150 Ways to Love BC from Victoria Times Colonist

150 Ways to Love BC.  Happy Birthday British Columbia!

150 Years ago a colony was named British Columbia, in 1858.  It wasn't until 1871, that British Columbia joined Canada and became a province.

Ian Haysom writes 150 reasons to love British Columbia

One reason for each of its years to love BC
Times Colonist – Victoria,British Columbia,Canada
Joy Kogawa

Special notes

13. Great writers: Carol Shields, Joy Kogawa, Susan Musgrave.

14. The Okanagan, our desert. Blisteringly hot.  (I am enjoying the weekend at Kalamalka Lake just south of Vernon)

34. Terry Fox. Would have been 50 this week.

48. Wineries: Okanagan and Island.  (I visited 3 wineries last week – now to visit Summerhill and Sumac Ridge tomorrow)

84. The Royal B.C. Museum. (especially because “The Party” exhibit includes “Toddish McWong”)

117. Sun Yat-Sen Gardens. (first and only music video was shot of The Paperboys for CBC “Gung Haggis Fat Choy” TV performance special)

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