Tix for Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2009 available Dec 15 – 9am through Firehall Arts Centre

Celebrate Chinese New Year's Eve and Robbie Burns 250th Birthday on the same night!
Gung Haggis 2008 Dinner 160 by you.2008 Gung Haggis Fat Choy dinner: Catherine Barr and Todd Wong auction off a bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label scotch- photo VFK

WHEN: January 25th, 2009

WHERE:  Floata Seafood Restaurant

#400 – 180 Keefer St.
Vancouver Chinatown

TIME:  5pm- Reception

6pm Dinner

9:30pm After Party Chinese New Years Eve Countdown.

Firehall Arts Centre Box Office: 604.689.0926
Online ticket sales also available

$60 + $5 service charge = $65
Student price is $50 + $4.50 = $54.50 (must show student high school or university ID)
Children's price is $40 + $4.00 = $44 (ages 13 and under).

TABLE OF 10 (single item)
$600 + $20 service charge.
(save $30 in service charge by ordering a table)

Tickets can mailed out or picked up in advance, or held at will call.

We have chosen to return to the Firehall Arts Centre as our ticket seller, to support them in their good work of bringing multicultural programming to the City of Vancouver, and their emphasis

Online Ticket sales available through Tickets Tonight:
click here – http://tickets.ticketstonight.ca/eventperformances.asp?evt=915

All seats assigned in priority of ordering
except designated sponsor, performer and VIP tables.
If you would like to have 2 tickets at the VIP table or performer's – please sponsor it for $600.

Firehall Arts Centre
will again provide gift certificates for their upcoming productions for raffle and silent auction prizes.

PERFORMERS for 2009:

The 2009 program will feature:
Silk Road Music Ensemble
Opera Soprano Heather Pawsey + guests
debut of the Gung Haggis Fat Choy Pipe Band
Robbie Burns Chinese clapper tale by Dr. Jan Walls
Joe McDonald “rapping bagpiper”
lots of special guests
a Gung Hagigs dragon dance
special celtic musicians
lots of Robert Burns poetry
lots of surprises
more to be announced


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