National Post: Museum probes link between Chinese Restaurants and small-town Canada

Chinese Restaurants and small-town Canada exhibit at Royal Alberta Museum

My friend Linda Tzang, cultural curator at the Royal Alberta Museum is responsible for this:

Way back in 2002, Linda had initiated a project proposal on the Three Canadian Chinese Pioneer Families at the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum and Archives – but had moved to Alberta, before the project really started.  Linda was also a guest speaker at our 2nd Rev. Chan Legacy Family Reunion dinner in 2000.  In 2002, she was also part of our board for Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop that created the 1st ACWW Community Builders Dinner that honoured Roy Mah, Paul Yee and Wayson Choy.

Back on April 6th, Linda wrote to me:

Hello Toddish,

I guess the guy who came up with the idea of ‘six degrees of
separation’ was right – the world is much smaller than we think.

Now that you’ve written, I’m going to hit you up for some
help.  I have almost accomplished the impossible – the museum is on the
brink of giving me permission to do my Chinese Restaurant project.  It
doesn’t look anything like the project I was working on at the CCCMA – I
think it’s a better version.  I was wondering though if you knew anyone
with memorabilia related to Chinese restaurants – ideally someone with a menu
collection.    I don’t need
a huge number of them but a few would be nice.

If you had any leads it would be appreciated.  Maybe one day
I’ll be able to attend another Gunghaggis banquet but I always just seem to
miss the date.



There’s one in nearly every Canadian city and town. And yet some argue the Chinese landmarks,

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