Rev Chan Yu Tan story in Sing Tao… “Late Reverend Chan Yu Tan won Golden Mountain Achievement Award”.

Sing Tao: “Late Reverend Chan Yu Tan won Golden Mountain Achievement Award”.

Sing Tao Chinese language newspaper has just printed a story about my late great-great-grandfather and his contributions to the community that he served from his 1896 Arrival in Canada until his retirement in New Westminster during the 1930's. I think it is great that Chinese language media is taking an interest in the history of Chinese pioneers in BC and Canada.

Check it out:

Here is a picture of Mrs. and Rev. Chan Yu Tan at their 60th Wedding Anniversary event in New Westminster back in 1934.

I never met my great-great-grandfather Rev. Chan Yu Tan or my great-great-grandmother Chan Wong Sze.  But I have grown up hearing stories from my mother, my grand mother and her brothers and sisters.

In fall 2006 I became a consultant for the CBC documentary Generations: The Chan Legacy which aired July 4th on my grandmother's birthday, and also repeated in July and August.  It really became a tribute the legacy that Rev. Chan left to his family.  We have had many family members dedicated to community service that acknowledge inspiration from the Rev. Chan stories. 

Check it out:

Here is my story on with the original press release from the Victoria Chinatown Commerce Association

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