Monthly Archives: December 2008

Vancouver's Robert Burns statue is a copy of the George Lawson original from Ayr Scotland

The same Robert Burns statue in Vancouver's Stanley Park can also be seen in other Canadian cities + Paris, Australia and Belfast.

Dr. Leith Davis, Director of the Centre for Scottish Studies, Simon Fraser University, sent me a note saying:

following cities have copies of the same statue that Vancouver does
(all are copies of the original by George Lawson which is in Ayr,
Melbourne, Australia

Robert Burns Statue in Ayr Scotland

Burns Statue Original plaster maquette or George Lawson designed statue of Robert Burns


Statues to Robert Burns are to be found across the world, in London,
Toronto, Sydney, Auckland and New York, to name but a few. This is a
plaster maquette produced by George Lawson for the statue that was
erected in Ayr in 1891. Such was the popularity of Lawson's statue that
full-sized copies were made for Melbourne, Vancouver, Montreal and
Winnipeg and smaller copies for Belfast and the Sorbonne in Paris. The
Sorbonne statue was carefully hidden during the German occupation of
Paris in the 1940s, to prevent it falling into the hands of the Nazis.

Robert Burns statue in Halifax

Burns Statue in Winnipeg

burns_robert_2.jpg (46425 bytes)

Statue de Robert Burns

Carré Dominion


Robert Burns Memorial, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, Australia

Robert Burns Memorial in Melbourne Australia

Mayor Gregor Robertson wears kilt to mayoral inauguration

The New Vancouver Mayor wears a kilt to inauguration.

Gregor Robertson knows how to stand out in a crowd.  He looked dashing at the inauguration ceremony for the new Vancouver mayor and city council at the Sunset Community Centre.  The incoming mayor had earlier requested the presence of the Vancouver Pipe Band… but hadn't announced his choice of attire… kilt watchers were wondering….

DSC_9549_100227 - Gregor ROBERTSON & Raymond LOUIE by FlungingPictures. Gregor Robertson and Raymond Louie walk into the inauguration ceremony.  Media reported that Robertson wore his family tartan – but it looks like a Robertson hunting tartan – photo courtesy of Patrick Tam / Flunging Pictures.

DSC_9561_100239 - The new CoV Mayor & Council by FlungingPictures.
The new Vancouver Mayor and city council are introduced. l-r Ellen Woodsworth, Andrea Reimer, Suzanne Anton, Heather Deal, Raymond Louie, Mayor Gregor Robertson, Tim Stevenson, George Chow, Kerry Jang, Geoff Meggs (missing – David Cadman). – photo courtesy Patrick Tam

New Vancouver City Council Sworn In by The Blackbird – photo The Blackbird

Here's a great photo of how to sit in a kilt when you are mayor.  The trick is to spread your legs wide enough to have extra kilt material in the middle, so nobody can get a photo lens up your kilt. – photo permission from The Black Bird

DSC_9737_99696 - Councillor Andrea REIMER by FlungingPictures – photo Patrick Tam

Andrea Reimer is sworn in as councilor, as Kerry Jang and Geoff Meggs await their turn. 14 hours earlier, Andrea's sense of humor had her questioning what to wear for “a three year marriage to 580,000 people.” I offered to loan her a kilt. 

DSC_9687_100359 - Ladies and gentlemen, His Worship Mayor Gregor ROBERTSON of the City of Vancouver by FlungingPictures.Yup… Mayor in a kilt.  Hope Robertson is ready for all those 250th anniversary  Robert Burns dinners he is going to be invited to including Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner – photo courtesy of Patrick Tam

Check out some of the media stories:
Kilted Robertson sworn in as mayor

New mayor to announce steps to tackle homelessness in Vancouver

Robert Burns Statue in Vancouver’s Stanley Park

Toddish McWong goes to visit Robert Burns statue in Stanley Park

2008_Dec 033 by you.

The Robert Burns statue in Stanley Park can easily be seen when you drive into the park.  It is across from the Vancouver Rowing Club, looking southward across Coal Harbour towards Georgia Street.

People often ask me, “How did you become involved/interested in Burns.”

“Well…” I answer, “It all began one winter’s day at Simon Fraser University when no other students wanted to help carry a haggis for the annual Robert Burns Day ceremonies.”  see full origins story at

It was then in 1993, that I first coined the term “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” and created the nickname “Toddish McWong.”

It wasn’t until 1998 that I created the first Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner in the living room of a friend’s town house.  We entertained 16 invited guests with music, poetry, Chinese food and haggis.  The next year I recreaed the dinner in a restaurant for 40 friends and called it a fundraiser for our dragon boat team.  Each year the dinner roughly doubled in size, to 60, 100, 200, 400, then 590 in 2005.

In 2003, CBC Vancouver made a television performance special titled “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” it aired January 23/24 2004.

In 2004, December, I was interviewed by CBC The National’s Peter Mansbridge for the first “Road Story” which focussed on Vancouver’s multiculturalism.

In 2005, Simon Fraser University Recreation Department asked to create the “SFU Gung Haggis Fat Choy Festival.” – for which I invented “dragon cart racing” as a kind of “dragon boat on wheels.”

In 2007, The Seattle Caledonian Society asked to create a Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner in Seattle.  We successfully held it on February Seattle Gung Haggis Fat Choy Seattle: Scots-Americans enjoy a big success for a first initiative south of the border!

In 2008, Vancouver Celtic Fest asked me to play/represent Robert Burns in a fun poetry event called “Battle of the Bards.” I dressed up in a kilt and performed Burns poetry, against Irish poet “William Butler Yeats” and Welsh poet “Dylan Thomas”, played by actors Mark Downey and Damon Calderwood.  Here’s my blog article: Toddish McWong’s “Robert Burns” wins Battle of the Bards at Celtic Fest

Life since 1993, has become increasingly Burnsian.

The 2009 Gung Haggis Fat Choy Robbie Burns Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner is set for January 25th, at Floata Seafood Restaurant in Vancouver Chinatown.

Tickets are $60 for individual or $600 for a table of 10 + service charges, and will be available soon – by the end of the week through Firehall Arts Centre.

It will be a grand extravaganza for both the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns’ birthday + Chinese New Year’s Eve countdown for the Year of the Ox.

2008_Dec 045 by you.
Todd examines the rededication plaque on the statue base, – photo J. Maxwell.

The rededication plaque reads:

“This statue of Robert Burns, Scotland’s National Bard, was unveiled by J. Ramsay MacDonald , a Prime Minister of Britain, on 25th August, 1928.
Robert Burns’s sincere desire for friendship and brotherhood among all peoples is clearly shown in his many poems and songs.  His poetry and letters, both serious and humorous are worthy of study by those who value liberty and freedom.
This memorial was rededicated on the 200th Anniversary of the Bard’s death by the Burns Club of Vancouver.
21 July 1996
“Then let us pray that come it may
(as come it will for a’ that)…
that man to man, the world o’er
shall birthers be for a’ that
Robbie Burns Statue in Stanley Park Dec

Robbie Burns Statue in Stanley…

Stuart Mackinnon, new Vancouver Parks commisioner thanks his dedicated campaign team and volunteers

2008_Dec 061 by you.
Parks Commissioner Stuart Mackinnon (yellow jacket) with his Vancouver Chinese-Canadian campaign team volunteers James, Ren, Todd, Julie and Raphael. – photo Todd Wong collection.

 Stuart Mackinnon was sworn in as Vancouver Parks Commisioner on Monday Dec 1st.  He has been an advocate for parks and a Green Party candidate for many years. Check out his blog site Better Parks at

On Friday Dec 6th, he held a thank you dinner for his trusted and dedicated volunteers and campaign team at Spicy Court Restaurant at Cambie and 41st Ave. in Vancouver.  This was also the 2002 site for the Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner in the middle of a snow storm.

The food was great, the company was greater.  Stuart recognized the contributions of each volunteer and what it personally meant to him.  We are proud that Stuart was elected as a Vancouver Parks Commissioner with the highest number ever for a Vancouver civic Green Party candidate.

We know he will represent the values of the Green Party and hold the Vision Vancouver Parks board majority accountable for environmental issues, as well as working together with his fellow progressive Vision Vancouver and COPE commissioners.

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Some of Stuart Mackinnon's dedicated campaign volunteers -(sitting) Rowan, Andy, Stuart, Ren, James (standing) Todd, Mac, Julie and Raphael – photo Todd Wong Collection

At the dinner, Stuart shared with me that he has been invited to give the Immortal Memory address about Robert Burns, by the Vancouver & District Labour Council, for their annual Robbie Burns Dinner fundraiser for Queen Alexandra Elementary School.  Stuart says he is honoured.  I am personally miffed that the VDLC didn't invite me…. even though I am now a member of the VDLC as a representative of CUPE 391. Okay… I am kidding… hee hee…. I am busy enough planning my own Robbie Burns Dinner, known globally as Gung Haggis Fat Choy. 

2008_Dec 052

Did we say that the food was good?  Lobster with cream sauce and noodles.  Yum Yum….  Also on the menu were Peking Duck, and Lettuce wrap.  Stuart really knows how to please his Chinese constituency!  Hey! Did you know that Stuart spent time in China teaching English?  And last year he led a delegation of Metro Vancouver teachers on a trip to the People's Republic of China where he gave a talk about Norman Bethune.  Heck… sometimes I swear that Stuart Mackinnon knows more about Chinese culture than I do!  And maybe he might concede that I know more about Scottish culture than he does…. hee hee hee….

It has been a wonderful journey becoming friends with Stuart Mackinnon.  If there is one word to describe him, it is honourable.  He is dedicated to the community, and also to his dog Kikujiro. We know that Stuart will serve the citizens of Vancouver well as Parks commisioner.

See my flickr photo set:

Stuart Mackinnon Vancouver Parks Commissioner Victory/Thank you party

Stuart Mackinnon Vancouver…

YES to Coalition Rally in Vancouver

2008_Dec 022 by you.

A YES rally for the Coalition of the Liberal/NDP/Bloc Quebecois opposition to lead Canada's government was held Thursday at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre.

2008_Dec 010 My Friend Charles Demer with his friends holding a YES sign.

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Vancouver City Councilor Heather Deal was the first of guest speakers.  Standing beside were where councilor-elects Geoff Meggs, Andrea Reimer and Ellen Woodsworth.

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Next to speak was Liberal MP Herb Dhaliwal.

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NDP MP Peter Julian gave a rousing talk.

Yes Coalition Rally in Vancouver

Yes Coalition Rally in…

Peace, Order and Good Government: The Canadian parliamentary crisis can be addressed by Robert Burns' poem “A Man's A Man For A' That”

With the current parliamentary crisis, and government and opposition members of each side calling each other names… one must remember that ALL were elected by their own constituencies to represent their ridings.  Their party leaders are voted by in by the parties.  And all must work together to put into action the words of from the 1867 Constitution Act “Peace, Order and Good Government

Please take a moment to read the words of Scottish poet Robert Burns in his 1795 poem “A Man's A Man For A' That

The following explanation of the stanza's is from a discussion on the website, and can be applied to the current Canadian parliamentary crisis where Prime Minister Harper tried to introduce legislation that included taking away the rights of public sector workers to strike, as well as the funds for all political parties based on how many votes they receive in an election.  I think the verses and interpretation are easily applied in the maelstrom that has errupted as a unity crisis, a class divide, and a question of who claims the title of Prime Minister.

1. Burns is reflecting that a downtrodden, hardworking and penniless

peasant—is nevertheless still a dignified MAN. However he is highly

contemptuous of the servile creature, who hangs his head to the arrogant

poseurs whose power has been bought with gold.

2. He considers that deprivation, poor food, and rough simple clothes,

do not diminish the pride of a victim of circumstances.

3. He sneers at the swaggering, strutting 'Lord', with the Peacock-

attitude, unaware that his wealth cannot purchase respect.

4. Burns' view is that Titles and Honours, which have not been earned

are meaningless and worthless. The working man, despite being poor,

has a wealth of dignity and worth…

5. He forecasts that the day will come, when Rank and Power will be

dramatically diluted as the common man gains equality.

Is there for honest Poverty
That hings his head, an' a' that;
The coward slave-we pass him by,
We dare be poor for a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that.
Our toils obscure an' a' that,
The rank is but the guinea's stamp,
The Man's the gowd for a' that.

What though on hamely fare we dine,
Wear hoddin grey, an' a that;
Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine;
A Man's a Man for a' that:
For a' that, and a' that,
Their tinsel show, an' a' that;
The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,
Is king o' men for a' that.

Ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord,
Wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that;
Tho' hundreds worship at his word,
He's but a coof for a' that:
For a' that, an' a' that,
His ribband, star, an' a' that:
The man o' independent mind
He looks an' laughs at a' that.

A prince can mak a belted knight,
A marquis, duke, an' a' that;
But an honest man's abon his might,
Gude faith, he maunna fa' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
Their dignities an' a' that;
The pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth,
Are higher rank than a' that.

Then let us pray that come it may,
(As come it will for a' that,)
That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth,
Shall bear the gree, an' a' that.
For a' that, an' a' that,
It's coming yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that.

BC Fed convention supports $10 minimum wage

Last week on Wednesday, delegates at the BC Fed convention spent their lunch hour distributing information about the campaign to raise the minimum wage to $10 in BC.

2008_Nov25 008 by you.

Jim Sinclair, president of the BC Federation of Labour, is interviewed while a BC Fed convention delegate holds up the $10 Now information card. – photo Todd Wong.

Convention delegates took time out from their lunch time and went to different nearby Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre in the Vancouver downtown area.  BC Fed president Jim Sinclair went to the Seabus terminal and handed out pamphlets to Seabus, Skytrain and Westcoast Express goers.

Transit users were generally positive and supportive of the $10 Now campaign.  I opened doors for people entering the Seabus causeway and gave out the information pamphlets.

The minimum wage in BC was last increased to $8 in November, 2001. In 2002, the provincial government rolled back the minimum for new workers through the $6 training wage.

2008_Nov25 003 Bill Sinclair talks to reporters at the Seabus terminal – photo Todd Wong

At the BC Fed convention, delegates voted unaminously to support the $10 Now Minium Wage campaign.

In August 2007 MLA's voted in Bill 37 a 29% pay raise boosting salaries from $76,100 to $98,000.  The premier would
see his salary increase by 54 per cent to more than $186,000.  NDP MLA's voted against the pay raise and would donate their portion to charities.
see: NDP to give pay raise to charity

And in August 2008, “100 of BC's top bureaucrats in the provincial government will receive
salary increases as large as 43 per cent, all in a bid to attract and
keep top executives, B.C.'s minister responsible for labour market
development said Friday.”

“Gordon Campbell boosted his own salary by 54% and now he’s doling
out taxpayers’ money to the highest paid people in government,” says
Jim Sinclair, President of the B.C. Federation of Labour.  

The Deputy Minister to the Premier has been given a 43% salary increase and will be paid $348,600 a year.  Other Deputy Ministers will be paid $299,215 per year, a 35% increase.  Assistant Deputy Ministers will see their salaries increase 22% to $195,000 a year.

Cardero's Restaurant in Coal Harbour

Where to best show “Vancouver” scenery and cuisine to a Torontonian… and make them wish they lived in Vancouver?2008_Nov15 107 by you.Cardero's is my new favorite restaurant for lunch. I went with my friend Halya Kuchmij, the film producer of the documentary Generations: The Chan Legacywhich is about the story of my great-great grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan, and the community contributions of his descendants – including me!

Halya and I met for lunch on Monday, November 17… Initially I had thought to take her to Granville Island – but on an inspiration I decided to check out Cardero's in Coal Harbour.  I hadn't been there for years… 

We took a short walk beside the Westin Bayshore Hotel while we waited for them to set up for lunch. The fog had lifted off the water.  We saw sea planes taking off, and a large catamaran yacht moving towards us.  I pointed out some of the local land marks such as HMCS Discovery. 

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This was our shared plate: Ahi tuna, Yellow Fin tuna, Tiger prawns, oysters – with dipping sauces.  The green stuff is crunchy vegetable stuff.  It was perfect with the yam fries.  Wonderful think crunch yam fries.  Tuna sashimi that melts in your mouth.  And a view of the harbour to rival anywhere in Vancouver.

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The view from North Vancouver in the morning… Fog draped Coal Harbour and Burrard Inlet – photo Todd Wong

My new favorite drink: Guinness with a shot of expresso vodka

Expresso Vodka Guinness
2008_Nov25 030 by you.

Every 1st Thursday, we have Kilts Night at Doolin's Irish Pub.  Wear a kilt for a free pint of Guinness.  Next Kilts Night is this Thursday – December 4th.

Last Thursday after the BC Fed conference social at the Hyatt, I ended up at Doolin's and ordered my Guinness with a shot of expresso vodka.  My favorite bartender Geo made it up for me, after I told him they had given me one at the Atlantic Trap & Gill. 

My friend Tim taste-tested it and pronounced it as “wicked!”  Time plays in the celtic band Halifax Wharf Rats – who play every Thursday night at Doolin's.  “You can't have too many of those in one night,” he added.

I have always found Guinness to be a full tasting beer, although sometimes on the bitter side.  Last year, Guinness offered a recipe on the side of the 8 pack beer case for a “Black & Blood” – mixing Guinness with a black currant liqueur.  It was okay… but a bit on the sweet side. 

But the addition of expresso vodka, gives it a bite… gives it a kick… gives it a smoother rounder taste… that makes you go hmmm… and puts a grin on your face.  That's what I like in a drink.

Here's a recipe for “Irish Coffee Drop”

  • 1 oz Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka
  • 1 oz Irish Cream
  • Guinness Draught

Check out Doolin's bartender Geo in the picture below, wearing the Canucks jersey at our March Kilts Night earlier this year.  The picture ran with the March 17th Vancouver Sun story The next celebration: Wearing the tartan

 Todd Wong (centre right in red vest) wears the tartan on St. Patrick's Day, along with Nathalie Coulombe (right) and others at Doolan's Pub.View Larger Image View Larger Image

Wong (centre right in red vest) wears the tartan on St. Patrick's Day,
along with Nathalie Coulombe (right) and others at Doolan's Pub.

photo – Mark van Manen/Vancouver Sun

Harsha Walia is a first time delegate at the BC Fed Convention

2008_Nov25 009 by you.

Harsha Walia is a well-known community activist with No One is Illegal.  She was listed in the Vancouver Sun's March 27th list of 100 South Asians who are making a difference in BC.

Harsha was one of the first people I recognized walking to the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre last Monday.  She is a member of the BCGEU, as she works in a women's shelter on the Vancouver Downtown East Side.  We both made our debut speaking engagements on the Monday, supporting the Women's Committee report, and we each got great rounds of applause.  But Harsha is a fiery speaker, used to speaking at rallies and protests for No One  Is Illegal.  She has been instrumental on protesting the deportation of Laibar Singh and she really got the crowd going.

Harsha always opened her addressses acknowledging that we are standing on unceded Coast Salish erritories – pretty impressive for somebody who has only been in Canada for 10 years.

We chatted on Wednesday while standing in line to speak at the microphone, and mutually agreed that a “Workers of Colour” caucus meeting was missing.  I was quickly able to contact representatives on the BC Fed Human Rights Committee such as Frank Lee and Vai. We had lunch with Lorene Oikawa, shared our concerns and we had a room booked for the next day.  

Here is the latest email from NOII:

Dear friends,

Please join us on December 6 and December 13th for two awesome events to
wrap up the year:

On Saturday Dec 6 join us at Rhizome along with our friends and allies as
part of a Craft Fair. NOII will be selling crafts, posters, CD's, buttons,
political prisoner calenders, and we also have a new batch of our Tshirts
coming in ( Great
gift ideas for the holiday season!

On Saturday Dec 13 we are hosting what we feel is a critical discussion on
advancing anti-colonial and anti racist struggle. In honour of the
anniversary of the December 10th airport action to prevent the deportation
of Laibar Singh and its symbolism to grassroots movements for the
self-determination of racialized migrants, we invite you to gather and
discuss questions of solidarity, alliances and movement building.

We hope you will join us in the coming weeks as we look to continue our
collective struggles for justice in the year ahead!


Crafts for a Cause:  A Craft Fair to Support Social Justice Struggles

Rhizome Café, 317 East Broadway,
Saturday, December 6, 6:00-10:00pm
$2 suggested donation at the door, but no one turned away for lack of funds
Phone 6048723166 or Email:

Come shop for holiday gifts while supporting migrant rights, youth
empowerment, Indigenous autonomy and more!  Peruse socially conscious
crafts by local artists and items created by local organizations to
support their social justice work.

Participating groups and individual artists include Urban Native Youth
Association, No One is Illegal, Leave out Violence, Filipino Canadian
Youth Alliance, Tania Willard, Café Ramona and products made by Zapatista
Mayan women, Open to Chance, Wishing Well Organic Farms, Sam Bradd, Fierce
Green Creations and More!!

There will be live musical performances, and yummy food and drink
available for purchase throughout the evening.