Monthly Archives: February 2010

Gung Haggis Fat Choy SEATTLE!!! Feb 21, 2010

Gung Haggis Fat Choy in the USA

Sunday, February 21st 2010    5-9pm
Ocean City Restaurant
609 S. Weller St.
Seattle Chinatown, WA

Ticket Price US$35

Scottish Troubadour Red McWilliamsBelltown Martial Arts Lion Dance Troop 
Master, David Leong

Pipers Don Scobie & Paul Vegers
Drummers Thane Mitchell & Steven Wheel

Kenmore and District Pipeband 
Pipe Major, Jim McGillivray

The Asian Youth Orchestra 
Director, Warren Chang

Scottish Highland Fiddler Susan Burke  with Bill Boyd

Here's the information from the Caledonians Website

Gung Haggis Fat Choy!  Huh?!  In 2007 Bill
McFadden, President of the Caledonian & St. Andrew's
Society, introduced Todd Wong's  trademarked production of “Gung Haggis
Fat Choy” to Seattle.  Billed as “A Celebration of Chinese New Year and
Robert Burns' Dinner”, the laughter-filled evening included haggis, a
delicious Chinese dinner, Pipes & Drums (traditional and fusion
style), sing-alongs (including “When Asian/Scottish Eyes are Smiling”
and “My Haggis/Chow Mein Lies Over the Ocean”), Poems, The Address tae
the Haggis (delivered in rap to an enthusiastic and responsive crowd)
and Auld Lang Syne sung in both Mandarin Chinese and English.  

For February 21st, 2010
BIll has worked out improvements, and Gung Haggis Fat
Choy IV will be the best year!  We will celebrated the
251st Birthday of Robert Burns and Chinese Lunar New Year Year of the
Tiger with an 8 Course Chinese Dinner, Haggis, Raffle/Door Prize, and
musical entertainment featuring: Emcee “Toddish McWong” and
his inimitable “Address tae the Haggis Rap”, “Red” McWilliams, Sifu
David F. Leong's Belltown Martial Arts,  Kenmore & District Pipe
Band, Piper Don Scobie and Asian Youth Orchestra – Warren Chang, Director

2010 Gung Haggis Fat Choy IV (Seattle style)
Produced by Bill McFadden

The fourth
annual event has been scheduled for
Sunday, February 21st 2010    5-9pm
Ocean City Restaurant
609 S. Weller St.
Seattle, WA

Ticket Price US$35

For tickets and additional information
please contact
Bill McFadden
(206) 364-6025

Please click here to go to the web site.


Wong (aka “Toddish McWong”) of Vancouver, B.C., creator of Gung Haggis
Fat Choy.  Recognized in the Scottish Parliament's exhibition:  “This
is Who We Are:  Scots in Canada”.  Photo taken in Edinburgh, October of

Please click here to view photos in our Gallery from the '07 event in Seattle.

Please click here for a sample of “Toddish McWong's” Haggis Rap!

Please click here for additional information on Todd Wong's annual Gung Haggis Fat Choy held in Vancouver, BC.

 Contact Info for some of our past,
present, and future Featured Entertainers:

Todd “Toddish McWong” Wong

Red McWilliams, “America's

David Leong's
Martial Arts & Lion Dance

Kenmore & District Pipe Band

Karen Shelton Highland Dancers

  Washington Chinese Youth Orchestra, Director Warren Chang via
Don Scobie 

Melody Dance Group
Xie, Director 

Northwest Junior
Pipe Band

Lensey Namioka 

Susan Burk

More media stories

What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is about learning a series of skills and techniques that goes beyond the knowledge of traffic laws and standard driving abilities. These techniques provide you the abilities to anticipate a risk based on a situation and prevent a possible accident.

In order to be a safe driver, you will need to be able to consider the current traffic, weather and road conditions and be aware of your surroundings, as well as other drivers and any actions they are about to take, and foresee any unsafe situation and take actions to prevent an accident.

Key steps and techniques of Defensive Driving:

1. Stay Alert and Concentrate.
An important aspect of defensive driving is to be alert and concentrate on your driving and your surroundings. If you are not alert and cannot concentrate, your response time to a hazard situation decreases, and you may not be able to react promptly. Learn more about online traffic school california courses.

2. Scan and Identify the Hazard.
The Identify process is an important process of being able to quickly and accurately identifying a hazard. This process will require the driver to scan the surrounding environment constantly for hazards that can cause unsafe driving environment.

For example, if you are driving on the freeway, scan far ahead to make sure that there is no accident, a large object on the freeway, or a traffic jam ahead which requires you to slow down or come to a complete stop.

3. Predict the Implication.
In this phase, you quickly need to predict what happens if you do not do anything about the hazard, or what happens if you do something about it and are going to create other hazards as a result of your action.

Example: What happens if you hit a big object on the highway? Can you change the lane safely to avoid the object?

4. Decide what is the best course of action.
In this phase, you quickly need to make a safe decision of avoiding the crash or hazard. In this situation, you need to stay calm to make sure that your decision is not emotional and will not cause a more serious hazard.

Example: If you see a big object in the highway, you need to assess the situation and decide if you can safely change the lane away from the object, or stop because you cannot safely change the lane.

5. Execute the best course of action.
In this phase, you are safely taking actions or reactions based on your best decision.

Example: If you see a big object in the highway and you can safely change lanes away from that object, safely change lanes to avoid a collision with the big object.

Perception and Reaction Time
There are four phases to seeing a hazard, recognizing that it is a hazard, decide how to react and initiate the reaction. This four-phase process is called “PIEV”:

  1. Perception time is the amount of time that it takes a driver to see a hazard.
  2. Intellection time is the amount of time that it takes a driver to figure out that the hazard can cause a crash or a dangerous situation.
  3. Emotion is the amount of time for the driver to decide what to do.
  4. Volition is the amount of time that takes to start the reaction (e.g., moving the foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal).


Perception and reaction time depends on a driver’s awareness and health condition.  Studies show that most alert drivers have perception and reaction times of less than 1 second.

Thus, if a driver is fully focused on driving, aware, not tired, and constantly scanning the road ahead and around for hazard, he/she can see and react to the hazard in a much quicker time, which provides a better chance for the driver to avoid a crash or hazard.

Healthy Diet



Humans need a wide range of nutrients to lead a healthy and active life. For providing these nutrients, good nutrition or proper intake of food in relation to the body’s dietary needs is required. An adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity.

A healthy diet consumed throughout the life-course helps in preventing malnutrition in all its forms as well as wide range of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions. But rapid urbanization/globalization, increased consumption of processed foods and changing lifestyles has led to a shift in dietary patterns. Visit

People are consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars or salt/sodium, and many do not eat enough fruits, vegetables and dietary fibers such as whole grains. So, these all factors are contributing to an imbalanced eating. A balanced and healthy diet will vary depending on the individual needs (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle, degree of physical activity), cultural context, locally available foods and dietary customs but the basic principles of what constitute a healthy diet remain the same.

A balanced diet is one which contains variety of foods in such quantities and proportion that the need of all nutrients is adequately met for maintaining health, vitality and general wellbeing and makes a small provision for extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness.

The major food issues of concern are insufficient/ imbalanced intake of foods/nutrients.  One of the most common nutritional problems of public health importance in India are low birth weight, protein energy malnutrition in children, chronic energy deficiency in adults, micronutrient malnutrition and diet related non-communicable diseases. Health and nutrition are the most important contributory factors for human resource development in the country.

Healthy dietary practices begin early in life. Recent evidences indicate that under nutrition in utero may set the pace for diet related chronic diseases in later life. Breastfeeding promotes healthy growth and improves cognitive development, and may have longer-term health benefits, like reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life.

Since a healthy diet consists of different kinds of foods, the emphasis has been shifted from nutrient orientation to the food based approach. Foods can be categorized according to the function as- 

  • Energy rich foods (Carbohydrates and fats)-whole grain cereals, millets, vegetable oils, ghee, nuts and oilseeds and sugars.
  • Body building foods (Proteins)- Pulses, nuts and oilseeds, milk and milk products, meat, fish, poultry.
  • Protective foods (Vitamins and minerals) – Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk and milk products and flesh foods.

Diet during different stages of Life

Nutrition is important for everyone. However, the requirement is different for every individual may it be an infant, growing child, pregnant/lactating women and elderly people. The diet varies from person to person depending upon various factors like age, gender, physical activity, nutritional requirement during different physiological stages of the body and other various factors. Body weights and heights of children reflect their state of physical growth and development, while weights and heights of adults represent steps taken towards good health.

Diet for an Infant:

If you have an infant or kid at your place, make sure that they get enough nutrition in their growing years of age. Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. Breast feeding should be started within an hour after delivery and do not discard first milk (colostrum), as it boosts the immunity of the baby and protects baby from several infections. Exclusive breast-feeding ensures safe nutrition to the infant thereby reducing the risk of infections and also helps in the overall development of the baby   Breast-milk is the most natural and wholesome food for growth and healthy development of infants.  Breast –fed infants do not need additional water.  After six months, you can feed your baby with complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed. Complementary food should be rich in nutrients. These complementary foods can be prepared at home from commonly used food materials such as cereals (wheat, rice, jowar, bajra, etc.); pulses (grams/dals), nuts and oilseeds (groundnut, sesame, etc.), oils (groundnut oil, sesame oil etc.), sugar and jaggery. You can feed your baby to variety of soft foods like potatoes, porridge, cereals, or even eggs. According to WHO,

  • Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first 6 months of life.
  • Infants should be breastfed continuously until 2 years of age and beyond.
  • From 6 months of age, breast milk should be complemented with a variety of adequate, safe and nutrient dense complementary foods.

Infants cannot eat large quantities of food at a single time so they should be fed small quantities at frequent intervals (3-4 times a day). Also, the food should be of semi-solid consistency so that the infants can swallow it easily.  A balanced diet is the key to protect your child against nutritional deficiencies. Protein Energy Malnutrition more commonly affects children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. Malnutrition is defined as “a state of poor nutrition caused by insufficient or unbalanced diet”.

Points to Remember:

  • Start breast-feeding within an hour after delivery and do not discard colostrum.
  • Breast-feed exclusively (not even water) for six months.
  • Continue breast-feeding in addition to nutrient-rich complementary foods preferably up to 2 years.
  • Breast-milk alone is not enough for infants after 6 months of age. Complementary foods should be given after 6 months of age, in addition to breast-feeding.
  • Feed low-cost home-made caloric and nutrient rich complementary foods.
  • Observe hygienic practices while preparing and feeding the complementary food for infants.
  • Read nutrition label on baby foods carefully as children are most prone to infections.
  • Avoid junk foods.

Diet for a Growing Child:

Children who eat a balanced diet lay the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle and this further lowers the risk of long term health issues. Childhood is the most critical time for growth as well as for development of the mind and to fight infections. So, it is very essential that the children get a good dose of energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is very important to follow that hygienic practices are followed while preparing and feeding the complementary food to the child; otherwise, it might lead to diarrhoea. A well formulated balanced diet is necessary for children and adolescents to achieve optimum growth and boost their immunity. Balanced Diet, playing outdoors, physical activities of child are essential for optimum body composition and to reduce the risk of diet related chronic conditions later in life and to prevent any sort of vitamin deficiency.  Adolescence has various other factors attached to it: rapid increase in height and weight, hormonal changes and mood swings.

Chinese New Year welcomes Year of the Tiger in Vancouver Chinatown

It looks like a Tiger of a year… with the Olympics in town, and lions running everywhere at Vancouver's Chinatown Chinese New Year Parade

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Lions were everywhere in Vancouver Chinatown, celebrating the Year of the Tiger.

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All the celebrities, politicians and VIP's walk at the beginning of the parade. 

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Next come the Chinese Canadian veterans of Pacific Unit 280 (minus my uncle Dan, who passed away less than a month ago).  But the veterans all wore red Olympic mittens!

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Here's a Chinese parade dragon.  How to tell a dragon from a lion?  You wear the lion costume over your body, while the dragon is always held up on poles!

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The Kitchen God always marches in the parade.  The trick is to put honey on the Kitchen God's lips before he makes his report to heaven about your kitchen, so he can only say sweet things with honey on his lips.

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Here I am with my friend Georgia, who paddles with us on the Gung Haggis dragon boat team.

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The Carnival band all tried to dress up as Tigers….

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City Councilor Kerry Jang hands out lucky red envelopes called “li-see” for good luck!

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Here I am dressed in my kilt and red Chinese dragon vest.  I met this fellow in his black utility kilt outside the skytrain stop at The Bay.  Kilters greet each other, and I invited him to join us for the next kilts night.  Since it was Chinese New Year we took a picture of him waring my Chinese jacket.  Very cool.

Women's Hockey: Canada 18 Slovakia 0

Canada 18 Slovakia 0 – Women's Hockey fills GM Place with red and white, and more red and white.

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It's a new Olympic record… 18 goals in a women's hockey game!

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Captain Haley Wickenheiser wins another face off.

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Agosta scored a hat trick

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The Slovakian goalie faced over 50 shots, and stopped almost everything she had a clear shot on.

During the 2nd and 3rd period, when it became obvious the score was heading towards 20-0, we started cheering for every save the Slovakian goalie made.

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Here I am wearing the red maple leaf, with my friends Mel Lehan and Stuart Mackinnon!

Vancouver 2010 Opening Ceremonies: What's wrong with this picture?

I watched the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, and something didn't sit right with me.  Vancouver is always being touted as a multicultural city.  It is the “most Asian” city in North America.  It is the city with the most mixed-race relationships.

It was very nice to see a welcome from the Four Host Nations of Lil'Wat, Musqueam, Squamish, and Tseil-Waututh nations.  Four totem poles were raised, and each host nation welcomed the world in their own language, followed by English and French.  And then other First Nations groups from across Canada, were also recognized: from the North; the East; and the Prairies.  It was a wonderful way to acknowledge and infuse First Nations culture into the Opening Ceremonies.

I also enjoyed how the many regions of Canada were represented during the Opening ceremonies.  The prairies of W.O. Mitchell's “Who Has Seen The Wind”… the snow of the north… the fiddling of the Maritimes, Quebec and the East.  The killer whales were my favorite part.  Projected images of light, moving across the floor, punctuated by actual puffs of water, to simulate the exhaling of the whales.  But during after the fiddling was over, I asked myself – “Where are the Chinese fiddles or erhus that are part of Vancouver's multicultural music scene, and it's cultural history of 150 years of immigration.  Where is the erhu from Madeleine Thein's children's book “The Chinese violin”

It was an exciting moment to recognize and identify each of the flag carriers, as the Olympic flag was brought in.  Donald Sutherland, Betty Fox, Barbara Ann Scott, Gilles Villaneuve, Bobby Orr, Julie Payette, Anne Murray and Gen. Romeo Dallaire.  I was especially excited to see Betty Fox, because I have personally met her many times, as I have been a member of Terry's Team since 1993 – cancer survivors who speak at Terry Fox Runs and at schools.

Then anticipation for the final torch bearer.  A silouette of a man in a wheel chair! Yay! It is Rick Hansen – my favorite choice to be the lighter of the cauldron.  Rick passes the flame to Catriona Le May Doan, who passes the flame to Wayne Gretzky, who passes the flame to Nancy Greene Raine.  All four stand, as the caudron rises from the floor.  All four light the cauldron together.  Whoops, only 3 light the cauldron, because one pillar didn't rise out of the floor.  Was this a sign?  Was it a symbol?

But, I also saw a lack of diversity in the flag carriers and final torch bearers.  While recognize and admirer each of the chosen flag carriers and final torch bearers for their individual accomplishments and contributions to Canadian society.

But…. if all the flag carriers, and final torch bearers had been male, we would hear women complaining.  If all the flag carriers and final torch bearers had been Anglophone, then the Francophones would be complaining.  And if all the flag carriers and final torch bearers were blonde, would brunettes, red heads and black haired people be complaining?  Yes!

Part of the selling point for winning the Olympic bid, is that Vancouver is a multicultural city, and Canada's “Gateway to the Pacific.” Politicians and VANOC have been proudly telling the world that every athlete from every competing nation will find somebody in Vancouver that speaks their language, cooks their food and could welcome them to their home.

And yes, David Suzuki, is a wonderful choice. He was the top living “Greatest Canadian” in the CBC show and #5 overall.  Tommy Douglas was #1 (whose son-in-law was flag carrier Donald Sutherland) and Terry Fox was #2 (whose mother was Betty Fox, another flag carrier).  Wayne Gretzky was #10.  Romeo Dallaire was #16, Bobby Orr #19 and Rick Hansen #30. Chief Dan George was #80, Donovan Bailey #89, and Anne Murray #94.

There are many past gold medalists that could have been included.  Lori Fung (gold LA 1984 Rhythmic Gymnastics).  Alwyn Morris (Gold & Bronze LA 1984 Kayak-pairs) who had held up an eagle feather on the podium, Donovan Bailey (Goldx2 Atlanta 1996 100m + 4X100 Relay), Daniel Igali (Gold Sydney 2000 Wrestling), Carol Huynh (Gold Beijing 2008 Wrestling), and Jerome Iginla (Gold Salt Lake City 2002 Hockey).  Just the inclusion of one of these medalists, or all of them, passing the flame onto the final four would have been a tremendous inclusive moment.

Remember that Sydney 2000 chose Cathy Freeman, an aboriginal to light the cauldron.  Atlanta 96 had Muhammad Ali.

VANOC opening ceremonies missed a chance to showcase the diversity of both Vancouver and Canada, and that we are just as proud of ALL our Canadians too!

Maybe many people would have said “Who?” if Alwyn Morris had been holding an eagle feather in one hand, and a torch in the other, if he had walked into BC Place with the Olympic Flame – but it would have been both an educational and a proud moment for all Canadians.  Morris is the first and only Canadian aboriginal to win an Olympic gold medal.

It could have been a proper bookend to the inclusion of First Nations people – in how we have overcome Canada's racist history of residential schools and apartheid reservations, head tax and exclusion acts, internment camps and property confiscation – not how we still portray First Nations peoples as stereotypes in traditional costume, dancing and beating drums.

Todd Wong appearance on CTV Canada AM for Sunday Feb 14th

Todd will be on Canada AM
on CTV, Sunday morning

– must be there at 5am so Toronto people can see
a brief interview between 8 and 9am.. I will do the interview at Robson Square, which is part of the the BC Canada Pavillion.

Then will do an interview and
filming at Chinese New Year parade with ZDF tv from Germany.  We will meet at 8:30am, as the parade starts at 9:30am in Vancouver Chinatown.

Now….Must get
ready to attend the Women's hockey Canada vs Slovakia today at 5pm

Olympic Torch carried on Dragon Boat and Voyageur Canoe on Final Day

Olympic Torch carried on Dragon Boat and Voyageur Canoe on Final Day

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Olympian Hugh Fisher carried the Olympic Torch on a dragon boat on part of the final leg of the Olympic Torch Relay that has traveled from sea to sea to sea and all across Canada.  He passed it on to Olympian kayaker Kamini Jain in the middle of False Creek, as she stood on a voyageur canoe.

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I was part of the 6 dragon boat and 6 outrigger canoe accompanying flotilla, that followed the torch bearing boats.  We all stood for a photo op with torch bearers Hugh and Kamini, after it was over.

Pictures and more stories coming later 

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Alwyn Morris won gold and bronze partnered with Hugh Fisher in the Mens K-2 events in LA 1984.  Alwyn is the first and only gold medalist Aboriginal Canadian, and he held up an eagle feather when he ascended the podium in 1984.

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Geo, Lisa and Todd hold the Olympic flame with torch bearer and gold medalist Olympian Hugh Fisher (LA 1984).

If Terry Fox could light the Olympic caldron, would he?

Who will light the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Caldron?  The Spirit of Terry Fox?

At the 1976 Montreal Olympics, the Olympic Caldron was lit by Stephane Prefontaine and Sandra Henderson, two teenage athletes.  At the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, the caldron was lit by Robyn Perry, a 12 year old figure skater.  If this trend continues, it could be a baby lighting the flame in Vancouver's Opening Ceremonies.

Maybe it will be the baby of figure skaters Jaime Sale and David Pelletier, as a “get-you-back” at the Olympic figure skating judges at Salt Lake City in 2002.

But Canadians don't think like that… We aren't revengful, mean or spiteful.  We are polite, sharing, compassionate and caring.  We voted for Tommy Douglas as our Greatest Canadian.  Terry Fox was number 2.

Terry Fox inspired millions in Canada when he did his run… and
millions after he died. There are Terry Fox Runs all around the world.
 I have spoken at schools and Terry Fox Runs in BC, and also in Bejing,
as a Terry's Team Member – cancer survivors, for are living proof
that cancer research made a difference.  Terry worked hard at whatever
he undertook.  He was not a scholarship athlete at SFU. He was the guy
on the bench who was there to step in when you needed him.  And he
inspired millions.,218877

Todd Wong visits the Minus 5 Ice Bar at Monk's

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My girlfriend and I went to the “Minus 5”
ice bar at Monk McQueen's Restaurant – VERY COOL!

We also took a ride on the
Bombardier street car – also quite cool.  The street car follows historic street car tracks that are still in use for the summer.  It travels from Olympic Village station, just West of Cambie Str. Bridge, and ends at Granville Island.

On Granville Island, we visited Swiss Haus aka
Bridges Restaurant – mildly cool – but slow service – not cool!  I have been to Bridges many times, but mostly during the mid-80's, then again after dragon boat practices in the late 90's and early 00's, so I know it well.  It will now be a 2nd home to many of the Swiss athletes, and site of celebrations after medal ceremonies.

But we had the most fun at the Ice Bar!!! 
For $25, they give you a token for a special vodka martini, a parka and gloves to help keep you warm.  The gloves are important because the cups being used are all made of ice!

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There are fantastic ice sculptures!

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Our wonderful host Karlyn, and our bartender Jill.  Jill has worked ice bars in Montreal, and is thrilled to be back in BC, as she is a Victoria native.  She told us stories about working in the cold, and how it affects your physiology.  She warned us about drinking our drinks quickly, because the alcohol can melt through your ice glass cup, if you are not careful.

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These Vancouverites were doing the same thing we were: checking out venues before the crowds!

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We tried to see if our tongues would stick to the ice sculptures.

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Very cool was the bench made of ice, covered with caribou pelts…

Then I thought… “what if… we did a photo… with only the fur pelts?”

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Not bad for my age… I think… but I could have flexed my pectoral muscles more.

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Jill thanked us for creating the highlight of the evening for her.  It was a lot of fun.  I have now declared Jill to be my favorite bartender in Vancouver!