Terry Glavin endorses Todd Wong aka Toddish McWong to be an Olympic Torch Bearer for the City of Vancouver

2009_April_BookPrizes 030 by you.

Terry Glavin is one of my cultural heroes.  I have only known him personally since 2007, but his name on newspaper articles and books are significant.  The above picture was taken at the BC Book Awards, when Terry received the Lt. Gov. Award for Literary Achievement.

Here is Terry's endorsement for me:

than any other Vancouverite, Todd Wong has helped bring to light the
great cultural achievements of one of Canada's least-understood and
most unappreciated cultural groups – by which I mean of course the
Scots. But much more than that, he is the happy embodiment of all that
is most grand and bold about this city and province and country,which
is the great pride and joy we are privileged to take in one another's
many languages, songs, stories, kindnesses, cuisines, poems, paddling
styles, and malt liquor varieties. With quiet pride and boundless joy
we are honour bound to see to it that the torch of our forebears is
passed to Todd Wong, so that he might carry it to the world. Or at
least to the next torch bearer. Or not for all these reasons, then, but
at least for the lark of it, which Todd Wong has earned.

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