Ricepaper launches “The Aesthetic Issue”

Ricepaper launches The Aesthetic Issue, 14.2
readings from poets Ray Hsu, Caroline Wong, Rita Wong and Onjana

From Alex, managing editor: “On behalf of Ricepaper
and the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop I would like to invite you to
attend our upcoming poetry reading, a part of the BC Book and Magazine
Week's Main Street Literary Tour.

We are excited to have poets
Ray Hsu, Caroline Wong, Rita Wong and Onjana Yawnghe reading at the
Regional Assembly of Text from 7:45 to 8:20pm as part of this tour. We
will be selling copies of the new spring issue at the event and I hope
you'll meet us afterwards for the party at Cafe Montmartre. More
information can be found at the following link:


on April 18, we will also have a table at the Magazine Fair from
12:00pm to 4:30pm if you'd like to stop by! For more information please


Further info:

Thursday, April 23 · 6 PM – 9 PM · FREE
Main Street, Various venues, Vancouver

Ricepaper magazine, The Aesthetic Issue, 14.2
Tour B
7:45 – 8:20
The Regional Assembly of Text
3934 Main Street

Main Street Literary Tour After Party
8:30 onwards
Café Montmartre
4362 Main Street

I don't have a copy of the cover yet, but will supply it as soon as I can. Have fun, everyone! Hope to see you there.

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