  So we decided to have a mini-Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner that was intimate with 12 dinners…. Just like the 16 friends I entertained in a private townhome back in 1998 at the first Gung Haggis Dinner.

We went to Nanaimo for the inaugural Gung Haggis Fat Choy Pow Wow Dinner, to be co-hosted with Shelagh Rogers.  We served over 30 people for another smallish intimate dinner, mixing together First Nations, Scottish and Chinese culture and cuisine.  It was a private event, as it was also Shelagh's birthday.

Tonight, I am at the Vancouver Public Library.  It is Gung Haggis World Poetry Night to be co-hosted with Ariadne Sawyer and Alexandro Mojica-Olea.  

tonight January 24th, 2011, Monday
@ Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch.
Alma Van Dusen Room.
Free Event

featuring ACWW/Ricepaper selected poets:
Ray Hsu,
Stephanie Chou,
Cara Kauhane,
+ co-host Todd Wong
+ Steve Duncan, Michael Morris,
James Mullen
+ muscian Joe McDonald

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