Mayor Gregor Robertson wears kilt to mayoral inauguration

The New Vancouver Mayor wears a kilt to inauguration.

Gregor Robertson knows how to stand out in a crowd.  He looked dashing at the inauguration ceremony for the new Vancouver mayor and city council at the Sunset Community Centre.  The incoming mayor had earlier requested the presence of the Vancouver Pipe Band… but hadn't announced his choice of attire… kilt watchers were wondering….

DSC_9549_100227 - Gregor ROBERTSON & Raymond LOUIE by FlungingPictures. Gregor Robertson and Raymond Louie walk into the inauguration ceremony.  Media reported that Robertson wore his family tartan – but it looks like a Robertson hunting tartan – photo courtesy of Patrick Tam / Flunging Pictures.

DSC_9561_100239 - The new CoV Mayor & Council by FlungingPictures.
The new Vancouver Mayor and city council are introduced. l-r Ellen Woodsworth, Andrea Reimer, Suzanne Anton, Heather Deal, Raymond Louie, Mayor Gregor Robertson, Tim Stevenson, George Chow, Kerry Jang, Geoff Meggs (missing – David Cadman). – photo courtesy Patrick Tam

New Vancouver City Council Sworn In by The Blackbird – photo The Blackbird

Here's a great photo of how to sit in a kilt when you are mayor.  The trick is to spread your legs wide enough to have extra kilt material in the middle, so nobody can get a photo lens up your kilt. – photo permission from The Black Bird

DSC_9737_99696 - Councillor Andrea REIMER by FlungingPictures – photo Patrick Tam

Andrea Reimer is sworn in as councilor, as Kerry Jang and Geoff Meggs await their turn. 14 hours earlier, Andrea's sense of humor had her questioning what to wear for “a three year marriage to 580,000 people.” I offered to loan her a kilt. 

DSC_9687_100359 - Ladies and gentlemen, His Worship Mayor Gregor ROBERTSON of the City of Vancouver by FlungingPictures.Yup… Mayor in a kilt.  Hope Robertson is ready for all those 250th anniversary  Robert Burns dinners he is going to be invited to including Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner – photo courtesy of Patrick Tam

Check out some of the media stories:
Kilted Robertson sworn in as mayor

New mayor to announce steps to tackle homelessness in Vancouver

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