Christmas @ Historic Kogawa House with poets Joy Kogawa, George McWhirter and Christine Lowther.

and Christmas Party at Historic Joy Kogawa House for friends and

Poets George McWhirter, Christine Lowther, Joy Kogawa and
special guests!
 + Christmas accordion by Todd Wong

A few weeks ago, I was introduced to a poet from Tofino through her sister, who I know because we both work at the Vancouver Public Library.  Poet Christine Lowther would be coming to Vancouver, and looking for a place for a book launch for her new book MY NATURE.


I conversed with Christine about helping to set up a book launch at Kogawa House, as I knew that her mother Pat Lowther had been friends with Joy Kogawa.  Christine also shared that Joy had written the introduction for her first book of poetry. 

Things quickly fell into place, and after a few suggestions, it was decided to combine a book launch for Christine with a Kogawa House Christmas party.  This way, it could be a reunion of old friends for Christine with Joy.  And I have discovered that with Christine, we both share a joy for Nature, Conservation, Environmental Sustainability and Resistance to Clear Cut Logging.  Naturally,  We also have many environmental activist friends in common.

Another friend of Kogawa House is George McWhirter, who as the inaugural poet laureate of the City of Vancouver, had created VERSE MAP OF VANCOUVER, which included poems by Joy Kogawa and Pat Lowther.  When the book was launched at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch, the Pat Lowther poem had been read by Pat's daughter Beth.  Hmmm…. I thought…. Wouldn't it be great to have Verse Map of Vancouver read at Kogawa House?  Especially since Joy Kogawa's poem is about Kogawa House!

So on Dec 12th, Sunday at 2:30pm, we will have a very special poetry reading at Historic Joy Kogawa House with friends and family.

Our House is small, intimate and cosy.  RSVP to attend : or gunghaggis (at )

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